View Full Version : Wind? What wind?

09-25-2012, 03:07 PM
Hubby (Adirondack Mike) got me a Cal-Sci windshield for my birthday and he installed it today. Now, I'm a big scaredy cat when it comes to ryding in the wind. I dislike, but can manage the sustained winds. The gusts throw me off balance and make me grab on. There have been beautifully sunny, but very windy days when I don't ryde because I hate the wind that much.

I just returned from a ride along the lake where the winds were about 15 mph. I could tell it was windy as the jacket under my arms was flapping. (I had a denim jacket). I kept waiting for the scary gusts. :yikes: If there were any, :dontknow: I didn't feel them. :yes::yes::yes: Both the Spyder and my body were perfectly stable in the wind. In fact, I didn't even feel a need to brace myself in any way. I can't believe I'm hoping it will be windier tomorrow, so I can test it again. :roflblack:

As for the clarity- no problems whatsoever. I highly recommend this windshield. :2thumbs: It is going to make a huge difference in my riding. If you're on the fence about purchasing one for your Spyder, don't be. You won't be disappointed. I LOVE it. :clap::clap::clap:

Adirondack Mik
09-25-2012, 03:47 PM
I liked the free tire gauge.:ohyea::ohyea::ohyea:

09-25-2012, 04:11 PM
:clap::yes:Great News :yes::clap:

:thumbup::clap:Teddy & I are so glad to hear this:thumbup::clap:

:shocked:As we've been following your adventure with the wind issues:sour:

:helpsmilie:So give us some details, like which size did your wonderful husband:firstplace: order for you:dontknow:

:chat: Did you try it at different heights and get different results:hun:

:dontknow:With the size you have, do you look thru it or over it with it all the way down:hun:

:rolleyes:Inquiring minds want to know:rolleyes:

Adirondack Mik
09-25-2012, 04:35 PM
Her wonderful husband, :ohyea:ordered a medium, the shortest clear windshield offered. Roberta is 5' 4" and it appears to work well for her. I sort of snuck it out before she tried it and it was day and night. You look at that big hole in the center and feel nothing from it. I'm 6' and if I lived farther south would opt for that size. I ride my HD without a shield because I like the wind, but with the medium there was no push on my helmet or any part of my torso regardless. Great product, and liked the free air gauge , has to be better than BRP's.

09-25-2012, 04:45 PM
Today (my first day with the windshield), I did not notice any difference with regard to wind impact and height. However, I rode with the windshield at the lowest point throughout the highest speed limits. When I turned onto a less busy road with lower speed limits, I experimented with the raised windshield. The conditions weren't the same so I cant give an accurate comparison. I rode at 55-57 with the windshield down during the windiest parts. It performed perfectly

With the windshield down,I am looking over it. However, it's still blocking the wind. I have a 3/4 helmet and nothing buffeted my shield or helmet. In fact, there's nothing buffeting me at all. I can't believe it. I felt my jacket flapping, but no body or Spyder buffeting.

i am about 5'4 -5'5. I have a med shield and sit up straight.

09-25-2012, 05:46 PM
I love my cal-sci windshield too. I have a RS so it doesn't adjust but I wouldn't move it anyway. I'm 5'9" And with my 4" risers and Corbin seat, I sit up straight too. Before the cal-sci I too dreaded the afternoon winds. The gusts not only tried to knock me off the bike but would lurch the bike forward in the middle of a curve. Scary is an understatement. With the cal-sci and that funky hole, the buffeting is gone. Now I can enjoy my Ryde to work in the calm morning and going home in the gusting wind. The windshield is perfectly clear and easy to clean. I bought the medium and my sight line is just over the top of the shield. I highly recommend this product.

09-25-2012, 05:54 PM
We were on mt Washington, NH last Tuesday 25-30 mph on way up then the wind came up on way down 60-70 mph at summit . After we got down they closed the mt to bikes. LOVE MY SPIDER yes I do.:yes::yes::yes::yes:Oh did I mention rain and fog:bowdown::bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:Bob

09-25-2012, 06:04 PM
I love my cal-sci windshield too. I have a RS so it doesn't adjust but I wouldn't move it anyway. I'm 5'9" And with my 4" risers and Corbin seat, I sit up straight too. Before the cal-sci I too dreaded the afternoon winds. The gusts not only tried to knock me off the bike but would lurch the bike forward in the middle of a curve. Scary is an understatement. With the cal-sci and that funky hole, the buffeting is gone. Now I can enjoy my Ryde to work in the calm morning and going home in the gusting wind. The windshield is perfectly clear and easy to clean. I bought the medium and my sight line is just over the top of the shield. I highly recommend this product.

Yup- seems I also got gusts during any curve. I would be bracing one way and the gust would seem to appear from a different direction. If the weather holds from rain tomorrow, the Hubs and I are going to test it in a wind farm area. :ohyea:

09-25-2012, 07:21 PM
Do you look over or through the windshield with a medium? I am 5'11" and was trying to decide on the large or xl. I have the BRP 25" touring and the side deflectors but get a terrible exhaust smell because of backdraft. I was told this shield would solve that problem. Do you have the side deflectors?

I love my cal-sci windshield too. I have a RS so it doesn't adjust but I wouldn't move it anyway. I'm 5'9" And with my 4" risers and Corbin seat, I sit up straight too. Before the cal-sci I too dreaded the afternoon winds. The gusts not only tried to knock me off the bike but would lurch the bike forward in the middle of a curve. Scary is an understatement. With the cal-sci and that funky hole, the buffeting is gone. Now I can enjoy my Ryde to work in the calm morning and going home in the gusting wind. The windshield is perfectly clear and easy to clean. I bought the medium and my sight line is just over the top of the shield. I highly recommend this product.

09-26-2012, 06:46 AM
I recently installed my large Cal-Sci windshield, and am very pleased with it. Right after installation I took a 600 mile trip and it seemed to perform as advertised; far less buffeting, and far less noise.

i am 5' 8" or so and get a bifocal view with the windshield in the down position of my 2012 RT. I think now that I should have gotten the medium, but regret are only minor.

i did notice some glare with the late afternoon sun, but sunglasses completed eliminated that. No such glare from headlights, etc at night.

many bugs during trip, but plain water and soft rag removed them and brought shield back to being clean and perfectly clear again.

Bob Denman
09-26-2012, 07:15 AM
Glad to hear that the Cal-Sci windshield is working as advertised for you. :thumbup:
Dear Santa.... http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/8/8_2_83v.gif

09-26-2012, 10:46 AM
I recently installed my large Cal-Sci windshield, and am very pleased with it. Right after installation I took a 600 mile trip and it seemed to perform as advertised; far less buffeting, and far less noise.

i am 5' 8" or so and get a bifocal view with the windshield in the down position of my 2012 RT. I think now that I should have gotten the medium, but regret are only minor.

i did notice some glare with the late afternoon sun, but sunglasses completed eliminated that. No such glare from headlights, etc at night.

many bugs during trip, but plain water and soft rag removed them and brought shield back to being clean and perfectly clear again.

Do you feel that the extra width made for a warmer ride?

Adirondack Mik
09-26-2012, 11:11 AM
I personally can't tell yet. It was 70 yesterday which is sunbathing weather for some of us Yankees:ohyea: I was more impressed by the size of the vent hole in the shield. I kept putting my hand behind it to see if the wind was whistling thru and felt very little. I sent an Email to Mark this morning telling him how much I liked his product.:yes:

09-26-2012, 11:32 AM
I personally can't tell yet. It was 70 yesterday which is sunbathing weather for some of us Yankees:ohyea: I was more impressed by the size of the vent hole in the shield. I kept putting my hand behind it to see if the wind was whistling thru and felt very little. I sent an Email to Mark this morning telling him how much I liked his product.:yes:

70 is our night time low temp! I had a CalSci on a RS/GS and I know they have good products but I'm worried that the extra width might not be a good thing here in Las Vegas. With you being 6' tall and with the medium shield if you raise it to the highest are you still looking over it? I'm 5'10" and I ride with the shield at the lowest point on my 2010 RT.

Adirondack Mik
09-26-2012, 11:48 AM
With the shield all way up I don't feel I'm bifocaled, you might be. If you are interested in a shorter shield I would call Mark. Although, they only show the shorty tinted he could probably cut one down for you. In Vegas you might want the tinted shorty.

09-26-2012, 11:53 AM

Her,s their site- It tells you how much lower and wider the different sizes are compared to 2010-2012 RT,s!
I had one put on my 09GS as a" throw in" for the purchase and Never felt any problems with passing or being behind Semi,s !
Theres a Good amount of air coming thru the hole BUT you never feel it directly on the body- Although it has to make it more comfortable in the Summer!nojoke

09-26-2012, 10:31 PM
Ordered my calsci windshield today. Hope it solves my exhaust fume problems. Can't wait for it to get here!

09-26-2012, 11:10 PM
Cold weather season is right around the corner, and I'm gonna need something if I want to ride this RS-S in the off season. Once the temps drop below 60, it is painfully freezing to ride RS-S in the wind....

09-27-2012, 06:54 AM
Cold weather season is right around the corner, and I'm gonna need something if I want to ride this RS-S in the off season. Once the temps drop below 60, it is painfully freezing to ride RS-S in the wind....

Maybe we can get together after I get it and you can see what you think about it. I need to get together with warlock too. Want to check out that ultimate seat. Got a feeling I will have one of those by the end of the year

Bob Denman
09-27-2012, 06:55 AM
"Off-Season"??? :shocked: Does such a thing exist?? :yikes:

09-27-2012, 07:42 AM
This thread convinced me to order one, so I just did. XL for RS model. Thanks for a very detailed write up.

09-27-2012, 08:02 AM
1,000 miles on XL Calsci and love it. I originally ordered the medium based on chart. But had severe head bobble. Call Mike and returned the meduim for XL...No questions asked. Mike shipped same day that he received the exchange. Awesome customer service IMHO.:clap::ohyea:

09-27-2012, 08:17 AM
Maybe we can get together after I get it and you can see what you think about it. I need to get together with warlock too. Want to check out that ultimate seat. Got a feeling I will have one of those by the end of the year

I've been reluctant to buy a windshield because I love the sporty look of my RS and thought a shield would take away from it. But I have to do something if I want to ride in the off-season.

Option 1.....look sporty and sit in the garage
Option 2.....look less sporty and ride.....

Bob Denman
09-27-2012, 08:25 AM
"Ride" wins! :firstplace:

09-27-2012, 09:18 AM
I like option 2. The good thing about the windshield is with 4 screws you can change so easy! UPS says my calsci will be here Wednesday.

09-27-2012, 10:23 AM
"Ride" wins! :firstplace:


09-27-2012, 10:24 AM
I like option 2. The good thing about the windshield is with 4 screws you can change so easy! UPS says my calsci will be here Wednesday.

You're right....3 minutes and it's back to normal. :thumbup:

09-27-2012, 04:32 PM
Do you look over or through the windshield with a medium? I am 5'11" and was trying to decide on the large or xl. I have the BRP 25" touring and the side deflectors but get a terrible exhaust smell because of backdraft. I was told this shield would solve that problem. Do you have the side deflectors?

I look just over the top and I have no deflectors on my bike now. So far, haven't needed any.

Adirondack Mik
09-27-2012, 05:38 PM
"Off-Season"??? :shocked: Does such a thing exist?? :yikes:

Off season for us Yankees Bob means when they close the schools for a snow day.:ohyea:

Bob Denman
09-28-2012, 07:02 AM
While all of the "frozen-brains" are out chumming for "Champie"?

09-28-2012, 07:40 AM
1,000 miles on XL Calsci and love it. I originally ordered the medium based on chart. But had severe head bobble. Call Mike and returned the meduim for XL...No questions asked. Mike shipped same day that he received the exchange. Awesome customer service IMHO.:clap::ohyea:

XL on your RSS? how tall are you and are you looking thru the shield or over it?

09-28-2012, 12:37 PM
Hubby (Adirondack Mike) got me a Cal-Sci windshield for my birthday and he installed it today. Now, I'm a big scaredy cat when it comes to ryding in the wind. I dislike, but can manage the sustained winds. The gusts throw me off balance and make me grab on. There have been beautifully sunny, but very windy days when I don't ryde because I hate the wind that much.

I just returned from a ride along the lake where the winds were about 15 mph. I could tell it was windy as the jacket under my arms was flapping. (I had a denim jacket). I kept waiting for the scary gusts. :yikes: If there were any, :dontknow: I didn't feel them. :yes::yes::yes: Both the Spyder and my body were perfectly stable in the wind. In fact, I didn't even feel a need to brace myself in any way. I can't believe I'm hoping it will be windier tomorrow, so I can test it again. :roflblack:

As for the clarity- no problems whatsoever. I highly recommend this windshield. :2thumbs: It is going to make a huge difference in my riding. If you're on the fence about purchasing one for your Spyder, don't be. You won't be disappointed. I LOVE it. :clap::clap::clap:

Ya sold me! I ordered mine on Wednesday. Will be here by Monday. My biggest issue with the stock RT-S windscreen is the NOISE ... from the wind, from the road, and from the muffler. All noises seem to converge right behind the stock windscreen and funnel into my helmet. Am looking forward to more comfortable rides, starting next week.
Thanks for the good review.

09-28-2012, 12:48 PM
XL on your RSS? how tall are you and are you looking thru the shield or over it?

I believe the XL is a few inches talker than medium. Im 6'0 with 33 inseam and look over it. My wife is 5'2 and looks thru it.

Bob Denman
09-28-2012, 12:51 PM
. My biggest issue with the stock RT-S windscreen is the NOISE ... from the wind, from the road, and from the muffler. All noises seem to converge right behind the stock windscreen and funnel into my helmet.

:agree: I'm looking for a quieter ride; without having to leave the Missus at home! :roflblack:

09-28-2012, 01:07 PM
I just talked to mark at calsci and he said I would need a XL on a RS I am 5'11. I hope everyone on here is right and this is the bomb.com. I will let you know next week when I get it and after old blue gets out of the shop. I have to put it in today, I am getting a check transmission message. :pray: I hope there is nothing big wrong it only has about 3600 miles on it.

Bob Denman
09-28-2012, 01:13 PM
Good Luck, an I hope that you can spring Old Blue from the dealers soon! :thumbup:
I'm gonna have to talk with you some about "Dune"... ;)

09-28-2012, 01:41 PM
No problem, that is my favorite movie of all time. My wife tries runs everytime shes sees its on tv somewhere.

Bob Denman
09-28-2012, 02:22 PM
I'll send you a PM so as not to hijack the thread... :thumbup:

09-28-2012, 06:18 PM
I made my own for my 08 GS a long time ago.....then bought the RSS and needed something for that...I lucked out and got a slightly used F-1 ( not made any-more ? ) at a great price......it works for me...it's 30 inches from the "V" to the top with all sorts of curves molded into it.....Mike...:thumbup:

10-03-2012, 07:58 PM
I'm 5' 11" with a 31" inseam. I received my XL Calsci today and all I can say is:


I love this windshield! I probably would have been satisfied with the large but decided at the last minute to get the XL since I sit on a seat pad.

You owe it to yourself and your passenger to get a Calsci.

10-03-2012, 08:16 PM
How tall is the new windshield???? I am looking for one that is about 26 in. tall
__________________________________________________ ___________________

Hubby (Adirondack Mike) got me a Cal-Sci windshield for my birthday and he installed it today. Now, I'm a big scaredy cat when it comes to ryding in the wind. I dislike, but can manage the sustained winds. The gusts throw me off balance and make me grab on. There have been beautifully sunny, but very windy days when I don't ryde because I hate the wind that much.

I just returned from a ride along the lake where the winds were about 15 mph. I could tell it was windy as the jacket under my arms was flapping. (I had a denim jacket). I kept waiting for the scary gusts. :yikes: If there were any, :dontknow: I didn't feel them. :yes::yes::yes: Both the Spyder and my body were perfectly stable in the wind. In fact, I didn't even feel a need to brace myself in any way. I can't believe I'm hoping it will be windier tomorrow, so I can test it again. :roflblack:

As for the clarity- no problems whatsoever. I highly recommend this windshield. :2thumbs: It is going to make a huge difference in my riding. If you're on the fence about purchasing one for your Spyder, don't be. You won't be disappointed. I LOVE it. :clap::clap::clap:

10-03-2012, 08:56 PM
I received my Calsci XL windshield last week, I'M 6'4", installed it quickly, cleaned it up, and it is GREAT

I still get a little buffeting across the top of my head (which is fine) but the major difference between the stock windshield and the Calsci windshield:

1) stock windshield: when the wind picks up, you and your ryde feel the buffeting and back draft (or whatever its called):yikes::yikes::yikes:

2) Calsci windshield: when the wind pickS up, only your ryde feels it, I am NOT being tossed around on my seat :yes::yes:

oh, and another thing... with the Calsci windshield I can actually hear the radio....;)


10-03-2012, 09:57 PM
Just bought the XL Cal-Sci. Will be here Friday. Hope she works good.....

10-03-2012, 11:56 PM
Just bought the XL Cal-Sci. Will be here Friday. Hope she works good.....

Got my XL calsci in today and installed. Rode from work to home but it was raining so haven't had a chance to really test yet. Will Ryde some tomorrow and report back.

10-04-2012, 08:43 AM
Got my XL calsci in today and installed. Rode from work to home but it was raining so haven't had a chance to really test yet. Will Ryde some tomorrow and report back.

Will be awaiting your feedback.....

10-04-2012, 08:58 AM
I should be receiving mine tomorrow, but won't be able to install it until the SPyder gets out of the shop. They were supposed to start working on it yesterday or today. I hope I hear something to day and it is good news.:pray:

10-04-2012, 09:50 AM
The difference this windshield has made is unbelievable! I rode to work this morning around 5AM and realized I never put my helmet visor down. I didn't need to with all the protection this windshield provides from the wind! With it all the way down, I am looking OVER the top, not through it. This windshield allows me to ride with it all the way down with a similar feeling of the OEM when it was around 1/3 of the way up. The CalSci blocks much more of the shoulders and arms than the OEM. If I had to complain about anything, it would be that it eliminates too much of the wind! I might need more wind flow in the summer.
The bottom line is it's AWESOME!

10-04-2012, 10:20 AM
The difference this windshield has made is unbelievable! I rode to work this morning around 5AM and realized I never put my helmet visor down. I didn't need to with all the protection this windshield provides from the wind! With it all the way down, I am looking OVER the top, not through it. This windshield allows me to ride with it all the way down with a similar feeling of the OEM when it was around 1/3 of the way up. The CalSci blocks much more of the shoulders and arms than the OEM. If I had to complain about anything, it would be that it eliminates too much of the wind! I might need more wind flow in the summer.
The bottom line is it's AWESOME!

You're really making me excited about mine with a post like this. You might want to decrease the size of the "awesome" word at the end, gets my hopes up just a little.....LOL

Bob Denman
10-04-2012, 10:20 AM
You guys sure are making this tougher on me... :shocked:
Windshield/ BajaRonBar??? :dontknow:

10-04-2012, 10:31 AM
Spend it while you got it, you can't take it with you!

Bob Denman
10-04-2012, 10:44 AM
Now... which size did you get?
I'm hiding behind the 2010 "Barn door" model right now... :shocked:
At it lowest position; I'm forced to stare through it for about half of my road vision...
Any suggestions?
Thanks! :thumbup:

10-04-2012, 10:50 AM
Now... which size did you get?
I'm hiding behind the 2010 "Barn door" model right now... :shocked:
At it lowest position; I'm forced to stare through it for about half of my road vision...
Any suggestions?
Thanks! :thumbup:

Unless that is how you like it, trimming it is not hard to do........of course once done it can't be undone..Mike

10-04-2012, 10:57 AM
Now... which size did you get?
I'm hiding behind the 2010 "Barn door" model right now... :shocked:
At it lowest position; I'm forced to stare through it for about half of my road vision...
Any suggestions?
Thanks! :thumbup:I would recommend the Large. Mark recommended it but at the last minute I changed it to an XL since I sit on a pad. I still might send it back and get the Large but right now I am enjoying it too much! Did it mention that it's awesome!

Bob Denman
10-04-2012, 11:02 AM
Somebody might have told me that you said that... :D
Thanks! A Large; it is! :ohyea:

10-04-2012, 11:35 AM
I don't mind "over-sizing" for my situation, because I'm only using it for cool weather riding. I want as much cold air blocking as I can get. Then once it's warm again, I'm back to sport shield.

10-04-2012, 11:52 AM
I would recommend the Large. Mark recommended it but at the last minute I changed it to an XL since I sit on a pad. I still might send it back and get the Large but right now I am enjoying it too much! Did it mention that it's awesome!

Thinking of One for my New 2012 RT?
With stock I,m looking over the top but about 30 yards down the road.
I might get the Large (1 1/2 Inch Shorter Than stock ) so I have a little better view over it but move it Up on cold days!
Does it effect Highway stability like on My RS and Hows the Gas Mileage ? Any Worse???

10-04-2012, 01:04 PM
Thinking of One for my New 2012 RT?
With stock I,m looking over the top but about 30 yards down the road.
I might get the Large (1 1/2 Inch Shorter Than stock ) so I have a little better view over it but move it Up on cold days!
Does it effect Highway stability like on My RS and Hows the Gas Mileage ? Any Worse???I recommend the Large. I don't have enough time with it yet to comment on stability or gas mileage. To be honest, I don't care about gas mileage and have never checked my Spyder. When the light comes on, I fill it up.

Bob Denman
10-04-2012, 01:10 PM
Unless that is how you like it, trimming it is not hard to do........of course once done it can't be undone..Mike

Ahhh... I ain't that good with a sharp knife. I've even got the scars to prove it! :shocked:

And I'm also interested in seeing if the wider top will give a bit quieter pocket of air around me...

10-04-2012, 01:13 PM
And I'm also interested in seeing if the wider top will give a bit quieter pocket of air around me...YES! It's awesome! You won't be disappointed.

10-04-2012, 02:19 PM
Just got back from about a 20 mile Ryde to test out my new cal-sci. I already had a 25" BRP ultra touring with the side wind deflectors. The wind deflectors cause a backdraft which brings in exhaust fumes on me. Was told that the calsci would delete this backdraft because of the venting and solve my problem. Sad to say I got off the bike still smelling like I crawled out of the exhaust pipe. I do like the shield though and it is not the problem. Allows a little more wind on my arms and hands than the BRP shield but all in all I thought it was good. Probably looks more sportier. I just wasn't the solution to my problem. I know the easiest solution is to remove the side deflectors but I love them. Just ordered 2 Honda Y gaskets to replace those and see if maybe that helps any. Wishing I could get this problem solved ASAP! Any other suggestions?

Bob Denman
10-04-2012, 02:23 PM
We've got to keep track of who's on an RT, and who's on a GS/RS... :opps:

10-04-2012, 02:55 PM
Spyderrx....anymore thoughts on it besides your fume problem? Do you like your old windshield better?

10-04-2012, 04:25 PM
Spyderrx....anymore thoughts on it besides your fume problem? Do you like your old windshield better?

I do like my old shield better, especially for the winter, because it does block more wind. When compare side by side the BRP shield is wider overall. It also has the bottom part that extends out toward the mirrors that block the wind from your hands. I'm still going to do a little more testing and change those gaskets before making a final decision. The gaskets could be my whole problem to begin with. One thing I wanted to test that I didn't have the opportunity to, was how the wind hits you on the interstate if your behind or passed by a big rig. Get some buffeting with my old shield. Interested to see how the cal-sci performs in that aspect. Will do some more testing this weekend.

10-04-2012, 04:50 PM
I do like my old shield better, especially for the winter, because it does block more wind. When compare side by side the BRP shield is wider overall. It also has the bottom part that extends out toward the mirrors that block the wind from your hands. I'm still going to do a little more testing and change those gaskets before making a final decision. The gaskets could be my whole problem to begin with. One thing I wanted to test that I didn't have the opportunity to, was how the wind hits you on the interstate if your behind or passed by a big rig. Get some buffeting with my old shield. Interested to see how the cal-sci performs in that aspect. Will do some more testing this weekend.

Hmmm.....this goes against the hype this thread created.

Adirondack Mik
10-04-2012, 04:51 PM
We've got to keep track of who's on an RT, and who's on a GS/RS... :opps:

Rar has an RT and it's great. I ordered her a medium and could live with that myself. When I order mine for my RT which will arrive on Tuesday.:yes::yes::ohyea::ohyea: I will order a large. I'm 6' and although the medium would be great if I became a snow bird I think I will opt for a little more protection in the north.

Bob Denman
10-04-2012, 04:55 PM
Got it... :thumbup:
Are they starting to ice-fish out on the lake yet? :roflblack:

10-05-2012, 09:16 AM
Hmmm.....this goes against the hype this thread created.

I think most of the hype is from the RT owners apparently the new Cal Sci for the RT's is wider and shorter giving them a more comfortable ride. As for us RS owners it's still trial and error. I'm waiting on the 23" BRP ultra touring shield to arrive any day now. I tried the Madstad robobrackets but couldn't get that perfect fit and didn't care for the look. Let me know your thoughts on the Cal Sci and i'll post mine on the BRP touring.