View Full Version : Dead Bugs

10-14-2012, 03:03 PM
The cold weather has set in here in southern Minnesota. So, it allows me to do some major bug removal from by bike. The issue I am having has to do with the dead bug bodies that have gotten into the headlight housings. Is there an easy way to clean them out?

Grandpa Pete
10-14-2012, 04:01 PM
I live up in Rockford, Mn and thats a great ? Help:banghead::banghead::banghead:

Bob Denman
10-15-2012, 07:03 AM
Elbow grease; too much elbow grease... :gaah:

10-15-2012, 08:42 AM
The cold weather has set in here in southern Minnesota. So, it allows me to do some major bug removal from by bike. The issue I am having has to do with the dead bug bodies that have gotten into the headlight housings. Is there an easy way to clean them out?

I have used S100. It is a spray cleaner and works great. Just spray it on and hose it off. Hope this helps. Got it at mu local HD dealer.

Arr MiHardies
10-15-2012, 09:42 AM
I have used S100. It is a spray cleaner and works great. Just spray it on and hose it off. Hope this helps. Got it at mu local HD dealer.

I think he is talking about bugs being INSIDE the headlights. Not stuck to the outside surface.

10-15-2012, 10:08 AM
:dontknow: Don't have more than 5 or 6 spatters on the whole bike & I rode all summer?? BTW, don't use anything but warm water and dish soap on any clear surfaces on your Spyder, if you want them to stay clear.

10-15-2012, 07:55 PM
I think he is talking about bugs being INSIDE the headlights. Not stuck to the outside surface.

Inside, not outside.

However, on the stuff that gets on the outside, I just spent the better part of two days getting bugs, tar, grease and dirt off of the outside of my white limited. It looks like new but we are supposed to have 75 degrees tomorrow and my wife says we are going for a ride. It should't take as long to clean it next time and we love to ride. Dirt and bugs give me purpose.

10-15-2012, 08:38 PM
Dead bugs don't bother me, It's the live ones that do. :yikes:
But in the rare times i do clean the dead ones i use a spray polish wax.
Spray it on Waite a little then wipe it off.

08-02-2014, 04:27 PM
Does the front covers on headlights come off easily. I have a lot of little bugs in behind front lenses.

The cold weather has set in here in southern Minnesota. So, it allows me to do some major bug removal from by bike. The issue I am having has to do with the dead bug bodies that have gotten into the headlight housings. Is there an easy way to clean them out?

Bob Ledford
08-02-2014, 06:11 PM
If your getting bugs behind the lenses of your front light assemblies that spells trouble in paradise. Remove the light assembly,do a very close inspect the eams and find where the defect is at. Mark it with tape or a non permanent marker. Finish taking t apart. Remember to wipe the chrome plating off before putting it back together . This would be a good time to find a good clean glove cotton lint less soft without any scratch ability. If they Us
ue a o-ring seal replace it or use a clear liquid silicone type sealer to insure you get a good tight seal.

Patinence. Will give you a good repair attention to detail will make it excellent
Good luck with it:yes:
