View Full Version : Lost my cool today.

Cuban Spyder
03-09-2013, 06:52 PM
I've be ryding awhile and always wave to other bikers. Some wave back and some don't. That's okay.
I usually give others the COOL two finger low drag wave. Today we saw another Spyder. It had been awhile since we had met a Spyder on the road and instead of the COOL wave, I gave them the "Holy s#&t another Spyder, spastic high five HOWDY wave and damn near stood up.":2excited::yes: I'm sure the other guy (who was giving me the COOL two finger drag wave was probably laughing his a$$ off as he went by.

So, if you are out ryding and see waving a big HOWDY wave it might be me.:spyder2::doorag:

03-09-2013, 06:59 PM
While out on the Spyder today I noticed that the Spyder is getting more and more acceptance. 99% of the other riders out today were greeting me before I could greet them. I like the change of pace. Another thing that has increased is the questions. Was stopped about 15 times just to talk about the Spyder. I have all of my cards out. I wonder if I can get BRP to send me more. Anyone know?

03-09-2013, 07:04 PM
While out on the Spyder today I noticed that the Spyder is getting more and more acceptance. 99% of the other riders out today were greeting me before I could greet them. I like the change of pace. Another thing that has increased is the questions. Was stopped about 15 times just to talk about the Spyder. I have all of my cards out. I wonder if I can get BRP to send me more. Anyone know?

I wish they would send out more cards about the spyders. I gave mine out a long time ago. Anytime anyone asked me about the spyder, I gave them a card.

Bob Denman
03-09-2013, 07:07 PM
The dealers often have some nice fold-out smaller brochures... I stock up on them, and always keep a half-dozen or so in the bike! ;)
I pass them out to anybody who's interested enough to start up a conversation! :D

03-09-2013, 07:17 PM
I thought you were going to say it was warm enough to ride. I also tend to wave big to the occasional spyder we run across. So it could be me as well....:roflblack:

03-09-2013, 07:32 PM
I went for a 75 mile ryde today and when going over the James River Bridge a driver in an on coming car stuck his whole arm straight up out the window to wave to me. I thought at the time that maybe he was a Spyder Ryder who just happened to be in a cage for some reason. Also received and returned waves from many 2 wheel riders today...maybe Spring is in the air!

03-09-2013, 07:33 PM
I left home this morning at 28 F degrees, got up to over 50 F at noon. 125 mile run. PGR Mission for a Doolitle Raider crew member.
I get a big kick out of the "should I wave at the bike or bunch of bikes crowd". We usuall go someplace to eat after a mission. So, when these guys come at us, it gets funny. We have Harleys, Spyder, Wings scooter, Triumph and almost everything else. Half or late waves are common.
Ride Safe

03-09-2013, 07:46 PM
A while back there was a guy on a custom Harley that came up behind me on a windy, 45 mph speed limit road. He really rode my back side hard letting me know he was not happy with my speed. I kicked it up to 50, then 55, and 60 mph. But he still was not happy. I could have gone faster but I just didn't feel like it. Too many blind curves for him to get around so we rode like that for about 2 miles. All the time I'm wondering what is this guys problem. I'm telling you he was in my back pocket the whole time!

I got the feeling this was his way of disrespecting me but who knows. It kind of irked me as we went along but finally he got his opening and he blasted around me with his short straight pipes blazing away giving me just enough clearance so we didn't hook pegs. As he went by he gave me that half irritated smirk like 'If you can't ride any better, why don't you get out of the way'.

So, what did I do? I calmly cut it back to 45 mph and enjoyed the rest of my ride never giving it another thought.... Well, not exactly... :yikes:

I kicked it up and got right on his tail just like he had been riding me for the last few miles. I could tell that he figured I couldn't stay with him so he kicked it up faster and faster with me riding like I was on a tow cable. I could tell I was getting to him. He did not expect that a lowly Spyder could even come close to matching pace with his Uber Harley (American Iron and all of that). By now we are really going too fast for this road, not so much for me but I was not sure he wasn't pushing it too far.

It was just about then that we got into a right hander and he couldn't handle the speed. He got a bit of wobble (probably too much brake) and then drifted over the center line. I had no trouble at all keeping my line but I decided I'd made my point. I had no desire for this to leave a mark on anyone. So I backed off and let him go (which is what I should have done in the 1st place).

Some people are going to dis your ride no matter what and you shouldn't let it get to you (like I almost never do). Most riders have a fair amount of class and respect other riders and what they ride, even if it isn't what they would choose. Either way, don't do what I did. I regret it now and I realize that it didn't do either of us any good.

If you feel the need to flame me go ahead, I deserve it. But it this little narrative keeps someone else from making the same adrenalin mistake then it was worth the telling.

03-09-2013, 07:46 PM
If its a 2 wheeler I always give the 2 finger wave... I dont care if they wave back or not... For some reason down here in south Florida most dont... When I c a Spyder,, Im the same... almost come out of my seat to high five wave.. I guess if they were close enough I might even hug them...lol :D:D:D... Was on the highway once riding with my cuz... He has a Harley... I c in my rear view a 2 wheeler coming up behind fast... He pulls up next to me (harley) and shakes his head left to right like saying no and gives me the middle finger as he speeds ahead:shocked::wrong:... He pulls up next to my Cuz and nods in agreement and gives him a thumbs up:thumbup:... I just laughed it off... Hey.. some peeps are just not happy people...lol

03-09-2013, 08:39 PM
A while back there was a guy on a custom Harley that came up behind me on a windy, 45 mph speed limit road. He really rode my back side hard letting me know he was not happy with my speed. I kicked it up to 50, then 55, and 60 mph. But he still was not happy. I could have gone faster but I just didn't feel like it. Too many blind curves for him to get around so we rode like that for about 2 miles. All the time I'm wondering what is this guys problem. I'm telling you he was in my back pocket the whole time!

I got the feeling this was his way of disrespecting me but who knows. It kind of irked me as we went along but finally he got his opening and he blasted around me with his short straight pipes blazing away giving me just enough clearance so we didn't hook pegs. As he went by he gave me that half irritated smirk like 'If you can't ride any better, why don't you get out of the way'.

So, what did I do? I calmly cut it back to 45 mph and enjoyed the rest of my ride never giving it another thought.... Well, not exactly... :yikes:

I kicked it up and got right on his tail just like he had been riding me for the last few miles. I could tell that he figured I couldn't stay with him so he kicked it up faster and faster with me riding like I was on a tow cable. I could tell I was getting to him. He did not expect that a lowly Spyder could even come close to matching pace with his Uber Harley (American Iron and all of that). By now we are really going too fast for this road, not so much for me but I was not sure he wasn't pushing it too far.

It was just about then that we got into a right hander and he couldn't handle the speed. He got a bit of wobble (probably too much brake) and then drifted over the center line. I had no trouble at all keeping my line but I decided I'd made my point. I had no desire for this to leave a mark on anyone. So I backed off and let him go (which is what I should have done in the 1st place).

Some people are going to dis your ride no matter what and you shouldn't let it get to you (like I almost never do). Most riders have a fair amount of class and respect other riders and what they ride, even if it isn't what they would choose. Either way, don't do what I did. I regret it now and I realize that it didn't do either of us any good.

If you feel the need to flame me go ahead, I deserve it. But it this little narrative keeps someone else from making the same adrenalin mistake then it was worth the telling.

I to sometimes exhibit what my wife would call less than wise behavior, so I don't tell her however I think your trip was kind of good payback.

03-09-2013, 09:17 PM
You're two for two today for me Ron. One on the FABULOUS swaybar. the other for this post. Been there, done that. Even today, while out enjoying the new capabilities of the Spyder, I ran into a few of the HD riders, (think they're too good to acknowledge another type of bike). I put my hand up for a friendly wave. they gun it past me like there's no tomorrow. I too should have left well enough alone, but NOOOOO!! Cranked the right wrist a little, changed the I-pod to a tune by Ceelo Green titled "F:cus: You" and easily passed them. In hind sight, shouldna done it, but it did make me feel good. :shemademe_smilie: I hope they're not looking for me. :roflblack::roflblack:

03-09-2013, 09:27 PM
A while back there was a guy on a custom Harley that came up behind me on a windy, 45 mph speed limit road. He really rode my back side hard letting me know he was not happy with my speed. I kicked it up to 50, then 55, and 60 mph. But he still was not happy. I could have gone faster but I just didn't feel like it. Too many blind curves for him to get around so we rode like that for about 2 miles. All the time I'm wondering what is this guys problem. I'm telling you he was in my back pocket the whole time!

I got the feeling this was his way of disrespecting me but who knows. It kind of irked me as we went along but finally he got his opening and he blasted around me with his short straight pipes blazing away giving me just enough clearance so we didn't hook pegs. As he went by he gave me that half irritated smirk like 'If you can't ride any better, why don't you get out of the way'.

So, what did I do? I calmly cut it back to 45 mph and enjoyed the rest of my ride never giving it another thought.... Well, not exactly... :yikes:

I kicked it up and got right on his tail just like he had been riding me for the last few miles. I could tell that he figured I couldn't stay with him so he kicked it up faster and faster with me riding like I was on a tow cable. I could tell I was getting to him. He did not expect that a lowly Spyder could even come close to matching pace with his Uber Harley (American Iron and all of that). By now we are really going too fast for this road, not so much for me but I was not sure he wasn't pushing it too far.

It was just about then that we got into a right hander and he couldn't handle the speed. He got a bit of wobble (probably too much brake) and then drifted over the center line. I had no trouble at all keeping my line but I decided I'd made my point. I had no desire for this to leave a mark on anyone. So I backed off and let him go (which is what I should have done in the 1st place).

Some people are going to dis your ride no matter what and you shouldn't let it get to you (like I almost never do). Most riders have a fair amount of class and respect other riders and what they ride, even if it isn't what they would choose. Either way, don't do what I did. I regret it now and I realize that it didn't do either of us any good.

If you feel the need to flame me go ahead, I deserve it. But it this little narrative keeps someone else from making the same adrenalin mistake then it was worth the telling.

I was riding west somewhere in Illinois or some other flat state on a two lane road, back in 2008. So you can guess how many Spyders were out on the road back then. I came up on a a bunch of Harleys, obviously on a club ride, doing the speed limit or lower . There must have been 25 or more of them riding in formation. I knew I wanted to pass them because the noise they were making was harshing my mellow. I also knew I did not want to pass half of them and pull in amongst them. Not being a biker, I had no idea of what the reaction to my weird vehicle would have been, but I am pretty sure I am better off not having found out.

I saw an opportunity and I passed all of them in one swope. I was doing over 100 when I passed the last one. I never let off until they were mere dots in the mirror. I can only guess how many of them had a WTF moment over that.

Cruzr Joe
03-09-2013, 09:37 PM
I am a Spyder Ryder in Arkansas and occasionaly ride with a CMA group local to me, at first they were polite but not sure that they wanted spyders riding with them, the old "can you keep up" mentality, but now we are welcomed guests and several are going to visit us at Spyderfest so they can do some demo rides.

They are a good group that has seen the light on the spyders and several are considering changing over, they mostly ride Golwings with a few nice Harleys mixed in.

I get as many waves from Harleys as any other bike, i think the Spyder is becoming a very much accepted and respected "Bike"

Cruzr Joe

See ya at Spyderfest,

03-09-2013, 10:05 PM
A while back there was a guy on a custom Harley that came up behind me on a windy, 45 mph speed limit road. He really rode my back side hard letting me know he was not happy with my speed. I kicked it up to 50, then 55, and 60 mph. But he still was not happy. I could have gone faster but I just didn't feel like it. Too many blind curves for him to get around so we rode like that for about 2 miles. All the time I'm wondering what is this guys problem. I'm telling you he was in my back pocket the whole time!

I got the feeling this was his way of disrespecting me but who knows. It kind of irked me as we went along but finally he got his opening and he blasted around me with his short straight pipes blazing away giving me just enough clearance so we didn't hook pegs. As he went by he gave me that half irritated smirk like 'If you can't ride any better, why don't you get out of the way'.

So, what did I do? I calmly cut it back to 45 mph and enjoyed the rest of my ride never giving it another thought.... Well, not exactly... :yikes:

I kicked it up and got right on his tail just like he had been riding me for the last few miles. I could tell that he figured I couldn't stay with him so he kicked it up faster and faster with me riding like I was on a tow cable. I could tell I was getting to him. He did not expect that a lowly Spyder could even come close to matching pace with his Uber Harley (American Iron and all of that). By now we are really going too fast for this road, not so much for me but I was not sure he wasn't pushing it too far.

It was just about then that we got into a right hander and he couldn't handle the speed. He got a bit of wobble (probably too much brake) and then drifted over the center line. I had no trouble at all keeping my line but I decided I'd made my point. I had no desire for this to leave a mark on anyone. So I backed off and let him go (which is what I should have done in the 1st place).

Some people are going to dis your ride no matter what and you shouldn't let it get to you (like I almost never do). Most riders have a fair amount of class and respect other riders and what they ride, even if it isn't what they would choose. Either way, don't do what I did. I regret it now and I realize that it didn't do either of us any good.

If you feel the need to flame me go ahead, I deserve it. But it this little narrative keeps someone else from making the same adrenalin mistake then it was worth the telling.

I was out on one of my favorite serpentine style roads last fall, taking the corners at a less than mellow pace when I passed a couple HDs getting ready to turn on to the road at an intersection. I was making good time when I looked in my mirrors and saw the two of them coming fast. I kept up my pace and just before the stop sign at the end of the road they caught me. I was thinking to myself, "here we go, gonna get a ration of :cus: from these guys". When I pulled up to the sign I left some room between the spyder and the center line and one of the guys pulled up next to me. I opened my visor and looked over, expecting nothing more than a sneer. I am happy to say that I was wrong: "That thing really moves! We were riding hard and it took us a while to catch you." he said with a smile. He then asked me where I was headed and told him I was gonna get gas and head north toward Utica. I pulled into the local gas station and talked with those 2 guys for 25 minutes. They both had full dress harleys dripping chrome, and stock pipes (not loud at all).

The whole time, I thought they were trying to pass me to "prove" their machines were better. All they really wanted to do was get a closer look and talk shop. See what happens when we make judgements? :lecturef_smilie:

03-09-2013, 10:11 PM
I have 3 HDs and a 2012 RT, ya get the same reaction sometimes when riding a HD from other Harley riders. They will always think they are better. What they do not know is the spyder will blow the doors off of most of them. It is funny. I have one screaming eagle 103 and the other with a big bore kit, ported heads ya know all the good stuff. Well the stock spyder might just out run em and is a BLAST to ride!!!!:yes: Do not keep a closed mind, fine what ya like and have fun. Life is to short. I just need to fix a flag pole on my spyder so I can be different on PGM runs:thumbup: I got my Spyder for long trips.:spyder2:

Bob Denman
03-10-2013, 08:03 AM
I kicked it up and got right on his tail just like he had been riding me for the last few miles. I could tell that he figured I couldn't stay with him so he kicked it up faster and faster with me riding like I was on a tow cable. I could tell I was getting to him. He did not expect that a lowly Spyder could even come close to matching pace with his Uber Harley (American Iron and all of that). By now we are really going too fast for this road, not so much for me but I was not sure he wasn't pushing it too far.

It was just about then that we got into a right hander and he couldn't handle the speed. He got a bit of wobble (probably too much brake) and then drifted over the center line. I had no trouble at all keeping my line but I decided I'd made my point. I had no desire for this to leave a mark on anyone. So I backed off and let him go (which is what I should have done in the 1st place).

It must have been that Anti-SwayBar... ;) :2thumbs:

Illinois Boy
03-10-2013, 10:06 AM
Harley Davidson riders do not corner the market on having attitudes... other bike-brand riders have attitudes also. Victory, BMW, and more. Even Kawasaki riders.

I just consider it to be a fact they are very insecure individuals that have personal, self-worth issues to contend with...

03-10-2013, 12:24 PM
I don't mess with other bikers but I get a kick out of V8 pickups that try to jump me at stoplights. I find this Spyder can blow them off with way less than full-throttle, even when packing double. Great fun!

But I agree, never diss someone by crowding their space, or anything like that. The motto in Texas is "Drive Friendly" and I try to behave like that. I always make every effort to allow someone to pass me when they want to... that's how to make friends, not cause road-rage.

Can-Am Poogs
03-10-2013, 12:49 PM
I always give the low wave. Sometimes get it back, some times don't. I don't let it concern me. Funny thing I notice when I see another Spyder. The wave is followed by a long period of gazing and staring at the other bike, like there is a long period of disbelief that another Spyder existed on the road. It is amusing.:clap:

03-10-2013, 01:33 PM
Most bikers acknowledge others with a wave here. I have never received a one finger salute that I am aware of.

Most of the non wavers are sport bikers, BMW rental bikers, and the occasional HD. Okay with me, that's their problem.

03-10-2013, 01:59 PM
So what's it like in the UK?? (As if anyone is interested!!) ;)
Basically the same sort of behavior among the various manufacturer groups.
Harley riders very occasionally return a wave (or more common here, a nod)
An overtaking sportbike rider will give you his left boot if you let him pass.
BMW riders don't wave or nod unless they can see you're riding a BMW....which I do!
Now I have seen three other Spyders in two years on the road over here!
I've been completely amazed by the reaction of other riders to me on my Spyder:
They all nod or wave! Even groups of Harleys! Kids in cars go completely ape$#!+ waving like crazy!
I pulled in to my local HD dealership about two minutes from my home last Sunday afternoon
and once I'd got off and gone inside I noticed other customers and even staff members
almost sneakin' up to the Spyder to take a closer look! It certainly causes a stir.
It'll be great when I actually learn to ride it in a competent manner!!:D

Arr MiHardies
03-10-2013, 03:17 PM
Last weekend our Spyder chapter went on a ride to death valley. There were about 20 bikes on that ride. On the way there what happens? We come up on another spyder heading the same direction we are. Im leading so I pull up next to him, wave, then move along so all twenty or so of us can wave too! I can only imagine what his thoughts were seeing so many of us on the road

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2

Blue Star
03-10-2013, 05:24 PM
Last weekend our Spyder chapter went on a ride to death valley. There were about 20 bikes on that ride. On the way there what happens? We come up on another spyder heading the same direction we are. Im leading so I pull up next to him, wave, then move along so all twenty or so of us can wave too! I can only imagine what his thoughts were seeing so many of us on the road

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2

I think I saw that bike. A blue RT riding with a two wheeler. Going home we followed him/her for awhile. Funny as I thought he/her was part of the group, but could not remember seeing the two wheeler before.

Bob Ledford
03-10-2013, 06:35 PM
I wave if I am not involved in traffic, a turn or anything requiring my immediate attention the all you get is a head wiggle or a nod. Lately when I have been solo it is a arm wave, hand wave or a headlight flash if I spot them coming at me sooner then where did he come from.

HD riders seem to be a mixed bag of social greetings to non HD riders. Although they seem to be getting better at it. :thumbup:

03-10-2013, 07:41 PM
WHEN i 1st got my SPYD3R in '09, everyone was giving me '2 down'... and i thot to myself, "I'VE GOT 3 WHEELS, n THEY'RE UP"... so i started with this: 63993 and it seems to have caught on here in the UP-STATE of SoCar...

heck, better to be '3 UP' than '2 down' i always say.... :2thumbs:

Arr MiHardies
03-10-2013, 08:03 PM
I think I saw that bike. A blue RT riding with a two wheeler. Going home we followed him/her for awhile. Funny as I thought he/her was part of the group, but could not remember seeing the two wheeler before.

Nah. This guy was on a white RT wearing what appeared to be slippers.

Just posted the video on YouTube.

03-10-2013, 10:23 PM
Nah. This guy was on a white RT wearing what appeared to be slippers.

Just posted the video on YouTube.


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Arr MiHardies
03-10-2013, 10:45 PM

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