View Full Version : Cpl. Bordino procession with the PGR

04-11-2012, 08:58 PM
Here is a link to a video that someone took of the Cpl. Bordoni escort procession that Nancy and I took part in yesterday for the PGR. He was injured in January in Afghanistan by a suicide motorcyclist and succumbed to his wounds last week. We escorted the hearse all the way from the Syracuse Airport to the Ithaca funeral home. We arrived at the airport at around 4:15 PM and formed a flag line until the hearse came by with Cpl. Bordoni's remains. We left the airport around 7:50 PM and proceeded down Rt. 81 to Homer then thru Dryden and finally to Ithaca. There were hundreds and hundreds of people all along the route on overpasses, at intersections, store parking lots, driveways etc. and several Fire Depts. with ladders forming an arch with their ladder trucks thru which the procession drove under. The weather was very cold and windy with rain and even sleet at times. It was just amazing to see the numbers of people out to honor Cpl. Bordino especially with the inclement weather. There were probably about 25 to 30 bikes (including 2 Spyderlovers) on the escort which was also amazing because of the really bad weather. It was a very moving experience to be part of.
We arrived back home around 10 PM just as it started to rain again and the temp. had dropped to around 34 degs.

Here is the link to the video showing the procession coming down Rt. 13 into Ithaca: http://videos.sorensonmedia.com/k12multimedia/BordoniFinal/627eca949a91aY464b0a70e28f9c6a713795

CMA Cowboy
04-11-2012, 09:02 PM
Thank you for your support of the military. The one good thing out of the funeral protestors was the start of the PGR.

04-11-2012, 09:33 PM
Thank you for your support of the military. The one good thing out of the funeral protesters was the start of the PGR.

They are the reason that I became involved with the PGR. Those people have no conscience and should have no right to interfere with a family's loved one's funeral and calling hours. They are totally disgusting!!!:barf: What kind of Christians can they be? People have to stand against such terrible acts of disrespect for our service people who have served their country and paid the ultimate price or have been injured in their service to our country!!!

04-11-2012, 09:38 PM
Thank you.

04-11-2012, 09:38 PM
Concerning those and other PROTESTORS I am definately a " Heathen "......That's the way I roll......Mike...:thumbup:

04-11-2012, 10:04 PM
A great way to show respect for someone that gave his life serving our country!!!! We salute you Cpl. Bordino......

04-12-2012, 04:36 AM
A very moving tribute and another horrible loss. Thanks, definately disagree with ever staging a protest at or near a funeral.

04-12-2012, 04:47 AM
Thanks for sharing the video. Rest in Peace, Marine.

04-12-2012, 07:38 AM
You might never know how much this means to the families of a fallen. The PGR were there for my son. Over 100 bikes for 2 days. Thank You. We joined the PRG to give back. The PGR was like a blanket of love. I will forever have a special place in my heart for PGRs. THANK YOU

04-12-2012, 07:44 AM
Thank you, Brought a tear to my eye.
Domino theory, 66/67.

04-12-2012, 09:10 AM
For some reason, I can not get this vid to play. There are many PGR videos on U-tube. Jessic Snow in Fairborn, Ohio was awarded a Silver Star at a later date.
Being in the Patriot Guard Riders is one of the most emotical events, a person can be in. Thank to all the PGR on this site and members in general. My first Mission was in the Spring of 2006. Their have many more over the years.
Sat, the Ohio PGR will be there to do the Honor escort for three KIA members of a Guard unit, on One plane.

04-12-2012, 10:21 AM
I added this after my first post. I am not very good at this computer stuff.
FYI Jesse Snow's Funeral had the UG (uninvited guests from Kan) there, but the Family never saw them. the best thing to do is ignore them. They want publicity and the luckers in their van tape everything so they can sue any and every body who does anything. Some courts have agreed with them. FYI
Someone at the Cemetary taped the PGR/Procession as they came in. i search aol at vimeo + Jesse Snow and I believe this the other way to reach the video. VIMEO.COM/22517675 It was a very wet and cold day.

04-16-2012, 10:06 AM
The link worked fine for me today. Thank you for posting it. I believe it is the first night time vedio I have seen for the PGR.

04-16-2012, 10:43 AM
Here is a link to a video that someone took of the Cpl. Bordoni escort procession that Nancy and I took part in yesterday for the PGR. He was injured in January in Afghanistan by a suicide motorcyclist and succumbed to his wounds last week. We escorted the hearse all the way from the Syracuse Airport to the Ithaca funeral home. We arrived at the airport at around 4:15 PM and formed a flag line until the hearse came by with Cpl. Bordoni's remains. We left the airport around 7:50 PM and proceeded down Rt. 81 to Homer then thru Dryden and finally to Ithaca. There were hundreds and hundreds of people all along the route on overpasses, at intersections, store parking lots, driveways etc. and several Fire Depts. with ladders forming an arch with their ladder trucks thru which the procession drove under. The weather was very cold and windy with rain and even sleet at times. It was just amazing to see the numbers of people out to honor Cpl. Bordino especially with the inclement weather. There were probably about 25 to 30 bikes (including 2 Spyderlovers) on the escort which was also amazing because of the really bad weather. It was a very moving experience to be part of.
We arrived back home around 10 PM just as it started to rain again and the temp. had dropped to around 34 degs.

Here is the link to the video showing the procession coming down Rt. 13 into Ithaca: http://videos.sorensonmedia.com/k12multimedia/BordoniFinal/627eca949a91aY464b0a70e28f9c6a713795

That was a very moving video..

Can anyone join the PGR?

07-14-2012, 07:37 PM
Yes you can join the PGR. Just go to their website and click "how do I join". Anyone can join, it doesn't matter where you are from, the only prerequisite is RESPECT. I am proud and honored to be a member of the PGRs]

07-14-2012, 08:24 PM
Yes you can join the PGR. Just go to their website and click "how do I join". Anyone can join, it doesn't matter where you are from, the only prerequisite is RESPECT. I am proud and honored to be a member of the PGRs]

I am proud to say that I joined the PGR about a month back. I havnt had the privlage of going on a mission yet, but will be honored to show respect to our fallen hero's...............

07-15-2012, 10:06 AM
Hi again:
Last time we talked was at Cpl. Bordino's escort.

Are you coming up to Phoenix, NY on 07/25 to escort the Vietnam Traveling Wall? If so will try to see you there. It will be very busy for this event!!

07-15-2012, 10:12 AM
My wife - hansensmomx2 - said it all. Thanks for your support in the bad weather.

07-15-2012, 02:17 PM
Thanks for your support. Weather shouldn't matter when honoring our heroes. It doesn't matter to them while protecting our great country. Yes, I'm a PGR member as well.

07-16-2012, 09:10 AM
I joined the PG last year. Have been on some really good and some very moving missions. I may not have served, but give thanks every day to those that do so that I have my freedom.

07-16-2012, 09:46 AM
Just got back from escorting 100 National Guardmen in three busses out of town to Indiana for some training before they go overseas for a year,hope to give them a Welcome home when they get back. One of them was the Son of one of our PRG ladies and the family was there,his Mom riding in front on her bike with a big American Flag!
My God protect them all.