View Full Version : The BRP full cover has to be the hardiest cover to put on...phew

12-26-2012, 03:20 PM
A Merry Magical Christmas to all.

Well we're expecting a snow storm tonight so I thought I would finally button up the Spyder. Been hanging on hoping for that one last ride...

Put sta-bil in, topped up the gas, ran for about 10 minutes, pumped up tires checked windscreen washer fluid etc. Then blanketed it in smelly dyer sheets and placed mouse sticky paper underneath.

Now I thought I would finally take out the BRP full cover from its bag. I got this from fellow spyder lover Ivor Spyder in the summer in preparing for the winter months here. First thoughts, this is never going back in that bag. Now I'm no handy man, I'm a software engineer, you know the type, totally useless unless it as a keyboard in front of it. So finally figured out which way round it goes, un clipped up the straps, unzipped the back. Windscreen on lowest setting with t-shirt over it I start covering, let me tell you this is tight, very tight and made of very tough material to pull around. After a lot of colorful choice words, pulling, tugging, screaming, more pulling tucking more yelling 30 minutes later I got it on. This thing is skin tight, I hope it doesn't put too much pressure on the panels. It was like a full work out, blood, sweat and tears, although I have to say, yelling curse words at it works, seems to be more pliable just as you curse and tug :dontknow:

Is it me or was everyones this tight to put on. Need to start looking for a second (winter) home in Florida...

Love the quality of the cover, nice and soft inside but made of sturdy material on the out side. My spyder is in the garage but wanted the extra level of protection over the hash winter months.

Need to go take shower and take a power nap now.

Be safe and have a great new year....


12-26-2012, 03:25 PM
Windscreen washer fluid? That's a new one. My cover is pretty easy to put on it is snug but not too tight. Make sure you hook the bottom hooks at the rear before you try to zipper it up. You said you put a t-shirt over the windshield - doesn't your cover have the soft material where the windshield goes?

12-26-2012, 03:26 PM
The cover gets easier to put on and take off with repeated use.

12-26-2012, 03:33 PM
Windscreen washer fluid? That's a new one. My cover is pretty easy to put on it is snug but not too tight. Make sure you hook the bottom hooks at the rear before you try to zipper it up. You said you put a t-shirt over the windshield - doesn't your cover have the soft material where the windshield goes?

It does have quite a nice soft interior but out of habit I always put a t-shirt on the windscreen. I have the travel cover that came with the limited and always put the t-shirt on as added protection. Worried about scratching the windscreen as I work the cover on and off.


Bob Denman
12-26-2012, 05:56 PM
"Alaska's" right; think of the cover just like a freshly-washed pair of jeans... Once you get in them; they're reat. The first step of trying to pull them on has you wondering if they're going to fit or not! :shocked:

12-26-2012, 09:50 PM
Not the full cover, but this may help. http://www.spyderlovers.com/forums/showthread.php?17557-RT-Covers The outdoor cover installs in the same direction, and is similar.

The covers aren't meant to be floded back into the bags. These are stuff-sacs...just grab a handfull and shove it in, repeat until it iss all in the bag.

12-26-2012, 11:15 PM
Happy Holidays Harry! Just bought one of these covers last month in part with the certificate Pierrette won at SITA. Haven't put it on but at least I know what to expect!!

Bob Denman
12-27-2012, 08:05 AM
Invite some friends over so that they can enjoy the show... :shocked: :roflblack:
The first time the Missus and I tackled this; I wasn't sure if it would end in a divorce or a knifefight! :shocked: It ended up being a bottle of wine that cooled off the egos... :thumbup:

12-27-2012, 08:37 AM
Having absolutely no experience with a Spyder Cover but having experienced many such circumstances I learned that warming the item, gently for some time before that first stretching makes the project go much smoother. I put them in say the bathroom and close the door with the furnace vent full open works very well. A day before the big event is enough to relax the materials.:f_spider:

12-27-2012, 10:08 AM
Get a Geza Gear Cover for a Goldwing, I had the cover for my Goldwing and I tried it on my RT, fits pretty good and it's really stretches, very easy to put on, completly waterproof too!

Here's the link


Dave ;)

Bob Denman
12-27-2012, 10:13 AM
Over the front fenders too? :shocked: That cover must be REALLY stretchy! :thumbup:

12-27-2012, 11:50 AM
I must be lucky, ours is pretty easy to put on, we don't use it much because of living in FL, but I bot it for when it sits out overnight at the beach. Just had her Spyder covered for 3 months to keep the dust off while she was recovering from hand surgery and took it off once a week to start the machine, I found pulling the cover off the front fenders first made on/off much easier.

12-27-2012, 01:07 PM
Over the front fenders too? :shocked: That cover must be REALLY stretchy! :thumbup:

No the wheels stay exposed, but it covers more than the BRP half cover, which I also have!

Dave ;)

12-27-2012, 01:22 PM
Over the front fenders too? :shocked: That cover must be REALLY stretchy! :thumbup:

No the wheels stay exposed, but it covers more than the BRP half cover, which I also have!

Dave ;)

12-27-2012, 01:46 PM
Thanks for all the feed back, I would assume it would get easier over time however I only plan to use this annually over the winter/snowy months in the north east. At least its nice and snug, if mice do get past the sticky pads, dryer sheets, electrified fence they will be nice and warm in there. :roflblack:


12-31-2012, 05:50 PM
it took me about 3 times to figure out how to put it on the bike...now i can do it in about 3 minutes...it does loosen up and does get easier...good luck

12-31-2012, 06:01 PM
It definitely gets easier to put on. It takes me about 3 minutes to put on as well.

Bob Denman
01-01-2013, 09:04 AM
:shocked: I'm still in the fifteen minute part of the learning curve... :gaah: