View Full Version : Best Spyder Complement Ever!!

11-02-2012, 07:53 AM
Last Friday we got the best complement ever on our :spyder2:'s... We rode the 'Spyder Twins' to Shenandoah National Park in Virginia to rdye the 105 mile Skyline Drive. The drive has about 75 outlooks to stop and take in the awesome scenery. During one of our outlook stops, we were gearing back up to get back on the drive when a van load of elderly couples just arrived, gathered around our :spyder2:'s and began asking questions. For thirty minutes, we chatted and answered their questions. At the end, one of the gentlemen began chuckling and said, "Look at us, we're stopped at a beautiful outlook in Shenandoah National Park and we're here admiring your Spyders!!" That's when I realized they haven't even looked over to see the awesome scenery. Nearly every stop had a few questions, no wonder it took us 8 hours to finish the drive!! :doorag:


11-02-2012, 08:10 AM
Everyone likes being polite but your Spyders do look awesome. No wonder they all stop and admire. Nice Job.:clap:

Bob Denman
11-02-2012, 08:42 AM
The scenery was even better in the parking area! :2thumbs: :clap: :firstplace:

11-02-2012, 09:23 AM
I've always found you have to plan extra time on any trip for just such things. Took me an hour just to get into the
barber shop. One guy followed me for 6 miles just to get a better look at the :spyder2: and ask questions. This brought
out 5-6 more people to look and ask questions. For me this is part of being a :spyder2: owner. :yikes: