View Full Version : Death by Spyder !!!

DR Buck
05-31-2012, 09:20 PM
It was just 2 days ago I read the thread on "Spyder vs Armadillo". If you asked me then, or even an hour ago I would have said that will never happen to me. :pray:

Well tonight after opening a larger hole in the inside panel behind the radiator and working to install a lower vent blocking plate (temporary to test it) I jumped on the Spyder to take it for a test ride. Barely a mile down the road from the house a VERY LARGE possum came running out of the brush on the left side of the road, moving left to right. Before I could even put the break on fully he crossed in front of me. I've never seen a possum move 700 mph before. :yikes:. I missed him with the left front tire, and thought I was going to test my "critter splitter" (spyderpops bump-skid). But because of his extreme speed he was able to avoid the main body of the Spyder. However, he did not avoid the right front tire. :gaah: I hit him "dead" center at about 50 mph. The the right side of the Spyder went airborne as I squashed him. Part of him sprayed up my right leg. :barf: Did I mention I was wearing shorts?

I pulled over to check the Spyder for damage and a car pulled up to see if I was OK as they had seen the "incident". I told them I was fine and there was no damage to the Spyder. :2thumbs: They said the possum didn't look none to good and appeared to be DOA. I agreed. :thumbup:

05-31-2012, 09:25 PM
It is a sturdy bike, glad your ok except for your leg and your wits! And I agree:barf:

05-31-2012, 09:31 PM
There are two things in the world that are worse than just seeing a opossum: 1 would be hitting one and the other would be getting splashed with opossum guts. :yikes: :yikes: :yikes::yikes: I think I would have to cut off my leg.

bone crusher
05-31-2012, 09:38 PM
It was just 2 days ago I read the thread on "Spyder vs Armadillo". If you asked me then, or even an hour ago I would have said that will never happen to me. :pray:

Well tonight after opening a larger hole in the inside panel behind the radiator and working to install a lower vent blocking plate (temporary to test it) I jumped on the Spyder to take it for a test ride. Barely a mile down the road from the house and a VERY LARGE possum came running out of the brush on the left side of the road, moving left to right. Before I could even put the break on fully he crossed in front of me. I've never seen a possum move 700 mph before. :yikes:. I missed him with the left front tire, and thought I was going to test my "critter splitter" (spyderpops bump-skid). But because of his extreme speed he was able to avoid the main body of the Spyder. However, he did not avoid the right front tire. :gaah: I hit him "dead" center at about 50 mph. The the right side of the Spyder went airborne as I squashed him. Part of him sprayed up my right leg. :barf: Did I mention I was wearing shorts?

I pulled over to check the Spyder for damage and a car pulled up to see if I was OK as they had seen the "incident". I told them I was fine and there was no damage to the Spyder. :2thumbs: They said the possum didn't look none to good and appeared to be DOA. I agreed. :thumbup:

I'm calling Animal Rights as your cruelty to animals is not justified...:shocked::shocked: Just kiddin'...glad you're okay...

05-31-2012, 09:52 PM
We need to get some dead critter stickers made like the old bombers had.

Glad you and your spyder are ok


05-31-2012, 10:02 PM
There are two things in the world that are worse than just seeing a opossum: 1 would be hitting one and the other would be getting splashed with opossum guts. :yikes: :yikes: :yikes::yikes: I think I would have to cut off my leg.

Ya don't like opossums?

Funny thing is the whole 'playing opossum' is no myth. I've had to club one with a stick before and then pick it up and move it. They literally pass right out.. playing 'opossum' and you can pick them up, move them ,etc.... for a few minutes. Really strange.

05-31-2012, 10:05 PM
Scarry to visualize. Glad you made it through okay. ;)

05-31-2012, 10:40 PM
Yuck. It's hard to avoid hitting critters with the Spyder's unique wheel placement. You only have a small area to aim for where neither the front wheels or the back wheel will track.

Anyway be glad you were on a three wheels. Hitting a relatively large animal such as that on a motorcycle could have ended up much worse.

Bummer for the poor possum but glad you're ok (except for the mess).

05-31-2012, 11:00 PM
:bbq::bbq::bbq::bbq::bbq::bbq::bbq::bbq::bbq::bbq: :bbq::bbq::bbq::bbq::bbq::bbq::yes::yes::yes::yes: :yes::yes:AMERICADE..MIKE :thumbup:

05-31-2012, 11:06 PM
SPYDERPOPS....are you out there looks like you need to invent a possum splatter shield:roflblack::roflblack::roflblack:, something for both left and right side that is strong enough to deflect the inner mentioning's of said rodent. Here in Alberta the only thing to run out of the bush would be a bear moose deer, maybe make an xxlarge version for us north of the border lol

06-01-2012, 12:35 AM
Possum pie anyone!

06-01-2012, 04:11 AM
Is it Stew yet?..........Glad you and your Spyder are okay.

06-01-2012, 05:10 AM
Sounded like it was pretty messy :barf:

You should have taken a couple pics for everyone .

Glad you are ok .

06-01-2012, 05:41 AM
:trike: Teddy & I are thankful you're still around to tell the tale :cheers:

06-01-2012, 06:19 AM
Ya don't like opossums?

Funny thing is the whole 'playing opossum' is no myth. I've had to club one with a stick before and then pick it up and move it. They literally pass right out.. playing 'opossum' and you can pick them up, move them ,etc.... for a few minutes. Really strange.I heard quite a ruckus in my back yard the other day. When I went to check I saw that my dog had an opossum in his jaws. The critter looked dead to me. Apparently looked dead to my dog too because he released it and left it laying in the yard and walked away. After about 5 min. the critter woke up, looked around and ran off into the bushes, a little wobbly at first. Playing possum saved his life. Cool.

Bob Denman
06-01-2012, 06:23 AM
:trike: Teddy & I are thankful you're still around to tell the tale :cheers:

:agree: Me too! :thumbup: Now go change your shorts and get back under the Spyder to clean up the... mess! :barf:

Desert Spyder
06-01-2012, 06:37 AM
Saw quite a few on the side of the road going to and fro Spyderfest this year. Not sure but I don't think they were playing possum any longer. And what about those crazy armadillo's? Legs up in the air on the side of the road. We're they playing dillo?

06-01-2012, 07:16 AM
Glad to hear you're ok. That is my greatest fear when driving at dusk or dawn, coming across an animal and hitting it! Road Pizza anyone???:barf:

06-01-2012, 07:54 AM
Glad you are ok, Question - gonna wear shorts on Spyder again? LOL

06-01-2012, 10:25 AM
Another good outcome of a Spyder vs. Kamikaze Wild Creature! Glad your OK.
These possums all need to be eradicated, but by 4 wheelers is highly preferred.

06-01-2012, 10:34 AM
Ewwww....gross....sick. :barf:

Glad you and your Spyder are ok!

Bob Denman
06-01-2012, 10:46 AM
This thread reminds me of how a ride to Montreal started out many years ago... in a Galaxy far away... I was heading over to my buddy's house to get started on the trip. I got to a real nice series of wide sweeping turns and layed the "wing over to scrape the floorobards up just a bit. About that time a Woodchuck about the size of an oak whiskey barrel :shocked: starts across the road!! All I could do with the boards 'a-sparkin' and the stereo at full volume was give him the front tread and hang on! :yikes:
That bike picked up and over him, moved over about a foot in the lane when it settled back down with nary a wiggle... :pray:
Sometimes you're just plain lucky! :opps:

06-01-2012, 02:25 PM
Really glad you are alright. Thinking about how you cleaned yourself up and wondering how the underside the Spyder looks. YUCK! :shocked:


06-01-2012, 02:36 PM
FYI: Opposum = N. Americas only marsupial. Related to kangaroos and koala bears. When hit by :f_spider: ... or cages they can make a terrible mess. Ick, been there. Glad you and the :spyder2: are in good shape. :thumbup:

06-01-2012, 03:36 PM
:joke: one down, 3,674,982 to go!!! thank god for three wheels, that's all i can say!

06-01-2012, 06:12 PM
FYI: Opposum = N. Americas only marsupial. Related to kangaroos and koala bears. When hit by :f_spider: ... or cages they can make a terrible mess. Ick, been there. Glad you and the :spyder2: are in good shape. :thumbup:

Yeah, I was gonna say they aint no rodent. Now squirrels, yep, we call 'em tree rats. By the way, they're all tasty, possum, musk (marsh) rat, coon, squirrel, groundhog. :bbq:

By the way, that splatter on your leg... most likely not innards but s...

06-02-2012, 09:35 PM
You aint never really had fun until you collide with that ol' striped skunk!...or even worse hit one that is already dead in the road. You know they made a song once about that....

06-02-2012, 10:05 PM
Saw quite a few on the side of the road going to and fro Spyderfest this year. Not sure but I don't think they were playing possum any longer. And what about those crazy armadillo's? Legs up in the air on the side of the road. We're they playing dillo?

Nope ... they were playin' possum on the half-shell!!:roflblack:


06-03-2012, 03:20 AM
Read this the other day and thought wow.... then hit a bird on my way home from work saturday morning ....