View Full Version : Distance to SpyderFest

04-05-2013, 10:08 PM
According to Google Maps, it's 570 miles and 8.5 hours from my humble abode to SpyderFest.

Although I have almost 3000 miles on my RT since I bought it last summer, I have never had the need or the chance to travel more than 175 miles at one time. When going somewhere in the car we typically just go and go and go. We recently spent the week in Gulf Shores, AL. It was 970 Miles and 15 hours of driving. We just left in the morning and 15 hours later pulled in the driveway.

I don't mind driving and I have found the RT every comfortable for 2-3 hours, but I realize 8-9 hours is a whole different game. What are some of your experiences?

How far are you traveling each day as you make your way to SpyderFest?

This will be my first SpyderFest, I can't tell you how excited I am. This forum has a very kind and caring attitude towards each other. I think it speaks volumes about our respect for each other and our Can Am community.

2 Cruysyn
04-05-2013, 11:00 PM
Last year my wife and I rode from Tulsa, OK. to Omaha, NE. which, according to Google Maps, is 384 miles (US-75 N) and a few minutes shy of seven hours. We took eleven hours by the time we reached our destination stopping for breakfast, lunch, and every hour and a half or so for gas and a break.

One thing we accomplished, in addition to arriving safely, is none of the trip was rushed. Done enough of that in my life which is one of the reasons we took the route we did. US-75 forces you to slow down once in a while and see something other than asphalt and white and yellow painted lines.

Rattigan_Roger makes some very good points. If you're going to make the trip to Springfield in one day consider what he has suggested. By all means don't push it and if you feel you've had enough you probably have. STOP! There will be plenty of opportunities to prepare for the SaddleSore 1000 (http://www.ironbutt.com/rides/ss1000.htm) if that's something you think you want to accomplish.

04-05-2013, 11:21 PM
Driving from Las Vegas to Spydefest. 1400 miles one way. Will ride between 300 -350 miles per day. About 6 hours. Will try to avoid freeways as we enjoy seeing more of the countryside without worrying about trucks.

04-06-2013, 05:42 AM
We are driving from Buffalo NY and it is going to be a 1000 miles, one way. We are going to do anout 500 miles a day. We drive to the Chicago Spyder event a few years ago and did the same thing about 500 miles a day. Stopped about every hr to hr 1/2. It makes a big difference. Also make sure u do some riding before your trip so your body gets used to riding. Like in Buffalo i dont ride all winter and in spring i can tell i havnt riddin in awhile. Be safe and see everyone there.

04-06-2013, 06:00 AM
:agree:I would agree with all of the above...........if you stop every hour to hour and a half for gas and rest stop you need to figure that you will average about 50 miles per hour. The most we have gone in a day is close to 700 miles (St. Louis to Sioux Falls S.D.) in 13 hours but we were not "beat-up" from the long day. Remember, getting to Spyderfest is half of the adventure!

See you there!:yes:

04-06-2013, 06:12 AM
I agree with all of these thoughts. For a 500 mile trip I would suggest finding a place at about 300 miles that interests you to spend an hour or so even if its a meal then stop twice in between this stop. You will enjoy your trip more and not be fatigued when you get there. I always look for a casino or BRP dealer...

04-06-2013, 06:17 AM
I just did 600+ miles yesterday and have 200 more today on the Spyder. You have to stop every couple of hours for gas so as others have said it is a good time for a break. The Spyder is very comfortable on long rides.

04-06-2013, 06:27 AM
My plan is leaving from Fenton, MI weather permitting on the 22nd and stopping in Effingham, IL and staying at the Best Western Raintree Inn. On the 23rd I will be stopping on route in St. Louis to have lunch with a friend then on to Springfield.

SpyderFest 2013

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Desert Spyder
04-06-2013, 06:46 AM
There'll be points of distance ryding you will love and hate. Conditioning the mind, and the body is the key. Getting good sleep (I can't do that) is very important to rest your mind and body. You will find muscles that are not friendly and they are all from the back of the neck down. First off though is hydration. The body is mostly water and you're racing down the highway at 70+ mph. Irregardless of the air temperature you will be dehydrating. Once you do repeated yawns your body is craving for water. Water controls your body temperature, metabolism, and Americans are notorious for not drinking it. Covering your upper body is a good move to prevent dehydration. T-Shirts are a no-no.

But the scourge of drinking water, and coffee, is getting rid of it. For men the vibrations of the bike massages the the prostate and bladder making them numb. You don't realize you have to go #1 until you get off the bike. Am I wrong here guys? Thank goodness we stop every 100 mi or so and there better not be a line at the bathroom. This is where zippers instead of levi buttons are especially useful. TMI

Here's a big one: Pressure points. Our enabled ryders know all about this one because it could cost them their life. Pressure (sometimes called bed) sores can be fatal. Lean forward every 15 minutes where you can. This will straighten your spine at the same time. Fat, middle-aged, bald guys, (50%+ of the male Spyder ryders), have a big problem with this. A Utopia backrest I hear is great for lumbar support.

Don't skimp on your lunch meal. Your body needs the energy, and the rest. Carry some non-meltable munchies in your pocket while on the run and enjoy the great adventure!

04-06-2013, 06:49 AM
Plan on doing one overniter on the way. Thats pushing it enough.

04-06-2013, 06:52 AM
:agree: Your riding style is what you have to go by. As they say safety first. I ride the RT pulling the trailer and the wife rides a RS, I have close to 40K now on the RT and she has over 20K on her 2011 RS. We like to ride that being said, we stop every 100 Mi. that's when we fuel and take a B-brake. We try not to run more than 500 Mi a day. 450 Mi is a good days ride that's 4 Lanes or interstate. If your going back roads I would keep it around 350 Mi. The little towns eats up alot of time. WE start our ride around 6-7 AM that way we are at our destination before Dark somewhere between 4-6 PM. That's a good time to check into motels. Ride safe and see you at spyderfest.

04-06-2013, 06:57 AM
Since I have traveled this route several times I don't do much sightseeing so my planned route will be:
Day one: Home to Butte Montana with a stop for coffee visiting old friend in Kellogg Idaho.
Day two: Butte to Rapid City South Dakota
Day three: Rapid City to Phillipsburg
Day four: Philipsburg to Springfield
I am totally flexible and willing to change due to change in. weather. When I stop for fuel I check my weather radar and see if I need to change course . Since my roads of choice are off the freeway I find small places to stop for fuel and talk with the locals and see if there is something locally that I really need to check out. If so then I do it
I truly love every aspect of taking a trip from the planning, the ryding, the encounters with folks and nature along the way. I just get excited to totally immerse myself in the adventure.!!!:yes: See you at Spyderfest.

04-06-2013, 07:39 AM
When we do our long treks we stop for a stretch about every hour, fuel every 100 miles. We usually plan on a ride (actually rolling) time of 5 hrs. a day. By the time fuel stops, stretch breaks, lunch and everything else we figure 7-8 hrs a day.

Bob Denman
04-06-2013, 07:42 AM
From the more central parts of New York; we're staring into the teeth of a 1200 mile ryde! :shocked: :thumbup: So we're breaking it into two 600 mile days. Fuel stops every 140 or so miles will give all of us chances to shake some life back into our lower extremities (and butts!), We're not figuring on it as a major "push" or 'ORDEAL"; it'll just be what's necessary to get to where we're gonna meet all of our friends! :2thumbs: I've always felt that ATTITUDE is about 60% of the equation. ;)

04-06-2013, 07:54 AM
570 miles in a day is tough for a "beginner" who has never done that kind of distance before. While stretching out those loops around home, ahead of time, to become accustomed to distance riding would be the best thing you could do, time is short. If you can, break the trip into two days. I think I would do it without a motel reservation midway, so if you felt like 400 the first day and 170 the next, you could do so, but if 300 was your butt's limit you could pull in and rest overnight somewhere. The entire distance is very achievable in a day, but it will be a long one. If you haven't spent 12-13 hours in the saddle before (counting meals and fuel stops), it will tax you. Better to arrive at Spyderfest raring to go, rather than regretting the trip. JMHO

As others have said, plan to use your "breaks" wisely. Stop for fuel often (necessary on a Spyder anyway), get some water and maybe a snack or light meal, do some stretches, and walk around or jog a bit to restore circulation. Fifteen minutes to an hour "sightseeing" along the way can break things into the equivalent of two trips...but it will prolong your day. If the trip becomes "unbearable", or a "chore," try setting your sights on only the next fuel stop. An "I can make 100 miles more" attitude and focus can get you an amazingly long way. Remember, this is supposed to be fun...don't push so far and so hard that it becomes a nightmare.

04-06-2013, 07:59 AM
About every 100 miles take a break, get off walk, eat, drink coffee and when you are feeling fatigued - STOP.

There's only one way to arrive anywhere and that's alive.

Roger and I are traveling together...I particularly like the "alive" part!

Bob Denman
04-06-2013, 08:04 AM
:shocked::agree::shocked: :thumbup:

04-06-2013, 08:17 AM
I hope to "smell the roses" along the way. I love to take pics of country side settings. I guess the only thing that would make me shoot for long distance would be the trip back knowing that a judge may be tapping his feet waiting for me to arrive at a hearing.


04-06-2013, 08:36 AM
I will be cheating some, wish I wasn't, I will be trailering my RT and RT622 to Leslie,AR to my parents place, got to bring my ATV buggie home I left last November. I will leave from there the 22nd for a 150 mile trip to Springfield, I might start alone but more than likely I will be in a group by the time I get further down the road.

04-06-2013, 08:57 AM
Roger and I are traveling together...I particularly like the "alive" part!

As a funeral director I've always said it's better to be seen than viewed

04-06-2013, 09:24 AM
Our ride form Oregon to Spyderfest will be about 2600 miles - average 367 miles /day. After the fest we will be heading on to PA and then returning to Oregon. Lots of fuel and rest stops & camping when the weather permits.