View Full Version : Temporary Mirror Clip Fix

02-27-2012, 04:53 PM
I was busy doing some mods to Libby this weekend and ended up breaking both mirror clips :gaah:- you know the ones. Since it was late Saturday and the dealers are closed on Sunday, my choices were to drive my car around or figure out how to rig it so that the mirror stays put. Not much of a choice, I know...so I came up with this:


I snipped off a couple of pieces of a zip tie, drilled a couple of holes in it, and strung it across the area where the old clip connects to the post. I had to find a small screw to put in the hole on the opposite side since there is not one there to begin with, but it worked out fine. It doesn't allow the mirror to sit completely snug up against the body, but it fits snug enough that I didn't notice any additional vibration on the road. I only noticed that I had to adjust the mirrors a tad because they droop down about 1/8" lower, maybe less.

I wouldn't recommend this as a permanent fix, but it sure beats not riding. Now, I have to go call the dealer and see if they have any clips in stock. :pray:

02-27-2012, 06:09 PM
I guess you where all out of duct tape .:roflblack::roflblack: Nice fix !:thumbup:

02-28-2012, 10:19 AM
The tech broke the right one on my RT and they were all out, naturally, so had to be ordered.
He had obviously done this before, he cut a small "clip" of metal for the top "attaching thing" and then heated the plastic up slowly and inserted the clip into the warm/hot plastic when it broke. Worked like a champ for the week to get the replacement. These dealers have got to start carrying stuff that breaks/fails all the time. My canister is on order for a week. I didn't do the canisterectamy because it's under warranty, but that's nuts..

Nice day in GA, gotta ride, take friend to his DR appointment, in a car, and do the grampa thing. Better get going.


02-28-2012, 10:56 AM
When I called my dealer yesterday to see if they had these clips in stock he said to come on over, he has plenty. Turned out that they pretty much stock them in the shop because they break so often. I got a couple of extra just in case....:thumbup:

02-28-2012, 01:15 PM
When I called my dealer yesterday to see if they had these clips in stock he said to come on over, he has plenty. Turned out that they pretty much stock them in the shop because they break so often. I got a couple of extra just in case....:thumbup:
Next time you take them off, rap with the palm of your hand on the outside of the mirror to pop the clips. I rap rearward first, then up. You don't need to do it hard, just a firm, short "bang". Then lift the mirror upwards off the latch clip. I have never broken a clip, and my Spyders have had the mirrors and bodywork off more times than I'd like to count.