View Full Version : Very high pitch whine after shut down

05-25-2012, 05:50 AM
Has anyone else noticed a very high pitched whine noise coming from their bike long after complete shutdown? I am talking like even after 30 minutes of being parked - engine cut-off and key out and removed (though not in the locked wheel position) in the garage. The pitch is just high enough that I can not trace it to the source (tinnitus) but low enough that I can hear it - my wife also heard it. Not a one-time thing either. Sounds like a hearing test tone - its that high in pitch.

Now 3 of the 4 voices in my head say not to worry about it ;)

05-25-2012, 06:00 AM
This was taken from another post and may deal with the issue you are encountering. This note was sent to the dealers by BRP:

"When prepping 2011 Spyder RT models, you may
notice a faint "humming" or "buzzing" noise coming
from the area under the center glove box after the key
is turned off. The humming will continue for 40 minutes
each time the key is shut off unless interrupted by
another start sequence or an MPI is connected. This is
normal and they will all do it. What you hear is the
Electric Throttle Actuator( ETC) holding the throttle
plates fully closed until the engine cools down. This
feature will allow a normal start up when the engine is
completely heat soaked."

Sounds like this is the reason for your noise after shut down. So what you are hearing is "normal".

05-25-2012, 06:05 AM
:yes:No Worries:yes:This is normal & can continue usually up to around 40 minutes:thumbup:

Bob Denman
05-25-2012, 06:47 AM
Look at it this way; three out of the four voices in your head WERE correct! :shocked: :thumbup: :roflblack:

05-25-2012, 07:18 AM
As was said (and hinted), it is normal. It lasts for 40 minutes. It is a routine to hold the throttle body plate closed after operation, to prevent hot restart issues.

05-25-2012, 07:20 AM
Excellent - thanks. Explains the humming and buzzing in my head all these years (at least 40 minutes I can now explain away - the rest of the time I need to search for a better excuse now)

But that is bad news as my wife's Spyder is broke cause I don't hear it on that one :D Wait - hers is a 2012 so maybe something is different?

Glad to know it is normal though. Thank you so much!

05-25-2012, 07:26 AM
Excellent - thanks. Explains the humming and buzzing in my head all these years (at least 40 minutes I can now explain away - the rest of the time I need to search for a better excuse now)

But that is bad news as my wife's Spyder is broke cause I don't hear it on that one :D Wait - hers is a 2012 so maybe something is different?

Glad to know it is normal though. Thank you so much!
It is only a feature of the RT...2011 and later. It involves the fly-by-wire throttle, which the RS does not have.

05-25-2012, 07:46 AM
It involves the fly-by-wire throttle, which the RS does not have.

... and thank goodness for that! :spyder:


05-25-2012, 10:04 AM
I thought I had a tire going down when I got mine home and in the garage for the first time. I was checking tire pressures, then I got really nervous 17psi in a front tire is not something I am used to seeing. RTFM and all was good.

05-25-2012, 10:22 AM
I thought I had a tire going down when I got mine home and in the garage for the first time. I was checking tire pressures, then I got really nervous 17psi in a front tire is not something I am used to seeing. RTFM and all was good.
I am sure many dealers mention this, but mine didn't.

Only became an issue because I wasn't aware this sound was made. Called first chance I got and was given the explanations you have all given.

05-25-2012, 11:04 AM
When I picked up my 2011 RT limited 4 weeks ago, it came with a single sheet tucked into the manual that basically says what everyone here is saying about the throttle valve being held closed.


05-25-2012, 11:30 AM
... and thank goodness for that! :spyder:


:agree: x 1 million !!!!!!!! nojoke

05-25-2012, 11:55 AM
When I picked up my 2011 RT limited 4 weeks ago, it came with a single sheet tucked into the manual that basically says what everyone here is saying about the throttle valve being held closed.


There is a manual for this??? :roflblack: Who would have ever thought to look there!