View Full Version : Been thinkin' a lot lately.........

12-25-2012, 10:36 PM
Which usually gets me into trouble. I received my spyder as a birthday gift late in the season and have not had a chance to get out to any of the events. I read the posts here and see that the members often call each other by first names and not screen names. This is evidence to me of how tight-knit this group is. I have experienced something like this when snowmobiling, but to a lesser degree. Most snowmobilers realize that it doesn't matter what you ride only that you ride, but some are too caught up in brand loyalty to enjoy the brotherhood of riding. Spyder ryders are a rare breed. There love of the ryde is more important than anything else, and they really don't care about how much you know, how long you've been a ryder, your style of ryding, or the way you customize your spyder.
I can't wait for the spring to get here so I can finally meet and ryde with the members of my newfound family. I intend to get to as many events as I can and maybe even set up a few RTE's. I have met a couple ryders so far and both times have been fun. This spring I will be carrying a pen and notebook to make sure I can remember names. Here's to a New Year full of ryding with my family and many safe myles.

12-25-2012, 11:33 PM
You're absolutely right this is a great bunch of people. I have made friends around the world (almost) through this forum and riding my Spyder. I look forward to meeting you.


12-25-2012, 11:53 PM

12-25-2012, 11:55 PM
You need neither groups nor events to ride, just decent weather… a nice day, some tunes, and a decent back road - alone - is as good as it gets….

12-26-2012, 12:06 AM
The Spyder Ryder of America - San Diego Chapter, San Francisco Chapter and Columbia River chapters are literally my second family. I also have a 3rd family of riders that were a mix of Harley's, Hondas and Kawi's and I don't know where I would be without them since I didn't get along well outside of work with my coworkers. The Spyders for the most part are embraced by the majority of 2wheelers out there and have never had a major problem with anyone.

as for the events, I have been to Spyders in the Redwoodshere on the west coast as well as SpyderFest over in Missouri. both are great events, and if you're willing to make the trip across the nation, I recommend both of them. :) for you, the closest if Spyders in the Adirondaks (spl). I've owned mine since june 2010 and have put 46K on it already. :) and I can't wait to get back on it. :)

Welcome to the family and there are some crazy enough to ryde in the snow. not sure if you're one, but if you are be careful.

12-26-2012, 12:10 AM
You have joined a close group of friends that will help you any way they can to make your ride more enjoyable.:thumbup:Stay warm, ride Safe & Long

Bob Denman
12-26-2012, 07:45 AM
Hiya Otter!
I agree; "Brand Myopia" can certainly get in the way of good times and even better friendships! ;)
We're gonna have to find our way into getting together for a ryde once the "Dark Season" passes. :thumbup:
There's a whole lot of really good people in here... almost makes up for having to put up with me! :opps: :joke:

12-26-2012, 08:03 AM
The first spring ride close to you will be the Ingles run at the end of May. We missed last year but went the year before. It was a good time put on by a great dealer, and it included alot of our Western NY Spyder family. :thumbup:


12-26-2012, 12:35 PM
:agree: We are great :spyder2:family and who most of us embrace every rider. Unity of every riders bring more fun:yes::yes: