View Full Version : Day Seven Cheyenne to Alaska and return

07-27-2012, 09:27 PM
Day seven started in the rain after a short breakfast at Cathys, the rain continued for about 20 minutes but it came down hard: and we had just cleaned up the bikes, shoulda known better. Stopped for gas at Ranchero and talked to a bunch of bikers "snivling" about everything, I guess they weren't having as good a time as Russ and I were. To the west of Ranchero spotted two more black bears that were right on the road shoulder, they looked at us as if they wanted us to come over and exchange pleasantries but for some odd reason we gave them a wide berth not being very sociable( and perhaps remembering Yazzs' warning.) Next stop was Tesllin for gas and Johnsons Crossing for some ice cream sandwichs to curb our appetite, again running into several bikers; we are amazed at how unprepared some of them were as to where to find a room, how to put their phone into roaming, why it was necessary to make reservations ahead and etc.; and because of this unpreparedness more "snivling" Next stop for lunch at Uncle Bobs in Jakes Corner; excellant clam chowder and ham and cheese sandwiches, actually too much to eat. While there ran into a Park Ranger who had a Grizzley bear sow and her cub in a cage; seems these two were terrorizing the local community by raiding chicken coops, houses and dog pens foraging for food. He said the bear population was keeping them busy round the clock, oh yes they were going to air lift the two grizzleys to Primrose Lake for relocation.Then the rains came again for our last 60klm into Whitehorse and yes as pointed out by akspyderman civilization and traffic but also a hotel with running water(just kidding). We plan on taking in the Follies Show at the Westmark Event Center and relax a bit. Tomorrow we cross into Alaska enroute to Beaver Creek; we anticipate some bad roads between Destruction Bay and Beaver Creek based on information obtined from locals and other bikers that just came through. Again the scenry today was as good as before and all in all a great day;as to pics I need to learn how to download from camera then upload to this site, I'm an old dog trying to learn new tricks(where are my grandkids when I need them), until tomorrow bye for now.

07-27-2012, 10:41 PM
Sounds like your having a good time. It does pay to be prepared for sure. You are going to love the Follies show at the Westmark. We did that one also. About laughed our you know whats off.

RE: Destruction Bay to AK. Fill up at Destruction Bay--no gas for over 100 miles or so. After Lake Kluane, which is very beautiful, you will run into what I call the hooptedoos. Constant up down on the road caused by frost heaves. You wont be able to make much speed, but will figure how fast you can go without bottoming out. About a hundred miles worth of that. When we went through in 2010--we encountered a couple pot holes as big as a bathtub--outlined in flourescent colored paint so you could see them in the daytime.

Ride safe and keep us posted. :2thumbs::2thumbs: