View Full Version : Spyderlady Linda Had A Spill Today

03-17-2012, 11:11 PM
SpyderLady Linda hit a nasty, deep water, area today after her and John rode in the local St. Patty's Day Parade. The day started of nice and warm and went to hell after 12:00 noon. She had her two dogs in tow behind her. The underside of the Spyder will lift the wheels off the ground like the hull of a boat will. Once the wheels are off, the sensors kick in. That's not a good thing when hydroplaning. The long and the short of it: Her and the dogs are fine... a little road rash, bumps and bruises. The bike will need a little work to make it pristine again. Len from Cowtown is coming into STL on Sunday and taking her bike back to make sure that the damage was only superficial and not structural.

Give her a high five for being a trooper. I'm sure she would appreciate your well wishes.

03-17-2012, 11:17 PM
I'm glad she is ok!!

03-17-2012, 11:40 PM
Glad to hear that she and her pups are fine.

03-17-2012, 11:40 PM

03-17-2012, 11:45 PM
Holy cow. Not good :(:(:(

What happened? Hit deep water? Must have been some really bad storms up there.

Road rash, so she came off the RT??

03-18-2012, 12:27 AM
From what she told me tonight, the sensors made this situation worse. She hit a deep stretch of water and hydroplaned. The sensors tried to counter correct and caused the following problem. She had no control of the bike once the wheels left the ground. It resulted in the wheels braking independently and the inertia threw her and the pups from the bike.

I think that the underside of the frunk or skid plate actually lifted the bike when it hit the water. Doing so would lift the front wheels and cause the rear sensor to kick in and brake. Once that kicked in it would have forced the front back down. Which ever wheel hit first would also tell the sensor that there was still one wheel off of the ground. That caused a very rapid fishtail incident that no human could possibly counter. The end result was something that her and the dogs couldn't brace for. The bike stayed upright, we think, but threw the occupants of the bike.

The safety sensors in the bike are very well designed. But, you really have to watch for a deep puddle situation as this could be your end result, as well.

03-18-2012, 01:25 AM
And that Len is on the job taking care to make sure her Spyder is back in top shape soon, we hope :pray: Keep us ALL updated on how things progress :pray:

03-18-2012, 01:36 AM

Mo Lee
03-18-2012, 04:27 AM
Wow! I'm glad they are Ok. In a water situation I can understand the problems because you do not know which wheel was doing what, when. I guess we all better watch out for deep water. Come to think of it when we pre-rode the ride route for Spyderfest 1 we crossed a stream and my Spyder did seem a bit unstable. Heal up fast Linda.

03-18-2012, 05:16 AM
Glad to hear Linda didn't get hurt too bad. Speedy recovery, and "High Five"! :doorag:

Grandpa Spyder
03-18-2012, 05:31 AM
WOW I never thought about that, but I am Glad to know everyone is alright. I will certainly keep that high water issue in the back of my mind. I am glad you posted the details. This is good to know info for others to be aware of. Thanks

03-18-2012, 05:34 AM
Sorry to hear about the accident...............storms were bad on and off yesterday afternoon with lots of rain. I'm sure Len can fix the :ani29: if their are any issues and Linda, if you are reading this, we will say a pray for you that you heal up soon.:pray: We will want all the details at the next Spyderfest meeting.

03-18-2012, 06:44 AM
Heal up soon my spyder friend. Makes me wonder if I really want to put a "possum pusher" on my bike. Hmmmmm............Len might be the one that could verify that.

03-18-2012, 06:51 AM
So sorry to hear about Spyderlady! Hope she's ok and back on that Spyder soon. Be careful out there Spyder ryders.

03-18-2012, 06:57 AM
Sorry to hear about your accident. Spyderwoman and I wish you the best and a quick recovery for all. :thumbup:

03-18-2012, 07:10 AM
Glad to hear she's okay.

NitroCircus Spyder
03-18-2012, 07:50 AM
SpyderLady Linda hit a nasty, deep water, area today after her and John rode in the local St. Patty's Day Parade. The day started of nice and warm and went to hell after 12:00 noon. She had her two dogs in tow behind her. The underside of the Spyder will lift the wheels off the ground like the hull of a boat will. Once the wheels are off, the sensors kick in. That's not a good thing when hydroplaning. The long and the short of it: Her and the dogs are fine... a little road rash, bumps and bruises. The bike will need a little work to make it pristine again. Len from Cowtown is coming into STL on Sunday and taking her bike back to make sure that the damage was only superficial and not structural.

Give her a high five for being a trooper. I'm sure she would appreciate your well wishes.

Thank you for sharing this with us...it will make all us more aware of when it's raining of what could happen! Glad you are o.k. SpyderLady Linda and I hope you will soon have your beautiful bike back to you.

03-18-2012, 08:19 AM
Prayers for a speedy recovery to both you and your pups. Hope you heal quickly with nothing long lasting but the memory! Thanks for sharing.

03-18-2012, 08:22 AM
Spyderlady Linda....so sorry to hear this...hydroplaning is scary....glad all, you and the dogs, are OK...would like to know more details....take care

03-18-2012, 08:33 AM
Linda, best wishes from Carol and I for a speedy recovery for you and your pets.


03-18-2012, 08:42 AM
I will add my best wishs and prayers for a full, fast and total recovery for you and the pups.
I had never considered what Nanny would do in a hydroplane situation. Something to think about.

03-18-2012, 10:01 AM
Heal up soon my spyder friend. Makes me wonder if I really want to put a "possum pusher" on my bike. Hmmmmm............Len might be the one that could verify that.

I don't think that's going to make much difference adding the bump skid. I'm still installing mine today. The bottom will still be smooth and only 1/2" closer to the ground at most. Not having it could cause the water to possibly rip or crack some of your fairing pieces. Compare the price of what BRP wants for panels to the price of Pop's Bump Skid. The key thing really, is to just watch out for high water, especially in road dips or hill bottoms when there has been a lot of rain in a short period. Of course speed makes a big difference as well.

03-18-2012, 10:38 AM
Linda, Hubby and I are wishing for a speedy and full recovery for you and your dogs.

Hope you're good to go by Spyderfest, cuz we don't want last year's leader doing a repeat performance... ;)

Hawk Eye
03-18-2012, 10:40 AM
Aslong as she is OK everything else will fall into place. We will keep you in our prayers.

Hawk Eye :yes: :yes: :doorag: :doorag:

03-18-2012, 10:45 AM
First of all thank you everyone for the thoughts, wishes and prayers. I am okay a banged up elbow that yesterday looked like I had an egg on it, but this morning it has gone down and is just really sore as is most of my body. Now for the details: I had my two little dogs in a carrier in the passenger seat all strapped in. The parade we were in was lots of fun and everyone loved the Spyders and especially the dogs. During the parade it started to POUR and I do mean POUR. We tried to wait it out, but finally decided to start home. John was not with me as he was taking my girlfriend home (she had rode behind him in the parade). At times it was raining so hard I had trouble seeing. Glasses were fogging up and raining to beat the band. More than once I thought of pulling over, but the dogs were getting soaked and I wanted to get them home (my bad.... should have stopped). I was doing about 35 mph and had already hit one bit of a large puddle and the bike plowed right on through with no issues. Then it started to rain HARDER and I pulled my goggles down onto my nose so I could see better and try to find a place to pull off (gas station up ahead). All I can remember is all of a sudden the bike was floating turning to the right and I was saying to myself OH SH**. (The water over the road was at least 8 inches deep)then the spyder was spun very, very fast to the left and the right wheel was coming up..... that is about all I remember... I do remember flying off the bike and hitting the ground very hard (at least that is what the people were telling me that stopped... I hit my head really hard.) DOT helmet has a good scrape and dent in it. I remember laying in the road and looking to see if a car was coming that was going to run over me. Then I spotted my dogs a good 30 feet from me and all I wanted to do was get to them. To be honest as I was getting up I expected to see my spyder laying on her side and to my amazement she was right side up, only damage being the left mirror was missing.

Bikers are all neat people as we all know. A guy whose house backed to the road looked out at the commotion, recognized me and the purple bike and immediately came over. I had people from my subdivision stop and they took the dogs and the pieces of the mirror home, the guy took me to his house and drove my bike to his house then he took me home. This morning I went and got my baby, she is home and getting cleaned up.

Len from Cowtown being the super guy he is wants to come up and pick her up. He wants to go over her and check everything out before I ride her very far. Hopefully my incident has helped everyone else avoid any heavy rain issues. I will say the SENORS DO WORK.. Take care and ride safe.

03-18-2012, 10:58 AM
I once hydroplaned at about 80 and spyder did really quick adjustment and straightened itself and I continued on.
There was no time to react on my part as adjustment was very quick and light without any harsh braking.
All I had time for was to say "ohhh shi~~~~" and it was over.
I wonder if I just got lucky or her vss didn't work right...

In any case, heal well and quick.

Mr. White
03-18-2012, 11:05 AM
I am glad all is well with no serious injury. However your experience is a great learning curve for all Spyder ryders. I re read your last post...and while we don't have a lot of rain in South Texas, we do have quick, hard downpours and "flash floods" as they call them. A dry dip in the road one moment and two minutes later 5 inches of water...

I have learned a lot from your experience....and will pay close attention to water over the road. I am not a wrench and would never think of these controls kicking in and causing the scoot to jerk you hard enough to put you on the road.

I am sorry to say "thanks", but you experience will save others of a simular problem. Good luck!


03-18-2012, 11:05 AM
Thanks for the update. Puts my mind at rest that you'll be o.k.

03-18-2012, 11:08 AM
SpyderLady Linda hit a nasty, deep water, area today after her and John rode in the local St. Patty's Day Parade. The day started of nice and warm and went to hell after 12:00 noon. She had her two dogs in tow behind her. The underside of the Spyder will lift the wheels off the ground like the hull of a boat will. Once the wheels are off, the sensors kick in. That's not a good thing when hydroplaning. The long and the short of it: Her and the dogs are fine... a little road rash, bumps and bruises. The bike will need a little work to make it pristine again. Len from Cowtown is coming into STL on Sunday and taking her bike back to make sure that the damage was only superficial and not structural.

Give her a high five for being a trooper. I'm sure she would appreciate your well wishes.

So glad you are OK, bikes can be fixed:dontknow:

03-18-2012, 11:14 AM
I forgot to say THANK YOU to Kevin and Joanie who came over last night to check on me and let me wine a bit. Definitely helped me sleep and not notice the aches and pains. Love you guys!:ohyea::ohyea::ohyea:

03-18-2012, 11:49 AM
Let me add my thanks for posting the details of your incident. It does help all of us learn about the hazards of riding in the rain through water, and what to expect. The only times I've had an unexpected reaction from the Spyder was also on wet roads. Despite the 3 wheel stability, we need to learn to slow down in the rain. Thanks again, and glad you're mostly OK - and the dogs, too! Kudos to Len for taking such good care of you. :thumbup:

03-18-2012, 11:50 AM
I'm a brand new Spyder rider and this is one of the reasons for forums like this......learning how to avoid issues........I'm glad, Spyderlady, that you are ok.......I'm sure, over the next few days, you will experience some pain in places you never thought of......most of that will be muscle weakness from spasms from the fall........do some basic exercises and you will be ok....if you are not sure what to do, pm me and I will send you some.........

03-18-2012, 11:57 AM
Glad to hear you are OK. Life is lessons learned. Hope your dogs are doing well too. If I see a small 'pond' in the road in the future, I will safely try to drop my speed, if I have no choice in going through it?

I once encountered black ice on the Interstate on a two wheeler. I saw it, :shocked: hit the brakes to drop my speed, released the brakes then stood up on the foot pegs a bit when I hit the patch. It was squirrely for a moment. The car behind me moved over several lanes. I stayed upright :D and avoided that spot in the future. There was a 'leak' in the road and it was Winter at night.

03-18-2012, 11:59 AM
Sorry to hear this, glad for the most part things are ok. High 5 from CT and dog lover.

03-18-2012, 01:00 PM
...and thanks for sharing this with us. We don't ride in the rain if we can possibly help it because hubby rides a two-wheeler, but we hadn't thought water would affect spydee in that way. This is good to know.

03-18-2012, 01:14 PM
Glad you are okay but I'm curious what type of gear you had on? I know you previously stated that if you were in a state with no helmet law you wouldn't wear one. How do you feel about that today?

03-18-2012, 01:23 PM
Glad you are okay and I am sure your Spyder will be fine too after Len and his crew look at it!

As I read your recap of what happened, became apparent that we ALL need to trust our intuition to stop when its tells us we should stop!

Big Arm
03-18-2012, 01:36 PM
Glad to hear you are doing better. Here's hoping for a fast and full recovery for you and the dogs. Thanks for posting the update.
We can all learn from this incident.

03-18-2012, 02:08 PM
Glad the results were not worse. thanks for updating us. heal quickly.

03-18-2012, 02:12 PM

Thankful to God that Linda is OK. Beautiful Purple Spyders can be replaced, but there is only one SpyderLady Linda and I am thankful she is safe.

Linda, Connie and I send big hugs and prayers your way. I'll give you a real bear hug in April!

03-18-2012, 02:25 PM
First that you, Linda, and "pups" are okay. And also grateful for making me hyperaware when encountering wet roads Praying for your quick healing...

03-18-2012, 03:18 PM
Glad you are okay but I'm curious what type of gear you had on? I know you previously stated that if you were in a state with no helmet law you wouldn't wear one. How do you feel about that today?

I had on my DOT helmet and rain suit. No helmet....well I will think on that one. I only got thrown because of the rain. You can bet if it is raining I will have a good one on. Rain suit did not have any holes even tho my elbow did.

03-18-2012, 03:33 PM
Hope all heal quickly ....

03-18-2012, 03:39 PM
Glad to hear you and the pups are ok!!!

This makes me realize what a mess I avoided yesterday with some large puddles on the way home!! I made sure to slow down and move over to only hit the very edges of them! It wasn't raining, so at least I didn't have that to contend with!!

Hope you and your Spyder have a speedy recovery!!

03-18-2012, 03:45 PM
Wow-- what an ordeal.... sure hope you and the dogs recover. Hydroplaning can be very dangerous on any vehicle. If you were on 2 wheels it obviously would have been worse. Heal up and get better!


Pertaining to the sensors, I really don't think they are to blame here, they probably kept the situation from being worse (a roll-over). Hitting that deep of water at 35 would send any wheeled vehicle, especially a lightweight one, into some crazy motions.

03-18-2012, 04:14 PM
Glad to hear you're ok Linda...what a way to break in your new scoot...

03-18-2012, 04:15 PM
I am glad to hear you made it through your ordeal okay.

I have also experienced hydroplaning. In AK, they allow studded snow tires so there are grooves in the road where the tires go in each lane. Every other year or so they re-do the road.

The tire grooves can be catch basins for water when it rains hard. Twice, I was involved in hydroplaning and the nanny took over and brought the :spyder2: back under control. I have since learned to keep it under 55 and out of the puddles as much as possible during rain.

A difference I note in your situation: It seems you got in a puddle deep enough to float the whole :spyder2: leading to different dynamics with the nanny. I am going to be on the look out for large areas of water and try to avoid them altogether.

03-18-2012, 04:21 PM
Thanks for the update and happy to hear that you are OK.:2thumbs: I agree that the "Nanny" does her job..........when we had the RS we also got caught in a downpour on I-44 once. Cars were in the ditches on both sides of the road but the Spyder only experienced a "wiggle" when the Nanny kicked in and straightened us out. LOVE THE NANNY! Your experience will help everyone be mindful of water across roads and what can happen!:banghead:

03-18-2012, 04:43 PM
Thank goodness you're safe!

I'll echo the others here: the Nanny works just fine hydroplaning-- I commute with mine, I've lost traction more than once in the rain, even driving "sanely."

But there's a huge difference between hydroplaning on your average wet roads and literally rolling through standing water. You can get away with a few inches of standing water in a car or even a good dirt/dualsport bike, but sadly, the Spyder is NOT a puddle jumper. :yikes:

Important safety tip, thankfully the price for that tip was no higher...

03-18-2012, 04:50 PM
Glad to hear everyone is fine. Sending her well wishes.

03-18-2012, 04:57 PM
Wish you a speedy and full recovery.

03-18-2012, 04:58 PM
wow, glad you and the pups are ok. And thanks for sharing. Just another thing to put in the "noted" column.:bowdown:

03-18-2012, 05:04 PM
Wow-- what an ordeal.... sure hope you and the dogs recover. Hydroplaning can be very dangerous on any vehicle. If you were on 2 wheels it obviously would have been worse. Heal up and get better!


Pertaining to the sensors, I really don't think they are to blame here, they probably kept the situation from being worse (a roll-over). Hitting that deep of water at 35 would send any wheeled vehicle, especially a lightweight one, into some crazy motions.

I don't blame the sensors rather they worked like they were supposed to. I will still ride in rain, but you can bet when it is that bad again I will be giving more thought to pulling over a bit till it lightens up.

Bob Denman
03-18-2012, 05:27 PM
:yikes: i am so sorry to hear that you had this happen... But happy to hear that it could have been so much worse, but wasn't! :thumbup:
Are the pups sore too? :shocked:
The :spyder2: is in good hands... Len will make it right! :thumbup:

03-18-2012, 06:36 PM
Yes Linda and I both "wined" last night. Much needed!!! Sassy and Wynnie were playful last night and that was a good thing. Auntie Joanie played on the floor and the little pups were doing good. Of course, it wouldn't be a Saturday and Sunday if we didn't see John & Linda. So of course we had to jump on the bike and run to O'Fallon to see them again today. I think Linda broke the surround sound just to get us to come see if Kev could fix it!!! LOL. Anyway she is doing good, little sore, but soon she will be back at it again!!!

03-18-2012, 07:54 PM
Glad that you and your pups are good to go. That sounded like a VERY frightening experience. Hope you're back on 3 wheels soon:clap:

03-18-2012, 08:22 PM
So glad you (nor your dogs) were seriously hurt. I had never thought about going through water, but this really opens my eyes to the some of the dangers. You said it damaged your mirror. The bike actually leaned enough to rip off the mirror? Pray that you continue to heal.

03-18-2012, 09:37 PM
So glad you (nor your dogs) were seriously hurt. I had never thought about going through water, but this really opens my eyes to the some of the dangers. You said it damaged your mirror. The bike actually leaned enough to rip off the mirror? Pray that you continue to heal.

My guess would be she hit the mirror when she was thrown off.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

03-18-2012, 09:42 PM
Yes it appears my foot hit the mirror when I was thrown. Mirror is not broken, but did come apart. All in all me, bike and dogs are going to be good as new real soon.

03-19-2012, 12:14 AM
i pray that you and your dogs get well soon and the spyder is put back in the asome way you had it be for your misshape.:pray:

03-19-2012, 04:39 AM
I'm thankful by the sounds of it, everything will turn out ok. Get well soon Linda !!! :thumbup:

03-19-2012, 05:05 AM
Linda, sorry to here about your mishap and hopefully things will by back to normal soon.

03-19-2012, 05:58 AM
speedy recovery to you and the pups and the spyder!

03-19-2012, 06:14 AM
First of all thank you everyone for the thoughts, wishes and prayers. I am okay a banged up elbow that yesterday looked like I had an egg on it, but this morning it has gone down and is just really sore as is most of my body. Now for the details: I had my two little dogs in a carrier in the passenger seat all strapped in. The parade we were in was lots of fun and everyone loved the Spyders and especially the dogs. During the parade it started to POUR and I do mean POUR. We tried to wait it out, but finally decided to start home. John was not with me as he was taking my girlfriend home (she had rode behind him in the parade). At times it was raining so hard I had trouble seeing. Glasses were fogging up and raining to beat the band. More than once I thought of pulling over, but the dogs were getting soaked and I wanted to get them home (my bad.... should have stopped). I was doing about 35 mph and had already hit one bit of a large puddle and the bike plowed right on through with no issues. Then it started to rain HARDER and I pulled my goggles down onto my nose so I could see better and try to find a place to pull off (gas station up ahead). All I can remember is all of a sudden the bike was floating turning to the right and I was saying to myself OH SH**. (The water over the road was at least 8 inches deep)then the spyder was spun very, very fast to the left and the right wheel was coming up..... that is about all I remember... I do remember flying off the bike and hitting the ground very hard (at least that is what the people were telling me that stopped... I hit my head really hard.) DOT helmet has a good scrape and dent in it. I remember laying in the road and looking to see if a car was coming that was going to run over me. Then I spotted my dogs a good 30 feet from me and all I wanted to do was get to them. To be honest as I was getting up I expected to see my spyder laying on her side and to my amazement she was right side up, only damage being the left mirror was missing.

Bikers are all neat people as we all know. A guy whose house backed to the road looked out at the commotion, recognized me and the purple bike and immediately came over. I had people from my subdivision stop and they took the dogs and the pieces of the mirror home, the guy took me to his house and drove my bike to his house then he took me home. This morning I went and got my baby, she is home and getting cleaned up.

Len from Cowtown being the super guy he is wants to come up and pick her up. He wants to go over her and check everything out before I ride her very far. Hopefully my incident has helped everyone else avoid any heavy rain issues. I will say the SENORS DO WORK.. Take care and ride safe.
Sorry I didn't post anything before but I'm just now looking at the board. Glad you're mostly okay and the dogs are doing well. I've been in water like that but never had an issue, I actuly think having a trailer helps in that situatin as it puts more weight on the rear wheel. Take care of yourself and see you soon in Cuba.:doorag:

Bob Denman
03-19-2012, 06:50 AM
I have wondered what would happen if you hit some serious water with only one front wheel :shocked:... Would the Spyder try to pivot around itself?? :dontknow:

03-19-2012, 07:54 AM
Glad to hear you are all ok!!!:bowdown: And hoping that Len can get your Purple :spyder2: ready for Spyderfest!!

Scary feeling on hydroplaining on a :spyder2:... On our way back from Cuba last year it started to POUR coming into Memphis on I-55 and exited towards Hwy 422 to get into Dyersburg, TN. I thought the :spyder2: turned into a SeeDoo with all the big puddles we encountered.:shocked:

03-19-2012, 08:10 AM
So glad to hear you and your doggies are ok!! :pray: But, remember, it's a roadster.....to be ridin on the road, not to fly in the air. :roflblack:

03-19-2012, 08:18 AM
Appreciate you sharing your story about the accident. Hopefully, the Spyder ryder community can learn from this incident. Glad to read that your and the doggies are doing better.

03-19-2012, 09:20 AM
Again thanks to all for the kind and thoughtful comments.:2thumbs: I am a believer in all things happen for a reason. For once John was not behind nor with me and that was a good thing cause I am not sure he would have been able to avoid me. :trike: Thank the Lord no cars were behind me. Better yet, yes me and the dogs are okay, but we were able to share and help others be aware of the issues in high standing water.:lecturef_smilie:

Trust me I am sure Cowtown will have the bike ready for me in the shortest time possible. :bowdown::yes:

03-19-2012, 09:37 AM
Always good to share situations like this so hopefully others can avoid them.

I've often had concerns about those that carry dogs as riders and what could happen to them during an accident. I think you and the pups were very fortunate to come of of this so well. It sounds like you had them in a crate which may have saved them, but maybe a better way to secure the crate so it can't come off the bike would be better?:dontknow: Probably in a trailer would be even safer yet.......which would be my only option if I get another dog as my breed(Newfoundland) is a bit too big for the rear seat......;)

03-19-2012, 09:57 AM
Actually they were in a car seat and it did not leave the bike. Their car seat/crate was a very secure item and the leash they were attached to broke. I am pretty sure they broke the leash when they jumped. I am actually glad they were able to get off and not be caught on the bike.... in case something worse would have happened. While I did not have a break away leash on them, I understand why they are useful. People helped me by taking the dogs and taking them home to John. They even still had their doggles on. They turned out much better than I. Yes my first concern was them. People did not want me moving, but I wanted to get to them (and I did) immediately.

They were as protected as they are in a car. My dogs do not ride loose. They are strapped in and wear harnesses in all moving vehicles. Another reason why I will not hook them to their collars.... had they been hooked to their collars I am sure there would have been some injuries.

03-19-2012, 10:12 AM
Actually they were in a car seat and it did not leave the bike. Their car seat/crate was a very secure item and the leash they were attached to broke. I am pretty sure they broke the leash when they jumped. I am actually glad they were able to get off and not be caught on the bike.... in case something worse would have happened. While I did not have a break away leash on them, I understand why they are useful. People helped me by taking the dogs and taking them home to John. They even still had their doggles on. They turned out much better than I. Yes my first concern was them. People did not want me moving, but I wanted to get to them (and I did) immediately.

They were as protected as they are in a car. My dogs do not ride loose. They are strapped in and wear harnesses in all moving vehicles. Another reason why I will not hook them to their collars.... had they been hooked to their collars I am sure there would have been some injuries.

So they flew through the air on their own... not inside of a crate? Are they a 'flying' breed ...... ? ;) I think during most accidents they (as well as us riders) are safer if we can stay on the bike.. I would think getting thrown would cause worse injuries... generally.....:dontknow:.

Sure glad they landed safe!

03-19-2012, 10:41 AM
really a exciting story - glad that everyone is OK :clap::clap:..but the next time make a short video-clip !! would be a number one hit ...

03-19-2012, 11:09 AM
Actually they were in a car seat and it did not leave the bike. Their car seat/crate was a very secure item and the leash they were attached to broke. I am pretty sure they broke the leash when they jumped. I am actually glad they were able to get off and not be caught on the bike.... in case something worse would have happened. While I did not have a break away leash on them, I understand why they are useful. People helped me by taking the dogs and taking them home to John. They even still had their doggles on. They turned out much better than I. Yes my first concern was them. People did not want me moving, but I wanted to get to them (and I did) immediately.

They were as protected as they are in a car. My dogs do not ride loose. They are strapped in and wear harnesses in all moving vehicles. Another reason why I will not hook them to their collars.... had they been hooked to their collars I am sure there would have been some injuries.

First: I'm soooooo thankful you and your dogs weren't hurt too badly.
Second: It must've been scary (afterwards when you had time to think about it) and Surprised when it was all happening.
Third: Thank you for sharing this incident. I will surely consider alternative options IF it's ever raining that hard again.
Fourth: Sorry I missed the parade. It was hubby and I's wedding (39 years) anniversary and we just spent the day together. Thankfully we were home when the rain came.

Our daughter went to the parade and saw you and John. She also got stuck in the rain, but because the traffic and the rain were so bad, she decided to wait until the rain stopped, which was quite a while. In the meantime, Dave, her boyfriend had ridden his spyder and left immediately after the parade twas over to get ahead of the rain, while his sister Patti on her spyder got DRENCHED--She lives in the Cottleville area <--and even though she lives closer than where Dave lives, it took her the same amount of time to get home.

BTW, my daughter said you and John looked awesome on your spyders!!!

When I called you later that evening about your old comfort seat, I had no idea of what happened to you.

Again, I'm sorry for your incident. And thankful, you didn't get really hurt. Plus thankful, your bike can be repaired easily.


03-19-2012, 12:02 PM
Just reading this and thinking how scary this must have been. So glad everyone is OK!!!

03-19-2012, 12:07 PM
Len and I have been discussing what happened and he truly believes if it were not for my ELKAS it would have been much worse. I totally agree. Thank You ELKAS!!

03-19-2012, 03:12 PM
Wow !! I am so happy that you are able to write about this, as many situations like this can easily end up alot worse.

Len and I have been discussing what happened and he truly believes if it were not for my ELKAS it would have been much worse. I totally agree. Thank You ELKAS!!

I imagine that the technology of the sensors had alot to do with the Spyder remaining upright, but the added stability of the shocks certainly helped. :thumbup:

03-19-2012, 07:11 PM
Sorry to hear about your accident. Spyderwoman and I wish you the best and a quick recovery for all. :thumbup:
