View Full Version : Michigan Helmet Law

04-13-2012, 09:15 AM
It is official that you have the option of wearing a helmet in Michigan as of today as the Governor has signed the bill. There are a few minor details to meet the requirements like age and insurance but otherwise it is a go. For the record, I will still be protecting my noggin.

04-13-2012, 09:19 AM
For the record, I will still be protecting my noggin.

Good call..............:2thumbs:

04-13-2012, 10:30 AM
Wow, I hope all of my Michigan friends continue to wear their helmets.

04-13-2012, 11:34 AM
Our MCCA just went up $30 per vehicle a year. I hate to see what their piddly $20K in insurance coverage does to the lifetime care bills for head injuries down the road...and what astronomical sum we will pay for the MCCA fee in the future as a result. I'll advised legislation and an ill advised signature, IMO.

04-13-2012, 11:43 AM
I already know of a guy that could hardly wait for this to pass....he must be flying high now....oh well I will still wear mine.....

04-13-2012, 12:06 PM
Guess our Gov should also have the seat belt law repealed, along with speed limits, and maybe also repeal the law requiring child seats ... give the Darwin theory a chance to prove itself.

04-13-2012, 12:34 PM
While I wear my helmet, I have to say that I appreciate the fact that people are given a chance to choose what to do. The US was founded on a statement of choice. All too often in the name of safety, or good morals, or whathaveye, laws are placed into effect that basically ultimately become a source of revenue for the government in question. I am not saying its safe to ride without a helmet, but I know people that think because people they know died on motorcycles that they should be illegal completely, my life insurance provider and personal doctor included. I know people that think I shouldnt be able to scuba dive because I could die, and its dangerous.

Its unfortunate that accidents happen, but the vast majority of the fact is that most wrecks are the fault of bad drivers. Even people that shouldnt be licensed at all.

When I got my Motorcycle certification in 2003, while I was at the DMV I saw an older gentleman trying to pass the visual part of the exam where he had to read the eye chart through some glasses. He got it wrong 4 times before the clerk gave him hints and he "passed" and was recertified.

What the heck is that? Then he was sent out to drive home. In a country founded on individual freedoms where more and more people praise the restriction of rights, I applaud the repeal of laws forcing choices upon us. I remember riding between my mom and dad in a truck, standing on the seat with my butt up against the fold down armrest. That was my place to ride most of the time, just like that. If a cop or someone saw that today they would ticket the people, or worse call DCS and have the child taken away from their parents for negligence.

I also remember when all the trucks around here had gun racks in the back and there were GUNS IN THEM. Back then 7-11s didnt get robbed cause there were 5 trucks there with shotguns in the back window, people had to actually consider that there would be consequences to their actions, but I would bet if I went to get a gun rack now and put a gun in it the cops would ride me like a rented mule. Its like a time I carried a firearm openly displayed in a holster to a location in town. People FREAKED, and a LEO tried to seize my weapon when he was called. I informed him it was perfectly legal and if he wanted it I needed to understand the grounds to which he wanted it. After several phone calls and getting mildly irritated he informed me I was correct and he apologized and asked that I take it back home because people were uncomfortable. While I did it, I continue to be amazed at how quickly, freely, and even justify it to themselves people in our country give up their freedoms. I applaud the men and women among us that have served because you have made this country great and allowed for my freedoms which I hold dear and I love greatly!

And if people wanna roll without a helmet, in flip flops, a tank top and some shorts, then ride on. To me with or without a helmet is no different a topic than amsoil versus castrol or Harley versus Can-Am.

Let people be free. Dont just chalk one up to "safety" thinking that it is actually why the government does it. Laws are mostly about money anymore, not about safety. Thinking that the government wants to regulate safety or morality or whatever is crazy.

And before anyone throws a bucket of water on me, Im not hot or mad or soapboxing, just offering a contrasting opinion and some reasoning behind it. Not simply, I <3 WIND IN MAH FACE. Heck with the bugs the way they are, IM ALL ABOUT A HELMET, but I would like the option to get a full gut of bug-fabulous protein by driving with no helmet and mouth open.

04-13-2012, 12:45 PM
IM ALL ABOUT A HELMET, but I would like the option to get a full gut of bug-fabulous protein by driving with no helmet and mouth open.

Amen brother amen it can't be said any better than that!

04-13-2012, 01:10 PM
My helmet messes up my hair:yikes: Makes me sweat in hot weather, but I will never get on without .

04-13-2012, 01:49 PM
Helmet saved my life when I hit a jeep at 65 mph...not only that, I don't want to lose communications with my passenger, gps, phone or mp3's...so.....helmet stays...

Bob Denman
04-13-2012, 02:22 PM
Guess our Gov should also have the seat belt law repealed, along with speed limits, and maybe also repeal the law requiring child seats ... give the Darwin theory a chance to prove itself.

You may be on to something... :gaah: :roflblack:

Too bad for those who will now think that they don't need a helmet...:shocked:

04-13-2012, 03:13 PM
Guess our Gov should also have the seat belt law repealed, along with speed limits, and maybe also repeal the law requiring child seats ... give the Darwin theory a chance to prove itself.

The only reason each State has seat belt laws is because they will lose Federal funds if they don't have such laws. ANY State in the nation could get rid of seat belt laws tomorrow, but they would lose big Federal $$$$. This used to be the same with helmets. In the late 60's the Federal government provided funds to states that enacted helmet laws. The Fed no longer provides such funding.

As far as child seats, or seat belts for children, or helmets for children - that is an entirely different thing. Children are not legal adults, and laws need to be in place to keep them safe from parents that are idiots.

Once you're an adult.... you should be able to make adult choices.

I agree with repealing the helmet law. Adults should have a right to be stupid as long as their stupidity can only harm themselves. I would also support not having the seatbelt law-- for adults.....

Now.. that being said... I also believe that if you don't wear a helmet or seatbelt.... your insurance carrier should be able to charge you at a higher rate.

Michigan requires a few things in order to ride a MC without a helmet:

1. 21 years or older.
2. Minimum 2 years MC riding experience or MSF course.
3. Must carry additional $20,000 medical insurance.

You must also provide same coverage for any passengers-- who must also be 21 or older.

I added the coverage today and did go for a helmet-less ride. It felt great -- just as many stupid things do....;)

Not something I'll do a lot..... but I will do it on occasion.

04-13-2012, 03:34 PM
$20,000 won't cover spit! When the medical bills pile up, our MCCA fund will have to boot the cost. That catastrophic claims (for life!) fund went up to $175 per vehicle per year for 2012. Wanna take any bets on how much it will be by 2015? I don't have a problem with what they did, despite its stupidity. I do have a problem with them reducing the added insurance addition from $100K to $20 grand, which is incredibly unrealistic. This will cost you and me both...mark my words! I am not that fond of paying for others' stupidity. My own costs me plenty.

04-13-2012, 03:53 PM
:agree: I'm with Scotty on this one. And I won't ride with people that don't wear a helmet, which is one reason I don't do group rides. I'm not going to hang around scraping skull and brains into a neat little pile. You can enjoy your gut full of bugs without me around.

And I really don't understand the thought process of a legislature that decides you have to carry an additional $20,000 of medical insurance to ride without a helmet. What the hell is that going to cover?

I guess in 6 months to a year we'll find out whether or not the accident death rate increases.

04-13-2012, 04:02 PM
:agree: I'm with Scotty on this one. And I won't ride with people that don't wear a helmet, which is one reason I don't do group rides. I'm not going to hang around scraping skull and brains into a neat little pile. You can enjoy your gut full of bugs without me around.

And I really don't understand the thought process of a legislature that decides you have to carry an additional $20,000 of medical insurance to ride without a helmet. What the hell is that going to cover?

I guess in 6 months to a year we'll find out whether or not the accident death rate increases.
I understand what you and Scotty are saying. But realistically what in the hell is $100,000.00 going to cover?

04-13-2012, 04:20 PM
The amount of coverage is a moot point- as long as Michigan can keep its no-limit medical no fault insurance. Unfortunately, our current Governor and his goons are going to change our no fault and put limits on it. Michigan is the only state that has unlimited medical coverage- and it has worked quite well. The MCAA is using the helmet legislation as an excuse to bilk more $$$$ out of us---- when they are not even required to open their books for all to see. I read recently that they are extremely well funded---

So the $20k wouldn't cover squat--- and really makes no difference in the big picture.

More motorcyclists may die now- which in a creepy way could actually SAVE money---- not to mention donor organs may be easier to come by.

04-13-2012, 04:35 PM
What is strange about all this is that he (the governor) will let you choose whether or you wear a helmet but not how you govern your cities and towns. Weird:dontknow:

04-13-2012, 05:21 PM
I understand what you and Scotty are saying. But realistically what in the hell is $100,000.00 going to cover?

Not as much as a helmet! :shocked:

04-13-2012, 05:23 PM
What is strange about all this is that he (the governor) will let you choose whether or you wear a helmet but not how you govern your cities and towns. Weird:dontknow:

I'll blame the governor for plenty of things, but not for the emergency financial managers. That comes as a result of long term financial non and mismanagement, and is a last ditch effort to avoid a municipal bankruptcy.

Nor-Cal Spyder
04-13-2012, 05:36 PM
I also believe in individual choice as long as that choice also includes assuming full financial responsibility for that decision.

04-13-2012, 06:43 PM
I am ATGATT. Sliding down a asphalt race track at over 100 MPH does that.
A friend of mine says it differently, "I would rather sweat then bleed".
Like everything else.
To each his own.

04-13-2012, 09:54 PM
Not to hijack the thread, I grew up in MI, moved to IN in 2006, would really like to move back to MI, BUT with the second highest vehicle insurance rates in the country, I can't afford to live there. And the Major Medical requirement is helping drive it over the top.
I believe that everyone should be allowed to make their own choices for their lives; don't come to me with the bill. You take the chance, whatever it is, and you take responsibility for the outcome.
Sorry, rant over.


04-13-2012, 10:33 PM
Well, as with anything, you get what you pay for. My spyder costs $400 a year to insure. My vehicle runs around $1,200 a year. (vehicle was around $35k new 5 years ago). I don't think that's that bad--- considering the awesome medical coverage we get.

04-13-2012, 10:41 PM
Our MCCA just went up $30 per vehicle a year. I hate to see what their piddly $20K in insurance coverage does to the lifetime care bills for head injuries down the road...and what astronomical sum we will pay for th eMCCA fee in the future as a result. I'll advised legislation and an ill advised signature, IMO.
Right on Scotty. I will continue to whear my helmet. As a retiredfire fighter, I have seen the effecets of accidents up close and personal. The governor did not do riders any favors by signing this bill.
A giant step backward in my opinion.


04-14-2012, 11:37 AM
I do not want to get into a debate btween right and wrong because like religion you will not change anybodys openion anyway. I would like to say how it is a shame that our personal freedoms of choice are for sale at a price. My son is in the service and wouldn`t it be a shame that all the freedoms they are all fighting for were more about $ than real freedom. You want to pass legislation on everything that may harm someone? As said before there are those who want to ban motorcycles all together, guns of any kind for any reason, sports in school (look at all the poor kids that get hurt and not consider all the positives), ban SUV`s they are to big and kill way more in accidents than just a car, not trying to be a smart ass but everytime we pass a law that a few think is for the better of society ther will always be the next person who wants to take it to the next level and then to the next, etc. and so on. Bottom line not all choices are good ones but that is not for someone else to decide if it is a personal choice.

Sometimes I ride with a helmet and sometimes I do not. If you do not want to ride with me when I do not then I respect that, that is your personal choice and I should have no say so in that.

I also agree no one should be resposible for my extra injuries if they should occur other than myself. Sorry if I ruffle a couple of feathers but when laws are passed that restrict my personal freedom mine become ruffled. Enough said by me.