View Full Version : Re-thinking the MC after a close call

07-30-2012, 06:40 PM
I had a VERY close call the last Tuesday. Has me thinking about selling my spyder. Scared the ***** out of me. A teen was texting or doing some other distracting activity while driving, and drifted into my lane(55mph zone). I was hugging the guardrail and on the brakes and horn and when I thought I was a gonner, she looked up and jerked the wheel. I dont know how she missed me. It was that close. To dam close. This has been the 3rd time I had someone come into my lane since school let out, but this was the closest incident. Havn't been on the spyder since. Very close to sellin her.

07-30-2012, 06:57 PM
I had a VERY close call the last Tuesday. Has me thinking about selling my spyder. Scared the ***** out of me. A teen was texting or doing some other distracting activity while driving, and drifted into my lane(55mph zone). I was hugging the guardrail and on the brakes and horn and when I thought I was a gonner, she looked up and jerked the wheel. I dont know how she missed me. It was that close. To dam close. This has been the 3rd time I had someone come into my lane since school let out, but this was the closest incident. Havn't been on the spyder since. Very close to sellin her.

You've heard "S...Happens" and yes it is like both an obstacle course and a war zone out there at times, but I would never give it up.
Just think about how you feel every time you really goose it and pull away from all those a..holes that are populating our hwys these days! :roflblack:

07-30-2012, 07:00 PM
I gave up gyroplane flying when I purchased my first Spyder in 2008. I have had more scary moments on my Spyder than 20 years of gyro flying!


FMI: www.pra.org (http://www.pra.org) or www.rotaryforum.com (http://www.rotaryforum.com)

07-30-2012, 07:08 PM
You just have to take your time and ease back into it. You're the only one who knows for sure and its difficult, but please don't let this incident spoil a great hobby.

You have to ride defensive all the time, try and be aware of everything around you, try to peek in cars and see what the driver is doing.

If possible while watching the car in front see whats happening two/three cars ahead, with experience you learn to read the road.

When stopped at lights never pull close to the car in front, always have an exit route and watch your mirrors for the car behind you.

If ever you feel there is a distracted drive beep your horn, sort blast. If I see a motorist texting and think there not in control I give a short blast, if I get the middle finger I just shrug it off.

You can always wave to someone on the side walk or in another car, you got their attention and they think you beeping at someone else.

I noticed you in New York, are you're coming up to SITA at Lake Placid then ride we a group in the middle get your confidence back.

If you're a new rider and would like, I'm happy to spend some time with you at SITA. I have 35 years ridding experience.

remember, if you unsure beep you horn. :thumbup:


07-30-2012, 07:11 PM
I gave up gyroplane flying when I purchased my first Spyder in 2008. I have had more scary moments on my Spyder than 20 years of gyro flying!


FMI: www.pra.org (http://www.pra.org) or www.rotaryforum.com (http://www.rotaryforum.com)

Thats looks really cool, not sure I could give that up if I knew how to do it in the first place.


07-30-2012, 07:17 PM
You just have to take your time and ease back into it. You're the only one who knows for sure and its difficult, but please don't let this incident spoil a great hobby.

You have to ride defensive all the time, try and be aware of everything around you, try to peek in cars and see what the driver is doing.

If possible while watching the car in front see whats happening two/three cars ahead, with experience you learn to read the road.

When stopped at lights never pull close to the car in front, always have an exit route and watch your mirrors for the car behind you.

If ever you feel there is a distracted drive beep your horn, sort blast. If I see a motorist texting and think there not in control I give a short blast, if I get the middle finger I just shrug it off.

You can always wave to someone on the side walk or in another car, you got their attention and they think you beeping at someone else.

I noticed you in New York, are you're coming up to SITA at Lake Placid then ride we a group in the middle get your confidence back.

If you're a new rider and would like, I'm happy to spend some time with you at SITA. I have 35 years ridding experience.

remember, if you unsure beep you horn. :thumbup:


Rob (Mowin) is a good rider, although he does have the worst color Spyder you can get for visability (Phantom).

07-30-2012, 07:18 PM
You just have to take your time and ease back into it. You're the only one who knows for sure and its difficult, but please don't let this incident spoil a great hobby.

You have to ride defensive all the time, try and be aware of everything around you, try to peek in cars and see what the driver is doing.

If possible while watching the car in front see whats happening two/three cars ahead, with experience you learn to read the road.

When stopped at lights never pull close to the car in front, always have an exit route and watch your mirrors for the car behind you.

If ever you feel there is a distracted drive beep your horn, sort blast. If I see a motorist texting and think there not in control I give a short blast, if I get the middle finger I just shrug it off.

You can always wave to someone on the side walk or in another car, you got their attention and they think you beeping at someone else.

I noticed you in New York, are you're coming up to SITA at Lake Placid then ride we a group in the middle get your confidence back.

If you're a new rider and would like, I'm happy to spend some time with you at SITA. I have 35 years ridding experience.

remember, if you unsure beep you horn. :thumbup:


I did not regester for SITA, but was thinking of takin a ride up if i get the time...This is my first MC(been 1 yr this june), and the ONLY reason I got it was because of the safety compared to a 2 wheeler. This really spooked the heck out of me...

07-30-2012, 07:28 PM
A teen came flying out of a private driveway with a cell phone cradled in his ear. Forced me into the ditch. He speed off, got the spyder back on the road and followed him for 2 miles. He hit speeds over 70 I'm sure trying to lose me. I backed off because posted speed is 50. Went back later in the day and found two teen standing beside the car talking. I asked who was driving the red car this morning. Both responded that they did not know. I told them I was the guy on the red motorcycle that they ran off the road. The response from one was " I did not see you". Then he shut up and walked away. This evening I am thinking that I should go speak to the parents but never sure of their response. I was on the brakes and horn, ditch was shallow so the spyder stayed upright. Wife not to happy with motorcycles at this time. Have to watch out for the idiots .

07-30-2012, 07:36 PM
Safety is relative. The Spyder is safer than 2 wheels, a car is safer than the Spyder, a BIG SUV is safer than a car, then there is the Abrams M1.

Anytime I ride I just assume everyone out there is trying to kill me and ride accordingly. I don't ride scared, but I do ride so that no matter what the other guy does I've got a very good chance of avoiding an incident.

Everyone has to decide where their comfort level is.

07-30-2012, 07:39 PM
A teen came flying out of a private driveway with a cell phone cradled in his ear. Forced me into the ditch. He speed off, got the spyder back on the road and followed him for 2 miles. He hit speeds over 70 I'm sure trying to lose me. I backed off because posted speed is 50. Went back later in the day and found two teen standing beside the car talking. I asked who was driving the red car this morning. Both responded that they did not know. I told them I was the guy on the red motorcycle that they ran off the road. The response from one was " I did not see you". Then he shut up and walked away. This evening I am thinking that I should go speak to the parents but never sure of their response. I was on the brakes and horn, ditch was shallow so the spyder stayed upright. Wife not to happy with motorcycles at this time. Have to watch out for the idiots .

Its scarry...This was the third time in a month I had some kid in my lane.

07-30-2012, 07:46 PM
Safety is relative. The Spyder is safer than 2 wheels, a car is safer than the Spyder, a BIG SUV is safer than a car, then there is the Abrams M1.

Anytime I ride I just assume everyone out there is trying to kill me and ride accordingly. I don't ride scared, but I do ride so that no matter what the other guy does I've got a very good chance of avoiding an incident.

Everyone has to decide where their comfort level is.

:agree: Safety IS relitive. I wouldnt ride a snowmoblie in areas that were just an accident waitin to happen(tugg Hill).. I need to drive, I dont need to have a MC....but I enjoy it alot..thats where I'm fightin with myself weather is worth the added risk. Only I can answer that question, and it's a tuff one to answer...

07-30-2012, 07:53 PM
Very good advice given above. Ultimately, you will have to decide if riding the :ani29: is still right for you.

07-30-2012, 07:54 PM
This year I had both a teen pulling out of a driveway right into my path (I post about that earlier) and another one coming directly at me in the wrong lane at 50mph. Both incidents involved a cell phone. In the case of the teen in the wrong lane, I could see his friends yelling at him while I was sounding my horn furiously (getting ready to ditch rather than being hit head on). He still didn't look up, he was busy texting away. I could see one of his friends finally grab at the wheel. It was horrifying.

If we hit head on both going 50 it would have made no real difference if I was in my SUV or on the Spyder, the results would have disastrous. I think I would have actually had a better chance on the Spyder due to the fact I would had more of a chance to maneuver a way out.

07-30-2012, 07:54 PM
Every time I head out, I get told "Watch your driving." I reply, "It's not my driving I'm concerned about."

Years ago, my car was plowed into by a drunk. Instead of head-on, it was driver's front quarters into each other...plus he had a snowplow hoist on the front which ended up ripping through the side of my car like a can opener - including tearing the seat belt loop off of the driver's side seat. If I was wearing my seat belt at the time, I might have lost my arm, if not more. Without the seat belt on, the force pushed me away from the impact and the "can opener".

Three months later, I was run off the road by another drunk coming from the opposite direction, in my lane. After the near miss (near hit?) I kept heading the direction I was going. About 30 seconds later, I realized how PISSED I was and turned around. I caught up to them, which wasn't too hard as he/she went off the road and into, and breaking, a rather thick tree. I drove another mile or two to the local police station; reported it; then met an officer at the scene. The driver had fled by that time.
I never found out what happened after that, don't really care. I did my part.

With the sheer number of idiots (addled by technology, drugs, alcohol, etc.) on the roads these days, you run the risk in any vehicle of something possibly happening.

Comes down to: risk dying while doing what you enjoy, or risk dying while NOT doing what you enjoy.

07-30-2012, 07:54 PM
Its scarry...This was the third time in a month I had some kid in my lane.

haven't had the chance to ride with you yet, but sure as heck lookin forward to it. i've only been on the spyder for a couple of months now, but motorcycles for near 40 years. i'm a firm believer that you are equipped with the knowledge of knowing what you are doing at all times and that's why it was a close one and not an accident. i have had a few of them in my days, and continue to ride knowing that i can outsmart the best of them, most of the time. (those stupid kids with their cell phones)
george carlin summed it up best when he said that "we are all a cassette in the tape deck of life. some of us are short playing. some of us are long playing. and some of us have to ge t:cus: re-wound!" don't let that stop you, get back on the horse and ride for you could have an accident walking across the street someday when you should have been out riding the spyder!
see you at sita!:ohyea:
(chuck) aka spydaman60

07-30-2012, 07:58 PM
Strange reading this post since the exact same thing happened to me. I was driving a motorhome this past Saturday from Oshkosh to Fort Myers. There was a ratty car in the left lane towing a really ratty Harley on a trailer, driver was on cell phone going about 10 under the speed limit. I was passing him in center lane when he decided to change lanes without looking. He came within an inch of hitting me even though I was able to duck into right lane quickly as he did it. It was unnerving, but I had another thousand miles to go and just rationalized it away. I was driving a 32 x 12 foot large white box--kinda hard to miss so don't think it's just the Spyder. Instead of letting it scare me, I patted myself on the back for reacting quickly and leaving myself an out (the right lane)--I try my best not to pass between two vehicles.
It's not the Spyder...it could just as easily have happened to you in a car or even a truck. The Spyder is a LOT more visible than a 2 wheeler. Don't give up riding but drive like everyone else is a potential danger, IOW, defensively. For 20 plus years part of my job was as a defensive driving instructor (trucking). During checkrides the drivers would have to verbalize everything they saw that could potentially impact them. Initially they miss quite a lot but as we point out missed conflicts they recognize the need to pay attention at all times.

07-30-2012, 08:17 PM
get a loud pipe, get a loud horn, give everyone around you that look that says, i'm going to beat you to death with your own arm. assume that anyone near you WILL DO THE WRONG THING.
( no wonder people don't talk to me anymore) p.s. don't ever smile.( unless you're out in the boonies where nobody will see it):mad:

07-30-2012, 08:18 PM
Strange reading this post since the exact same thing happened to me. I was driving a motorhome this past Saturday from Oshkosh to Fort Myers. There was a ratty car in the left lane towing a really ratty Harley on a trailer, driver was on cell phone going about 10 under the speed limit. I was passing him in center lane when he decided to change lanes without looking. He came within an inch of hitting me even though I was able to duck into right lane quickly as he did it. It was unnerving, but I had another thousand miles to go and just rationalized it away. I was driving a 32 x 12 foot large white box--kinda hard to miss so don't think it's just the Spyder. Instead of letting it scare me, I patted myself on the back for reacting quickly and leaving myself an out (the right lane)--I try my best not to pass between two vehicles.
It's not the Spyder...it could just as easily have happened to you in a car or even a truck. The Spyder is a LOT more visible than a 2 wheeler. Don't give up riding but drive like everyone else is a potential danger, IOW, defensively. For 20 plus years part of my job was as a defensive driving instructor (trucking). During checkrides the drivers would have to verbalize everything they saw that could potentially impact them. Initially they miss quite a lot but as we point out missed conflicts they recognize the need to pay attention at all times.

I dorve truck for about 8 yrs. I stopped when a elderly driver with 3 passengers crossed into my lane and hit me head on..I did all i could do to avoid the collission, but in the end all 4 pepole in the van died. I only has a few bruses, but the emotional scares lasted along time. I lived because i was In a 50,000lb(loaded) truck. I went from a driving job to a factory job to avoid the roads.... This is why I'm having a tuff time with this...My mind says truck saved my life, but realisticly I know if I was in a smaller car I wouldnt be here...If i get hit head on ridin the spyder, I most likely wont be typin on here any more, in a car...maybe.....

07-30-2012, 08:29 PM
Only you can decide about riding , And all the advice on how to ride safe you probably know already.
The only advice i can give is , If your going to ride scared that's NOT the way to go.
Just my opinion.

07-30-2012, 08:43 PM
Only you can decide about riding , And all the advice on how to ride safe you probably know already.
The only advice i can give is , If your going to ride scared that's NOT the way to go.
Just my opinion.

:agree: I've only been ryding for about a year now, and have had close calls of people pulling out in front of me, turning without looking, texting, cell phone and all of the above mentioned before. I have found that I'm even more aware of my surroundings when I'm driving the car. DH had a Vulcan, and he is an excellent rider, but when a car almost hit him and put him into oncoming traffic (I was behind him on the Spyder), that was the last straw. We now each have our own Spyder, and you have to have eyes not only in the back of your head, but sides as well.

Only you can decide if you still want to ryde. So sorry you've had such a scare. God bless!

07-30-2012, 08:52 PM
It actually happened to me 6 weeks ago on my Goldwing.We were riding in the Rt66 Rally in Oklahoma.It was about 6pm 4 bikes were traveling together.I was number 3.We were going through a set of lights when they changed to amber.I was watching the cars on the right when all of a sudden the one car took off straight at me.In that split 2nd I knew we were going to collide.I managed to turn the bike left to hit the car on my side.On collision the side of my front wheel hit the car .I let the bike drop to the left between my legs landing on my left leg.I was not hurt at all.A cop saw the whole incident.There was my Goldwing lying on its side half under this decrepid car.
Turns out she was on the phone,she sounded like she was on drugs.She told the cop she didnt see me at all.I remember thinking dang my ride is over.We picked the bike up and apart from some busted chrome a few scratches a sheared screw holding some other chrome on the side of the wheel it all seemed ok.The cop wanted to know wether I wanted to take all details.I said no just get her out of my sight. I then rode to the hotel 8 miles away.Next day went to Amarillo Honda dealer checked everything out.The bike was fine.
We then rode a further 4000 miles to complete our trip
2 years ago riding again in Colorado a deer ran out and collided with the bike.By luck I managed to brake and came to a stop.In both instances I was incredibly lucky and did not go down.That collision 6 weeks ago finalized my decision to go with the Can Am on completion of our ride.We completed the ride on the 3rd July in Michigan and On the 6th July I traded the Wing for the RT.
Mowin I did not feel the shock you seemed to feel.I would quite happily ride on a 2 wheeler now.I had 88000 miles on the Wing.The only time I felt like you describe was when I watched a guy crash in front of me after hitting a drive shaft that had fallen off the bottom of a pickup.He went over and over totaled his bike but got lucky and was bruised.I got back on my bike shaken but made myself ride.

07-30-2012, 09:19 PM
I'm trying to move from my 2 wheeler to a Spyder based on a lady running a stop sign and cutting me off. I went down and slide some 70 feet. Ended up with two huge legs and a fractured neck. I love to ride but it hasn't felt the same since the accident. I test drove a Spyder and the joy I used to feel was there. It could be a false sense of security With the three wheels but I do believe three is safer than two. I'm no saving up to get a Spyder. I know knuckleheads are out there on the road but you have to live for you and don't let it sway you. I got back on the horse and hope you do as well. Pray on it.:pray:

07-30-2012, 09:39 PM
Jump back on the horse ASAP. Ride defensively........

You could die on the couch watching TV too.. eventually.. from BOREDOM.

Life is out there in the world and on the roads.....

RIDE! :thumbup:

07-30-2012, 09:49 PM
It's going to be a tough decision, I'm sure. If you don't get back on soon, you never will. Only you can assess how much risk you are willing to take.

If you do get back on, and keep the Spyder, there are some things you can do to reduce the risk and get the other driver's attention quicker. First, avoid the crowded freeways if you can. That's not practical in big cities, where the intersections are worse than the freeways, but it is in more suburban areas. Leave 15 minutes earlier if necessary. Ride defensively, too. Try not to put yourself in a position, or stay in a position, where you can be crushed or pushed into a ditch or guardrail. Just because everyone else is bumper-to-bumper, you need not be. Leave plenty of room ahead, and anticipate dumb acts by other drivers.

Hi-vis clothing has been proven to reduce incidents. Wear a hi-vis jacket, helmet, and gloves if you can. The movement of the upper body, combined with the hi-vis clothing, attracts attention. Once they know you are there, they are less likely to become distracted and drift into your lane. I'm not an advocate of loud pipes...they are mostly heard after you are past, and with a stereo cranked up, and the windows closed, most drivers won't hear them anyway. I also don't believe in using the horn, but in this case a louder horn like a Stebel Nautilus may have helped.

Good luck with your decision. The road is a scary place, and is even more so when you are exposed. Riding in the wind is not for everyone. There is no shame in walking away if you are not comfortable with it. Riding is supposed to be a pleasurable experience, not something to be endured or braved.

07-30-2012, 09:50 PM
I was coming home from Durango, close to home after a couple of thousand miles with no incidents. A few miles from home, on a very tight and wooded curve, I met an 18 wheeler more than halfway over into my lane as I was making the left hand curve. Got off on the shoulder, the guys eyes were wide as saucers. He knew he had taken that curve much too fast. I just shrugged it off and went on. I lived through a bad wreck back in the late 70's. Didn't walk for almost a year. But stuff happens. This is a dangerous hobby, no doubt. Regardless of two or three wheels.

I just try to make sure I am right with the Lord and my immediate family each day. I figure if the good Lord wants me, he will get me in plane, train, or automobile. Or even a Monsterfied RT! :roflblack:

07-30-2012, 10:02 PM

07-30-2012, 10:19 PM
I think about this all the time while driving. I totally understand your fear. Only you can make this decision...

07-30-2012, 10:27 PM
Jump back on the horse ASAP. Ride defensively........

You could die on the couch watching TV too.. eventually.. from BOREDOM.

Life is out there in the world and on the roads.....

RIDE! :thumbup:

This is exactly what I was thinking:2thumbs: Enjoy Life!! Get back on the horse (Spyder) and don't let someone else steal your joy.

bone crusher
07-30-2012, 10:30 PM
Lots of good posts here...I agree that black is the least visible color and with any bike, you want visibility. Get it painted bright yellow or green and you'll be far easier to see....

07-31-2012, 12:53 AM
Like has all ready been said on other posts, you are the only one that can make the final call. Take some time and really think about it. I've been hit twice while riding. The last time, I ended up in the hospital for a week. That was back in '09 and its taken almost three years to get the "drive" to ride back I once had. Best of luck with whatever you decide. Dale

Grandpa Spyder
07-31-2012, 05:12 AM
I have had less close calls since ryding the spyder then I did riding my Goldwings. I would never go back to 2 wheels. I drive 8 hrs. a day and always have a close call somewhere during the day and that is with 4 wheels. You just have to assume everyone is out to get you and drive defensively. I would not let anyone scare me off from something I enjoy so much.

07-31-2012, 05:50 AM
I'm about 90% there from my accident last February. Most of us take every single precaution known to man kind and then some, but the bottom line is that there is still going to be accidents. I made the decision that I will ride again. For me I weighed the risks versus the absolute fun and enjoyment I got from riding my spyder. The latter won out. Although I haven't purchased a new spyder yet (mine was totalled), I plan on it when the 2013's come out.

There are a couple of things that I will change in my riding habits when I get back on one. I will do less "in town riding" where there are a lot of intersections and stop lights (for people who are texting to run). I will start wearing a helmet as I didn't in the past. (although I didn't receive a head injury). Lastly, I will check again as I'm proceeding through an intersection even though I checked before entering. (on that one I'm not sure it would have done any good anyways in that the lady was going 50 mph when she ran the red light while texting).

And lastly lastly, I will make sure that I have plenty of uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage.


07-31-2012, 05:56 AM
You just have to take your time and ease back into it. You're the only one who knows for sure and its difficult, but please don't let this incident spoil a great hobby.

You have to ride defensive all the time, try and be aware of everything around you, try to peek in cars and see what the driver is doing.

If possible while watching the car in front see whats happening two/three cars ahead, with experience you learn to read the road.

When stopped at lights never pull close to the car in front, always have an exit route and watch your mirrors for the car behind you.Also beside us also

If ever you feel there is a distracted drive beep your horn, sort blast. If I see a motorist texting and think there not in control I give a short blast, if I get the middle finger I just shrug it off.

You can always wave to someone on the side walk or in another car, you got their attention and they think you beeping at someone else.

I noticed you in New York, are you're coming up to SITA at Lake Placid then ride we a group in the middle get your confidence back.

If you're a new rider and would like, I'm happy to spend some time with you at SITA. I have 35 years ridding experience.

remember, if you unsure beep you horn. :thumbup:


Harry that is well put and i think any new driver should ALWAYS be aware of those in front and behind US

07-31-2012, 06:13 AM
The comment was made,
"Don't let someone else steal your joy."
and I couldn't agree more with that statement.

But with all that you've been thru, not only recently, but with the past that you've shared with us, I'd have to ask you,
"Is that joy still there?"

If the joy of ryding has been replaced by fear and apprehension, then there's no use in :bdh: I wish you luck.

07-31-2012, 06:22 AM
Jeez, sorry to hear of this Rob, sure glad you weren't hurt....I don't blame you for being freaked out! Maybe it's time for a little break....riding scared is no fun and it's dangerous.

Trust your instincts they won't lead you wrong, give me a call anytime, we can talk about it if you want.

Bob Denman
07-31-2012, 06:46 AM
RISK: :shocked:
What can you do about it?
Avoid it
Accept and reduce it
Ignore it

Ignoring it is rarely the best idea. Avoiding it will keep you safer; but still not safe, and you'll miss out on a lot of the joy that life can offer

Accept and reduce...
See and be seen
NEVER stay where you can become a target
ride defensively... and then always ask if you're defensive-enough!
Think and plan ahead
Bright clothing, lights, loud horn... you've heard all of this dance already
We'd all miss riding with you! But the decision has to be yours. Riding alert is smart; riding scared isn't!

07-31-2012, 07:42 AM
It's going to be a tough decision, I'm sure. If you don't get back on soon, you never will. Only you can assess how much risk you are willing to take.

If you do get back on, and keep the Spyder, there are some things you can do to reduce the risk and get the other driver's attention quicker. First, avoid the crowded freeways if you can. That's not practical in big cities, where the intersections are worse than the freeways, but it is in more suburban areas. Leave 15 minutes earlier if necessary. Ride defensively, too. Try not to put yourself in a position, or stay in a position, where you can be crushed or pushed into a ditch or guardrail. Just because everyone else is bumper-to-bumper, you need not be. Leave plenty of room ahead, and anticipate dumb acts by other drivers.

Hi-vis clothing has been proven to reduce incidents. Wear a hi-vis jacket, helmet, and gloves if you can. The movement of the upper body, combined with the hi-vis clothing, attracts attention. Once they know you are there, they are less likely to become distracted and drift into your lane. I'm not an advocate of loud pipes...they are mostly heard after you are past, and with a stereo cranked up, and the windows closed, most drivers won't hear them anyway. I also don't believe in using the horn, but in this case a louder horn like a Stebel Nautilus may have helped.

Good luck with your decision. The road is a scary place, and is even more so when you are exposed. Riding in the wind is not for everyone. There is no shame in walking away if you are not comfortable with it. Riding is supposed to be a pleasurable experience, not something to be endured or braved.

Great post:doorag:

07-31-2012, 07:48 AM
There's nothing wrong with closing this chapter in your life and moving on. If you've lost the enjoyment, understandably so, there's no sense in continuing in placing yourself in stressful situations just because you feel compelled to force yourself to do something you are no longer are comfortable with doing.

God bless!

07-31-2012, 07:50 AM
Safety is relative. The Spyder is safer than 2 wheels, a car is safer than the Spyder, a BIG SUV is safer than a car, then there is the Abrams M1.

Anytime I ride I just assume everyone out there is trying to kill me and ride accordingly. I don't ride scared, but I do ride so that no matter what the other guy does I've got a very good chance of avoiding an incident.

Everyone has to decide where their comfort level is.
Amen brother!

07-31-2012, 07:51 AM
I had a VERY close call the last Tuesday. Has me thinking about selling my spyder. Scared the ***** out of me. A teen was texting or doing some other distracting activity while driving, and drifted into my lane(55mph zone). I was hugging the guardrail and on the brakes and horn and when I thought I was a gonner, she looked up and jerked the wheel. I dont know how she missed me. It was that close. To dam close. This has been the 3rd time I had someone come into my lane since school let out, but this was the closest incident. Havn't been on the spyder since. Very close to sellin her.

Don't give up because someone else's stupidity! Like Firefly said, you can even die in your couch or slip in your own shower. And Scotty gave you some great advice. But the most important thing is to get back in the saddle before you wait too long, then you decide to sell it and maybe regret it. Give your :spyder2: some more loving and she might return the favor.;)

07-31-2012, 07:59 AM
I dorve truck for about 8 yrs. I stopped when a elderly driver with 3 passengers crossed into my lane and hit me head on..I did all i could do to avoid the collission, but in the end all 4 pepole in the van died. I only has a few bruses, but the emotional scares lasted along time. I lived because i was In a 50,000lb(loaded) truck. I went from a driving job to a factory job to avoid the roads.... This is why I'm having a tuff time with this...My mind says truck saved my life, but realisticly I know if I was in a smaller car I wouldnt be here...If i get hit head on ridin the spyder, I most likely wont be typin on here any more, in a car...maybe.....
Brother, we will support you in what ever choice you decide is best for you, there is no point to torturing yourself every time you get on the bike.

07-31-2012, 08:00 AM
Good opinions and advice on all sides of this topic. After my accident on the way back from Durango, the thought of not riding really never entered my mind... because it's such an important part of my life.... I MUST ride or I'm not living.. that's how I feel right now.

I ride every day knowing I could die.. which doesn't bother me... death is a reality of life... we all do it, can't avoid it. While I certainly don't want it to happen today, or anytime soon really.... when it happens.. it happens.

When it comes down to it... each person has to make their own choice about when to hang up riding.

Ride as safe as you can and enjoy life to the fullest every day. :thumbup:

07-31-2012, 08:26 AM
Others have stated this. You need to get back on and stay on long enough to feel comfortable with riding again. When I had my 2 wheeler totaled, I went out and bought and rode the spyder within a week. It was my best option while recovering. Again, loudest pipes you can afford, and a real horn,,,,and lotsa lights for night.

07-31-2012, 08:26 AM
While I think all the advice here is solid, I would say that if you had been in a car, she would have hit you, and rubbed you into the guard rail. The serious issue here to me is that people are still being allowed to use their cell phones in cars. Why the car doesnt disable them at higher speeds, I cannot understand, every close call I have had has a cell phone and usually a younger driver involved. While I am sure it would not be popular, I am considering a jammer on my bike so that my bike has a decent sized bubble around it that cell phones just dont work. Add that to some of the stuff Scotty said and you are in a better situation.

Coupled with that, I constantly look at EVERYONE around me, if they arent paying attention to anything but their phone I either DocDuru and blow by them to get safe or I slow down and let them attempt to kill other people in front of them.

Jammer is a nice idea but may cause more accidents, I could imagine that a teenager would be more distracted to why they have no signal might be worth a try. The issue with disabling phones while moving is an issue for passengers, the technology is not there yet to detect drivers phone and leave all other alone. Side Note: My built in car's GPS is disabled while moving, fair enough but when my wife is in the passenger seat it would be nice if she could operate it while I drive. Not disagreeing with you by the way, distracted drivers is on the rise, I know with my own teenagers they think they're the exception and it does not affect them. I've told them over and over and drilled it into them that if I ever find out you've used your phone while driving, you will lose them ( I still pay for them).

We all have to learn to drive and if I see a younger driver I keep my distance, two things that bug me in MA, everyone tail gates, no one allows enough room between cars. If you try and leave enough room some one will sneak into the gap. I wish we had a ticket for tail gating that was effective. Secondly very few people use there turn signals. There was even a Dunking Donut commercial here where two guys where talking about Boston, "Turn signals? Sign of weakness"

On our car it as the front radar system that automatically brakes if your too close, so when some one pulls in front of me on the highway to take up the space between me and the next car, our car brakes.

I consider myself a very alert driver and try and read the road ahead no matter what I'm driving but you can always get caught out.


07-31-2012, 08:30 AM
The comment was made,
"Don't let someone else steal your joy."
and I couldn't agree more with that statement.

But with all that you've been thru, not only recently, but with the past that you've shared with us, I'd have to ask you,
"Is that joy still there?".

This is so ture. If it's not fun anymore don't do it. The stress can make you ill. That's IMHO.


07-31-2012, 08:42 AM
I wish the Police would enforce the laws we have on the books. I respect the Police for all they do, but some will look at a teen driver going bye and texting ( ilegal in Ohio ) and go the other way.
having Parents use common sense. I used to work at a teen driver school. A girl came back to class after out a while. She had caused a wreck with serious injuries to one person in her car, two in another, while texting. Her dad came in with her aand asked about coming back to class after being out. I said, no problem. He then said, she had a little accident, but was not reponsible since she was only 16 and he had been the car with her, but he had not seen the red light. He got all upset when I said, that was no accident it was attempted murder. Both of you are fault. If she is not responsible, why are you letting her drive to start with. No answer, my boss said i was to hard on him.
I used to ask the kids in class, is that cell phone call worth you life. This area had a 16 old calling her friends. Two died.
Glad you are okay. It is a hard desicion to make.

07-31-2012, 08:43 AM
I am disabled due to Polio when I was 22months old - This left me without the use of my left leg - I have to wear a calipier to support my normal functions e.g. walking , climbing stairs etc

I am now over 55yrs old and have always remained active but always aware of my limitations

At the age of 16 I wanted to ride a Motorcycle because My 2 brothers had started to ride
First I was told it was impossible for a disabled person to ride a motorcycle and I should consider the safety issue, Should I have an accident I could damage my Right leg and may end up in a wheelchair or worse

Well advice is good but at the end of the day only you can decide and I did

Since I was 16 I have been riding motorcycles inc Honda CB125J, CB400A - Automatic, GL500 Silverwing then moved on to BMW's due to Shaft Drive, water cooling etc Had 3 BMW's K100RT K75RT, BMW K100LT

Due to my age the weight of a 2 wheeled motorcycle it was becoming difficult to mange
(I remembered my limitations) and I went for the Spyder RT – There was no way after nearly 40 yrs and tens of thousands of Miles I wanted give up riding

In all that time I have had only 2 minor spills and have not been injured,.

I would have missed out on so many excellent adventures, meeting some excellent friends

Visited so many wonderful Sites all over the UK and now Europe

Yes I do ride with the possibility of an accident may be just around the corner, and in doing so
take extra care Hi-Viz Clothing, Excellent Motorcycle gear with built in protection,
Safety approved Helmet and visor, Motorcycle always serviced and maintained as per the
manufactures recommendations – Fitted a louder horn (Needed sometimes to let other know
of my presence believe me one or two blasts is enough)

I have also taken an advance Motorcycle test some years ago run via Police class 1 trained
motorcyclist and have learnt so much ref Observation and Safe riding

Just wanted to say – Take your time ref any decision you make and you know we all support you either way – Thanks for taking the time to post your thread – I am sure it will help others in the future because of the replies posted

Eddie Sheppard
Reading UK

07-31-2012, 09:04 AM
I had a VERY close call the last Tuesday. Has me thinking about selling my spyder. Scared the ***** out of me. A teen was texting or doing some other distracting activity while driving, and drifted into my lane(55mph zone). I was hugging the guardrail and on the brakes and horn and when I thought I was a gonner, she looked up and jerked the wheel. I dont know how she missed me. It was that close. To dam close. This has been the 3rd time I had someone come into my lane since school let out, but this was the closest incident. Havn't been on the spyder since. Very close to sellin her.

If you haven't been back on since then and don't feel good about riding anymore I would either park it till you do or get rid of it and move on. Sometimes we get warnings in life to change directions, hard to say if this is one of those times or not but sounds like it shook you up bad enough that you won't feel the same riding again. I would hate to be one to tell you to keep riding and then something bad happens to you on the Spyder.

spydee owner
07-31-2012, 09:17 AM
Rob (Mowin) is a good rider, although he does have the worst color Spyder you can get for visability (Phantom).
I agree with the phantom panels being the worst to see. I have a set of phantoms and when they were on the bike I thought they looked pretty cool until I saw a phantom spyder meeting me one day. They really blend into the pavement.
Having said this, with this driver texting and driving,the bike could have been flourescent green and she would not have seen it. It was just pure luck that mowin was not wiped out.
Don't blame mowin for the way he is thinking. You get some real close calls, then a person has to think about what is REALLY important in their life and make a decision.

07-31-2012, 09:19 AM
Sell Her, there are alot of people out there looking for a good used Spyder.

07-31-2012, 09:23 AM
You have to do what makes you comfortable. Sometimes you have to get out of your comfort zone or you might end up shut in your house and not go anywhere if things get too extreme.

My wife was scared to ride with me on my motorcycle and now on my spyder. She was afraid that we would get hit and die. It was a valid concern, but one day, she was hit by a car while walking across a parking garage. She was pinned under the front tire, but thank God, she survived. She will now ride with me, but we wear our safety gear (helmets, neon yellow riding jackets, etc). She managed to overcome her fear of riding when she realized that she almost died while walking.

When you put things into perspective, when your time is up, it is up. It doesn't matter if you are enjoying your spyder, out for a walk, watching tv, or sleeping. Enjoy life while you're able too, don't postpone it or put it off.

Bob Denman
07-31-2012, 09:43 AM
Coupled with that, I constantly look at EVERYONE around me, if they arent paying attention to anything but their phone I either DocDuru and blow by them to get safe or I slow down and let them attempt to kill other people in front of them.

Hey; Doc has become a verb! :2thumbs:

07-31-2012, 10:48 AM
We will support and love you no matter what!

I still support jamming cell phones. I think they are the #1 killer of people on roads. Just ask Firefly! He wants people to check phone logs at checkpoints. :yikes::yikes::yikes:
Nah, we just have to outlaw the manufacture and sales of power steering and automatic transmissions. When they need both hands and both feet to drive, they won't be able to use the phone, tune the radio, eat a sandwich, read the newspaper..... ;)

Illinois Boy
07-31-2012, 11:23 AM
Plain and simple...

Some people should not ride ever. No shame in that.

07-31-2012, 11:34 AM
Near accidents. They happen to everyone regardless of the transportation mode. Think back of how many times you came close to being wiped out driving your car. A bike is going to be no exception. I had my bike approximately 3 months when I was nearly wiped out by a cager who was texting. I could see her coming up behind me and she was not slowing down. Suddenly it was the sound of brakes and smoke in the air. I had the same thoughts in my mind then that you have now. You need to step back and look at the whole picture. I would hate for you to sell your bike and a few months later have regrets, but if you will always have a fear of riding, then you should not ride. They are built to be enjoyed. May you have peace of mind in whatever decision you make.

Bob Denman
07-31-2012, 11:37 AM
Nah, we just have to outlaw the manufacture and sales of power steering and automatic transmissions. When they need both hands and both feet to drive, they won't be able to use the phone, tune the radio, eat a sandwich, read the newspaper..... ;)

That's actually not a bad idea until you unleash a whole bunch of idots onto the street who never driven a stick before... :shocked:

Tito might be right; the manufacturers could probably put something in the electronics package of the cage that disrupts cellphone service. :yikes:

07-31-2012, 11:44 AM
All this stuff about cellphones has me looking at other vehicles pretty good now. It just bothers me that pretty much every vehicle I look at, the driver has a cellphone going. They are either talking or texting. This is a real dangerous epidemic that is going on around us. It is getting very scarry indeed.

07-31-2012, 12:05 PM
If she got that close she would have hit you had you been in a cage. It obviously wasn't your time. Life on two or three wheels (motorized or not) is not for the faint of heart. In the end no one but you can decide what your comfort level is, but we can say with near certainty that something similar will happen again. Reality sucks!

07-31-2012, 12:15 PM
Its scarry...This was the third time in a month I had some kid in my lane.

I always have a bottle of water handy to fling at the offender. I hate that my riding interfears with their :cus: texting!

Bob Denman
07-31-2012, 12:17 PM
A.) I have such a device
B.) Could easily be installed in a car so that it is in effect when the car is in motion

Perhaps I have a future in mods :)
:shocked: So this is what you've been doing instead of watching T.V.??? :clap: :2thumbs:

Bring it to market; make millions and save lives! :yes: :firstplace: :thumbup:

07-31-2012, 12:37 PM
I had a VERY close call the last Tuesday. Has me thinking about selling my spyder. Scared the ***** out of me. A teen was texting or doing some other distracting activity while driving, and drifted into my lane(55mph zone). I was hugging the guardrail and on the brakes and horn and when I thought I was a gonner, she looked up and jerked the wheel. I dont know how she missed me. It was that close. To dam close. This has been the 3rd time I had someone come into my lane since school let out, but this was the closest incident. Havn't been on the spyder since. Very close to sellin her.

I Follow People passing me until their by me and Never go in a Passing lane with a Concrete (Jersey) divider to my left because there,s NO way out.
You have to Always have an escape route and know Everything Behind you as Well as in front..AND beside you.
I wouldn,t even consider a Motorcycle in todays environment BUT the Spyder is a calculated risk I take because I enjoy the Freedom.
Think it over and give it "Some Time."

07-31-2012, 12:42 PM
We will support and love you no matter what!

I still support jamming cell phones. I think they are the #1 killer of people on roads. Just ask Firefly! He wants people to check phone logs at checkpoints. :yikes::yikes::yikes:

I didn't say that bro.... I said if they can have DUI checkpoints because it's dangerous... then why don't they do texting ones because texting is MORE dangerous and causes more accidents. I don't agree with either kind of checkpoint.

But I'm ALL for banning texting while driving and only allowing hands-free talking.

Your jamming idea is.. well.. to put it delicately..... the worst idea I've heard in a long time.

Not only is it illegal, it would pose a serious danger. If someone is talking on their phone and they suddenly lose the call (pretty rare today).. they're gonna instantly look at the phone to see what's going on. Much safer to have them driving and talking than being shocked and looking at the phone.

Not to mention you could jam someone that is in the middle of an emergency phone call. Maybe they have a sick person in the car and are on the phone with 911. Maybe the driver isn't even on the phone-- but a passenger is-- maybe they're reporting a drunk driver---- the list goes on and on of how dangerous your idea would be.

Bob Denman
07-31-2012, 12:49 PM
Not to mention you could jam someone that is in the middle of an emergency phone call. Maybe they have a sick person in the car and are on the phone with 911. Maybe the driver isn't even on the phone-- but a passenger is-- maybe they're reporting a drunk driver---- the list goes on and on of how dangerous your idea would be.
Thank goodness that all is back to normal! :roflblack: :ohyea: :ohyea::ohyea: We're back to disagreeing and the World is safe! :thumbup:
If the signal is jammed from the get-go; nobody can lose a call that hasn't been made yet... Put Bluetooth technology in all cars so that hands-free calling is available. Give some teeth to the law about no cellphone usage unless it's hands-free. Kick the passenger out the door... :shocked: Oh wait; that's not a good idea... :opps:

07-31-2012, 12:56 PM
Thank goodness that all is back to normal! :roflblack: :ohyea: :ohyea::ohyea: We're back to disagreeing and the World is safe! :thumbup:
If the signal is jammed from the get-go; nobody can lose a call that hasn't been made yet... Put Bluetooth technology in all cars so that hands-free calling is available. Give some teeth to the law about no cellphone usage unless it's hands-free. Kick the passenger out the door... :shocked: Oh wait; that's not a good idea... :opps:

Bob.. he's talking about mounting a jammer on his Spyder in order to jam OTHER CARS from using their cell phones... so a moving jammer. horrible idea.

Bob Denman
07-31-2012, 01:20 PM
:shocked: I thought that he had the tech available to jam it from within the car... My bad! :opps:

07-31-2012, 02:01 PM
I had a VERY close call the last Tuesday. Has me thinking about selling my spyder. Scared the ***** out of me. A teen was texting or doing some other distracting activity while driving, and drifted into my lane(55mph zone). I was hugging the guardrail and on the brakes and horn and when I thought I was a gonner, she looked up and jerked the wheel. I dont know how she missed me. It was that close. To dam close. This has been the 3rd time I had someone come into my lane since school let out, but this was the closest incident. Havn't been on the spyder since. Very close to sellin her.

If you're getting scared of the bike, perhaps you should sell it. nojoke

07-31-2012, 02:09 PM
I always have a bottle of water handy to fling at the offender. I hate that my riding interfears with their :cus: texting!

That would be one way to initiate road rage and then nobody wins.

Bob Denman
07-31-2012, 02:32 PM
"But Officer," :shocked: "She looked so thirsty. I was just handing her a bottle of water, and I SWEAR: it just slipped out of my hand...HONEST!" :roflblack:

07-31-2012, 02:49 PM
My jammer is a hand held device, and oddly enough I used to use it in theaters, now a days lots of theaters have their own installed, so I dont have to be "the bad guy".

I still get confused overall because I just think it shouldnt work while you drive. Driving and being on the phone is dangerous, talking, texting, handfree or hands full. Perhaps there is a happy medium where you could put software on phones / in cars that didnt allow them to use the handset / text / gps unless they are stopped, and calls could be incoming and outgoing through hands free devices. But regardless, test prove over and over that its bad, its worse than being drunk, its worse than not wearing a helmet, and yet no real serious campaign is happening to curb or stop it.

After being on call and tethered to a cell phone 24/7 for 8 years in IT, I could care less if I have a cell, and dont mind that I live somewhere they dont work. But kids are bad drivers to start with, couple it with friends, then with all of them posting to facebook and it ends in people being in wrecks, and worse killed. Like Mowin said, then its something you live with for the rest of you life.

Problem with the thought of restriction of use while moving is what about passengers? What about while on a train? What about an emergency... like you're following a drunk and talking to 911 (which I've actually done) ?

Jamming is just wrong. What about the recent shootings in the theater.. certainly you wouldn't want to jam someone from making a cell call during such an event.

07-31-2012, 03:04 PM
Motorcycles are inherently dangerous to a great degree , no matter if two wheels or three . You have nothing surrounding you for protection .90% of the time though it has nothing to do with the motorcycle , it's another idiot doing something stupid causing the accident and you end up on the brown end of the stick.

Have a couple that rides a wing in our group that had an accident caused by a ladder coming off a truck and they had nowhere to go. Totalled the bike and both had some serious but not life threatening injuries. DEriver of the truck didn't stop , hit his brakes then sped off. If they hadn't been riding with another couple that was able to call for help it could have been a lot worse because they were on a very light trafficked road in the country.

I've had a few close calls myself , both on two wheels , on my trike and my spyder. All caused by someone else but being aware of my surroundings saved my bacon. Like posted some posted earlier , ride like every vehicle out there is out to get you and try to anticipate potential problems. If it looks like somene just might pull out.....give them the benefit of the doubt.

I really enjoy my cycle riding and would really hate to give it up. Can't let the potential of the unforeseen stop you from riding , if it does then you aren't enjoying the sport and probably should give it up. Riding afraid all the time will take all the enjoyment out of it and that's why we ride.....to enjoy. Can't tell you which way to go , only you can make that decision.Don't let someone else talk you into doing what you aren't comfortable doing. If you walk away from riding , more power to you .

One thing to remember ....when your card is drawn , it's drawn, no matter what you're doing or riding. Could be a bike , car or sitting on the couch.

I wouldn't rush into jumping back on but the longer you wait would lead me to believe you want to give it up.Whatever decision you make...it's YOUR decision to make and no one else.

07-31-2012, 03:13 PM
http://www.spyderlovers.com/forums/images/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by StanProff http://www.spyderlovers.com/forums/images/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.spyderlovers.com/forums/showthread.php?p=493355#post493355)
I always have a bottle of water handy to fling at the offender. I hate that my riding interfears with their :cus: texting!

That would be one way to initiate road rage and then nobody wins.

Not to mention that you could be charged with throwing a deadly missle into an occupied vehicle (in Flarda) which is a second degree felony punishable up to fifteen years state prison.


07-31-2012, 04:40 PM
WOW... This thread grenerated more intrest then I thought it would. Thank you for all your responses.

I am not afraid of the bike, or afraid of riding the bike..Its the other jerks out there. I do enjoy riding very much, and I relise I could die in a cager or walking accrost the street.
It all comes down to how much risk one is willing to take. Will I ride again?? Yes, I rode today and had no issues. I was as aware of the other vehicles around me as I was last week when I had the close call. Still has me thinking of selling.

Someone metioned if it was that close, it most likely would have been a head on if I was in a cager. Maybe, maybe not.

As far as black not being a safe color, I relise that also. I do have a set of silver skins i could put on, or have painted.

Can I give up riding?? Sure. Do i want to? No. Will I? To be determined.....

07-31-2012, 04:49 PM
WOW... This thread grenerated more intrest then I thought it would. Thank you for all your responses.

I am not afraid of the bike, or afraid of riding the bike..Its the other jerks out there. I do enjoy riding very much, and I relise I could die in a cager or walking accrost the street.
It all comes down to how much risk one is willing to take. Will I ride again?? Yes, I rode today and had no issues. I was as aware of the other vehicles around me as I was last week when I had the close call. Still has me thinking of selling.

Someone metioned if it was that close, it most likely would have been a head on if I was in a cager. Maybe, maybe not.

As far as black not being a safe color, I relise that also. I do have a set of silver skins i could put on, or have painted.

Can I give up riding?? Sure. Do i want to? No. Will I? To be determined.....I think you have the right attitude. So the only thing I have to say is I'm glad you didn't get hit, close calls make you feel alive.

07-31-2012, 05:29 PM
Glad to hear you got back on. That will make your final decision more rational, and not a knee jerk. You have a lot to think about. Whichever way it goes, I wish you well!

07-31-2012, 06:11 PM
I am also glad to hear you are back in the saddle. Like all here, I have had my share of :yikes:but when it is all said and done you should, of course, do what your gut tells you. One thing that has helped me though, I tend to revisit the road where my close calls happened and concentrate on the bike and my situational awareness as I ride through. It usually only takes a couple times and the incident stops popping into my head. Even if it does later on, the memory is calmer and I can smile because I know it was my skill that saved me... just as it was your skill that saved you.

I am a firm believer in not letting anyone else take my fun away. That gives them power they don’t deserve. (Maybe that’s why I’m still single)

Take a longer than normal ride to some place you have never been. Then do a gut check and make the call that is right for you.

07-31-2012, 08:30 PM
I am also glad to hear you are back in the saddle. Like all here, I have had my share of :yikes:but when it is all said and done you should, of course, do what your gut tells you. One thing that has helped me though, I tend to revisit the road where my close calls happened and concentrate on the bike and my situational awareness as I ride through. It usually only takes a couple times and the incident stops popping into my head. Even if it does later on, the memory is calmer and I can smile because I know it was my skill that saved me... just as it was your skill that saved you.

I am a firm believer in not letting anyone else take my fun away. That gives them power they don’t deserve. (Maybe that’s why I’m still single)

Take a longer than normal ride to some place you have never been. Then do a gut check and make the call that is right for you.

I actually did ride by the close call area twice today. I did that to see what I could have done different to maybe make the situation less scarry.
I know I did everything rite to avoid the collision that most likely would have ended with a newspaper acticle about a MC rider who died. As far as being single, I just had my 2nd annaversery, and I sure that has more than a little to do with my rethinking the spyder. My wife has not asked me to sell, she knows how much I like my spyder, and said she will support me what ever i choose to do. She has NOT pushed me to sell or even hinted that I should sell. I'm thinkin she's a keeper;)

07-31-2012, 09:08 PM
Sounds like it! I have a keeper as well... Good luck with your choice! :ani29:

07-31-2012, 09:21 PM
I actually did ride by the close call area twice today. I did that to see what I could have done different to maybe make the situation less scarry.
I know I did everything rite to avoid the collision that most likely would have ended with a newspaper acticle about a MC rider who died. As far as being single, I just had my 2nd annaversery, and I sure that has more than a little to do with my rethinking the spyder. My wife has not asked me to sell, she knows how much I like my spyder, and said she will support me what ever i choose to do. She has NOT pushed me to sell or even hinted that I should sell. I'm thinkin she's a keeper;)

Mowin, she is a keeper. Ignore the (Single) thing. When I said I won't let anyone stop my fun I meant the chuckleheads in cages, not your wife. I refuse to let some goofball on a cell phone keep me from enjoying the wind.

07-31-2012, 09:27 PM
I agree that riding has to be your choice. But consider this. My wife and I are about to wrap up a trip from WA state to glacier, yellowstone, and back to WA. Today had a pickup with trailer cross the line in a turn. We were able to get past him on the thinner bike. If we had been in a car it would have been a head-on for sure. The outside of the curve was walled in since it was in a canyon over a river. Side of the road was out not an option. The smaller bike actually was to our advantage this time! We just thank God everyone is okay! And we were on a bike. You never know!

07-31-2012, 11:54 PM
I actually did ride by the close call area twice today. I did that to see what I could have done different to maybe make the situation less scarry.
I know I did everything rite to avoid the collision that most likely would have ended with a newspaper acticle about a MC rider who died.
But... you did everything right to avoid the collision... and you avoided it.

I think your solution is to keep on doing everything right! :clap:

07-31-2012, 11:56 PM
Lots of good posts here...I agree that black is the least visible color and with any bike, you want visibility. Get it painted bright yellow or green and you'll be far easier to see....
That was my plan, kinda. Bright green is hard to miss... and then it doesn't matter as much what colors I'm wearing. Tho it couldn't hurt to brighten up that as well.

Bob Denman
08-01-2012, 07:02 AM
Hey Rob,
Maybe Holly can get you some blonde pigtails for your helmet; Makes you more visible for sure! :thumbup:

08-01-2012, 03:56 PM
Mowin, she is a keeper. Ignore the (Single) thing. When I said I won't let anyone stop my fun I meant the chuckleheads in cages, not your wife. I refuse to let some goofball on a cell phone keep me from enjoying the wind.

Were good....I knew what you were sayin:thumbup: