View Full Version : First MC accident

02-25-2012, 02:35 AM
Was involved in my first motorcycle accident... my Spyder is pretty banged up, but hopefully repairable. I'm a bit sore, but no major injuries. I was on my way to work, doing 55mph when a lady in the cross street decided to leave the stop bar and plow into me... the Spyder and I went rolling down the road... but the Good Lord was with me, and like I said, I received few injuries. Always wear your safety gear... it saved me some scrapes and bruises.

02-25-2012, 05:21 AM
glad your ok, cagers have no idea how fast they can kill a biker. hope you get the spyder back on the road soon.

02-25-2012, 06:39 AM
Yes I to glade your ok. that is one of my greatest fears.... getting hit!

02-25-2012, 06:54 AM
;) Glad you made it through the experience with minimal wear and tear.:2thumbs:

02-25-2012, 07:12 AM
Sorry to hear of your troubles, glad that your relatively OK. Hope that you get your Spyder repaired and back functional soon

02-25-2012, 08:00 AM
Glad to hear you're OK, it must have been a terrifying experience. It might not mean much in the end, but that's why I like my Spyder loud and I use my Stebel air horn a lot.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

Desert Spyder
02-25-2012, 08:02 AM
Was involved in my first motorcycle accident... my Spyder is pretty banged up, but hopefully repairable. I'm a bit sore, but no major injuries. I was on my way to work, doing 55mph when a lady in the cross street decided to leave the stop bar and plow into me... the Spyder and I went rolling down the road... but the Good Lord was with me, and like I said, I received few injuries. Always wear your safety gear... it saved me some scrapes and bruises.

Praise the Lord you're alright! Hope to see you on the road again soon buddy!

Bob Denman
02-25-2012, 08:05 AM
:yikes: Having had mine this past October; it's no dang fun at all when things go wrong! :shocked: You'll be sore for more than a little while, but it's good that you're basically okay. :thumbup: Anything else can be repaired or replaced! Please let us know how the healing process commences.

02-25-2012, 09:14 AM
Glad you survived. Now you know why I call them "Opposing Drivers".

02-25-2012, 09:35 AM
I'm very glad to here you are a survivor in this.....IMHO I'd be pushing real hard for a replacement Spyder not a repaired one.....the eventual resale value goes down the toilet on a repaired one......and serious repairs are very, very ,very hard to get perfect and you deserve nothing less....IMHO.....Mike...Good Luck.....:thumbup:

02-25-2012, 09:35 AM
Sorry, But but glad you were able to walk a way. When you ride out in the open it can get dangerous.

02-25-2012, 10:06 AM
Had my one and only (knock on wood) 30+ years ago. Remember like it was yesterday. Thank God you walked away. I agree...go for a new bike...don't roll over for the ins. company. Take care!

02-25-2012, 10:09 AM
Let's hope that this was your only motorcycle accident.

02-25-2012, 10:11 AM
Glad your OK, and hope the SPYDER gets repaired ASAP, and you get back on it, to regain that SMILE, ans come to SPYDERFEST 3.

02-25-2012, 10:17 AM
Sorry to hear about your accident. I too am glad your ok.

02-25-2012, 10:24 AM
Was involved in my first motorcycle accident... my Spyder is pretty banged up, but hopefully repairable. I'm a bit sore, but no major injuries. I was on my way to work, doing 55mph when a lady in the cross street decided to leave the stop bar and plow into me... the Spyder and I went rolling down the road... but the Good Lord was with me, and like I said, I received few injuries. Always wear your safety gear... it saved me some scrapes and bruises.

You say first like there will be a second...let's pray that's not the case! What protective gear were you wearing?

02-25-2012, 11:13 AM
Glad to hear you sustained no serious injuries...I just took delivery of a new RT last night actually and this is a good reminder for me to be careful when I get out there. I am a very defensive driver and can ushually pick out the "clowns" when I see them...but sometimes just can't always judge or control what others are gonna do or have enough time to react as you are well aware. At some on the point you just have to trust the angel on your shoulder, hope I have the same one riding with me apparently that was with you.

I know this is not related to your accident but I REALLY want to see something done about people texting while driving...it's getting rediculous and I see it nearly every day now. If someone ever hits me because they were texting , and I can walk I think they are going to need their own angel as well. I believe the statics are 25% of all accident now are due to texting/distracted driving...far more than drunk driving I understand and something needs to be done! If that would be to completely ban any phone usage while driving...so be it.

I know you don't feel great about the whole situation right now but get well soon and remember the Spyder can be replaced.

02-25-2012, 11:21 AM
sorry to hear of your accident,glad you were on a spyder outcome might have been different on a 2 wheeler

02-25-2012, 11:22 AM
Glad you're ok. Sore is better that a hospital stay. The Spyder will be repaired/replaced and then you can get back on the road.

02-25-2012, 11:42 AM
Glad you are here to post about it. Most drivers of cars don't realize they are opperating a weapon. If more people thought this way, they might pay better attention. I don't like that the trend in cars is to load them up with more and more technological gadgets. When you are driving a car, that's all you are supposed to be doing. It scares me that there probably wasn't a lot you could have done about getting hit.

Anyway, sorry to rant. Inattentive drivers are our worst enemy.

02-25-2012, 12:00 PM
glad to hear you are OK...Spyder can be fixed or replaced

02-25-2012, 12:56 PM
So happy you are here in one piece to write about it. :clap:

02-25-2012, 01:16 PM
Our bikes stand out more than 2 wheelers do. That's one reason we got a Spyder. I got tired of 2nd guessing what a side entrance driver would do. It's another reason I added a 2nd set of head lights down low to the ground. More visibility. I'm glad that you are ok. Don't let the insurance company low ball you and I hope that this incident doesn't discourage you from getting back on again. A bad accident in 87' kept me off of bikes for 20 years. Although, the accident was my fault, totally, it still shook me up pretty bad. Good luck!:thumbup:

Tin Can
02-25-2012, 01:21 PM
Glade you are OK.. The :spyder:can be fixed or maybe better yet the insurance co. will get you a new one...

JJW SpyderRider
02-25-2012, 02:00 PM
It's bad to hear about the accident :( but GREAT to hear you walkway from it :clap:. 55 mph + car = new spyder. Unless it was just a glancing blow try to get a new Spyder.

02-25-2012, 02:05 PM
I'm pleased to see Weave2U is okay and the Spyder may be road-worthy again. Unfortunately the molecule brain who hit him is probably blaming those nasty bikers. I was curious ... What was her interaction with you, Weave, after she hit you? Did she stay with you, was she concerned? Did she assist with contacting the police/EMTs?

MSF teaches us to do it ... and I'm sure most of us do. At every intersection or side-street entry I cross, I automatically assume whoever's there is going to make it is/her mission to do the wrong thing ... whether a left turn in front of me, crossing the intersection, or pulling out from my right. I just know they're going to do it ... Did I say I just know they will? We have to take responsibility for ourselves and everyone else sharing or wanting the road we're on. It reminds me of when I was in Iraq. On the road, beyond simple traffic accidents, we had to swerve as we moved under overpasses and sky walks because we 'just knew' someone was on top of it ready to shoot at us or drop an explosive. I slow up, brace and prepare to react at every intersection; actually, whenever I see the front or side view of a bumper. ... Oh, and then there are the crazies behind us. I perversely await the day when I can shove someones cell phone down his/her throat, then tuck their face into their lower lip.

02-25-2012, 02:20 PM
Glad to hear you got through it. Spyder can be fixed or replaced.

02-25-2012, 03:13 PM
Glad to hear your ok ... Get well

02-25-2012, 03:39 PM
So glad you are ok and it fairly good spirits. As one who survived a Goldwing being bent in half beneath me, I know of what could be going through your mind. Please try to get on a Spyder again as soon as you are able to know that your confidence is still with you.

Be Safe

02-25-2012, 03:43 PM
Glad to hear you're ok!

02-25-2012, 05:49 PM
When I took the motorcycle safety course many years back the first video shown was of flat track and motocross bikes. After a short introduction the instructor said and I quote. " The only thing more dangerous than racing motorcycles is riding them on the public streets" That thought has stuck with me all these years. Glad you are still around to tell us your experiences. Wishes for a speedy recovery and many more years of riding freedom.

02-25-2012, 05:50 PM
Glad your OK- Smart to wear the gear! Thats why I call it "Escape and Evasion?"

02-25-2012, 06:20 PM
Glad you are ok. Spyder can be fixed or replaced but you cannot. Be safe.:thumbup:

02-25-2012, 06:25 PM
Soooooo glad that you are ok!

02-25-2012, 06:33 PM
Hope they get your Spyder either fixed or replaced sooner rather than later ;)

Hawk Eye
02-25-2012, 06:36 PM
Sorry to here of your accident, however you being ok is the only thing that matters. Youcan always get a new Spyder.

Hawk Eye :yes: :yes: :doorag: :doorag:

02-25-2012, 06:49 PM
I too am sorry and can relate. Two weeks ago this past Wednesday I was proceeding (on a light that had just turned green) through an intersection and had made it about 3/4's of the way through when a motorist ran her red light and struck me on the right passenger side of my spyder. She was doing about 45 to 50 mph from one witness. One witness described the impact as the back wheel coming up off the ground and throwing the spyder against a truck that was on the other side of the intersection waiting to turn left. I'm okay. (broken ribs, right shoulder rotator cuff torn all to hell and bruises all over) Spyder is totalled. I'm assembling my costs, etc., to attempt settlement with insurance.

I truly believe had I been on a two wheel that I wouldn't be posting this comment at this time. I also believe that had my wife been a passenger, she wouldn't be here either.

Really glad you are okay and know very well what you've experienced.


02-25-2012, 08:06 PM
Wow! Praying for a quick recovery. But I'm surprised your sharks teeth didn't scare them off before the impact. Seriously really glad you weren't hurt any worse than you were.

And Mouthpiece....Sorry to hear about your accident, too. What a scary time you had. You are also in our prayers.

I agree with all the previous messages about being a total defensive rider. Like it has already been said "ride like everybody is out to get you" and hopefully we won't be reading about any more serious accidents from our Spyderlovers community.

02-25-2012, 08:36 PM
Sorry to hear about your accident but extremly happy that you are OK. I hope that you will be on the road soon.

02-25-2012, 08:53 PM
Glad to hear your ok. I never got hit by a car, but run off the road twice. That's in 47 years of riding. That's why I wear good riding gear, helps stop road rash and breakage.


02-26-2012, 12:39 AM
You say first like there will be a second...let's pray that's not the case! What protective gear were you wearing?

Good point...LOL!! I certainly don't want a repeat performance. I was wearing a Scorpion jacket with all the armor points in position, a full-face helmet, and mesh motorcycle gloves. None of the equipment was damaged in the accident, just like the wearer :D

02-26-2012, 12:43 AM
I too am sorry and can relate. Two weeks ago this past Wednesday I was proceeding (on a light that had just turned green) through an intersection and had made it about 3/4's of the way through when a motorist ran her red light and struck me on the right passenger side of my spyder. She was doing about 45 to 50 mph from one witness. One witness described the impact as the back wheel coming up off the ground and throwing the spyder against a truck that was on the other side of the intersection waiting to turn left. I'm okay. (broken ribs, right shoulder rotator cuff torn all to hell and bruises all over) Spyder is totalled. I'm assembling my costs, etc., to attempt settlement with insurance.

I truly believe had I been on a two wheel that I wouldn't be posting this comment at this time. I also believe that had my wife been a passenger, she wouldn't be here either.

Really glad you are okay and know very well what you've experienced.


So happy to hear you survived with only a few injuries. Everyone is telling me I shouldn't get another MC, and that they're dangerous. My take is that the MC isn't as dangerous as the drivers around us. Hope it all works out well for you bro... praise God you're wife wasn't with you and that you will recover.

02-26-2012, 12:52 AM
I'm pleased to see Weave2U is okay and the Spyder may be road-worthy again. Unfortunately the molecule brain who hit him is probably blaming those nasty bikers. I was curious ... What was her interaction with you, Weave, after she hit you? Did she stay with you, was she concerned? Did she assist with contacting the police/EMTs?

MSF teaches us to do it ... and I'm sure most of us do. At every intersection or side-street entry I cross, I automatically assume whoever's there is going to make it is/her mission to do the wrong thing ... whether a left turn in front of me, crossing the intersection, or pulling out from my right. I just know they're going to do it ... Did I say I just know they will? We have to take responsibility for ourselves and everyone else sharing or wanting the road we're on. It reminds me of when I was in Iraq. On the road, beyond simple traffic accidents, we had to swerve as we moved under overpasses and sky walks because we 'just knew' someone was on top of it ready to shoot at us or drop an explosive. I slow up, brace and prepare to react at every intersection; actually, whenever I see the front or side view of a bumper. ... Oh, and then there are the crazies behind us. I perversely await the day when I can shove someones cell phone down his/her throat, then tuck their face into their lower lip.

The lady was probably 19 or 20. She was totally hysterical and others on the scene, as well as myself, tried our best to calm her down. She was VERY apologetic and just kept hugging me and apologizing and crying. She claims she didn't see me. I always anticipate problems at intersections, but the truth is, I couldn't hit the "Nitro" button, or press a magic button to let me fly to safety...LOL...she shot across the intersection so fast that all I could do was lay on the brakes and try to steer toward the same direction she was going to avoid her. Unfortunately, in every situation that can occur is a point of no return in which there is very little you can do to mitigate a bad outcome. Awareness is definitely of primary importance when we travel around, but even awareness can't always allow you to avoid the unavoidable.

02-26-2012, 08:40 AM
So happy to hear you survived with only a few injuries. Everyone is telling me I shouldn't get another MC, and that they're dangerous. My take is that the MC isn't as dangerous as the drivers around us. Hope it all works out well for you bro... praise God you're wife wasn't with you and that you will recover.

My dilemma is not so much me on whether I'll be riding again. If it were solely up to me, I'd be riding right now. However, I'm pretty banged up. It's my wife where I will have the problem. Although she wasn't on it when my accident happened, I fear she is vehemently against me riding again.

I may need some help from other members who have been confronted with this situation.


Bob Denman
02-26-2012, 08:49 AM
The more Spyders that hit the road and the more miles we log, the more exposure we'll have to getting caught in accidents. I'd be curious to know how many of us have "had one", how did we fare, and do we think that it might have been worse if we didn't have that third wheel...
Any volunteers? :dontknow:

In my accident: I T-Boned a Subaru... :opps: The bike and I both stayed upright and I know that I'd have been on the ground if I had been on 2 wheels! :thumbup:

02-26-2012, 09:30 AM
No one has mentioned the one thing everybody does before impact, you grit your teeth and in your head you say something. I remember perfectly when I had a motorist pull out in front of me and me and my Goldwing proceeded to lock up the brakes, nose dive and leave the motorcycle for the hood of the car, but as i was flying I can remember saying and I quote " OH GOD THIS IS GONNA HURT" and believe me it did!

So glad to hear so many survive these accidents , good luck with your Insurance company and remember this, they will only give you what they THINK they can get away with,( what you deserve is so much more!!!).

Ryde on

02-26-2012, 10:16 AM
So glad you are okay. Hope you get back on the road soon. Don't let the insurance company take advantage of you. When John hit a dear and the insurance sent an adjuster he had NO idea how to access damage. Luckily he accepted what Cowtown told him.

I learned a long time ago to watch the "wheels" of cars at cross roads. One can easily see they are moving by watching the wheels rather than the car. If they are even moving a smidgen I make sure I know my avoidance manuver and I hit my horn several times.

02-26-2012, 10:53 AM
no matter how long you've ridden, or what... it's bound to happen. I've been in 9, over a 45 yr period and watching out for the " others " is something you have to do.

the MSF beginners course teaches you a LOT of good habits on how to anticipate and spot hazards. it's saved my butt MANY a time. just glad you're around to recover :)

02-26-2012, 11:16 AM
Wow. I an glad to hear Weave2U is OK as well. Hope to hear that you are riding again soon

And Chris (Mouthpiece) I am not sure how I missed reading about your accident,,, but I did somehow. Glad you made it thru OK also.

Take care guys. Hope you are both riding your Spyders again very soon.

Bob Denman
02-26-2012, 12:16 PM
No one has mentioned the one thing everybody does before impact, you grit your teeth and in your head you say something. I remember perfectly when I had a motorist pull out in front of me and me and my Goldwing proceeded to lock up the brakes, nose dive and leave the motorcycle for the hood of the car, but as i was flying I can remember saying and I quote " OH GOD THIS IS GONNA HURT" and believe me it did!

That split socond between when you realize that it's gonna get ugly, and when it actually does; nobody ever says anything that they want to see printed on the front page... :opps:

02-26-2012, 03:32 PM
Wow. I an glad to hear Weave2U is OK as well. Hope to hear that you are riding again soon

And Chris (Mouthpiece) I am not sure how I missed reading about your accident,,, but I did somehow. Glad you made it thru OK also.

Take care guys. Hope you are both riding your Spyders again very soon.

+1 ....scary stuff:pray:

02-26-2012, 08:02 PM
Sorry to hear about your mishap, but glad you weren't seriously hurt. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

02-26-2012, 08:18 PM
Unfortunately, in every situation that can occur is a point of no return in which there is very little you can do to mitigate a bad outcome. Awareness is definitely of primary importance when we travel around, but even awareness can't always allow you to avoid the unavoidable.

That's a very true statement. Trying to ride defensively and smart keeps those situations to a minimum but, sometimes, the best efforts in the world just aren't enough. Sometimes an accident can't be avoided but the bad results can always be minimized by wearing good protective gear. Glad you were wearing yours and glad you survived with minimal injuries. Hope the Spyder can be repaired or replaced and you're back on it soon.


02-26-2012, 08:27 PM
Glad you're okay. There's been too many post like this lately. nojoke

02-26-2012, 10:18 PM
Happy to hear your still around to tell the tale. Take care of yourself and may you & the :spyder2: get back on the road again soon!

02-27-2012, 03:04 PM
My dilemma is not so much me on whether I'll be riding again. If it were solely up to me, I'd be riding right now. However, I'm pretty banged up. It's my wife where I will have the problem. Although she wasn't on it when my accident happened, I fear she is vehemently against me riding again.

I may need some help from other members who have been confronted with this situation.


Count on me. Like I've said, it's not really the MC that is the biggest hazard IMHO. That said, safety equipment, lighting, and awareness can cut back on the number of accidents that occur. I wish you the very best! I too would be ryding this very minute... and I will always be a ryder... I do myss my Spyder :-(

02-27-2012, 03:06 PM
No one has mentioned the one thing everybody does before impact, you grit your teeth and in your head you say something. I remember perfectly when I had a motorist pull out in front of me and me and my Goldwing proceeded to lock up the brakes, nose dive and leave the motorcycle for the hood of the car, but as i was flying I can remember saying and I quote " OH GOD THIS IS GONNA HURT" and believe me it did!

So glad to hear so many survive these accidents , good luck with your Insurance company and remember this, they will only give you what they THINK they can get away with,( what you deserve is so much more!!!).

Ryde on

I not only thought it... I yelled in my helmet "Oh S__t!! This is going to HURT!!" I remember it plain as day!

02-27-2012, 09:11 PM
Sorry to hear about your accident but glad you are ok! Just think about what could have happened if you were on a two wheel motorcycle.

02-28-2012, 06:57 PM
Just received a call from the insurance tech that will be inspecting my vehicle. She informed me that she would be looking at it tomorrow and the shop (Fred Cummings Powersports) won't have an estimate until the end of the week. She said that damage to anything attached to the vehicle is included in the estimate (I had the BRP hardside bags on it, with LED's and all the other mods I added). She seemed to have some experience with Spyders and said it always takes longer coming up with an estimate for Spyders than regular motorcycles due to all the research in the multitude of parts. Anyway, no outcome is actually a good outcome. Repairs will result in an unknown quality and a vehicle history that includes a major accident. If they total it, I would be free of the financing and could buy a new one, but all the money and work I put into that one is lost... so... oh well... :sour:

02-28-2012, 07:04 PM
Just received a call from the insurance tech that will be inspecting my vehicle. She informed me that she would be looking at it tomorrow and the shop (Fred Cummings Powersports) won't have an estimate until the end of the week. She said that damage to anything attached to the vehicle is included in the estimate (I had the BRP hardside bags on it, with LED's and all the other mods I added). She seemed to have some experience with Spyders and said it always takes longer coming up with an estimate for Spyders than regular motorcycles due to all the research in the multitude of parts. Anyway, no outcome is actually a good outcome. Repairs will result in an unknown quality and a vehicle history that includes a major accident. If they total it, I would be free of the financing and could buy a new one, but all the money and work I put into that one is lost... so... oh well... :sour:

I'm pretty much in the same posture although the insurance company has "totalled" my 2010 RT and has offered $23,500.00. My lawyer is dickering with them in that I had several upgrades such as XM radio, Garmin Zumo 660 GPS, Corbin saddle with armrests, InspectorGadget carrier rack (which I had JUST installed) and a leather luggage carrier from Hotleathers in Daytona. I'm hoping to be able to bump their offer up some more.


02-28-2012, 09:43 PM
I'm pretty much in the same posture although the insurance company has "totalled" my 2010 RT and has offered $23,500.00. My lawyer is dickering with them in that I had several upgrades such as XM radio, Garmin Zumo 660 GPS, Corbin saddle with armrests, InspectorGadget carrier rack (which I had JUST installed) and a leather luggage carrier from Hotleathers in Daytona. I'm hoping to be able to bump their offer up some more.


I was assured that anything attached is considered part of the vehicle and they have to include it in the estimated repairs... I didn't have my GPS on it at the time, and I don't have radio on it either. It seems that if they total it, they simply pay it off and I'm no longer obligated to pay on it. That would mean the work and expense of all the mods I did is gone. They will never exceed the value of the vehicle when they total it. I guess I could go after her insurance to reimburse me somehow, but I'm not sure how all that works. Anyway, we'll see... time will tell. I just hope I'm able to somehow get another one if it comes to that.

02-29-2012, 07:55 AM
My dilemma is not so much me on whether I'll be riding again. If it were solely up to me, I'd be riding right now. However, I'm pretty banged up. It's my wife where I will have the problem. Although she wasn't on it when my accident happened, I fear she is vehemently against me riding again.

I may need some help from other members who have been confronted with this situation.



Are you having any luck in calming down your wife and replacing the Spyder? You can't blame her for her initial reaction. Hopefully she will accept the accident as part of the risk or downside we all face, realize that ATGATT can help a great deal and eventually be at peace with you riding once again.

02-29-2012, 08:34 AM

Are you having any luck in calming down your wife and replacing the Spyder? You can't blame her for her initial reaction. Hopefully she will accept the accident as part of the risk or downside we all face, realize that ATGATT can help a great deal and eventually be at peace with you riding once again.

It took my wife 25 years after i had a mishap with my bike to stop asking In caps, Your not going out on the bike are ''you''.

Bob Denman
02-29-2012, 08:45 AM
It's my wife where I will have the problem. Although she wasn't on it when my accident happened, I fear she is vehemently against me riding again.
I may need some help from other members who have been confronted with this situation.

The reason she's scared is because she loves you so much... Once she realizes that you're missing riding, she'll start to come back around. My Missus was right behind me; following me to the dealers when my "incident" happened. After a couple of "pronouncements", she has relented and is now looking forward to the ryding season again! Give her a little time and she may come around on her own... :thumbup:

02-29-2012, 12:48 PM
A little update. Today (Wednesday 2-29-12) I received a call from the technician again to let me know she had looked at the MC. In her words "It's pretty beat up." She said that before she declares it a total financial loss, she wants to get the estimate from the shop, and that is going to be a few days in coming. I think the earliest I'll hear the outcome is Monday. She mentioned the wrap and custom decals and assured me that replacement for all of that will be included and she said she told the shop to be sure to include replacement value of all the additional stuff I've done to it. So... time, time is ticking... ticking away....LOL.