View Full Version : WHA'SUP'WIT'DIS...?

03-31-2013, 08:16 PM
i just bot a nu JAGUAR XF yesterday, and looked online for a 'JAG BLOG' like we have here for SPYD3R's... and i found this: http://www.xfforum.co.uk/forum.php
looks like the two sites are using the same software.... HOW KOOL IS THAT...??? :thumbup:

Mike X
04-01-2013, 06:28 AM
Nice one , great car too , I had an X type , loved it , was really sad to see it go , I was on a forum too , hence my handle , Mike X , I just kept it so I could remember it easily . That forum was similar too , same kind of layout etc , makes it easier to navigate and saves having to learn a new system .