View Full Version : Day Eighteen Cheyenne to Alaska and return

08-08-2012, 01:03 AM
Another rather slow day for number eighteen; but considering that Russ and I had to meet the wives at 1:30 AM at the Alaska International Airport the fact that we did anything is acceptable. After a lot of conversation as to what we had been doing the past 17 days it was off to slumberland. Had a liesurely breakfast and then loaded the bikes; I think my trailer is beyond max weight limit but whats a guy to do except keep loading until the missus says that it. Really noticed a difference right away. Prior to maxing (plus) out I could hold 60 mph in 4th gear with about 4500 rpm, this time to get the same 60 in 4th I had to hold about 6000 rpms and the bike really felt sluggish, going to have to keep the speeds down for the next 760 miles until we get to Haines and load them on the ship. After arriving in Wasilla(again) we unloaded the extra gear and took a nice ride around the surrounding neighborhoods, some really nice homes and Wasilla is bigger than it looks. Watched several small float planes takeoff and land on the lake during the afternoon; those pilots are so smooth, I could watch them all day and we had a front row seat right from our hotel balcony. Tomorrow will be a little longer than usual as we will try to make about 328 miles to Tok( give the ladies a taste of Alaska right away.) So far they are excited and that's a good sign; they promised no "sniviling" if it was cold or rainey. I'll report on that truthfully (yeah right). Later.

08-08-2012, 01:06 AM

08-08-2012, 01:18 AM
Glad to hear you folks had another great day. It sounds like your headed on the way back. If you want to show the ladies a great Alaska eatery tomorrow--try Longrifle Lodge at about milepost 105 or so on the Glenn Highway. It is right near the Matanuska Glacier and you actually get the best view right from the restaurant viewing balcony. You are also in for a treat as you will be following the Matanuska River as it threads between majestic mountains and takes you to some beautiful high country. You will find the going slower through the Chickaloon Hills but the scenery is breathtaking. Do watch for fallen rock, as it does happen. I dodged a watermelon sized rock in the middle of the lane last summer. Mid week you should have the road mostly to yourself. Good places for gas. Palmer, Eureka, Glennallen. It was great meeting you and Russ. Drive safely. Dwayne & Linda