View Full Version : 3 States Down maybe 4 is DC a state?

05-31-2012, 07:29 AM
OK, I have seen everyones maps in their signatures and this is in no way as impressive as some of the maps I have seen, but I made it to my third state (unless the District of Columbia counts, then it is 4) over the weekend. My husband and I wanted to do a practice ride before Rolling Thunder so on Saturday we rode up to the new Casino Live in Maryland to register for player cards. It was about a 2 hour ride for us and I perfected the art of riding one handed.

Small accomplishments are so exciting to me, is it like that for everyone?

05-31-2012, 07:33 AM
OK, I have seen everyones maps in their signatures and this is in no way as impressive as some of the maps I have seen, but I made it to my third state (unless the District of Columbia counts, then it is 4) over the weekend. My husband and I wanted to do a practice ride before Rolling Thunder so on Saturday we rode up to the new Casino Live in Maryland to register for player cards. It was about a 2 hour ride for us and I perfected the art of riding one handed.

Small accomplishments are so exciting to me, is it like that for everyone?
DC is a "District":roflblack:

05-31-2012, 07:59 AM
I say, count DC as a state.............
A state of disarray, that is. :gaah:

You deserve lots of credit for driving around there.
I'm new to the Spyder, so small accomplishments mean allot to me as well!

05-31-2012, 08:01 AM
Everything in life we learn to do from not knowing should be celebrated as an accomplishment. I am not saying give out trophies for all of em like they do to kids these days for just trying. But I am talking about trying something new, somewhat dangerous, and achieving that goal. Always deserves some celebration. :)

You go gurl.

05-31-2012, 08:03 AM
D. C. ; District of Corruption!

05-31-2012, 08:18 AM
I say, count DC as a state.............
A state of disarray, that is. :gaah:

You deserve lots of credit for driving around there.
I'm new to the Spyder, so small accomplishments mean allot to me as well!

As a person who drove into DC every day for 10 years for work, I can honestly say you need specialized training to drive in there. I know it is a district not a State, but there are times I feel that I should get a medal for driving there for 10 years with no fender benders (except on 9/11 I was rearended trying to get out of the City).

05-31-2012, 08:20 AM
Everything in life we learn to do from not knowing should be celebrated as an accomplishment. I am not saying give out trophies for all of em like they do to kids these days for just trying. But I am talking about trying something new, somewhat dangerous, and achieving that goal. Always deserves some celebration. :)

You go gurl.

Do the trophies for everyone bug you? Does the every kid must play get under your skin? Does the hand holding and hugs for every little scrape tip you over the edge?

05-31-2012, 09:12 AM
I guess I was raised in a more harsh environment growing up. Always encouraged and rewarded for succeeding but also always talked to and consoled and counciled when I didnt "win" or succeed. Helped me learn to work hard and be a professional that is leveled out and focused on doing the best I can with the information I have.

I feel like this prepared me for life, because when we get older the trophies go away and the reprocussions for failing seem to be more severe. I feel like my parents did right by me in my raising, but at the same time they taught me that if I was fair and played fair the right thing would happen. And if Washington DC isnt a monument to that not being true I dont know what is ;)

So I am all for kids being encouraged and hugged, held and rewarded, but I also know that someday the real world will stare them down and hold them to a different standard, if they arent counciled to that truth I feel like we do them a disservice.

But that is just me :)

I am still very about being happy about the little things in life, and driving 1 handed on a bike is a noticible accomplishment to me, that way I know you can wave or fist pump at me when I pass you on the slab :)

05-31-2012, 09:31 AM
I actually didn't say I agreed or disagreed with any of the above, I find I get people's true feelings that way.

05-31-2012, 09:41 AM
Oh you get mine either way :) Im not very "PC".

I think we as a country have followed all this "PC" garbage to the point of insanity. Everyone wants to be unique and special, but that isnt enough they want someone to RECOGNIZE that they are unique and special. Its rather bizarre and annoying to me. If you cant be happy being you as you, then why do you need to run out and get people to agree and appraise you. I believe this attitude is then upheld and furthered by the everyone gets a trophy ideal. So yea, in the end I think it is not a smashingly good idea.

I am sure 100s of thousands of people would argue against me, and oddly enough, I am cool with that. Because I dont think I am special enough that everyone should have to conform to my opinion, but those same people usually dont lend to being respectful of my differing opinion, its quite and interesting dynamic.

05-31-2012, 09:43 AM
Do the trophies for everyone bug you? Does the every kid must play get under your skin? Does the hand holding and hugs for every little scrape tip you over the edge?


05-31-2012, 10:13 AM
i completely agree with you. couldn't have said it better myself

05-31-2012, 10:14 AM
Oh you get mine either way :) Im not very "PC".

I think we as a country have followed all this "PC" garbage to the point of insanity. Everyone wants to be unique and special, but that isnt enough they want someone to RECOGNIZE that they are unique and special. Its rather bizarre and annoying to me. If you cant be happy being you as you, then why do you need to run out and get people to agree and appraise you. I believe this attitude is then upheld and furthered by the everyone gets a trophy ideal. So yea, in the end I think it is not a smashingly good idea.

I am sure 100s of thousands of people would argue against me, and oddly enough, I am cool with that. Because I dont think I am special enough that everyone should have to conform to my opinion, but those same people usually dont lend to being respectful of my differing opinion, its quite and interesting dynamic.

Honestly I couldn't have said it better. I intentional beat my kids at things so they know how to lose. They are not going to get anywhere thinking everything is going to be handed to them.

Bob Denman
05-31-2012, 10:26 AM
How'd we get out here on THIS limb?? :shocked:
3 States and one District down... :2thumbs:

05-31-2012, 10:34 AM
... I intentional beat my kids at things so they know how to lose...

Better do it while you still can! :roflblack::roflblack::roflblack:

05-31-2012, 10:56 AM
I would call it another state if I went there. Have not been there yet.

05-31-2012, 10:58 AM
I would call it another state if I went there. Have not been there yet.

If you come to DC beware, seriously, it is not good for drivers in a car, it is worse for a motorcycleist.

05-31-2012, 11:10 AM
Oh you get mine either way :) Im not very "PC".

I think we as a country have followed all this "PC" garbage to the point of insanity. Everyone wants to be unique and special, but that isnt enough they want someone to RECOGNIZE that they are unique and special. Its rather bizarre and annoying to me. If you cant be happy being you as you, then why do you need to run out and get people to agree and appraise you. I believe this attitude is then upheld and furthered by the everyone gets a trophy ideal. So yea, in the end I think it is not a smashingly good idea.

I am sure 100s of thousands of people would argue against me, and oddly enough, I am cool with that. Because I dont think I am special enough that everyone should have to conform to my opinion, but those same people usually dont lend to being respectful of my differing opinion, its quite and interesting dynamic.

I agree,
If every one gets a trophy, Then why not give every one a motorcycle or a Spyder, Remember when the trophy was everyone should own a house, That worked out well didn't it. :ohyea:

Its getting so if your successful you have to be ashamed to admit it,Just look at the at posts about when asked how much did you pay for the Spyder, Most people are embarrassed to say, so they sidetrack the issue.

05-31-2012, 11:30 AM
If you come to DC beware, seriously, it is not good for drivers in a car, it is worse for a motorcycleist.

Eh. It's good for the circulation, keeps the heart rate up. :thumbup:

For 20 years I've been hoping D.C. would add to their license plates the motto, "D.C.- You can't get there from here."

Lanes that randomly end, roads that go nowhere, merges without merge lanes, traffic circles without signage, potholes, construction zones that literally last a decade, inexplicable traffic jams at all hours of the day and night, road closures, tourists, buses, more tourists, out-of-state drivers, out-of-country drivers, off-Earth drivers, tourists, VIP motorcades, parades, street fairs, marathons, tourists (did I mention tourists?).

Honestly, the only thing that phases me any more is the volume of traffic. And not even in DC so much-- it's always been bad there-- but the outlying areas. I know that Arlington will never allow it, but I-66 *desperately* needs to be widened inside the Beltway (and I-395 could use the HOT lanes), I'm sick and tired of being in jams BOTH ways on 66 at 11 am on a weekday.

That all said, for riding in Rolling Thunder, you're braver than I. Rolling along Constitution at 5 mph in sticky heat isn't my idea of a parade-- it's my commute. :joke:

Bob Denman
05-31-2012, 11:48 AM
Here's just the ticket for getting around in D.C.

05-31-2012, 11:59 AM
I intentional beat my kids

If I was the main stream media, this would be how I would report your quote! :roflblack:

05-31-2012, 12:02 PM
LoL Mark! So true! Bend anything to their liking, convict people in the court of mass media, then get a retract on page 14 in the paper 6 months later, and forget to publish it to the web so people cant show up the media for fabricating resources or just plain lying!


Might as well be insurance people! :joke:

Bob Denman
05-31-2012, 12:05 PM
Hey! I resemble that remark! :roflblack:

05-31-2012, 01:05 PM
good for you....keep riding you will have all 48 plus canada...Alaska & Hawaii:yes::yes::yes:

Bob Denman
05-31-2012, 01:10 PM
:agree: Hey... Ain't Hawaii and Alaska States too? :shocked: Did we give them back or something? :roflblack: :joke:... as usual!

05-31-2012, 01:46 PM
:agree: Hey... Ain't Hawaii and Alaska States too? :shocked: Did we give them back or something? :roflblack: :joke:... as usual!

We stole them fair and square, We ain't given them back.:yes: :yes:

05-31-2012, 01:49 PM
If I was the main stream media, this would be how I would report your quote! :roflblack:

Whats said on the forum, stays on the forum, that is all I have to say. :gaah::roflblack:

05-31-2012, 01:50 PM
We stole them fair and square, We ain't given them back.:yes: :yes:

Is that your story???

Bob Denman
05-31-2012, 01:57 PM
So this whole "Child-Beating" statement has opened us all up to a new side of you... :roflblack:
:shocked: Uh-oh! http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/23/im/darfc.gif

05-31-2012, 02:02 PM
So this whole "Child-Beating" statement has opened us all up to a new side of you... :roflblack:
:shocked: Uh-oh! http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/23/im/darfc.gif

My Bio-Mother use to make me sing the Pat Benatar song "Hell is for Childern" (I can still sing it from memory) to her and I had to call her Mommy Dearest. That should give you an idea of how I feel about "Child-Beating". Not letting them win is one thing, beatings are a whole other story, that nobody really wants to hear about.

Bob Denman
05-31-2012, 02:04 PM
I know... :thumbup:

05-31-2012, 02:12 PM
Dang it, now the song is stuck in my head!!!!!!!!!!! :yikes: Quick someone sing another song to me...... LOL

They cry in the dark, so you can't see their tears, they hide in the light, so you can't see their fears, Forgive and forget, all the while...... :banghead:

Bob Denman
05-31-2012, 02:31 PM
"A hundred bottles of beer on the wall; A hundred bottles of beer..." :roflblack: :cheers:

05-31-2012, 02:33 PM
Thank you!!!!!!!! :roflblack::cheers: I am not sure if that is better but it is different. I will be singing all the way home on my Spyder today, hope the cops don't hear me, I might get in trouble.

05-31-2012, 02:35 PM
Is that your story???

At least 4 countries wanted Hawaii, So the US annexed it before they did.
The us bought Alaska from the Russians for about 7.2 million, The Russians sold it to us because after the Crimean war they thought the British might sooner or later take over Alaska, By force, So the the lesser of the two evil's was to take the money.

05-31-2012, 02:39 PM
Dang it, now the song is stuck in my head!!!!!!!!!!! :yikes: Quick someone sing another song to me...... LOL

They cry in the dark, so you can't see their tears, they hide in the light, so you can't see their fears, Forgive and forget, all the while...... :banghead:

My Milkshake brings all the boys to the yard, and they are like, its better than yours, dang right its better than yours...

that was the last thing I heard on pandora when it cut off from lunch, so something similar is happening.

05-31-2012, 02:40 PM
:agree: Hey... Ain't Hawaii and Alaska States too? :shocked: Did we give them back or something? :roflblack: :joke:... as usual!

the easy continuous 48 states...then Alaska & Hawaii...plus Canada

05-31-2012, 02:42 PM
the easy continuous 48 states...then Alaska & Hawaii...plus Canada

Hawaii is easy, just take the bridge... :joke:

05-31-2012, 03:52 PM
There are some who want to make DC a state. 2 more Senators and how many ever House of Reps'. It would be another locked up blue state which excites some.

Never been there but I've heard you take your life in your hands getting on any kind of pavement there.

05-31-2012, 03:56 PM
My Milkshake brings all the boys to the yard, and they are like, its better than yours, dang right its better than yours...

that was the last thing I heard on pandora when it cut off from lunch, so something similar is happening.

TITO....... I'm willing to bet only you and I are about the only ones on this forum that know that song. :cheers:

05-31-2012, 04:12 PM
TITO....... I'm willing to bet only you and I are about the only ones on this forum that know that song. :cheers:

Hey!!! I know that song!

05-31-2012, 04:14 PM
Never been there but I've heard you take your life in your hands getting on any kind of pavement there.

Sounds just like Montreal...

Arr MiHardies
05-31-2012, 04:39 PM
Eh. It's good for the circulation, keeps the heart rate up. :thumbup:

For 20 years I've been hoping D.C. would add to their license plates the motto, "D.C.- You can't get there from here."

Lanes that randomly end, roads that go nowhere, merges without merge lanes, traffic circles without signage, potholes, construction zones that literally last a decade, inexplicable traffic jams at all hours of the day and night, road closures, tourists, buses, more tourists, out-of-state drivers, out-of-country drivers, off-Earth drivers, tourists, VIP motorcades, parades, street fairs, marathons, tourists (did I mention tourists?).

Honestly, the only thing that phases me any more is the volume of traffic. And not even in DC so much-- it's always been bad there-- but the outlying areas. I know that Arlington will never allow it, but I-66 *desperately* needs to be widened inside the Beltway (and I-395 could use the HOT lanes), I'm sick and tired of being in jams BOTH ways on 66 at 11 am on a weekday.

That all said, for riding in Rolling Thunder, you're braver than I. Rolling along Constitution at 5 mph in sticky heat isn't my idea of a parade-- it's my commute. :joke:

I don't wanna hear complaints about tourist drivers until you've lived in Vegas.

05-31-2012, 09:31 PM
TITO....... I'm willing to bet only you and I are about the only ones on this forum that know that song. :cheers:

So I guess singing a verse of "99 problems" wouldnt help either. I was listening to the Linkin Park + Jay-Zee 99 problems / points of authority.

05-31-2012, 10:07 PM
TITO....... I'm willing to bet only you and I are about the only ones on this forum that know that song. :cheers:

i know it also!! :lecturef_smilie:

06-01-2012, 04:57 AM
Hey!!! I know that song!

Bobs right............There is a wild side to you huh ??????:doorag:

06-01-2012, 06:24 AM
Bobs right............There is a wild side to you huh ??????:doorag:

I may not be as conservative as some people think. That is all I am saying.

Bob Denman
06-01-2012, 06:40 AM
:shocked: Well I for one, am shocked!! :gaah: :roflblack: :thumbup:
You guys STILL don't know what decent music is...


06-01-2012, 06:52 AM
:shocked: Well I for one, am shocked!! :gaah: :roflblack: :thumbup:
You guys STILL don't know what decent music is...


Honestly, I listen it all from Classical to Opera, to R&B to Heavy Metal from Country to Blue Grass! I love it all.

06-01-2012, 07:09 AM
I don't wanna hear complaints about tourist drivers until you've lived in Vegas.

I've never lived there, but I sure have spent my time there. Take that 24-hour traffic jam that is the Strip and make it 68.3 square miles big.

Oh, and your roads were designed in the 20th century by American engineers. Washington's were drawn up by a mad Frenchman 200+ years ago (100+ years before the automobile was invented).

Plus, let's be honest: how many tourists bother renting cars in Vegas versus just shuttling to the casinos? It's those crazy cab & limo drivers you got that are the REAL killers :joke:

Bob Denman
06-01-2012, 07:11 AM
I guess that I just got stuck in the seventies... http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_2_65.gif

06-01-2012, 12:02 PM
Better do it while you still can! :roflblack::roflblack::roflblack:

Oh yea, the time will come when they can more than hold there own. My oldest son is 10 years into the Navy, now he is a man. Used to I could wrestle him down and handle him (all in fun) now he is a "hand to hand" combat instructor, and a non-lethal weapons instructor and when he comes home he want to show me the latest moves he learnt. Let's just say that I'm too old for that now. (that's my excuse anyway). :coffee: