11-29-2012, 11:56 AM
I'm a vet ,and a member of the Howard City VFW post
3306, I server in the US ARMY ,in KOREA, im
66 years old And I ride a SPYDER RTS ES5:spyder2: I fell more poeple need to get involved so the younger people never forget freedom is never free some time some one has to pay the price,and it for them and their families that we have to stand tall and show are respect.I do have some health issues had to have open heart surgery , some years back and had a stroke two month back came out of it ok.but Iwill try to do as many ride as I can. and that one Reason why I brought my
SPYDER:spyder2: everyone need to do their part one way or another, AS a vet sometime it hard to think back on those years in service ,cause it bring pain and tears
But I would never trade one moment or the memories,bad or good it just become a part of your life forever

PS I better stop writing before I get to emotional.5796957970

Desert Spyder
11-29-2012, 12:07 PM
I am not a vet but I am a patriot and I salute all those who have served or are serving, both domestic and abroad, military or civilian. I am a PGR and a ride captain.

11-29-2012, 12:44 PM
I've been with the Michigan Patriot Guard since thier inception and have attended many missions, I can't even guess how many but it's well over 150...I don't consider it anything other than a priviledge to support these events.

11-29-2012, 01:01 PM
I'm also a vet and I ride with the NJ, DE, and PA PGR.

11-29-2012, 01:01 PM
The first time I saw the PGR was last year. I was coming back from the Auto Parts store, when I came up to a major intersection. It was blocked by the Highway patrol, so I figured there was an accident. Then came the rumble... There was about a mile long line of motorcycles escorting the remains of a Vietnam vet who had been listed as MIA for all these years, and was finally found, and returned home. That was quite an emotional experience just to watch.

Within a month of purchasing our Spyder this June, I joined the PGR...

11-29-2012, 01:17 PM
The reward you get when the family members come around and shake the hand of each and every member is awesome. You know you've touched them in a way that can not be described. I've only been doing PGR missions for a year now but the PGR gave me some level of pride back. You see back in 66 I did my duty and showed for military draft and physical. The bastards refused to take me claiming my back was bad and couldn't take the demands of the military. I insisted I was just as qualified as the next guy to be shot and killed but they wouldn't change. I was crushed and ashamed and from day on I hated my government. When I found out about the PGR last year I asked one of the members if you had to serve in the military and they said absolutely no. That anyone was welcome and I have since found they are about the greatest folks going. So finally I'm able to serve in a very little way which has softened my outlook of our government and allowed me to hold my head up again. So I thank the PGR for being there and ride with them on every mission I can. So that's my story and how and why I got involved.

11-29-2012, 01:29 PM
I to am a Vet, and just recently joined the PGR. I went to a funral of a Fallen Hero and saw the PGR for the first time doing a Flag line, I knew right then I belonged with that group.
Thank you all for your Military Service and with PGR service!

11-29-2012, 02:31 PM
Ed (Erags) and I (DocRags) joined the PGR about a year ago. I had seen something about the PGR and told him I thought we should look into it. He is a 22 yr. veteran of the US Navy; I am not a veteran but my dad and two brothers served in the military. Our local group is reportedly the 2nd busiest PGR in the nation, second only to Arlington. Although most of the missions are for military funerals, where it is our honor to stand for the deceased veteran, some of the missions are fun...like welcoming home military members from tours of duty. Tomorrow we have two missions...one is for the Snowball Express, where families of fallen heroes are being flown to the West coast free of charge (17 kids and their families), and the other is for a funeral. It is awesome to stand a flag line, wherever it is...emotional and fulfilling. I am so glad to call myself a member of the PGR. Our Spyders are the only two Spyders in the group, but we've had quite a few of the guys checking them out.

11-29-2012, 05:43 PM
I also ride with the PGR up here in Maine. I am a Vet and I joined i becouse it is the right thing to do, show respect for all my brothers and

11-29-2012, 07:47 PM
I joined the PGR last year after I saw a post on here of a PGR member telling of how a so called church was at a soldiers funeral and saying hateful things to the family of a fallen hero. They were saying how glad they were that their son was killed and that God was happy also and that He hated them and their son and that their son would go to hell for seving in the service. It just inflamed me to think that any one could be so cruel to a grieving family. I went on line that very night and joined the PGR and have been to many missions of funerals, welcome home missions, and even in support of a policeman that had been shot while on duty. I have only been to one mission where these scum tried to intimidate the family of a fallen soldier at the airport where the body of their soldier had been flown. We were able to keep the family seperated from them by holding flags up to cover the windows of their vehicle and found out later the family was not even aware of them being there. What a great feeling it was to successfully protect this family from these idiots. Being a member of the PGR has truly been a very moving experience on all of the missions we've been able to attend.

11-29-2012, 07:53 PM
I have been with the Patriot Guard since FEB 06. I will say many missions and leave it at that. I have more in the past.
To me, the PGR is the most rewarding thing in the world. Welcome. There are a lot PGR riders on here.
The Ohioprg.org site has a video on it about why the PGR does what it does. There are al kinds of PGR vid on U-tube. I have not played this one in a while, but search for Jessie Snow in Fairborn, Ohio. Silver Star. A couple videos, but one is on the faces of the riders on the way to the Cemetary. It was a cold and wet day, it showed.
Asusual, we were asked by some why we were there. We replied, it is our Honor to escort a fallen brother on his last trip.

CMA Cowboy
11-29-2012, 08:30 PM
My wife and I also belong to PGR. Being located next to a military installation here in Missouri (which I retired with 22 years US Army) we have a lot of missions escorting units leaving from here. We also have a Veterans cemetary in the area where funerals happen quite often. Due to still working we miss a lot of missions that happen during the working hours but when we can we are there with our two blue RT's. Spring we plan on adding the trailer hitch with flag mount to the RT's. We pray that the Lord watches over all our PGR brothers and sisters and keep them safe.

Blue Star
11-29-2012, 10:46 PM
I too am not a Vet due to bad ears (could not join), but my Dad, older, and younger brother are Vets. Most important is that my Youngest Daughter is currently in the Army, and set to be deployed to Afghanistan in January. I joined to honor not only my daughter; but all past, present, and future soldiers.

11-30-2012, 07:01 AM
I agree with all of the above posts...............Being a USAF vet (1966 - 1970) and Viet Nam vet as well, I have been in the PGR for about 3 years. It is probably the most rewarding experience that you can have on your Spyder!:clap:

11-30-2012, 11:36 AM
I too am a member of the PGR. I have been on about 9 missions in the last 5 weeks. I am not a veteran and have always looked for a way to "thank" our veterans for the sacrifices they have made. The PGR has answered that quest. I recommend joining and participating in as many missions as you can. I even worked hard creating a great way of displaying a full sized flag on the RT. Special hello to all Patriot Guard Riders!

12-01-2012, 01:42 AM
I have been with the PGR for just a short time but have been fairly busy with missions for funerals but the best ones are getting to escort the Honor Flights to or back from their trip to DC. area. When inWi got to stand a flag line for the returning heros from the Honor flight. Was REALLY a great honor for me.

12-01-2012, 09:39 PM
My wife (hansensmomx2) and I are PGR members. we joined because they were there for us when our son was killed in Iraq 15 Sept 2010. I am also retired AF. The missions and flag lines give us a sense of giving back and showing the respect and honor all fallen heros deserve. We make as many as we can. I am still working so it is hard to get to too many, but we try. We appreciate everyone that is a PGR member - thank you!!!

12-01-2012, 09:49 PM
I bought Spyder RT in October. I had joined PGR in June and participated in missions with my "cage", a GMC Sonoma. I ran my first mission within two weeks of picking up my Spyder
I am not a vet, having missed out on the draft lottery in the Vietnam era but my father served in Naval Aviation in WWII and Korea. I joined PGR to honor him.
I run missions to both Quantico National Cemetery and Arlington. Folks, it was one of the greatest things that you can utilize your Spyder for. And yes, there are NOT a lot of Spyders
running these missions!

12-02-2012, 12:46 AM
I joined the PGR this past Veterans day after completing the SpyderLovers.com Veterans Tribute video slideshow. I noticed that you (Oldmanzues) mentioned that you were an active member of PGR, so I checked out the web for information on the organization and pulled a copy of the banner for the slideshow. My first mission was on the next day escorting Sgt Peck (lost both legs & arms to an IED explosion) home from Walter Reed National Military Center to his specially built home in Fredericksburg, VA. It could not have been a better mission to be the first. Since then, I've completed 4 additional missions ( 2 Arlington National Cemetery, 1 - Deployment Send-off, and 1 Snowball Express Mission). Although I'm a retired Air Force veteran and currently continue serving as an Army civilian, there isn't a better way to continue to serve than to honor fellow fallen comrades. Now that I've joined PGR, I plan to be as active as I can... Tomorrow, the Virginia PGR has been invited to lead the 2nd Annual Tractors, Trucks, and Toys Christmas parade in Warsaw, VA. I plan to deck out the :spyder2: with Christmas decorations and blast my favorite Christmas music. I think I'll be ryding the funnest "TOY" there!! :D

I have been with the Patriot Guard since FEB 06. I will say many missions and leave it at that. I have more in the past.
To me, the PGR is the most rewarding thing in the world. Welcome. There are a lot PGR riders on here.
The Ohioprg.org site has a video on it about why the PGR does what it does. There are al kinds of PGR vid on U-tube. I have not played this one in a while, but search for Jessie Snow in Fairborn, Ohio. Silver Star. A couple videos, but one is on the faces of the riders on the way to the Cemetary. It was a cold and wet day, it showed.
Asusual, we were asked by some why we were there. We replied, it is our Honor to escort a fallen brother on his last trip.

12-02-2012, 12:55 AM
I live in Stafford and joined PGR a couple weeks ago. So far, I've done 2 Arlington National Cemetery missions... Haven't seen any Quantico missions posted except for today's Wreath mission (had to work today)... Looking forward to 'ryding' our Spyders in future PGR missions! :doorag:

I bought Spyder RT in October. I had joined PGR in June and participated in missions with my "cage", a GMC Sonoma. I ran my first mission within two weeks of picking up my Spyder
I am not a vet, having missed out on the draft lottery in the Vietnam era but my father served in Naval Aviation in WWII and Korea. I joined PGR to honor him.
I run missions to both Quantico National Cemetery and Arlington. Folks, it was one of the greatest things that you can utilize your Spyder for. And yes, there are NOT a lot of Spyders
running these missions!