View Full Version : CB Transmissions through external speakers

03-22-2012, 11:30 PM
This may have been brought up before, but I really would like a fix. I have a Victory Vision and a Canam RTS that both share the same type of CB system. The nice part is the cords are the same and I did not have to purchase an extra one for my passenger. I have had both an HD Ultra Classic and Goldwing and the CB transmissions would come through the external speakers in addition to the headset speakers or your choice. On the Vision and Canam they do not come through the external speakers and in addition do not even mute the music. This is really stupid and I cannot believe there is not a fix for this. I realize some will ask why do you want it to come through the external speakers and the answer is because I prefer them to the headset speakers. My favorite is both on, but if I had a choice between the two it would be the external speakers. I am clueless as to why Victory and BRP have ignored the fact that when receiving a CB transmission the music on the external speakers in not muted and for us with hearing issues, it is hard to hear the CB transmission with music on at the same time. The proper way for this to work is what HD and Honda have, YOUR CHOICE AS TO WHERE THE SOUND COMES FROM, EXTERNAL, HEADSET, OR BOTH and music is muted on CB transmissions coming in. Also, I do believe that when you are transmitting on the CB the music is muted on the external speakers, just not muted when receiving.

Thanks for any assistance.

03-23-2012, 09:08 AM
This might work for you. I posted this awhile back. If you have any questions let me know.
