View Full Version : My Last - 1st Impression

02-23-2008, 03:36 PM
You are heading up NC-209 on your way to Hellbender, Deals Gap, and The Dragon’s Tail to finish up on the Foothills Parkway. It is a beautiful, crisp, 60 degree February day in the North Carolina hills. No wind, no rain forecast and your ride under you running like a deer.

Climbing up into The Cherokee National Forest it is pure nirvana! You realize that you don’t have to be on The Dragon to get tight turns, narrow roads and beautiful scenery. It’s just you and your buddy and the next curve (which you don’t have long to wait for).

One tight turn after the other, your buddy is in the groove and so are you. It just doesn’t get any better than this!

Then, as a reminder that true perfection is never attainable there is salt residue on the road. No doubt put down a night or two before in anticipation of ice that never came, the salt has been pulverized into a fine layer of dust.

But you’re feeling too good to let this minor annoyance get you down while pushing it into every curve. Your buddy ahead is going hard and you don’t want him to think you can’t keep up. Knowing that pesky salt dusting can’t be good for traction you figure, so far so good, and you edge a bit closer to his rear tire.

Driving hard into a sharp left hander you notice the guard rail posts flashing by your peripheral vision. No shoulder cushion here as everything drops off into a steep canyon at roads edge.

And then it happens. An unexpected thin sheet of water 20 foot wide coming out of the bank and running across both lanes. You can see the debris and worst of all, a thick layer of salt turned to gooey slush.

You are within feet of your buddy’s rear tire as it kicks out. You know yours will do the same and you don’t even let up on the gas!

Death wish!? On my Suzuki M109R (or any other 2 wheeled machine) yes.

But I am riding my brand new Can-Am Spyder! The worst thing I have to worry about is Lamont’s ride kicking up rocks with that huge rear tire! My perfect paint! Ahhh!

You cannot possibly comprehend the confidence that comes from the Y-Factor. I hesitate even to attempt a description in print. You must ride it to understand it.

Please don’t get me wrong. The safety factor of the Spyder does have limits and it would be very bad to exceed them. But you are going to have to work very hard to do it. Nor do you have to tempt fate to enjoy this machine.

Simply put, the Spyder is the most technologically advanced, most effectively integrated road machine I have ever experienced. It is obvious that everyone involved with this product did their homework, put in the time and got it right the first time.

With over 400 twisted miles on my Spyder, this will be my last, 1st impression.

Thanks for the day Lamont. It is without a doubt, one to remember. But could you pick up the pace a little bit next time!?

02-23-2008, 04:31 PM
Thanks for the day Lamont. It is without a doubt, one to remember. But could you pick up the pace a little bit next time!?

I'll see what I can do Bro :bigthumbsup: :doorag: ;D :spyder: