View Full Version : Finally got to ride! Have a couple questions...

03-11-2008, 11:13 PM
I finally put some miles on my Spyder tonight although only about 20. I noticed two main things that concern me and would like to know if you guys (or girls) noticed them as well.

1) there is a very strong rubber burning smell when I stop. I am thinking it's the normal new smell burn-in but want to make sure. It doesn't look like the belt is rubbing or anything else abnormal is going on.

2) It seems to whine or whir a lot. I notice it mostly when I slow down and coast to a stop, the engine is quiet and the sound is more obvious. It sounds like it is coming from in front of me but can't pinpoint the location. Is it the transmission, the wheel bearings, tire noise, or...?

Thanks in advance :bigthumbsup:

03-12-2008, 07:41 AM
No rubber smell on mine and none that I have heard of from other owners. I do have some tire noise.

I'm wondering if the two items may be related. Perhaps the sound and smell might come from a poorly set up drive belt?

03-12-2008, 08:58 AM
No burning smell on #1232 now or when first driven, but the dealer had the first 5 miles. I can relate to the "noise" when approaching a stop at low speed. I almost think I feel it more than I hear it. It is very subtle and I always wear earplugs when I ride. ::)

03-12-2008, 09:18 AM
The burn smell can be just about anything. I would see if it goes away or get worst. It is a noisy ride for sure, a louder pipe helps that. ;D

03-12-2008, 01:34 PM
The burn smell can be just about anything. I would see if it goes away or get worst. It is a noisy ride for sure, a louder pipe helps that. ;D

Might even be me burning the clutch a little huh? :joke: It's been about 11 years and one broken neck ago that I rode a bike. I'm sure I'll get better at it. I'll monitor it for a few more days and see if it subsides.

"Louder pipe helps the noise"...hmmmm...got me scratching my head on that one ;D

03-12-2008, 05:06 PM
Maybe he should have said "Louder pipes hide the noise.... ::)

Just sayin


03-12-2008, 06:39 PM
I just completed my 3rd ride on mine and am just over 100 miles now and also notice a smell but it's probably just some paint burning off or something like that I was thinking. As for the sound, I have decided that my Spyder sounds like a lawn mower. One of the guys at work almost had me convinced that the 990 Rotax engine is actually used for riding mowers and tractors in Europe. He didn't admit he was kidding but I suspect he was pulling my chain although he sounded 100% serious. Based on the sound of the engine, it's not inconceivable. I have to say that the sound is very whimpy and kind of embarassing compared to how my M109R sounds with it's blitty-blatty-blitty-blatty...

One other thing I notice is that the exhaust fumes on this bike seem extra stinky. If I start my M109R there is no stinky smell at all but with this bike it's like peeeee yeewwwww - what the heck is that smell? I feel very sorry for cars behind me when I am sitting at a light. I hope that stink goes away eventually or maybe I need a tune up or something - but with 100 miles, I would expect it to be running pretty clean.


03-12-2008, 10:16 PM
i have over 1400 miles on mine and no smell at all.

if you think it sounds bad then you need to rev it up near the red line in 3rd or 4th gear. this sumbich really screams

03-13-2008, 10:45 PM
In the first 20+ miles I have had a lot of "flecks" sticking to the rear of the machine....probably from the belt. They lessened in the next 20 miles. The left front brake makes noise that sounds like the rattle on a copperhead. Makes me think snake instead of spyder ! No burning smell or exhaust odor though. Temperatire gauge was at 3 bars going and went up to 5 bars on the way back...same stretch of road ?? Lots of assorted noise when coasting to a stop. Does sound wimpy !!


03-14-2008, 08:10 AM
In the first 20+ miles I have had a lot of "flecks" sticking to the rear of the machine....probably from the belt. They lessened in the next 20 miles. The left front brake makes noise that sounds like the rattle on a copperhead. Makes me think snake instead of spyder ! No burning smell or exhaust odor though. Temperatire gauge was at 3 bars going and went up to 5 bars on the way back...same stretch of road ?? Lots of assorted noise when coasting to a stop. Does sound wimpy !!


rattle on a copperhead??? um they dont have rattles....rattlesnakes yes copperheads no

03-14-2008, 12:24 PM
I better check up on my reptiles.....I confused the eastern diamondback with the copperhead.


03-14-2008, 02:38 PM
A little over 1900 miles on #600 now. No bad smells, but plenty of whirs, whines, moans and other noises when coasting to a stop. Bike runs smoother as time goes on and the noises seem to lessen. Maybe I am just tuning them out.

Jack H.

03-14-2008, 03:31 PM
i must be riding too much i have 1004 and i have already put over 1500 miles/smiles on it.

going up to michelles bar and grill for bike nite. it really brings on the questions/looks.

this thing is really fun.

03-17-2008, 11:11 PM
I also noticed the brake noise but wasn't sure how to describe it. Kind of reminds me of the sound when I used to clip a baseball card to the spokes of my bicycle back in the day. (Showing my age)

My son was riding behind me the other day and he said that the exhast stinks bad.

I also still have the burning smell after 125 miles.

03-18-2008, 04:27 AM
I think you'll find that the bad exhaust smell is from the catalytic converter; same thing with a new car. It has to be "seasoned," and that may take a few thousand miles.