View Full Version : Ground connection under the seat

03-24-2012, 09:32 PM
I made the mistake of loosening the ground connection under the seat before knowing about the problems of tightening. I wasn't looking forward to the hassle of tightening it after reading comments here on the forum. I first looked at using the long screwdriver method but to no avail .Dealer told me to bring it in and they'd tighten it...but didn't tell the cost.On a whim I tried something else....I took a wide blade screwdriver and wedged it under the ground strap and applied a little pressure and eureka the bolt tightened right up. No nasty words , no skinned knuckles and only took about 10 seconds .Maybe I just got lucky but for anyone with this problem , I'd give it a try first .

03-25-2012, 06:50 PM
I used the Uri Geller, Method;
I stared at it and with the Sheer force of my mind, It tighten up. :roflblack: