View Full Version : Confession time

08-10-2012, 09:29 PM
Today on the way to work I was placed in a most unfortunate position. I had no choice but to hold on tight as a cat that sprinted out in front of me met its reward via critter splitter and tire contact at 60 MPH. I would have hit the cat( I now lovingly call tread mark ) if I had zigged or zagged. RIP kitty

08-10-2012, 09:37 PM
S P L I T - H A P P E N S :roflblack:

08-10-2012, 09:39 PM
It happens. Doesn't make it any easier though. At least you didn't wreck or get hurt.

08-10-2012, 09:46 PM
That sucks , but ya know you being ok is important as well .

08-10-2012, 09:48 PM
Sorry for the cat... but the biggest mistake people make is swerving to avoid things like this... which can put you into the ditch... into another car or a tree.

Brake and slow down if you can... but you're best off hitting it dead on......

Poor kitty......:-(

08-10-2012, 09:51 PM
Sad for the kitty but glad for you.

Spyder Monkey
08-10-2012, 09:56 PM
I must say I am pleasantly surprised by the sensitivity. I clicked on the thread expecting macho jokes about the cat's demise.

I once came over an overpass on a motorcycle to see two dogs standing side by side in each of the wheel ruts where car tires go. No time to stop plus I was going downhill so I slowed as much as I could and shot between them with a foot to spare on each side. Scared the bejeezus out of all three of us.


Bob Denman
08-11-2012, 06:36 AM
It's never easy when you're placed in that situation. :shocked: I always tell my clients that no matter how much it stinks, just brake hard and take what happens. Never swerve to avoid an animal and put yourself or others at risk! :thumbup:
And as much as I don't like cats; this just ain't funny and I truly sympathize with you and the folks who owned the cat. :pray:

08-11-2012, 06:45 AM
Sad about the kitten but you absolutely did the right thing in the circumstances.

08-11-2012, 08:10 AM
I must say I am pleasantly surprised by the sensitivity. I clicked on the thread expecting macho jokes about the cat's demise.

I once came over an overpass on a motorcycle to see two dogs standing side by side in each of the wheel ruts where car tires go. No time to stop plus I was going downhill so I slowed as much as I could and shot between them with a foot to spare on each side. Scared the bejeezus out of all three of us.

people are so worried about hurting someone elses feelings over the dumbest sh:cus: . relax.

08-11-2012, 08:22 AM
A couple months ago I hit a black bird. It came up the hood, windshield and then over my right shoulder, just missing my head. If it had happened any slower it would have scared the crap out of me. No harm to the spyder or me but fatal for the bird.

Bob Denman
08-11-2012, 08:25 AM
That's starting to sound like a scene out of "Wild Hogs" :shocked:

08-11-2012, 08:30 AM
I'm new to Spyderdom, (or is it Spyderness?) and was wondering about this issue. On a motorcycle you can swerve fairly easy to avoid certain things. I wasn't sure if it was better to hold on, brake and hope for the best, or try to swerve to miss the obstacle. My sense was to hold on and brake - seems to be the right thing. I hit a deer once in a car. Jumped out right in front of me at dusk - classic. I braked hard, but took him out nonetheless. All I could hear was my ex-husbands voice in my head "don't swerve ever" as I held my course. Really hard emotionally, as I love deer (not quite so much now that I'm ryding my Spyder in the mountains all the time), but I was quite greatful for Dave's voice.

08-11-2012, 08:30 AM
Sorry about the cat, glad that you are ok.

08-11-2012, 08:31 AM
awwwh... well maybe that's what the kitty wanted... just saying..

08-11-2012, 09:00 AM
I'm an animal lover myself, but when driving critters become second priority to my own safety and that of the people I'm on the vehicle with.

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08-11-2012, 09:01 AM
Thanks guys for the support, I'm not losing much sleep over this but I thought bringing it up may help folks. I generally like furry animals of all sizes, but I'm not married to them over me

08-11-2012, 09:46 AM
I used to teach teen driver training. My statement on this subject. Which is more important, you, your familys life or the animal. I love animals by the way.
there was a local case where a 16 year old female was killed in a single car crash. Straight road, no evidence (impact scene) of speeding, early evening, alone in car, no cell or text in use, vehicle path thru ditch and grass, very sharp turn from road. Final impact was a tree.
Unknown cause, but very high concentration of deer in that area.

08-11-2012, 10:01 AM
Bottom line is that cat could have been anywhere on the planet he wanted to be. He chose to be under your Spyder and he reaped the consequences of his decision.

You will also reap the consequenses of your decision. You MUST keep your line! Swerving to miss an animal does not guarantee that you will not hit them anyway. But it greatly increases the chance that you will become a victim.

A saying we had in the fire service was, 'An emergency on your part does not necessarily constitute an emergency on our part'.

Sounds a bit callous but the idea was to stay calm while others around you are in panic mode. It's the only way you can keep from becoming part of the problem.

The time to decide you will not swerve to miss an animal is before you ever get on your Spyder because in the heat of the moment is a very bad time to make a decision.

Not to say that a controlled manuver within safe parameters is not warranted. Just no panic moves.

08-11-2012, 10:22 AM
At those speeds there was no controlled option available

08-11-2012, 10:55 AM
Squirrels try to temp fate, They love to straddle the wheels on 4 wheelers, But are not smart enough to realize that the rear wheel on the Spyder will turn them into Crow food. :opps:

08-11-2012, 11:31 AM
I'm new to Spyderdom, (or is it Spyderness?) and was wondering about this issue. On a motorcycle you can swerve fairly easy to avoid certain things. I wasn't sure if it was better to hold on, brake and hope for the best, or try to swerve to miss the obstacle. My sense was to hold on and brake - seems to be the right thing. I hit a deer once in a car. Jumped out right in front of me at dusk - classic. I braked hard, but took him out nonetheless. All I could hear was my ex-husbands voice in my head "don't swerve ever" as I held my course. Really hard emotionally, as I love deer (not quite so much now that I'm ryding my Spyder in the mountains all the time), but I was quite greatful for Dave's voice.

And their tasty too:yes::ohyea:

08-11-2012, 12:53 PM
Squirrels try to temp fate, They love to straddle the wheels on 4 wheelers, But are not smart enough to realize that the rear wheel on the Spyder will turn them into Crow food. :opps:

I saw a T shirt that said "Squirrels, natures speed bumps".

08-11-2012, 01:21 PM
I agree that most of the time you should hold your line but there are exceptions. If you encounter a moose for example: they are so big and stupid the spyder will go right under him, take you off the top and fall on you using you for a pillow on the cold pavement.

08-11-2012, 03:02 PM
I've got to agree with safety first, even though I'm an animal lover. It upsets me to hit anything, but when the situation is either me or the animal, I've got to put me first. If I can avoid it safely, I will.

granpa in Cincy
08-12-2012, 06:12 PM
Coulda been worse. Coulda been a woods pussy. You know. The black ones with the white strip down the back. That woulda been very BAD! :yikes: nojoke