View Full Version : Spyder #930 in Oz at last

03-20-2008, 04:43 PM
Well after a long wait I have #930
It came at a cost - around $27,000 US.
ADR's (Australian design rules) or not the "butt ugly" reversing light has to go!
Thanks to all on the forum for giving me an interesting way to pass the months and prepare.

03-20-2008, 04:46 PM
:congrats: You are right! That is one ugly back up light.
Enjoy :a18:

03-20-2008, 04:50 PM
:congrats: glad you finally got it. I know first hand about the wait.... wow that light!!!


03-20-2008, 04:50 PM
:congrats: :doorag: :spyder:

03-20-2008, 05:35 PM
:spyder: :congrats: :spyder: :welcome: :spyder: :bigthumbsup: :spyder: and you're right, SOMETHING has to be done about that light!!! ;D

03-20-2008, 06:55 PM
wow who put the goofy lite on there :spyder:

03-20-2008, 07:58 PM
Well after a long wait I have #930

It came at a cost - around $27,000 US.

Thanks to all on the forum for giving me an interesting way to pass the months and prepare.

You mention the cost, that does seem high, why so much. Is the difference in the dollar that high or are they charging that much for the Spyder there or was it shipped from here on special order? I mean you are paying over $10,000 more than I paid. Just curious.

03-20-2008, 10:12 PM
The Ozzie dollar is about 94 cents US so its not the currency. I paid nearly $29,000 Aus all up. Perhaps they feel they will sell here even at $10,000 above the US retail price. Beats me. It was not a special import. I believe 130 or 180 came into the country. I guess I wanted it and was prepared to pay what they asked, as are a lot of other people.

03-21-2008, 02:49 PM
:spyder: :spyder: :congrats: :spyder: :spyder:

:doorag: spyman

03-21-2008, 04:12 PM
I was always asking my professors annoying questions like Why????, it bothers me that whether it be here in the U.S. or other locations prices will be set at whatever the market will allow......in short, if the customer wants it, they'll pay for it, which applies to gas prices, accessories and of course our beloved Spyder. I can feel for our brother and sister SpyderLovers who are having to pay the extra price for the machine, but that supply and demand law will always be the deciding factor (i'm still very very perplexed at the Canadian prices though). Anyway (he says climbing down from his soap box) i am glad the Spyder availability is getting better and only see it expand as time goes on. To all of you in other locations beside North America that have either taken delivery or are still on a good wait list, enjoy the satisfaction of knowing you were among "the First". :bigthumbsup: :spyder:

03-23-2008, 07:21 AM
Hi mrb - as i am in Oz (QLD) - just wondering what state you are in ?-what the ADR compliance cost ?(wasn't included in the price you quoted?)- and did they give you much of a hard time? And what category the paperwork went thru as? Brilliant machine..(insert typical Australian expletives of envy here....) Cheers

03-23-2008, 05:00 PM
Hi Drek
I am in the Gold Coast and I took delivery from Gold Coast Seadoo at Labrador. They had it registered and all ready to go. No hassles apparently as they registered 10 of them last week. They have sold 48 to date but delivered less than 10 so far.
Price was $25,990 + registration $1,141, freight $350, pre-delivery $550 and I did have some accessories fitted before delivery. It is a motorcycle here and requires an unrestricted motorcycle license.
Having ridden it at long last I don't really know if motorcycle skills are a better starting point than car. It does not turn or corner like either.
Wildwillie in Belgium gave me the best tip - like skiing (but I have never skied :dontknow:) - in a right hand turn push down on the left foot peg and lush the right knee into the tank. Apply a little power and it works a charm!!

03-24-2008, 12:33 AM
Congrats, have lots of safe fun! :congrats: