View Full Version : I Was All Set To Go For A Ryde Today....

07-10-2012, 10:58 AM
And then I called the vet. My dog Mollie--the one that had leg surgery this year--has a histoma on her face. She's been on antibiotics for 3 weeks now, and steroids for 8 days. It was infected, but the steroids helped clean that up. We were hoping the combo would get rid of the histoma as well. Um, yeah, it's still there. It hasn't gotten any bigger, but it's not getting smaller either.

The vet only does surgeries on Tuesdays now, so guess where Mollie is!! I was just thinking I'd call and get an appt for a consult and get her in for surgery to remove it on Thursday (didn't know about the Tuesday thing). No big deal. Then they tell me they have plenty of room to get her in today and have it removed!!

Although I don't get to go for a ryde today (in case they call), it works out for the best. I have another vacation day tomorrow, so I won't have to have my mom and dad come over to check on her! Things always happen for a reason!!

07-10-2012, 01:44 PM
And then I called the vet. My dog Mollie--the one that had leg surgery this year--has a histoma on her face. She's been on antibiotics for 3 weeks now, and steroids for 8 days. It was infected, but the steroids helped clean that up. We were hoping the combo would get rid of the histoma as well. Um, yeah, it's still there. It hasn't gotten any bigger, but it's not getting smaller either.

The vet only does surgeries on Tuesdays now, so guess where Mollie is!! I was just thinking I'd call and get an appt for a consult and get her in for surgery to remove it on Thursday (didn't know about the Tuesday thing). No big deal. Then they tell me they have plenty of room to get her in today and have it removed!!

Although I don't get to go for a ryde today (in case they call), it works out for the best. I have another vacation day tomorrow, so I won't have to have my mom and dad come over to check on her! Things always happen for a reason!!
Max is keeping his paws crossed for Her......and me my fingers....:pray:

07-10-2012, 06:33 PM

They had a couple of emergencies come in, so they are keeping her over night (free of charge) and will probably be doing the surgery first thing tomorrow morning!!


07-10-2012, 08:09 PM

They had a couple of emergencies come in, so they are keeping her over night (free of charge) and will probably be doing the surgery first thing tomorrow morning!!


QUOTE: From MAX ...woof,...woofwoofwoof,...woooooof,.....wooofwoof ...:pray::pray::pray:....:thumbup:

07-10-2012, 08:15 PM
I hope the surgery went well.

07-10-2012, 08:26 PM
wishing for good luck with the surgery. Don't know what's up with the pups this year. Josie suddenly developed allergies and scratched her face raw and had to be on antibiotics and now steriods. My vet says he's never seen a year like it before :(

Bob Denman
07-11-2012, 06:56 AM
Tink sends her best too!

07-11-2012, 11:06 AM
My dog Ruby went to the doc last week for a bladder infection. An x-ray showed she had a bladder stone the size of a walnut.:yikes:... shes only 20lbs, so a stone that size is huge...She had surgery the next day, and is back to normal.:2thumbs:..

Hope Mollie heals quick....

07-11-2012, 12:19 PM
QUOTE: From MAX ...woof,...woofwoofwoof,...woooooof,.....wooofwoof ...:pray::pray::pray:....:thumbup:

don't you understand what your dog was sayin? he wants a shot, no make it a triple, place a bet on a "long shot," and follow it up with a double. if he wins. he wants you to take him to the dog track man. glad i could help!:joke:

07-11-2012, 12:26 PM
And then I called the vet. My dog Mollie--the one that had leg surgery this year--has a histoma on her face. She's been on antibiotics for 3 weeks now, and steroids for 8 days. It was infected, but the steroids helped clean that up. We were hoping the combo would get rid of the histoma as well. Um, yeah, it's still there. It hasn't gotten any bigger, but it's not getting smaller either.

The vet only does surgeries on Tuesdays now, so guess where Mollie is!! I was just thinking I'd call and get an appt for a consult and get her in for surgery to remove it on Thursday (didn't know about the Tuesday thing). No big deal. Then they tell me they have plenty of room to get her in today and have it removed!!

Although I don't get to go for a ryde today (in case they call), it works out for the best. I have another vacation day tomorrow, so I won't have to have my mom and dad come over to check on her! Things always happen for a reason!!

it's amazing how we treat our pets. they are all an extension of our family. they are home 24/7 when the kids are never around. they never answer back.(sounds like mike's might though :joke:) they are there to great us at the door at night when we get home from work. they are there in the morning to drink the milk left over from our cereal bowl. and most of all they effect our emotions and concerns maybe more than the rest of the members of the family do. hope mollie is doing well, but most of all, i also hope you are too!

07-11-2012, 01:47 PM
Here's our zoo sending some canine energy Mollie's way. (Ok, so it was just the flash....I think!) Don't mind the cluttered office...:sour:

The white-faced Golden is Kody - 10+ yrs. The younger Golden is Lucky - 3 yrs (followed me home one day...nojoke, the black one is Millie the mutt -8 yrs and the small one (in charge, of course) is Sonny, about 4, who we got from a retiree who was planning on traveling, and was going to take him to the shelter...
They're all sending greetings and good thoughts to Mollie and family.

07-11-2012, 04:43 PM
Hope all is going well. Our pets are very important. Cinnamon, Sammy, and Princess also send you best wishes.

07-11-2012, 06:39 PM
Thanks folks!!

She did have the surgery today and is back home!! Looks like she was in a bar fight!! Has an incision a little over an inch long starting about 1/4 inch above the start of her top lip going towards the bridge of her nose. It looks better than I thought it would!!

The vet was able to get the entire histoma out with no problems. It did not have any "feelers" or veins attached--a very good thing!!

She's currently on her 3rd nap since 3:45. Has a little bit of the shakes from being put under. She has eaten dinner and a couple of MilkBones!! All good signs!!

I need to figure out how to put pictures on my computer now that the camera dock kicked the bucket.... Mollie is a beagle mix that looks like a beagle with basset ears. Rocky is actually a beagle mix (has the howl), but looks more like a jack russell!! He's really a spotted mess, quite frankly!!

Thanks again for the positive thoughts and prayers!! Mollie appreciates it!!! Me too!!!!