View Full Version : Radar Detector

08-16-2012, 01:00 PM
Anyone have a preference for a Motorcycle Radar Detector? I'm looking for something that has in-helmet sound. I've been researching them on the web but prices are all over the place and I have no previous experience with these.

I know they are illegal in some states, I know some have lazer jamming capabilities, etc. Just looking for input.

On the other hand, maybe I should just call Doc! :yikes:

08-16-2012, 01:03 PM
On the other hand, maybe I should just call Doc! :yikes:

:agree: That would be Teddy's suggestion:agree:

Bob Denman
08-16-2012, 01:19 PM
:shocked: Go ahead and just stab me in the eye; if you don't need it because of what you're doing, then you don't need to buy one...;)
And if you do need it; maybe something about what you're doing needs changing! :roflblack:

08-16-2012, 01:58 PM
:shocked: Go ahead and just stab me in the eye; if you don't need it because of what you're doing, then you don't need to buy one...;)
And if you do need it; maybe something about what you're doing needs changing! :roflblack:

I didn't realize I asked for a lecture on lifestyle... :dontknow:

Calling Doc is looking better all the time!

08-16-2012, 03:46 PM
I currently run a Passport 8500 X50 and like it... but there are better units out now.. the 9500ix is probably what I would get if in the market for another. Shop around online-- you can find a deal. Company site: http://www.escortradar.com/passport9500ix-details.php?gclid=CPi-tOOA7bECFYgRNAodm0QALQ&ef_id=i2JPsnNY0k8AAE8z:20120816204005:s

The Escort Live setup is really cool. You load an app on your smartphone.. and then have a cable from phone to radar detector.... you get alerts on your phone..speed camera updates.... alerts when you're going too fast, etc....plus a whole lot more.

Right now I get sound from my 8500 X50 via cable into my Mix-It box (http://www.mixitproducts.com/) and plug it into the priority channel.. so it will cut my music and GPS which are plugged into other channels.

From the Mix-it I usually run a blue-tooth transmitter so I can then pick up everything that goes into the mix-it from my Sena SMH10. Sometimes I also just plug earbuds right into the Mix-it... or even output directly to the RT's audio system.

Do not EVER buy a Rocky Mountain Radar unit.

These guys did great reviews a few years ago.. wish they were still testing current models.

08-16-2012, 04:26 PM
I have the Whistler that fits in the same hole that the gas gauge was in. I has an optio for audio alarm but it comes with a very bright blue light led that wakes you up when it goes off. That being said I too would like it to give me a warning in the helmut but not sure if the option allows for that or not. The detector is very descrete, most people do not know what it is.

08-16-2012, 04:57 PM
I like this one www.valentine1.com/

08-16-2012, 05:43 PM
You can't go wrong with a Valentine1. Make sure to get the 12volt adapter and Audio output module. The only negative about the V1 is the price, but if it saves you from 1 ticket it'll pay for itself.


08-16-2012, 06:13 PM
Running the Whistler and the TPX waterproof unit.
Why 2 of them? Have you ever tried keeping up with Doc?



08-16-2012, 06:41 PM
Valentine is also decent.. but they have not kept up with others as far as technology.... photo speed traps, GPS, iphone app, etc......

The Whistler that goes in the dash looks really cool.... but gets pretty bad reviews compared to higher end units.

08-16-2012, 07:08 PM
Running the Whistler and the TPX waterproof unit.
Why 2 of them? Have you ever tried keeping up with Doc?



How do you like the TPX? Seems I saw a review where it did not test as effectively as a Passport X50.

08-16-2012, 07:17 PM
How do you like the TPX? Seems I saw a review where it did not test as effectively as a Passport X50.

The TXP sounds good until you start looking at performance. I like the water proof aspect and the optional cordless audio alert for the helmet. But performance is not good so it's not an option.

The Escort 8500 X50 has good performance as does the Bel-Tronics RX65. But I'm not seeing anywhere that they are waterproof. So what happens when it rains? And what about in helmet audio?

Some good information here though. I appreciate it.

08-16-2012, 07:18 PM
http://www.escortradar.com/passport9500ix-details.php + http://www.pashnit.com/product/cheetah_m27.html :thumbup:

08-16-2012, 07:30 PM
How do you like the TPX? Seems I saw a review where it did not test as effectively as a Passport X50.

Works GREAT, as good as my Valentine or passport did. They died in the rain.

Bob Denman
08-17-2012, 06:33 AM
Sorry Ron,
That was just the Insurace Agent in me flinching... Every time I ask someone if they've got any accidents or tickets and they start with, "Ummmm....", I know how costly the exercise is gonna get. :opps:

08-17-2012, 09:41 AM
The TXP sounds good until you start looking at performance. I like the water proof aspect and the optional cordless audio alert for the helmet. But performance is not good so it's not an option.

The Escort 8500 X50 has good performance as does the Bel-Tronics RX65. But I'm not seeing anywhere that they are waterproof. So what happens when it rains? And what about in helmet audio?

Some good information here though. I appreciate it.I have a valentine and have had the audio adapter to helmet it is a fight to keep the cords working because of the flex in the wind and every time you get off the bike unplug the way to go is one of these led displays mine was the 10 led from mark pryne mount it under the windshield on dash and you will see it if I'm in rain most blows over while moving or cover it or remove it I won't need it in bad rain anyway detectors have saved me way
More than their price over the years

08-17-2012, 09:55 AM
So what happens when it rains? And what about in helmet audio?
Here are your answers: http://www.legalspeeding.com/buy.htm ;)

08-17-2012, 10:27 AM
Here are your answers: http://www.legalspeeding.com/buy.htm ;)

It is amazing to me that they list detectors for motorcycles that are not waterproof. This box looks like a solution. I assume the face allows you to push the detectors buttons?

08-17-2012, 04:51 PM
I currently run a Passport 8500 X50 and like it... but there are better units out now.. the 9500ix is probably what I would get if in the market for another. Shop around online-- you can find a deal. Company site: http://www.escortradar.com/passport9500ix-details.php?gclid=CPi-tOOA7bECFYgRNAodm0QALQ&ef_id=i2JPsnNY0k8AAE8z:20120816204005:s

The Escort Live setup is really cool. You load an app on your smartphone.. and then have a cable from phone to radar detector.... you get alerts on your phone..speed camera updates.... alerts when you're going too fast, etc....plus a whole lot more.

Right now I get sound from my 8500 X50 via cable into my Mix-It box (http://www.mixitproducts.com/) and plug it into the priority channel.. so it will cut my music and GPS which are plugged into other channels.

From the Mix-it I usually run a blue-tooth transmitter so I can then pick up everything that goes into the mix-it from my Sena SMH10. Sometimes I also just plug earbuds right into the Mix-it... or even output directly to the RT's audio system.

Do not EVER buy a Rocky Mountain Radar unit.

These guys did great reviews a few years ago.. wish they were still testing current models.

What blue-tooth transmitter are you using?

08-17-2012, 05:17 PM
:shocked: if you don't need it because of what you're doing, then you don't need to buy one...;)
And if you do need it; maybe something about what you're doing needs changing! :roflblack:
I need it. And they need to change, not me :doorag:

Just put a sticker on your mirror that says "Objects in mirror are LOSING!"

Arr MiHardies
08-17-2012, 05:47 PM
Just put a sticker on your mirror that says "Objects in mirror are LOSING!"

... Or lapping you...

08-17-2012, 10:29 PM
The TXP sounds good until you start looking at performance. I like the water proof aspect and the optional cordless audio alert for the helmet. But performance is not good so it's not an option.

The Escort 8500 X50 has good performance as does the Bel-Tronics RX65. But I'm not seeing anywhere that they are waterproof. So what happens when it rains? And what about in helmet audio?

Some good information here though. I appreciate it.

You're not going to find a really good detector that is also waterproof---- you can use one of the waterproof boxes for it. I never boxed mine... just removed it when riding in the heavy rain... don't like to speed much in the rain anyway.

As far as helmet audio, you're going to have to integrate the radar audio signal into your audio stream....various ways to do this.. just depends on your current helmet setup.

An alert light setup could work also... you'd just want it really bright and always in your line of sight.

08-17-2012, 11:10 PM
This site has some good info:


08-18-2012, 12:41 AM
$500 for the radar detector, $625 for the laser jammer, $150 for the Vizalert, $160 for the mixer...

Might be cheaper to just get a few tickets! :roflblack:

08-18-2012, 09:15 AM
$500 for the radar detector, $625 for the laser jammer, $150 for the Vizalert, $160 for the mixer...

Might be cheaper to just get a few tickets! :roflblack:
That's how I feel. If I get caught speeding, I just pay for it. If paying for it hurts, I speed less. :opps:

If I spend that money on equipment to make it easier to speed, then... I speed more to justify the expense! :yikes:

Grandpa Spyder
08-18-2012, 01:01 PM
Just for info they are not legal to use in VA.

08-18-2012, 04:47 PM
This site has some good info:


Thank you for this one. As many sites as I visited, I had not found this one.

That's how I feel. If I get caught speeding, I just pay for it. If paying for it hurts, I speed less. :opps:

If I spend that money on equipment to make it easier to speed, then... I speed more to justify the expense! :yikes:

Excellent logic!:thumbup:

08-23-2012, 09:47 AM
Thanks everyone for all the help. You do have to weigh the cost of avoiding tickets with the cost of actually getting one. but there are hidden costs to getting a ticket like higher insurance costs, etc.

Right now I'm leaning to the BEL RX65. In most tests it is a bit better than the Passport 8500 X50. But it does depend on the test. There are a lot of variables which can put one ahead of the other depending.

I'm going for bang for the buck on this one and I may wish I'd gotten one of the top of the line units, we'll see.

Bob Denman
08-23-2012, 09:51 AM
Well more than half of the fun is in the shopping! :thumbup:
Seriously though...(Gawd I hate saying that!); I would think that getting the one that keeps you from getting stopped would be better than buying a bargain... "Biggest Bang For The Buck"? I think that I'd just want the Biggest Bang; but that's just me! :opps:

08-23-2012, 10:25 AM
Thanks everyone for all the help. You do have to weigh the cost of avoiding tickets with the cost of actually getting one. but there are hidden costs to getting a ticket like higher insurance costs, etc.

Right now I'm leaning to the BEL RX65. In most tests it is a bit better than the Passport 8500 X50. But it does depend on the test. There are a lot of variables which can put one ahead of the other depending.

I'm going for bang for the buck on this one and I may wish I'd gotten one of the top of the line units, we'll see.

Radar Detectors work well, As long your not in the lead or out by yourself.
When / if the lead vehicle is clocked, The vehicles behind will then catch the over spray and have time to slow down.

Arr MiHardies
08-23-2012, 10:49 AM
Radar Detectors work well, As long your not in the lead or out by yourself.
When / if the lead vehicle is clocked, The vehicles behind will then catch the over spray and have time to slow down.

Wouldn't work well for me then. I'm the type that prefers to speed up to get past other cars as opposed to slow down to let them get ahead.

08-23-2012, 11:08 AM
If you plan on visiting the fine province of Ontario, radar detectors are illegal. Fines range from 100 to 1000 dollars and your detector will be seized and destroyed. The provincial police have been using laser speed detectors on major highways recently and it has been claimed that they are taking pride in picking out the vehicle in the middle of the pack.

08-23-2012, 11:44 AM
I wouldn't spend too much money on a radar detector these days as the switch to laser guns is now in full swing. I've noticed that both the state and local police in my area have switched to using them. With laser, by the time the detector sounds a warning, it's too late. Radar detectors may soon be all but obsolete as better technology replaces age old radar. They may have a few years limited use left but laser guns are now out there in large numbers so real protection is sketchy at best.

You can go with a laser jammer but if they're not already illegal in your area they probably soon will be. It's one thing to passively receive a radar signal which is just a radio wave, it's entirely another thing to actively jam a law enforcement officer's equipment. I gotta believe police and legislators won't take too kindly to that.

Take heart in knowing that the Spyder is probably a lousy laser target with its highly angled and mostly plastic exterior. I'll bet it's difficult to quickly get a good read on one.

08-23-2012, 11:45 AM
If you plan on visiting the fine province of Ontario, radar detectors are illegal. Fines range from 100 to 1000 dollars and your detector will be seized and destroyed. The provincial police have been using laser speed detectors on major highways recently and it has been claimed that they are taking pride in picking out the vehicle in the middle of the pack.

I love it when I come across cops using laser........

Laser jamming is perfectly legal in the USA in most states...... and I can tell you that the really good units DO work... seen more than a funny look or two from a cop......;)

08-23-2012, 11:48 AM
Radar Detectors work well, As long your not in the lead or out by yourself.
When / if the lead vehicle is clocked, The vehicles behind will then catch the over spray and have time to slow down.

Agree. The times I've been popped were when I was in front and came across a cop using instant-on radar. Best solution is to always find a rabbit in addition to using your radar unit.

08-23-2012, 12:00 PM
Here is a map of the current laser jammer laws:


Bob Denman
08-23-2012, 12:50 PM
Would the use of a .50 caliber BMG be considered "jamming"? http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/14/14_6_12.gif
(Been waiting to break him out again!):roflblack:

08-18-2013, 05:32 PM
Just for info they are not legal to use in VA.

Just a $50 ticket :sour:

08-18-2013, 05:33 PM
I love it when I come across cops using laser........

Laser jamming is perfectly legal in the USA in most states...... and I can tell you that the really good units DO work... seen more than a funny look or two from a cop......;)

I've seen my share of funny looks using laser shifters. :roflblack:

08-18-2013, 05:38 PM
It is amazing to me that they list detectors for motorcycles that are not waterproof. This box looks like a solution. I assume the face allows you to push the detectors buttons?

Detectors such as Beltronics RX45 have a waterproof head you can mount wherever, the controls can be mounted where you get the least amount of water or rain spray.

Also has radar and laser capabilities as well as being undetectable by radar detector detectors.

08-18-2013, 07:44 PM
I've seen quite a few laser units in use. Especially around larger cities. Even our small city uses them. SHP uses them on I-95 a lot.

08-18-2013, 08:44 PM
I've seen quite a few laser units in use. Especially around larger cities. Even our small city uses them. SHP uses them on I-95 a lot.

I've seen more and more laser use in NC and VA in the last year. :yikes:

08-19-2013, 06:59 AM
I have a Valentine in my car. They're pricey, but the multiple (8) signal tracking capability, threat directional arrows, and easy to read signal strength LEDs make it the top of the pops. Now.......................if they'd just add in counter measures and HARM missiles.......................................... :roflblack: