View Full Version : I didn't THINK Erags could do it...and I was right!

11-10-2012, 03:16 PM
I didn't think Ed (Erags) would make it until Monday without needing a transfusion...and he couldn't. All his blood counts are plummeting :yikes: ..so we have to stay at the hospital until he receives 2 units red cells and a big bag of platelets. I guess decreasing his chemo dose by 20% didn't really do much to decrease chemo toxicity. The blood should help his lightheadedness, I hope. The good news is we don't have to come back tomorrow for lab work since he's getting transfused today.

Weather is gorgeous here; maybe I'll go for a ride tomorrow while he watches football...any Gulf Coast riders up for a ride? Enjoy your weekend, folks.

11-10-2012, 04:08 PM
Healing light, energy, and:pray: your way!!

11-10-2012, 04:10 PM
Our thoughts and prayers continue to go with you.

11-10-2012, 04:20 PM
Here are some prayers for Erags.

Our thoughts and prayers continue to go with you.

11-10-2012, 04:59 PM
The day hasn't been ALL bad...he's been Skype-ing with NancysToy for the past hour or so. Internet connection at the hospital is great.

11-10-2012, 06:41 PM
Thoughts and prayers for both of you.

11-10-2012, 07:12 PM
Praying for Erags, can't ride tomorrow, got to prepare for next weekend to Arkansas.

11-11-2012, 08:10 AM
After Ed got three units of red cells and one unit of platelets, his hemoglobin is only 8 and his platelets 15,000...neither one is in the range the doctor wanted to see. He's ordered another lab be drawn from Ed's arm (the other ones have been from his port). If that's no better, we'll be staying for another unit of red cells and platelets, THEN we can go home.

I'm planning on riding today (no idea where yet) while he watches TV....is it OK for a football widow to get Spyder therapy? Or should I be staying home?...no, that's not gonna happen! :pray: for better results on his blood counts.

Cruzr Joe
11-11-2012, 08:52 AM
Praying for Erags, can't ride tomorrow, got to prepare for next weekend to Arkansas.

Whats going on in Arkansas next weekend??? I live in Arkansas.

Cruzr Joe

Sent by morse code from a hidden bunker

11-11-2012, 09:25 AM
Fingers crossed for a speedy recover....


11-11-2012, 09:35 AM
:pray::pray: Prayers to you both.