View Full Version : This Site

05-23-2012, 11:06 AM
Has so many wonderful people. I know we don't always get along and alot of us have different opinions regarding many different things , but at the end of the day we all try to help one another with whatever we can. Let me share what just happened to me this week.

As I posted in another thread I was stupid and purchased a cheap GPS mount trying to save money and the end result was the mount broke and I lost my GPS that I just purchased a few months ago.

A few days ago I received a PM from a member rgscms who lives in Las Vegas. I have never even heard of this member before and also never had any kind of conversation with him. He joined in January of this year and has only posted 14 times. I opened the PM and he told me he had a Garmin GPS (360) with headphone jack that he wasn't using any more with all the attachments and carring case. Thinking he was going to shoot me a price that he wanted I read on and it only stated he wanted the shipping in return. I guess these new fancy RT Spyders comes with a GPS built in.

Thinking this was some kind of joke I PM'ed him back with my address and I also called him with the number he included in his PM. I had a great conversation with him and he said he would ship it out that day. I recieved a PM the following day from him and he said forget paying him back for the shipping but instead to make a donation to Wounded Warriors. :yikes:

I got the GPS in the mail today and this thing is in perfect condition. He easily could have sold it on Ebay for $75.00 or more and then he shipped it to me priority mail which cost him almost $25.00 to ship it to me. WTF kind of person would do this for someone he has never spoken too before now ???? :dontknow:

Needless to say I'm going to make the $25.00 donation to Wounded Warriors, but I will double it because I have no clue why this good deed was done for me. Thank you so much Bob (rgscms) you really made me think about things. :bowdown:

Bob Denman
05-23-2012, 11:19 AM
I'll match your $25 also... :thumbup: It's a VERY worthy cause and it's always nice to be able to "pay it forward..."

05-23-2012, 11:26 AM

05-23-2012, 11:59 AM
Way to go...:clap:..My wife and I both make monthly donations to the Wounded Warrior program..A worthy cause by far...

05-23-2012, 12:08 PM
I've told many that the SpyderLovers community is like no other that I've ever experienced. Not sure exactly why this is, one reason for sure is that we ALL share a passion for our Spyders, no doubt. Also, since the Spyders are still relatively new, we kinda don't "fit in" to most of the other traditional MC circles that have been well established before us, so we're more like a family here on this forum.

Your story kind of reminds me of a time last year, where this couple that Teddy and I had never met before, had offered to share their campsite with us in Plake Placid NY at the SITA rally but moreover, sent me a PM about what kind of food & drinks that we liked, cause they were also going to provide that for us as well. We were total strangers at this time, just reading one anothers posts here and there on this forum. But we both put out faith that the other wasn't an insane ax-murder or something to that effect.

All was well, that is til I got to the campsite after midnight & being so dark, I couldn't locate the site, so I called this stranger for help in locating the site we were suppose to be sharing. Thats when I thought I had made a terrible mistake, as this man told me, "Oh, no problem, just look for the blue rope lights & the rotating disco ball" WHAT??? I mean, who in their right mind, takes a rotating disco ball with them when they go camping>?>?>?

"Uh Oh Teddy, I think I may have gotten us into something we don't really want to be involved in" is exactly what I was thinking. But, we had just ridden 14 hours & had no where else to go or stay at midnight, so I just went with it. And you know what, the stranger was right, I was able to find the blue rope lights & rotating disco ball with no problem.

Once at the site, being so late, the stranger's wife had already gone to bed, so he told us. Who knows tho, he could have killed her & disposed of the body, right?

He even helped Teddy & I set up our camp before we all turned in for the evening. Upon waking, the stranger and his lovely wife had home-made breakfast ready and waiting, along with fresh juice even. "Wow, guess we got lucky Teddy, we woke up alive and well."

It got even better as our new hosts rode with us along the many great roads in the Lake Placid area & each night, back at camp, they made dinner & drinks, not only for themselves but for Teddy & I, & let me tell you, it was VERY GOOD! We also got to meet fellow SpyderLovers that were camping next to us, and each night became somewhat of a camp party with good food, drinks and lots of storys and laughter.

After all this, and the Rally was complete, these nice strangers didn't even ask for any compensation for sharing their site, meals, drinks, companionship or anything. They were just glad to meet us & that we all had a great time.

Me being me, I couldn't stand that, so Teddy & I rode into town & at least brought some desert back along with a small compensatory thank you that they didn't even ask for.

All this, from a once total stranger that we had never met before, but now am honored to call my friend.

Kinda makes a person ponder, doesn't it Randy?

05-23-2012, 12:24 PM
that's great.....this site is the bestest!!!!!

05-23-2012, 01:08 PM
Awesome story. Spyderlovers are so cool.:doorag:

05-23-2012, 01:10 PM
Very cool stories. Love SpyderLovers!!!!

05-23-2012, 02:06 PM
Very nice. Gonna get a better mount this time i bet :).


05-23-2012, 02:14 PM
Very nice. Gonna get a better mount this time i bet :).


Yes......... Wyliec pointed me to an offical Ram mount from GPS City. It came today as well and already installed. :thumbup:

Cyncy.... thanks for the cool story about that stranger you met, he must be a great guy but I'm sure he doesn't want anyone to know it. :roflblack:

Lady Macca
05-23-2012, 02:16 PM
Wow...what a nice thing to do for a fellow spyder rider. Awesome!

05-23-2012, 02:17 PM
Awesome stuff... :thumbup:

05-23-2012, 02:21 PM
Great story Randy.......I contributed to the Wreaths Across America for the residents in the National Cemeteries. I will contribut extra this year.

05-23-2012, 02:22 PM
:agree: Within a week of being chosen as an Ambassador but before I had my Spyder, Harvey of SpyderPops messaged me to offer to let me ride his other Spyder up to Spyderfest. Then when he found out I couldn't go, he offered to bring it to my house and let me ride for a day or so so I could get some experience. Never met me before, didn't know anything about me. I told my husband "These Spyder owners are good people!" And it's proven true over and over and over...

05-23-2012, 02:31 PM
The people on SL are Awesome :2thumbs::2thumbs:

05-23-2012, 03:29 PM
:clap::clap::clap: SpyderLovers are :firstplace:

05-23-2012, 05:31 PM
Yes......... Wyliec pointed me to an offical Ram mount from GPS City. It came today as well and already installed. :thumbup:

Cyncy.... thanks for the cool story about that stranger you met, he must be a great guy but I'm sure he doesn't want anyone to know it. :roflblack:

Randy, could you share some links as to what you went with and maybe even a pic please? Also looking for mount and want something low and sleek looking. There are so many options I get confused, go grab a beer and start all over again the next day! :roflblack::roflblack:

05-23-2012, 06:10 PM
Randy, could you share some links as to what you went with and maybe even a pic please? Also looking for mount and want something low and sleek looking. There are so many options I get confused, go grab a beer and start all over again the next day! :roflblack::roflblack:


I can't give you a part number because I have a Nuvi 360 so it will be different. Call them and tell them what GPS you have and you need a complete short ubolt motorcycle mount with the 1.75 " stem to hold the balls.

Now just so your aware, I removed that spacer next to the kill switch control when I had my handlebar cover off so I'm not sure if the ubolt on the mount will fit the bar with that spacer on. They do send a bigger ubolt along with it so it might fit. Maybe someone will chime in with an 100% sure answer for you.



05-23-2012, 06:20 PM
Wounded Warriors is one of my favorite charities..just "payed forward" $50 for Spyderlover who sent GPS...just gotta smile BIG when I think of Spyderlovers...:ohyea:

05-23-2012, 08:30 PM
Randy, I truly believe one good deed is repaid by another. If you recall,I lost a famialy member the day before thanksgiving, and I posted here just to vent..You my friend, went above and beyond and started a donation toward helping my nephews childern. Many people from this site contributed to this fund, most I NEVER met, but I hope to some day, and I am thankfull to all. This community is special, and I will never forget what you and others from this site did for my famialy....:thumbup: