View Full Version : comfort camper

03-08-2013, 07:14 AM
hope every one pays heed to my previous post concerning this company.. they refuse to answer all e mails that i have sent them...if you are members of any other forums and are willing..please post this message on any of them you can...the address of this company is on the previous post...i am sorry it came to this Kent...the worse part about this is that it is a nice unit...but without customer sevice what good are they...

03-08-2013, 08:00 AM
hope every one pays heed to my previous post concerning this company.. they refuse to answer all e mails that i have sent them...if you are members of any other forums and are willing..please post this message on any of them you can...the address of this company is on the previous post...i am sorry it came to this Kent...the worse part about this is that it is a nice unit...but without customer sevice what good are they...

You may want to add a link to the post in reference, as some members don't check the New Threads on a daily basis and therefor wouldn't have a clue what your talking about :dontknow:

03-08-2013, 08:55 AM
You may want to add a link to the post in reference, as some members don't check the New Threads on a daily basis and therefor wouldn't have a clue what your talking about :dontknow:

Agreed!!! As Paul Harvey used to say: "And now for the rest of the story".


03-09-2013, 07:38 AM
ok, help me out . not sure how to do this but am willing to try...sorry, slightly computer dumb...are you talking about the web page of the company who makes the camper???

03-09-2013, 09:27 AM
Open the web page, highlight the URL and copy.

Then come to this SL thread and post a reply. Paste the URL into the body of the post and then add any other comments you like. Complete the post.

03-09-2013, 10:18 AM
Here ya go Gary! Help is at hand.

For the rest of the guys, here's the link to rock's previous post:


The website is at: http://www.comfortcamper.com/

I have to say that I wouldn't deal with this company as they have no 'Contact Us' details
on the actual website and you have to download a pdf format flyer to find out where they are!

Have you tried to phone them? The phone is given as: 971-237-1121. May be worth a shot.

From what you said in your previous post this is not the manufacturer of the camper and if they can't provide
spares on a recently shipped item which was clearly damaged before shipping then I would think that they are
little more than a 'drop shipper' sending out items from a warehouse. It may even be bankrupt stock ...who knows?

I'm afraid I can't offer any advice as I'm in the UK and I think things are a lot different here. Good luck with it Gary.

03-09-2013, 10:23 AM
hope i did this right ...lololhttp://www.comfortcamper.com/

03-09-2013, 10:29 AM
when we purchased the camper it was all available... contact lists, e mail everything was simple to navigate...this change has happened since we had the problem...they evidently have caller i d and wont answer my calls...

03-09-2013, 10:49 AM
i should let everybody know what led up to this..we received our camper aprox april of last year and put it up not soon after...we discovered that the canvas had 3 tears in it...i called kent. he claimed thay they inspect all parts and was damaged in transit..this was impossible since it was shipped inside of the unit and it had no outside damage.. he then asked for pics which i sent immediately..he then offered a patch kit which i promptly refused..a patch kit for a new camper...i told him we wanted a new canvas..after several calls and e mails, kent agreed to replace the canvas but had no canvas until this season..and this is where we are now...we have a useless camper and no canvas and the company that sold it to us has suddenly become a ghost..we paid 4,000.00 for this unit in good faith. they are 3500 miles from us...there is no concience and care from this company.. please beware of ordering anything from them...i am sorry it came to this kent..we just dont want any body else to be hurt by this company...

03-09-2013, 10:52 AM
they led us to believe that they were the owners and the manufacturer..so we have no proof otherwise...

03-09-2013, 12:09 PM
Gary...Take a look at my previous post above.
They're the owners of Comfort Camp and Comfort Camping.
Looks like a family business with Mr.Jensen as 'President'

Here's something I found on the web with a little digging:63943

I doubt he actually 'makes' anything from scratch. Just buys it in
assembles it and ships it out.

03-09-2013, 12:10 PM
Hope they come around. Seems a small thing to deal with considering the investment involved and the reputetation of their company. Good luck..!!

03-09-2013, 02:12 PM
when we purchased the camper it was all available... contact lists, e mail everything was simple to navigate...this change has happened since we had the problem...they evidently have caller i d and wont answer my calls...
You can block Caller ID, usually. Here's how...

1. When you get your Dial Tone, dial *67 (star, six, seven)
2. Wait for a new Dial Tone.
3. Now, dial the original number.

Some toll-free numbers don't accept these type calls at all, but it's worth a shot.

03-09-2013, 03:19 PM
Sorry to hear of your misfortune with the company. As a last resort, have a tent/awning maker perform the repairs if you don't want to patch a brand new unit. (I don't blame you there). You will be out of pocket, but at least will be able to use the unit and be happy with it.

It is sounding like you are not going to get much satisfaction dealing with the company beyond the patch kit offered.

Please keep us updated on what happens.

03-10-2013, 06:47 AM
i think you are right.. the company has no intention of making this right..but if i can keep one person from making the same mistake then it was worth it...we have a local canvas repair shop, i guess it will come down to that...thanks to all for your advice and suggestions...

Bob Denman
03-10-2013, 08:53 AM
I'm sorry to hear that you got Stung... :gaah:
Do you think that it might make them pick up the phone if a bunch of us were to flood them with, "I'd like to buy from you; but you screwed my friend over!" calls?