View Full Version : Fair review of RS-S Motorcyclist Mag. April 2012

05-01-2012, 01:06 PM
Good review without bias on the RS-S. Quotes from the article below:

"The 998 cc V-twin provides sufficient urge to leave urban traffic behind. A Ham-fist will leave intersections trailing clouds of Kenda tire smoke."

"They call it a Roadster. Bring too much two-wheel baggage along for the ride and the three- wheeler is guaranteed to disappoint. Give those preconceptions the afternoon off and it might suprise you!"

"Anyone who reads the amazingly comprehensive owner's manual should find mastering the required skills easier than setting up a flat-screen TV."

"If two wheels deliver too much adrenalineand four wheels not enough, the Can-Am is an enticingly viable alternative. It's stable, comfy, responsive, reasonably quick and it schleps and impressive amount of cargo in that cavernous 44 liter trunk."


Bob Denman
05-01-2012, 01:50 PM
Sounds pretty fair; don't it? :thumbup:

As long as they don't ignore us... :2thumbs:

05-01-2012, 01:56 PM
What a difference a couple years make. Early reviews were sketchy at best, Roadster driven by people who did not know what they were doing.

We have not got a lot of ink recently, because BRP has not come up with anything new accept colors.

Another model, a bigger engine configuration, restyling--then we will get a lot more ink. IMO

05-01-2012, 04:24 PM
"Another model, a bigger engine configuration, restyling--then we will get a lot more ink. IMO"

Which brings up a point I'd been meaning to ask about. I read somewhere that BRP was working on a new model that would steer like a two-wheeler (kinda like the Piaggio 3-wheel scooters), sounds like a blast if there's any truth to it. Anybody else hear anything like this?

05-01-2012, 07:47 PM
What a difference a couple years make. Early reviews were sketchy at best, Roadster driven by people who did not know what they were doing.

We have not got a lot of ink recently, because BRP has not come up with anything new accept colors.

Another model, a bigger engine configuration, restyling--then we will get a lot more ink. IMO

I think that some of the journalist are approaching the Spyder as a 3 wheeler instead of a motorcycle, this is long overdue. This article was written by Tim Carrithers at Motorcyclist, The picture with the article is a red and black RS-S going around a curve with the inside wheel about 2 inches off the ground, good picture. The moto journalist are now reconizing the appeal and excitement the Spyder brings to open-air riding. I think we will see this type article more often. I would like to see a 3 wheel comparision test that would include the Wing kits as well as Tri-glide and anything else on three wheels. The Spyder is far more advanced than any of them in features and safety.

05-01-2012, 09:56 PM
IMHO, the Spyder G/S, R/S or R/T will blow the rest of them out of the water....they are not even in the same class...:agree::yes::yes::yes:

05-02-2012, 11:39 AM
Early on, one of the motorcycle magazines (it was either Rider or Cycle World) wanted to do a side by side with a Gold Wing trike, the new HD tri-glide, and the Spyder. BRP would not supply a vehicle for the test. I believe the Honda won that round. We had a thread up about it and some interesting discussion happened. I believe I called the thread "BRP lost a chance for some good ink".