View Full Version : Americade Spyder Event - Valcourt trip is a go

04-25-2008, 09:39 PM
Got a call from one of the BRP guys today and he talked me into making this trip. I had to cancel another trip that I really didn't want to go on anyway so this worked out great. If you want to hookup for the ride up let me know. Only I got to say is you got to keep up if you're going to ride with Ron and I. ;D :doorag: :spyder:

04-25-2008, 11:20 PM
Got a call from one of the BRP guys today and he talked me into making this trip. I had to cancel another trip that I really didn't want to go on anyway so this worked out great. If you want to hookup for the ride up let me know. Only I got to say is you got to keep up if you're going to ride with Ron and I. ;D :doorag: :spyder:

bjt and I just signed up. We have to make sure we can get a couple of days off of work but it shouldn't be a problem. We won't be going to Lake George though. We will be traveling up through Canada and make the meet up in Broussard, QC for the ride to Valcourt. This will be our very first long haul. I am pretty excited about this. I can't wait to meet you Lamonster and everyone else too.

04-26-2008, 02:28 AM
:doorag: Lamonster are you pulling the trailer? ::)

04-26-2008, 03:15 AM
bjt and I just signed up. We have to make sure we can get a couple of days off of work but it shouldn't be a problem. We won't be going to Lake George though. We will be traveling up through Canada and make the meet up in Broussard, QC for the ride to Valcourt. This will be our very first long haul. I am pretty excited about this. I can't wait to meet you Lamonster and everyone else too.

That's cool. Looking forward to meeting you guys too. :bigthumbsup:

:doorag: Lamonster are you pulling the trailer? ::)

You bet. ;D :doorag: :spyder:

04-27-2008, 01:15 PM
I for one am looking forward to meeting you all (y'all) at Americade as well as up in Qu. Canada.

Can't wait to see the Spyders on the line... Funny I have to travel from Ont. to NY then to Qu. to see the factory.

But it's the ride, not the destination! And looking forward to seeing all the faces attached to the handles. I guess we will have to wear nametags with our handles on them to recognize anyone...


04-27-2008, 03:18 PM
My lovely bride and I registered this morning; just waiting for a confirmation of some sort from SpyderTeam.

(Still deciding if we want to trailer part way. Maybe it's the 48 degree days in April...) :spyder:

I think the name tag idea might be a good one-- We'll probably recognize each others' Spyders, but not the riders!

A legal question--we're waiting on passports, and the so-called US "passport cards" (ground travel to Mexico and Canada) are not being issued yet. Is it true that a driver's license and birth certificate are good enough to get each of us out AND back in to th US??

04-27-2008, 04:23 PM
Say I'm looking for info on trip to factory who what where and when. Thanks Rick

04-27-2008, 05:15 PM
Say I'm looking for info on trip to factory who what where and when. Thanks Rick

Aluvatar gets the credit for posting this info as a word doc; apparently there were some issues loading the page linked from the SpyderRyder site:


04-27-2008, 06:17 PM
from this link http://www.travel.state.gov/travel/cbpmc/cbpmc_2223.html it says all you need is a photo ID and your birth certificate

04-27-2008, 06:39 PM
...all you need is a photo ID and your birth certificate...

Thanks again, Aluvatar!

Star Cruiser
04-27-2008, 11:09 PM
Got a call from one of the BRP guys today and he talked me into making this trip. I had to cancel another trip that I really didn't want to go on anyway so this worked out great. If you want to hookup for the ride up let me know. Only I got to say is you got to keep up if you're going to ride with Ron and I. ;D :doorag: :spyder:

Ii have registered fro Americade, but not Valcourt, QC. Still waiting on my Spyder to be delivered and hope it will be here by the time Americade starts (June 2). Where do i register for Valcourt? I would love to see the assembly plant. i am living in Ontario, so QC is "kind of" on the way home from Lake George

04-28-2008, 03:44 PM
Spyderteam sent a confirmation today for our registration for the BRP Homecoming.

They also wrote

"...Unfortunately, we cannot comment on trailer parking as we do not have set up anything specific for trailers for this event..."

Sure hope the ole backrest gets delivered soon, otherwise I'm paying for a massage for my lovely bride at the Chateau Bromont! :joke:

04-28-2008, 06:56 PM
Spyderteam sent a confirmation today for our registration for the BRP Homecoming.

They also wrote

"...Unfortunately, we cannot comment on trailer parking as we do not have set up anything specific for trailers for this event..."

Sure hope the ole backrest gets delivered soon, otherwise I'm paying for a massage for my lovely bride at the Chateau Bromont! :joke:

Your lovely bride deserves a back rest anyway, I am sure of it. I can not wait to meet you guys. Any one that continues to refer to his wife as his "lovely bride" has to be a pretty good guy. http://smileys.on-my-web.com/repository/Love/love-104.gif

04-28-2008, 09:10 PM
Just a thought here, do you think Jay Leno will be in Valcourt for the Spyder Homecoming?

04-28-2008, 10:20 PM
Good question, Deb!

I sent the tonight show the following email:

Dear Mr. Leno

Those Spyder-riding fans of yours at spyderlovers.com (http://spyderlovers.com) were wondering if you would be joining us at the first Spyder Ryders' Homecoming ride through upstate New York to the BRP factory in Valcourt, QC.

We certainly would be honored if you (along with Spyder #001, of course) rode with the rest of us!

If by chance you hadn't heard of the event, here are the details:


Thank you.

John Euchler
Clarksburg, MA
Spyder # 2929