View Full Version : Guardian Bell

02-22-2013, 10:56 AM
I haven't really considered it yet, but I just bought a Guardian bell for my RT and I don't have a clue yet where I'm going to hang it. Any suggestions would be appreciated & THANKS LARGE.

Jim Dumey

02-22-2013, 11:01 AM
I have one hanging near my parking brake. I have heard that for the guardian bell to work, it must be received as a gift!

Just saying.

02-22-2013, 11:06 AM
Legend has it, it works better as a gift.

Captain Fin
02-22-2013, 11:15 AM
Legend has it, it works better as a gift.
You can gift it to yourself!

02-22-2013, 11:16 AM
:agree: should be a gift..mostly I see them hanging low to the ground to keep the evil road spirits away..:dontknow:

02-22-2013, 11:17 AM
I got mine from my Dad, My father swears by them haha, and I returned the favor by getting one for my good buddy SpyderRx. I hung mine on the lower bracket beside the left foot peg. :doorag:

02-22-2013, 11:20 AM
I haven't really considered it yet, but I just bought a Guardian bell for my RT and I don't have a clue yet where I'm going to hang it. Any suggestions would be appreciated & THANKS LARGE.

Jim Dumey

Was looking at some the other day and found one with a Maple Leaf on it. Didn't get it tho......like has been said. It's supposed to be gifted. :doorag:

02-22-2013, 11:26 AM
Received mine from good friend and fellow ryder Papa.

Bob Denman
02-22-2013, 11:43 AM
Mine is hung from the license plate bracket...
Wait a minute! :shocked: I had an accident with my bike...:opps:
(note to self: mount it lower on the bike!)

02-22-2013, 11:44 AM
I hung both mine and my wife's on the brake pedal. I gave her hers, she gave me mine.

02-22-2013, 11:57 AM
Both of ours are wire tied to the right lower A arm. Guess mine is not going to work 'cause I bought it myself. BB's will work because I gifted it to her when I gave her my '10 RT.

02-22-2013, 11:58 AM
I have one with a Hogs head on it that was given to me by the salesman from whom I purchased my 2006 Acura RL back in 2006. I was riding a Harley (HOG) back then so it was appropriate. Got it hanging from my lower A arm on the right side of my RT.

02-22-2013, 12:56 PM
Was looking at some the other day and found one with a Maple Leaf on it. Didn't get it tho......like has been said. It's supposed to be gifted. :doorag:

jer, send one this way and i'll send one your way then we be gifted spyders.

Bob Denman
02-22-2013, 01:02 PM
jer, send one this way and i'll send one your way then we be gifted spyders.


SpyderLovers helping each other out... :thumbup:

02-22-2013, 01:23 PM
jer, send one this way and i'll send one your way then we be gifted spyders.

Done deal :thumbup:

02-22-2013, 01:42 PM
Done deal :thumbup:

Forgot to ask.... do you want the Maple Leaf design?

02-22-2013, 01:58 PM

SpyderLovers helping each other out... :thumbup:

thats right remember theres no " i " in spyderlovers helping spyderlovers..:roflblack:

02-22-2013, 02:01 PM
The one my wife gave me was just to nice to hang where it might get damaged ... so it hangs in the frunk.

02-22-2013, 02:16 PM
The one my wife gave me was just to nice to hang where it might get damaged ... so it hangs in the frunk.

Made me think of an OLD song.


02-22-2013, 02:22 PM
Mine Is from Deals Gap and was given to me by a friend. It hangs by a split key ring off my brake pedal.


02-22-2013, 02:30 PM
According to legend. It is supposed to be gifted by someone. You are suppose to hang it at the lowest point on your bike. I have my hung on the front between the two tires. That's what I was told by fellow bikers. Good luck. :doorag: Linda8802 Troy, MO. 2012 Sypder RT-AC

02-22-2013, 02:39 PM
The Legend of the Guardian® Bellhttp://www.spyderlovers.com/forums/images/accessories/misc/gb-angel_s.jpg (http://www.spyderlovers.com/accessories.asp) Many years ago, on a cold December night, a crusty old biker was returning from a trip to Mexico with his saddlebags (http://www.spyderlovers.com/toolbags.asp) filled with toys and other assorted trinkets for the kids at a group home near where he worked.
As he rode along that night thinking how lucky he had been in life, having a loving riding partner that understood his need to roam the highways and to his trusty old pan that hadn’t let him down once in the many years they had shared the road together.
Well about 40 miles north of the border, in the high desert, lurked a small group of notorious little critters known as road gremlins. You know, the ones who always leave little obstacles like, one shoe, boards, and pieces of old tires on the road, and also dig those dreaded potholes for bikers to run over and crash, thus giving the road gremlins a chance to rejoice over their acts of evil.
Well, as the lone wolf (http://www.helmetsetc.com/search_results.asp?txtsearchParamTxt=wolf&txtsearchParamType=ALL&iLevel=1&txtsearchParamMan=ALL&txtsearchParamVen=ALL&txtsearchParamCat=ALL&headersearch=1&txtFromSearch=fromSearch) of a biker rounded a curve that moonlit night, the gremlins ambushed him, causing him to crash to the asphalt and skid before coming to a stop next to one of his saddlebags that had broken free. As he lay there, unable to move, the road gremlins made their way towards him. Well, this biker, not being one to give up, started throwing things at the gremlins as they approached him. Finally, with nothing else to throw but a bell, he started ringing it in hopes to scare off the dirty little gremlins.
About a half a mile away, camped in the desert, were two bikers sitting around the campfire talking about their day’s ride, and the freedom of the wind blowing in their faces (http://www.spyderlovers.com/apparel.asp) as they rode across this vast country. In the stillness of the night air they heard what sounded to them like church bells ringing, and upon investigating, found the old biker lying along the roadside with the gremlins about to get him. Needless to say, being part of the biker brotherhood, they preceded to ward off the gremlins until the last ran off into the night.
Being grateful to the two bikers, the old road dog offered to pay them for their help, but as all true bikers do, they refused to accept any type of payment from him. Not being one to let a good deed go unnoticed, the old biker cut two pieces of leather from his saddlebags tassels and tied a bell to each one. He then placed them on each of the biker’s motorcycles, as near to the ground as possible. The tired, old road warrior then told the two travelers that with those bells placed on their bikes, they would be protected from the road gremlins and that if ever in trouble, just ring the bell and a fellow biker will come to their aid.
So, whenever you see a biker with a bell, you know that he has been blessed with the most important thing in life—friendship from a fellow biker.
The Purpose of the Guardian® BellMany of us have heard the story about Evil Road Spirits. They are little gremlins that live on your bike. They love to ride, and they’re also responsible for most of your bike’s problems. Sometimes your turn signals refuse to work; your battery goes dead, the clutch needs adjustment, or any of several hundred things that can go wrong. These problems are caused by Evil Road Spirits.
Evil Road Spirits can’t live in the presence of the bell, because they get trapped in the hollow of the bell. Among other things, their hearing is supersensitive, so the constant ringing of the bell and the confined space drives them insane. They lose their grip and eventually fall to the roadway. Have you ever wondered how potholes are formed? The bell has served its purpose.
If you pick up a Guardian® Bell (http://www.spyderlovers.com/accessories.asp) of your own, the magic will work, but if your bell is given to you, the power is doubled, and you know that somewhere you have a special friend helping to look after you.
So, if you have a friend who doesn’t have a bell, why not give them one (http://www.spyderlovers.com/accessories.asp)? It’s a nice feeling for the recipient to know you care. The bell, plus a good preventive maintenance program by the bikes owner, will help eliminate Evil Road Spirits.
Polishing the Guardian® BellIt has been a tradition among some of us for a long time to attach a brass bell to our left swing arm, to remember our brothers and sisters who have gone down riding.
It’s a small thing, but the reason a brass bell is chosen is that, as we ride, it gets dirty and tarnished. Every time we get down to wash and polish it, we are reminded of friends lost, and our thoughts turn to the meaning of being in the wind.
As we ride and hear the bell ring, we know that our brothers and sisters are riding with us, and how easy it would be to join them with a single mistake.
And maybe, just maybe, the next time a situation comes up; they will be there to help us...as long as we remember them by polishing the bell.

I have mine mounted near the handlebar shift button on both RT's. They say the lower the better though. So far, ours have worked well.

02-22-2013, 02:58 PM
a good bell selection here and shipping is free.

Also, allows ship to address selection at checkout.


02-22-2013, 05:32 PM
the lower,,,,,,,,,,, the better.

02-22-2013, 05:34 PM
Using a mounting bracket, I placed mine under the brake pedal

02-22-2013, 06:02 PM
I have had my bell hanging below my Seal floorboards for 2 full years and last summer, while in my dealers shop, the bell FELL OFF. After looking at the bell, the top loop on top of the bell was wore completly through, so had to fix with JB weld. the bell will last many more years because it is better than new. Just a heads up to check

02-22-2013, 06:27 PM
Farmerjim...send me your addy

just a little story...on facebook there is a group of ladies..."Girls on Spyders" and we all sent each other a bells...cool way to recieve a bell and gain a new friend...I recieved my bell from Sandy Summers-Holmes....and gave a bell to Sarah Schaffner

02-22-2013, 06:34 PM

02-22-2013, 06:43 PM
After our Mom died, by bro and I were going through some of her things and found a little brass bell. We both wanted it for our bikes, so my bro let me have it. So I consider it a gift from my Mom by way of my brother. I know you're 'supposed to hang it low, but I've hung mine from the shift paddle on my RTS, so I can think of my Mom when it rings.

02-22-2013, 07:00 PM
Here's where I hang mine:

02-23-2013, 01:45 AM
I haven't really considered it yet, but I just bought a Guardian bell for my RT and I don't have a clue yet where I'm going to hang it. Any suggestions would be appreciated & THANKS LARGE.

Jim Dumey


Mine's hanging off of the Kewl Metal Highway Bracket that is
now covered over by my Seal FloorBoards :thumbup: Gotta take a picture
of it sometime.
Bob had contacted me privately, had one shipped to me, and asked
nothing in return,truly amazing! Finaly had the chance to thank him
in person in this video. Thanks again BlueStar:thumbup:


Bob Denman
02-23-2013, 12:49 PM

02-23-2013, 06:27 PM
Thanks to everyone. I had heard that a very long time ago and so thanks to everyone who reminded me, I shall give the one I bought to a good friend who bought my Honda VTX 1300. So, again, in South East Missouri, All is Well. No traditions broken here and thanks again for all the input. You guys are AWESOME!!! :2thumbs:

Jim Dumey

Cruzr Joe
02-23-2013, 07:44 PM
My Bell is a very special bell, it is a police officer memorial bell that i (a retired police chief) got as a gift from one of my two police officer sons, and although legend says hang it low, i hang it high as a proud symbol.

Photo attached


Cruzr Joe

02-23-2013, 10:18 PM
I wish I had a bell to hang. This is supposed to be from someone special ?:pray:

02-23-2013, 11:23 PM
last summer we where on a ride in gettysburg, pa at a harley dealer and wanted to purchase a guardian bell. i stood in line and when i tried to buy it the cashier refused to sell it to me...i did not know the story behind the bell so i put it back on the shelf and left the store, and a couple was behind us in line...we did not know these folks at all and were completely blown away when the couple purchased the bell and followed us into the parking lot and gave us the bell as a gift....we where so surprised that my wife was in tears..when we asked if we could do the same for them, they told us this was exactly how they received there bell...and they were just paying it forward. this act of kindness will always stay in our hearts for as long as we ride and am looking forward to doing the same for a rider some day...

02-24-2013, 01:22 AM
Mounted mine (Hand Grenade) under the left foot peg. Used some spring steel wire for a mounting bracket. :doorag:

Bob Denman
02-24-2013, 08:30 AM
I wish I had a bell to hang. This is supposed to be from someone special ?:pray:
PM me with your mailing address...
I'd be honored if you'd ride with one that I get for you. :thumbup:

Dragon Snake
02-24-2013, 08:05 PM
I haven't really considered it yet, but I just bought a Guardian bell for my RT and I don't have a clue yet where I'm going to hang it. Any suggestions would be appreciated & THANKS LARGE.

Jim Dumey

I have mine zip tied to the handle bars next to the throttle. It was gifted to me and has worked well for two years. when I see it swinging in the breeze it reminds me to ride safe.:doorag:

02-24-2013, 08:35 PM
last summer we where on a ride in gettysburg, pa at a harley dealer and wanted to purchase a guardian bell. i stood in line and when i tried to buy it the cashier refused to sell it to me...i did not know the story behind the bell so i put it back on the shelf and left the store, and a couple was behind us in line...we did not know these folks at all and were completely blown away when the couple purchased the bell and followed us into the parking lot and gave us the bell as a gift....we where so surprised that my wife was in tears..when we asked if we could do the same for them, they told us this was exactly how they received there bell...and they were just paying it forward. this act of kindness will always stay in our hearts for as long as we ride and am looking forward to doing the same for a rider some day...

Same thing happened to me at one of the SpyderFests. We were headed out on a two month grand adventure afterwards. A Gentleman came up to me and gave me a special bell. Not going to say what it looked like... It brought tears to my eyes...

I think I figured out who you are, and want to thank you for getting me safely home...

02-24-2013, 08:45 PM
I have one hanging near my parking brake. I have heard that for the guardian bell to work, it must be received as a gift!

Just saying.number one you never buy the bell you have someone buy it for you my wife bought me one and put it on my goldwing took it off my wing and put it on her 750 wrong thing to do one month later we wrecked the 750 so have someone buy the bell as a gift

02-25-2013, 09:47 AM
Ours was a gift from SpyderLady. The three of us have our bells hanging from the break pedal. I used 3 zip ties, but plan on going to a cotton cord eventually.