View Full Version : OOPPSS moment

08-30-2012, 07:41 AM
Just thought I'd share a giggle for the day. I was waiting in a bit of traffic on my way to work yesterday, and the way a car pulled up beside me, I knew they wanted to ask some questions about my ryde. He asked how I liked the :spyder2:, and of course, I was only too happy to answer his questions. Ahhh the rock star treatment! Anyway, he asked how it handled on the highway, and just as I started to reply, She LOVES to cruise at about 75mph, I realized that he was a state police officer!!!!:opps: Just in the nick of time, I caught myself, and was able to say " She loves cruising at highway speeds" instead! :roflblack: When I got to work a few minutes later, I realized that the song playing on the radio was " I shot the sherriff" Anyone else have a "giggle" of the day?

Bob Denman
08-30-2012, 07:53 AM
Thanks for the chuckle! :roflblack:
Would that have been considered "rolling criminal intent" in your State? :shocked:

08-30-2012, 08:10 AM
Thanks for the chuckle! :yes:

Cruzr Joe
08-30-2012, 08:48 AM
That was funny, that Cop now has your # and will be watching for you when you are doing your " Highway Speeds" :lecturef_smilie:


08-30-2012, 10:47 AM
:roflblack: Oh how funny.

Bob Denman
08-30-2012, 10:52 AM
The inadvertent background music just completes the entire story! :thumbup:


08-30-2012, 11:31 AM
I think i posted this once before, A few years ago i was stopped for speeding, When the officer came up to me i started to argue with him, I kept on saying why are you stopping me I'm only going 50mph [5 over], After he listened to me he said, The speed limit it 35mph. OUCH, I though it was 45mph, Never got the ticket.
Sometimes stupidity with a little bit of honesty Thrown in helps.

08-30-2012, 11:35 AM
That was a funny incident. Thank you for sharing. :yes::yes:

08-30-2012, 07:41 PM
:shocked: :roflblack:

08-31-2012, 04:35 AM

Grandpa Spyder
08-31-2012, 05:29 AM
The Red Knights and I were on a ride when we stopped at a MC accident to assist. So we all pulled are bikes over along side the road out of traffic. Well several NC state police showed up and one was a Sargent. The Sargent came up and said who is operating that front bike. Well the front bike was me and I was ryding my Spyder. So I said that would be me. So he said come with me. When we got up to my Spyder and he wanted to know all about it. He loved it.

08-31-2012, 06:08 AM
Just thought I'd share a giggle for the day. I was waiting in a bit of traffic on my way to work yesterday, and the way a car pulled up beside me, I knew they wanted to ask some questions about my ryde. He asked how I liked the :spyder2:, and of course, I was only too happy to answer his questions. Ahhh the rock star treatment! Anyway, he asked how it handled on the highway, and just as I started to reply, She LOVES to cruise at about 75mph, I realized that he was a state police officer!!!!:opps: Just in the nick of time, I caught myself, and was able to say " She loves cruising at highway speeds" instead! :roflblack: When I got to work a few minutes later, I realized that the song playing on the radio was " I shot the sherriff" Anyone else have a "giggle" of the day?

That's a good one!! :roflblack: Bet it made his day too. :thumbup:

Cruzr Joe
08-31-2012, 11:24 AM
March 18, 1985 3 A.M. in the morning going through a little town in Arkansas, straight road with a small road crossing it, 4 way stop sign, no traffic, I slow down at the stop sign and continue on, BLUE LIGHTS pull me over, conversation goes something like this

Me: Why are you pulling me over officer
Officer: You failed to stop at the stop sign
Me: there was no other traffic around can you show me the difference between stopping and slowing down?

(new conversation as officer is hitting me over the head with nightstick)

Officer: Do you want me to stop or just slow down.

I now know the difference :banghead:

08-31-2012, 11:48 AM
Many years ago I was working nights at a small machine shop in Newark Del., in order to get back where I lived in New Castle I had to go thru an unmaned $.25 toll. I went around that cloverleaf night after night, pitch black dark, not a soul around nor a light of any sort except on the toll basket, throwing a quarter in thinking....'this is a complete waste of 25 cents if I even saw one!

So one very dark, foggy night I decided to drive thru the damn thing....which I did! Not 25 feet from the toll station all kinds of flashing lights, bright headlights and a yelp....yelp from the siren start happening about 4 feet off my rear bumper! What the hell.....:yikes: Where did he come from? So I stopped and rolled down the window....out of the fog this face..under a hat..slides up to the window, he stares at me for a few seconds, wags his finger...:lecturef_smilie: and says in a real deep voice..."you didn't put a quarter in the basket.....ALWAYS put a quarter in the basket!" Then he sort of slides back into the fog, the lights went out and it was pitch black again. :shocked:

I was totally spooked....did that even happen? I think so. Did I ever not pay the quarter again?....No way! I sure wasn't gonna chance running into THAT dude again!!

Bob Denman
08-31-2012, 02:18 PM
March 18, 1985 3 A.M. in the morning going through a little town in Arkansas, straight road with a small road crossing it, 4 way stop sign, no traffic, I slow down at the stop sign and continue on, BLUE LIGHTS pull me over, conversation goes something like this

Me: Why are you pulling me over officer
Officer: You failed to stop at the stop sign
Me: there was no other traffic around can you show me the difference between stopping and slowing down?

(new conversation as officer is hitting me over the head with nightstick)

Officer: Do you want me to stop or just slow down.

I now know the difference :banghead:

That's a pretty good way of explaining things; you even remember the date of this lesson to this day! :shocked: :thumbup: