View Full Version : Gangs

11-08-2012, 08:42 PM
Was at the final Car, Truck and Bike show at Bessinger's BBQ last nite. Hubby (Tobor 9) and I were on our rydes, telling people all about them. 1 person asked me if I was in a gang. Told him we used to be in the Young Republicans but we got too old! He laughed and talked to us for about 20 mins about the :ani29:. (Being a smart ass has it's advantages - hubby says it beats being a dumb ass!!!)

11-08-2012, 08:47 PM
My brother always said a 'smart a_s' is someone who can sit on a jellybean and tell you what color it is!

Bob Denman
11-09-2012, 07:29 AM
No doult; setting conversation's tone in the beginning can make or break the encounter. You handled what I would have thought was a pretty bone-headed comment nicely! :thumbup: