View Full Version : Last Ride of the Year

12-29-2012, 10:34 AM
Tomorrow is the Sixteenth Last Ride of the Year in Stockton, AL. Weather will be on the cool side since the rain yesterday, with lows in the 30s Sunday morning. The local PGR riders all say it's worth riding to Stockton...lots of interesting sights to see. Awards are given for the person riding the longest distance, the youngest rider, etc but no awards are given to three wheel bikes, according to the web page. Here's an excerpt from the website (www.thelastrideoftheyear.com): (http://www.thelastrideoftheyear.com):)

The Annual Last Ride of the Year - Stagecoach XVI will celebrate our 16 year tradition of inviting riders from around the country to reunite with old friends, meet new ones, and enjoy a great southern country style buffet lunch. Riders typically start showing up throughout the morning and fill up the parking lot by noon. Most years the lot will be almost empty again by 1:30 or 2:00 pm as riders head home to complete their last ride of the year.

In addition to the traditional lunch buffet, the gracious staff at the Café will serve a breakfast buffet for early arrivals. Early risers should be able to start enjoying coffee and breakfast around 8:00 am.

We hope you will make plans to attend the 2012 version of The Annual Last Ride of the Year - Stagecoach XVI in Stockton, Alabama to enjoy some southern hospitality at its finest … and hopefully add The Annual Last Ride of the Year to your list of “must do” riding traditions.

Hope to see some other Spyders up there! Previous events have had anywhere from several hundred to 650+ bikes. :yes:

Blue Star
12-29-2012, 11:17 AM
no awards are given to three wheel bikes

No awards for trikes!! Well that counts me out. That and I can't make it there in time this year. Have fun for those that can go.

Bob Denman
12-29-2012, 02:37 PM
it sure sounds like a real nice tradition. :thumbup: Even though the name of it sounds sad... :shocked:
Have fun, and we'll want to see some pics!

12-29-2012, 02:46 PM
It was kind of funny to see the name of it being the "Last Ride of the Year". The local PGR sent out the email about it, then sent another email about a military funeral on Dec. 31st...which would really seem to fit the description of "Last Ride of the Year" better than the Stockton event! Even funnier was the fact I got an email about "funny signs" and this sign was one of them (although I think it was a different Stockton being mentioned. LOL)http://mail.aol.com/37267-111/aol-6/en-us/mail/get-attachment.aspx?uid=30133780&folder=OldMail&partId=11