View Full Version : Long time no post!

10-19-2012, 11:47 PM
Forgive me SpyderLovers for I have sinned. It's been many weeks since my last post.

Some who are Facebook friends know that my time has been con-SUMED with our new office building. You can read all about our office park we're developing here-- www.CorporateGreenTyler.com and see more details on our first building here - www.BurksGenCore.com/green The building is a new home for our software company and for my wife's family counseling business. We expect to move into it around 12/27/12. We'll be having a couple of open house events around April/May after we get the kinks out and the rhythm established. I'll post an invite!

I love playing with LEDs. Darth, our 2010 RTS is pretty loaded up with purple LEDs and some other stuff. Well, we're constructing a new office with..... yup... LEDs. While the subcontractors are busy putting up wall board, HVAC, glass, etc., I've been busy preparing modules and specialty LED enhancements for the building. I've also been working closely with our electrical contractor to use lots of LED fixtures in stead of florescent (further driving down the energy usage) along with a Crestron Lighting and building management computer system (driving it further down). The LED fixtures do cost more, but the ROI is in the 2-4 year range.

Here's some proof.....
This is a 10' diameter light I'm making for one of our large rooms. It is actually our logo (when it's finished). The white LEDs you see and the other RGB LEDs that are not on, all go together to blow a bunch of light up, on to a large flat white disk so it will cascade down into the room. And it'll look cool.

This is a computer rendering of the finished product in the room.

I'm also lining our rock walls at the bottom with RGB LEDs. In the pic, I only have the red and green turned on (except for the one on the right). All together, we're installing 150 meters ( about 500') of LED strips to augment concrete and stone walls.

This is what the pure blue looks like on one of the walls when we were experimenting.

Here's a close up of the LED strips that we're installing.

This has nothing to do with the above, but I had to post it. Made me think of Len and the gang!!!!!!
So...... Sorry for my lack of posting, but likely after about February/March area... I'll be back.

Phil, Tyler TX- from my iPad3.5 using Tapatalk HD

10-20-2012, 01:55 AM
Welcome back. Will look forward to more posts. :thumbup:

10-20-2012, 07:02 AM
Phil sends out weekly updates on the building progress, complete with pictures and captions. It's fun to see it grow. I look forward to parking my Spyder in the the 'SPYDER ONLY' designated parking lot & white water rafting down the GenCore creek!

10-20-2012, 08:43 AM
Hey Phil, Been keeping track of your progress via the updates. Figured you were up to your ears in...er, LEDs. Glad you could come up for breath and visit us for a moment.

Bob Denman
10-20-2012, 05:32 PM
:agree: It's good to hear from you! :thumbup: Those LEDs can sure be addicting; can't they? :shocked:

10-21-2012, 02:46 PM
Bob- yup. I need a 12 step program!
Roger- this is an entirely different level of LED work complete with DMX controllers, amplifiers, 5 different kinds of LED strings, aluminum channel profiles to hold the LED strips ordered from China, the works. Big learning experience. Doing it on Darth is one thing. Doing it on a brand new $4mil building is another thing entirely!
Mark- I found that our ADA access sidewalk is juuuuust wide enough to squeeze Darth onto the front patio by my office :)

Phil, Tyler TX- from my iPad3.5 using Tapatalk HD