View Full Version : Stupid Pills: The Final Chapter

04-11-2012, 11:14 PM
A happy ending to the the "SAGA OF THE BELT"

The dealer had a belt in stock after all, and they called me at 2:30 this PM to let me know that my :spyder2: was ready to go. It was at the shop overnight only.

I saved the $60.00 for the rush order on the belt--they ended up charging $299.00 for the belt, everything else was as mentioned previously.

I got to take my first ryde of the year and took the long way home. It looks like there is a weekend ryde in my future.

04-12-2012, 06:47 AM
Excellent! Good to have a dealer like that when things go bad! ;)

04-12-2012, 08:22 AM
Glad you could recoup some of your costs .Take a bit of the sting out .