View Full Version : Is this "only" a muffler problem??

04-15-2012, 01:53 PM
Out on a ride this afternoon. Everything going fine. I'm riding the Spyder at higher revs and being more comfortable with it.

But, about 60 miles into my ride my Hindle muffler starts backfiring on deceleration. In fact, just at cruising speed I'm backfiring like crazy. And the Spyder starts running very roughly. If I'm not giving it the gas, it's backfiring.

So, I have about 6000+ miles on the Hindle. Is this simply a muffler problem?? Can I solve it by putting the stock exhaust that I have back on? Is changing out the muffler fairly simple?? Like, can I, who is not too mechanically inclined, do this???

I hope I can get some feedback soon. I have to solve this early this week as I have the BRC Three Wheeled Motorcycle class this Thursday and Friday. How I wish there was someone around here who could help me with this without having to get my Spyder to the dealer. I don't feel comfortable riding the Spyder the 50 miles to the dealer the way the Spyder is backfiring like crazy. I'd have to find someone to trailer it for me.

Help someone, please!!!! Tell me this is just the muffler and that it's easy to change it out with the original brand new one!!!!!

04-15-2012, 01:59 PM
Exhaust Gaskets may be shot. Check for leaks around both sides at connections. How many miles on your Spyder and when was the last time they were changed ???

04-15-2012, 02:01 PM
Randy, exactly where would these "leaks" be? At the exhaust pipe going into the muffler? Or in the engine somewhere? I am a complete illiterate when it comes to motors!!!

about 6400 miles on the Spyder
exhaust gaskets never been changed as far as I know. Just had the 6000 mile check up and all was fine.

04-15-2012, 02:02 PM
Exhaust Gaskets may be shot. Check for leaks around both sides at connections. How many miles on your Spyder and when was the last time they were changed ???

Your new picture is just so wrong. I was taking my reading glasses off, cleaning them and still had double vision. LOL

04-15-2012, 02:06 PM
Shame on you for not watching my videos !!!! :roflblack: Make you check for leaks at the gaskets and your Hindle before you tear it apart. If it has never backfired before, this is a good place to look first.




04-15-2012, 02:12 PM
Great videos, Randy. I haven't watched before this because, without help, I don't see me doing this.

What would a leak at the gaskets look, sound and feel like, without taking the exhaust apart??

04-15-2012, 02:18 PM
With the engine running air would be coming out by the connections and you will feel it. If it is, you may get away with tighting them until you can change them after your MC course next week. Be careful the exhaust will get hot.

Worse comes to worse, you can always put your stock muffler on to help restrict the flow until you can get it fixed, but remember the stock exhaust requires it's own gasket so I hope you have it. :thumbup:

If no leaks are present, I'm afraid it may need a trip to the dealer for further investigation because you said the Spyder is running rough so that has me wondering if it's not a ignition or spark issue, but check for leaks first.

04-15-2012, 02:24 PM
Out on a ride this afternoon. Everything going fine. I'm riding the Spyder at higher revs and being more comfortable with it.

But, about 60 miles into my ride my Hindle muffler starts backfiring on deceleration. In fact, just at cruising speed I'm backfiring like crazy. And the Spyder starts running very roughly. If I'm not giving it the gas, it's backfiring.

So, I have about 6000+ miles on the Hindle. Is this simply a muffler problem?? Can I solve it by putting the stock exhaust that I have back on? Is changing out the muffler fairly simple?? Like, can I, who is not too mechanically inclined, do this???

I hope I can get some feedback soon. I have to solve this early this week as I have the BRC Three Wheeled Motorcycle class this Thursday and Friday. How I wish there was someone around here who could help me with this without having to get my Spyder to the dealer. I don't feel comfortable riding the Spyder the 50 miles to the dealer the way the Spyder is backfiring like crazy. I'd have to find someone to trailer it for me.

Help someone, please!!!! Tell me this is just the muffler and that it's easy to change it out with the original brand new one!!!!!

You say you have had the Hindle on your Bike for 6000mi. Did it start backfiring on deceleration right after change, most who have gone with Hindle replacement muffler have not had any problems with backfiring some report some mild popping on deceleration but have also changed to aftermarket air filter replacement such as K&N or GREEN FILTER If you consider it more than popping then what arntufun said about exhaust gaskets could surely be your problem...


04-15-2012, 03:07 PM
Had the Hindle on from when the Spyder was new. Original muffler was taken off and replaced before ever going to the first owner. Never had a juice box or O2 modifier. No green air filter. Just the Hindle. Never had a problem except for maybe the occasional "popping" on decel.

This is totally different. The Spyder sounds like it's shooting off a cannon volley!! I discover that you probably have to take some tupperware off to check the exhaust gaskets. At this stage, I'd say I probably blew out the baffles in the Hindle with the backfiring. So, probably exhaust gaskets and the muffler need to be changed out.

Only recourse at this point is to call up Freedom Cycle on Tuesday when they open. Then pray that if I can finagle a trailer for Tuesday afternoon that I can get it up be be fixed. Pray that they can have it fixed by Wednesday afternoon, so I am good to go for class Thursday. Otherwise, I'll have to try and reschedule the class.

This was not a good time for this to happen. Though, better today than on Thursday morning on the way to class!!!

Thanks for the responses to my plea for info and answers!!

04-15-2012, 03:16 PM
Are you sure you didn't just get some bad gas?

04-15-2012, 03:27 PM
Scotty, this happened abou 50 miles into a tank of gas. Wouldn't the problems have started right away if it was the gas?? Or could this really be bad gas? Would bad gas make it sound like artillary fire from the exhaust?? And if it is bad gas, should I add some Seafoam??

04-15-2012, 03:46 PM
If it was bad gas, wouldn't it run rough under load (with throttle twisted) ??? Her complaint is on decel. :dontknow:

04-15-2012, 03:51 PM
Well, overall performance began to tank too. Though it was after it had been backfiring for a few minutes.

But 50 miles into a tank of gas??? Truthfully, by the time I came down the hill to my house, the Spyder operated best with the clutch pulled and so I was coasting!!!

04-15-2012, 05:04 PM
Scotty, this happened abou 50 miles into a tank of gas. Wouldn't the problems have started right away if it was the gas?? Or could this really be bad gas? Would bad gas make it sound like artillary fire from the exhaust?? And if it is bad gas, should I add some Seafoam??

If it was bad gas, wouldn't it run rough under load (with throttle twisted) ??? Her complaint is on decel. :dontknow:

Well, overall performance began to tank too. Though it was after it had been backfiring for a few minutes.

But 50 miles into a tank of gas??? Truthfully, by the time I came down the hill to my house, the Spyder operated best with the clutch pulled and so I was coasting!!!
Bad gas problems usually do start shortly after filling, but sometimes it is surprisingly long. Most people get far enough down the road before things deteriorate that they don't immediately make the connection to their last fill. The sudden onset and rapidly increasing severity is more indicative of fuel system or ignition system problems than deteriorating Y-pipe gaskets...although they are certainly a possibility. If Seafoam and some fresh gas don't cure it, I would suspect a bad spark plug wire or spark plug...but there are other possibilities. I do have no doubt you need Y-pipe gaskets at 6,000 miles, but that isn't usually something that instantly puts you out of business. BTW, have them use the Honda gaskets if you can.

04-15-2012, 05:29 PM
Well, the neighbor with the flatbed had a "car guy" coming over this evening. We had him look over my Spyder and give it a listen. First thing he asked was "where did I get gas". There has been bad gas locally at the specific station that I use. I took the Spyder up the hill to come back down the hill decelerating so he could hear the backfiring. Spyder ran fine. :gaah: The recommendation is to get out there tomorrow and run the gas down in this tank as far as I dare. Then get gas at a station that has had no problems with their gas.

I have some Seafoam. So, I'm going to add it to the remaining tank of gas because it can't hurt might help. I can add some to the next tank of gas too.

So the plan is to get out there tomorrow and really put some miles on it. The flatbed trailer is being dropped off tomorrow night in case I need it Tuesday. Only problem is having Freedom Cycle turn my Spyder around in a day if there is more too this than bad gas.

Can't thank everyone enough for your responses!!!

04-15-2012, 05:30 PM
Bad gas problems usually do start shortly after filling, but sometimes it is surprisingly long. Most people get far enough down the road before things deteriorate that they don't immediately make the connection to their last fill. The sudden onset and rapidly increasing severity is more indicative of fuel system or ignition system problems than deteriorating Y-pipe gaskets...although they are certainly a possibility. If Seafoam and some fresh gas don't cure it, I would suspect a bad spark plug wire or spark plug...but there are other possibilities. I do have no doubt you need Y-pipe gaskets at 6,000 miles, but that isn't usually something that instantly puts you out of business. BTW, have them use the Honda gaskets if you can.

Scotty, Now that we have the rest of the story :agree: It could be bad gas or ignition problems more so than exhaust gaskets....If it where mine I would definitely check for fouled plugs and replace gas...First...


04-15-2012, 05:53 PM
I can understand an ignition issue. But what puzzles me about the bad gas is, wouldn't the Spyder be bucking while she was on the throttle ??? I'm not sure that it would backfire on decel.

Maybe I'm wrong. :dontknow:

04-15-2012, 07:18 PM
Well, as I get out tomorrow to run through this gas and eventually get some good gas in there, I should know more. If I've fouled the plugs, I shouldn't see improvement. If it's just bad gas, I should. I really hope I don't have ignition problems. I'm not sure why I could not replicate the backfiring when I just ran it up the street and back this evening. Shame on me, I didn't have gear on. This was just a quick zip up and down the street. But, no backfiring. Weird.

I sure hope I can fix this with just getting some good gas in there. Dealer isn't open tomorrow to do anything anyway. But, hopefully but Tuesday, she'll be running better without dealer intervention.

04-16-2012, 06:37 AM
I have an 09 Spyder with a Hindle exhaust ... had the popping you described ..especially when the engine temp was warmer ...got an o2 sensor mod and changed the y gaskets ... popping disappeared .... as for the baffle ... mine is removed ... its difficult to remove it ... but it sounds and runs great.

04-16-2012, 10:07 AM
Well, as I get out tomorrow to run through this gas and eventually get some good gas in there, I should know more. If I've fouled the plugs, I shouldn't see improvement. If it's just bad gas, I should. I really hope I don't have ignition problems. I'm not sure why I could not replicate the backfiring when I just ran it up the street and back this evening. Shame on me, I didn't have gear on. This was just a quick zip up and down the street. But, no backfiring. Weird.

I sure hope I can fix this with just getting some good gas in there. Dealer isn't open tomorrow to do anything anyway. But, hopefully but Tuesday, she'll be running better without dealer intervention.
If it indeed turns out to be the gas then I would replace the fuel filter also.

04-16-2012, 10:43 AM
Change of plans. Today is turning into being too busy to do much about the Spyder. So, tomorrow I will ride it up to Freedom Cycle. That solves two things. One, it burns out this possible bad gas. And two, the Spyder is where it needs to be if it needs servicing. I don't know if Freedom Cycle can turn it around in a day. I've call the operator of the M.O.S.T class on Thursday saying I will try and be there. I'll call Wednesday night to let them know for sure.

Not the best time for all this to happen. But, some things are out of my control. I'll do the best I can to be ready for the class Thursday. It just may not be in the cards.

04-16-2012, 04:39 PM
Even better, I siphoned the old gas out and put a few gallons of new gas in with some Seafoam. I'll top it off at a decent gas station in the morning on the way to Freedom Cycle. It will be a nice ride to check things out. If all is fine, I'll turn around and bring it home. But, if it needs service, it will be in the right place. Cancelled morning plans to get it up to Freedom Cycle first thing as they open.

04-17-2012, 10:43 AM
So, the saga continues this morning. I topped off the tank with what I expected to be "good" gas. Off to Freedom Cycle which is all highway drive. Spyder ran just fine. Better than fine. Weather was perfect, sun was out, not too breezy. Told the service department of my woes. But figured it was bad gas and this was the end of it. Got the Spyder inspected since I was up there.

So, took a more scenic route home. Again, no problems. As I've said recently, I'm starting to ride the Spyder at higher engine revs. It's like I have waked up the engine!!

However! Again about 80 miles into today's driving, the muffler starts popping. It's not bad. And I start to play around with staying in a lower gear at high revs and alternating a higher gear at lower revs. The Spyder began lugging badly in the higher gear lower revs. Hesitations, popping. Not quite as bad as Sunday, but definitely happening.

So, my conclusion is that I have finally started to break the engine in as it should be ridden. When the engine gets fully warmed up, it does not like the richer mixture made by lowering the revs in a higher gear. The Hindle doesn't like it either. At least I think this is a gas mixture problem. This is why everyone goes to an O2 modifier, juice box and/or green air filter when they have a performance muffler on their Spyder.

Me? I'm not going to go in that direction. My Spyder as is will get me through the Three Wheeled BRC Thursday and Friday this week. But, after that, I'm going to have my Y gaskets replaced and the original muffler put back on. I don't ride in such a manner as to need "performance". This popping and engine hesitation is for the birds!!!

Now, I believe there was no "bad" gas at all. This is a fuel mixture problem now that I'm running the engine a bit more the way it should be run. At least this is my theory. And I will stick to it to the point of having the OEM muffler put on. After that, who the heck knows if the problem continues!!!

Well, this is my .02 and I'm sticking to it!!!