View Full Version : ? Ultimate Seat for the RT ?

03-04-2012, 10:45 AM
I know Ultimate Seats said they were coming out with a new seat for the RT, but has anyone heard the release Date. I emailed them in December and they assured me they would be available when I go to Floriday in April, but since that email I have heard nothing. I would have thought the seat would be ready for Daytona Bike Week. Anyone hear anything?


03-04-2012, 11:12 AM
on their web site, the event calender says that they will be at spyder fest with a rt seat for a test ride and buy

Yol Bolsun
03-04-2012, 12:24 PM
Last I spoke them, when I ordered sewnonnies Seat for her GS, was that they were aiming for Daytona Bikeweek. I am so ready for SpyderFest.

03-04-2012, 09:28 PM
Here is the reply I received.
"we are trying to have our new RT seats ready for production around first
week of April so if your in the Ormond Beach area please come by our store,
if we don't have production seats by then we may have a prototype you can

It appears the seat will not be ready for Daytona week. I hope it is ready when I go to Florida in April.
