View Full Version : Ryding a spyder to look at new cars

03-22-2012, 06:28 PM
I've been looking for a new car lately and since it's been beautiful in NJ, I took the Spyder. My friend asked how I got away without being hounded by the sales people. Easy I said, all they wanted to talk about was my spyder. Even the mechanics and managers came out to talk. Not one tried to sell me a car. I did take a few for a ride and had to keep turning the conversation back to info about the car in question. A few seemed really interested and I told them if you don't like talking to people, don't by one. Then I pointed to all of them to make my point. They got it.

03-22-2012, 07:51 PM
I went truck shopping last fall on my spyder...Sales guys in 3 diff dealers didnt give a hoot what i rode in with...all they wanted was the commission on a truck sale..

Bob Denman
03-23-2012, 06:50 AM
A good salesman will focus on the prize and let the non-essential stuff around them fade out of the conversation.
But if you could throw them off their game in their own house... :thumbup: