View Full Version : In praise of face shields

02-14-2012, 10:52 PM
I've been riding bikes for a long time and for most of that time I wore an open face helmet whether on dirt or on the street. On dirt I wore goggles but on the street I usually just wore sunglasses or prescription lenses because, after all, I was behind a windshield. What was going to hit me in the face? Well, today I found out.

I got my first full face (well, modular) helmet about 5 years ago and I'm on my second now, a Shoei Multitec. Today I was behind and gaining on an oilfield tanker truck at about 70 MPH, just getting ready to pass it on a 2 lane road. A rock came off the truck's tire and it's trajectory was just right to come over the top of the windshield and hit my face shield hard enough to gouge a pretty good spot on it. Though it didn't hurt, I really felt the impact. The windshield was all the way down but I'm short so I was still looking through it, not over it. Though I've had a few bugs fly in from the side and hit me I never expected a rock, or anything else, to be able to get past the windshield and hit me in the head but this one sure did.

I'm really glad I had the shield on and it was closed. I'm also glad to find out that a hit as hard as that one scarred the Shoei's shield but didn't break it. From where the rock hit, I don't think I would have had an eye injury or anything really serious but I could definitely have lost a tooth and would have undoubtedly been sore for some time. Got my attention. I still have a really nice Shoei open face helmet that I sometimes wore on hot summer days. I won't be doing that anymore.


02-14-2012, 11:02 PM
Glad your ok. Yeah I wonder how a lot of the harley guys with no wind shields and half helmets do it. I got hit by a bug once in the face and now almost always where a shield....escpecially when on the highway. I have a stone mark in one of my shoei helmets on the top....it left a pretty big chip.

02-14-2012, 11:05 PM
He who rides without a face shield has no respect for his face.nojoke

02-14-2012, 11:15 PM
:thumbup: I used to ride with a 3/4 (open-face) helmet when behind a big windshield. In 2004 I crashed my BMW, and took a full face plant into a farmer's field. I happened to be wearing a full-face helmet only because it was very cold outside that day. That saved my face, and probably my life, as I was knocked unconscious for four hours as it was. I have not worn an open helmet since, except for parades. You never know what will happen...best to prepare for the unexpected.

Blue Star
02-14-2012, 11:25 PM
When I went down in 2006 on my two-wheeler my helmet was scrapped all along the eye opening on the left side. While I don't remember the slide, that scrap tells me a slid on my face, or at least my left side, some distance. I was glad it was my helmet, and not my face.

02-15-2012, 12:27 AM
I wont ryde my motorcycles without face shields either. You just never know when something bad will happen. Better safe than sorry is my motto.

02-15-2012, 06:40 AM
I wear a full face 100% of the time for two reasons.

1. My contacts for my eyes would dry out in 5 minutes if I didn't.
2. So I do not need a high windshield on my Spyder.

Ga Blue Knight
02-15-2012, 07:53 AM
I wear wrap around safety glasses that I got at work that look like Oakley's with my face shield equipped 3/4 helmet. But always wear a full face helmet if I am going on the interstate or long trips. My Spyder is an RS but has the 25" touring shield which I can see over. I find that the constant wind on an unprotected face can be tiring as well.

02-15-2012, 07:57 AM
When my wife and I were on our annual PA to west coast ride last June on the Gold Wing, we were on the back roads of OR/WA and hit a deer at a full 55 mph. My wife suffered a mild concussion in spite of her Arai full-face helmet. Without it, she'd be a goner. At some point we both slid with our faces dragging on the pavement as is proven by one look at our face shields and surrounding helmet. All I can think of is what my face would look like if it had done the sliding instead. "All the gear, all the time." Period. We basically walked away (after an ambulance ride and 3 hrs in the emergency room getting checked out). Due to 1) being very lucky; and 2) full high-quality gear from top to bottom. Never ride without it.

02-15-2012, 08:22 AM
When my wife and I were on our annual PA to west coast ride last June on the Gold Wing, we were on the back roads of OR/WA and hit a deer at a full 55 mph. My wife suffered a mild concussion in spite of her Arai full-face helmet. Without it, she'd be a goner. At some point we both slid with our faces dragging on the pavement as is proven by one look at our face shields and surrounding helmet. ...

I still remember from my MSF class: the instructor told us the vast majority of accidents result in head contact with the ground, and the vast majority of those are face plants. We always wear full face helmets.

Bob Denman
02-15-2012, 08:30 AM
Face shields keep the June Bugs at bay. :thumbup: Never mind the serious stuff; ride through a swarm of them once and you'll never forget it! :shocked:
ATGATT! :2thumbs:

02-15-2012, 09:10 AM
I wear a full face (modular) shield and sun visor down all the time. This way all the pretty women can't tell what I look like....and thats a good thing! :roflblack:

I guess its safer to, my wife can't see my roaming eyes! :yikes:

02-15-2012, 10:48 AM
A small group of us were on our way to Lamont's and Maggie Valley last June. We were cruising toward a construction area on I-65 approaching the bridge across the Ohio River. We had slowed down in anticipation when in an instant a rock or small piece of concrete hit my visor. The hit caused my head to snapback. The impact was hard enough to break the hinge of the visor where it attaches to the helmet. The visor didn't break. I had to hold it in place till we could find a place to pull off. The very noticeable mark on the visor was in line with my left eye. I thanked the Lord over and over for safety gear and His protection. Amen.

I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=39.845415,-88.952921
I'm mobile using Tapatalk

Bob Denman
02-15-2012, 10:52 AM
I wear a full face (modular) shield and sun visor down all the time. This way all the pretty women can't tell what I look like....and thats a good thing! :roflblack:

I guess its safer to, my wife can't see my roaming eyes! :yikes:

So I guess that a visor can life your life in many different ways! :thumbup: :roflblack:

02-15-2012, 11:24 AM
My son's helmet after 70 mph laydown on the freeway.


02-15-2012, 11:31 AM
My son's helmet after 70 mph laydown on the freeway.


Wow, if you need to see more than that to wear a helmet...:lecturef_smilie:

02-15-2012, 11:50 AM
I'm so glad to hear the outcome was a good one! :thumbup: I have a Harley half helmet that I LOVE and used to wear in the warm weather but, since I've been riding my Spyder, and although I do have a tall windshield, it seems I get hit in the face with just about everything from bugs to stones. I have another helmet, a 3/4 with a full shield, that I now wear at all times. I've thanked that helmet many times! :ohyea:

02-15-2012, 12:21 PM
Wow, if you need to see more than that to wear a helmet...:lecturef_smilie:

Years ago someone said (may have been Roger Hull of MCN) if you have a $10 head, wear a $10 helmet. Pretty well sums it up IMHBAO.


02-15-2012, 03:07 PM
Face shields keep the June Bugs at bay. :thumbup: Never mind the serious stuff; ride through a swarm of them once and you'll never forget it! :shocked:
ATGATT! :2thumbs:

Those are a summer tradition around here too!!! I've had numerous bugs stuck to my face shield!!! YUCK!!!

Got hit in the head (while wearing my full face helmet) with a rock once. Scared the hell out of me!!! Probably would have caused a cut without the helmet, I think!!! I always wear gloves as well. Got hit in the hand with a stone. That kind of stung a bit!!

02-15-2012, 03:38 PM
I mentioned this in a thread long long ago.

I also learned the hard way, to keep the jacket zipped up and the collar closed.

While riding my 750 Hondamatic--no windshield--I drove through a swarm of bees out in the country and a whole bunch of them ended up down my shirt. Fortunately, I am not allergic to bee stings--but they sure did hurt. I pulled over to the side of the road very quickly, and I must have been a sight as I was pounding on my chest trying to kill them.

02-15-2012, 08:52 PM
ERags had a bird fly into his helmet shield while we were on the interstate awhile back...sure did make a loud noise and scared the heck out of me (probably him, too, if he was honest) :yikes: Knocked his face shield off the hinge on one side. Afterwards, we were both discussing what a 2-wheel motorcycle rider with no helmet on would have ended up looking like since there was no warning the bird was coming prior to the "clunk." We always wear helmets/shields even though Florida doesn't have a helmet law...the most expensive thing on the bike is your brain (well, maybe not HIS :thumbup:), so it's a "no-brainer" (forgive the pun) to protect it!

02-15-2012, 10:14 PM
That was a classic Bell Helmet ad from the 1970's I do believe,

Years ago someone said (may have been Roger Hull of MCN) if you have a $10 head, wear a $10 helmet. Pretty well sums it up IMHBAO.


02-15-2012, 10:29 PM
That was a classic Bell Helmet ad from the 1970's I do believe,

That sounds about right. They were the leaders around that time.


Mr. White
02-15-2012, 10:31 PM
Hey, Bikeguy...a couple of years ago, my bunch were riding to Big Bend from San Antonio. We hit a hail storm....heavy hail and NO where to seek shelter...we were west of Sanderson. Big trouble. I have worn a FF helmet for years. Some of my buddies had 1/2 and 3/4 helmets on. We have windshields but some of the guys had painful face damage due to the hail.


02-15-2012, 11:21 PM
:thumbup: I used to ride with a 3/4 (open-face) helmet when behind a big windshield. In 2004 I crashed my BMW, and took a full face plant into a farmer's field. I happened to be wearing a full-face helmet only because it was very cold outside that day. That saved my face, and probably my life, as I was knocked unconscious for four hours as it was. I have not worn an open helmet since, except for parades. You never know what will happen...best to prepare for the unexpected.

Man Scotty. Face plant? Someone as looking out for you that day. nojoke

02-16-2012, 12:02 AM
Hey, Bikeguy...a couple of years ago, my bunch were riding to Big Bend from San Antonio. We hit a hail storm....heavy hail and NO where to seek shelter...we were west of Sanderson. Big trouble. I have worn a FF helmet for years. Some of my buddies had 1/2 and 3/4 helmets on. We have windshields but some of the guys had painful face damage due to the hail.


I've ridden that road, George, and you're right that there is nowhere to find any shelter. I remember stopping for a short rest beside a large pile of road maintenance gravel just because it was SOMETHING. I also remember a buzzard dive bombing me on that road with a - uh - dropping. Just barely missed. Wouldn't have caused any injury but it sure would have been nasty.

And, DocRags, I also had a bird hit me in the top of the helmet once. I was on my first street bike, an RD350 Yamaha and I rode it like I was still on a dirt bike with an open face Bell helmet and goggles. The bird hit the helmet visor and I guess it just split it. Had a streak of blood over the top of the helmet and blood and feathers on the goggles. But, of course, the RD350 didn't have a windshield so that lesson didn't apply to later rides with windshields - I thought. I'm a slow learner sometimes.


Bob Denman
02-16-2012, 07:48 AM
While riding my 750 Hondamatic--no windshield--I drove through a swarm of bees out in the country and a whole bunch of them ended up down my shirt. Fortunately, I am not allergic to bee stings--but they sure did hurt. I pulled over to the side of the road very quickly, and I must have been a sight as I was pounding on my chest trying to kill them.

:yikes::yikes::yikes: I'd start using Bee repellant as a deodorant manybe! :roflblack:

02-16-2012, 08:16 AM
I still remember from my MSF class: the instructor told us the vast majority of accidents result in head contact with the ground, and the vast majority of those are face plants. We always wear full face helmets.

Watch one of their 30 minute segments of "Wheeled Accidents" or whatever it's called. Skateboards, motorcycles, bikes, ATV, ect. When these folks go flying, virtually 90% land head first and on the face. There is a little humor in some of them, but the 2 wheeled accidents are incredable. And of course, few wear helmets because they are so smart they don't need them.


Bob Denman
02-16-2012, 08:26 AM
"Dumbest Stuff on Wheels"? :roflblack: :thumbup:

02-16-2012, 10:15 AM
As a new rider, I have been reading these posts about wearing helmets. Scared the hell out of me! I do have a 3/4 helmet and a "half" helmet. In my neck of the woods, I have found the 3/4 helmet with face shield to be just too dang hot and its heavy. Makes my neck hurt after awhile. So, I wear the half helmet. It has a very small shield for the eyes which I rarely use. I need to wear perscription glasses and have found that over the glasses sunglasses work very well. BUT, now all of you have me rethinking. I don't ride the 2 wheelers nor am I a passenger on them. Don't care for them. I love my spyder. So now, the big questions is the "helmet". Any solutions for helmets that are not so dang heavy and hot? You all have made me a believer even though I do feel safe on the spyder.:helpsmilie:

Bob Denman
02-16-2012, 10:23 AM
Well I'm glad that this thread has you thinking about options... :thumbup:
Weight and bulk of the helmets... The pricier ones are usually made out of something that is lighter, but still gives equal protection. Your best bet is to pick them up and see if you notice a difference in the weight; there's a good chance that you will.
Ventilation? You can't test them in the stores, but the more vents the better! :2thumbs: Again; you've just got to pay your dues by spending time comparing the differenct brands and models.
You also might want to keep in mind that the helmet isn't there for comfort; it's there for when the :cus: has just hit the fan and you're Guardian Angel happens to be taking a coffee break... :shocked: ATGATT! :2thumbs:

02-16-2012, 10:26 AM
As a new rider, I have been reading these posts about wearing helmets. Scared the hell out of me! I do have a 3/4 helmet and a "half" helmet. In my neck of the woods, I have found the 3/4 helmet with face shield to be just too dang hot and its heavy. Makes my neck hurt after awhile. So, I wear the half helmet. It has a very small shield for the eyes which I rarely use. I need to wear perscription glasses and have found that over the glasses sunglasses work very well. BUT, now all of you have me rethinking. I don't ride the 2 wheelers nor am I a passenger on them. Don't care for them. I love my spyder. So now, the big questions is the "helmet". Any solutions for helmets that are not so dang heavy and hot? You all have made me a believer even though I do feel safe on the spyder.:helpsmilie:

I'm a rookie also, but I won't wear anything but full protection no matter how hot it is. When i cheat, its with the pants, I wear jeans for a very short trip to store only. Other than that its ATGATT.

I wear a schuberth flip-up which has a really nice sunshade built in along with internal communications. Is it hot? Yes. Heavy? Its one of the lighter flip-ups according to schuberth. But still you know its there. Do i feel safe wearing it. YES

So, if it comes down to safe vs hot. Thats your decision.:lecturef_smilie:

02-16-2012, 10:46 AM
:joke: Call your local gym and hit up a PT for some neck exercises! ~~ :joke:

In all seriousness, I wear a FF helm because the first one I had after re-purchasing a bike was a gift from a friend, and I was going to go to something smaller, and on my FIRST ride out on my spyder I got the middle above the visor marked up by a healthy sized rock thrown from an 18 wheeler, and that was pretty much that, easily coulda marked up my pretty face :)

I am considering a half helm for riding on the beach or trolling through town, but I tend to end up pushing all speed limits wherever I am, so FF is the answer for my insanity.

I rode in FL with no helmet at PCB for new years, and I liked it, but its not me I am worried about it, its all the other mentally challenged / preoccupied drivers in this world that terrify me.

02-16-2012, 11:07 AM
As a new rider, I have been reading these posts about wearing helmets. Scared the hell out of me! I do have a 3/4 helmet and a "half" helmet. In my neck of the woods, I have found the 3/4 helmet with face shield to be just too dang hot and its heavy. Makes my neck hurt after awhile. So, I wear the half helmet. It has a very small shield for the eyes which I rarely use. I need to wear perscription glasses and have found that over the glasses sunglasses work very well. BUT, now all of you have me rethinking. I don't ride the 2 wheelers nor am I a passenger on them. Don't care for them. I love my spyder. So now, the big questions is the "helmet". Any solutions for helmets that are not so dang heavy and hot? You all have made me a believer even though I do feel safe on the spyder.:helpsmilie:

First, I wasn't trying to convince anyone to wear a full face helmet or, for that matter, a helmet at all. What others wear or don't wear is their business, not mine. I was honestly surprised that a rock managed to come over the windshield and hit my face shield. Just thought that possibility might be something that others might want to know.

I don't claim to know much about helmets, just what feels comfortable to me. Bajaron probably knows more about helmets and can offer more advice on them than anyone on this forum. He has Arai helmets for sale at very good prices and they don't get better than Arais. I will say this, my Shoei Multitec is one of the few helmets I've owned that I feel comfortable wearing all day long. It's not the lightest helmet around by any means but it fits me well and has good ventilation. It is almost as comfortable to wear as my Shoei open face. The shield can be cracked open just a touch to let in a little more air on hot days while still being securely closed. I would agree with Bob Denman about trying out various helmets for weight and asking others about ventilation. Finally, bad as I hate to say it, like many other things you get what you pay for espcially when it comes to comfort. I know from experience. I've tried most of the cheap brands.


Bob Denman
02-16-2012, 11:20 AM
:shocked: You're absolutely right! BajaRon should have been dragged ino this discussion a long time ago!
What was I thinking?? :opps:

02-16-2012, 11:39 AM
:shocked: You're absolutely right! BajaRon should have been dragged ino this discussion a long time ago!
What was I thinking?? :opps:

probably the same thing i was thinking...:dontknow:

02-16-2012, 04:15 PM
:joke: Call your local gym and hit up a PT for some neck exercises! ~~ :joke:

In all seriousness, I wear a FF helm because the first one I had after re-purchasing a bike was a gift from a friend, and I was going to go to something smaller, and on my FIRST ride out on my spyder I got the middle above the visor marked up by a healthy sized rock thrown from an 18 wheeler, and that was pretty much that, easily coulda marked up my pretty face :)

I am considering a half helm for riding on the beach or trolling through town, but I tend to end up pushing all speed limits wherever I am, so FF is the answer for my insanity.

I rode in FL with no helmet at PCB for new years, and I liked it, but its not me I am worried about it, its all the other mentally challenged / preoccupied drivers in this world that terrify me.

I like the neck exercise idea. I will definitely look into this.

Bob Denman
02-17-2012, 07:47 AM
That sounds like work... :shocked: You might find that after a bit of an "adjustment period", the needed muscles will get the message and get on board with the program on their own... :thumbup:

Mr. White
02-17-2012, 09:08 AM
When I started riding in 1948 on a scooter with a washing maching engine, there were few motorcycles where I lived. (Southern Illinois) None of the Harley guys wore helmets. One reason, there weren't any that I remember....I worked summer months at the coal mine and wore a "hard hat" as it was the rule. My Father said "You need some protection on your head when riding that thing"....so I got a football helmet and away I went. Lots of laughs however, but I cared less.

I have always worn a helmet. Many miles without a windshield, but mostly with one. I wear a FF as it gives me as good protection as is available and I also listen to my CB and radio. It is warm in the summer and very nice in the winter. Neck muscles sore, yeah, but after a few miles your neck muscles get stronger.

Like seat belts, which I installed in 1950 in my old Ford car. I don't get on my scoots or drive a foot with my helmet and/or my seat belt. I also wear an armor padded jacket at all times. Heavy in the cool WX and venelated in the warm WX. Does it get hot in south Texas...sometimes....we only had 48 days of 100+ last year....down from 58 days the year before.

Should your wear a helmet? Hey, that is up to you. Rant over....


Trickie Dick
02-17-2012, 10:10 AM
As a new rider, I have been reading these posts about wearing helmets. Scared the hell out of me! I do have a 3/4 helmet and a "half" helmet. In my neck of the woods, I have found the 3/4 helmet with face shield to be just too dang hot and its heavy. Makes my neck hurt after awhile. So, I wear the half helmet. It has a very small shield for the eyes which I rarely use. I need to wear perscription glasses and have found that over the glasses sunglasses work very well. BUT, now all of you have me rethinking. I don't ride the 2 wheelers nor am I a passenger on them. Don't care for them. I love my spyder. So now, the big questions is the "helmet". Any solutions for helmets that are not so dang heavy and hot? You all have made me a believer even though I do feel safe on the spyder.:helpsmilie:

Web Bike World has just about all you would want to know about helmets. There is a listing of weights, sizes, full face, open face, halfs, etc. There are also reviews of several hundred helmets. http://www.webbikeworld.com/
This is good place to start.

bone crusher
02-18-2012, 08:48 PM
Web Bike World has just about all you would want to know about helmets. There is a listing of weights, sizes, full face, open face, halfs, etc. There are also reviews of several hundred helmets. http://www.webbikeworld.com/
This is good place to start.

That is the site I use to decide which helmet to get. I have a HJC IS-16 Scratch and love it...high ratings and it doesn't break the bank. On the topic of full face shields, this is a no-brainer...I remember discussions with a friend of mine who is a plastic surgeon...most all facial injuries from bike injuries could be avoided if people had some form of protection for the face. I guess there are some rebels in every group who want to defy the odds....kinda senseless to me, but then again, maybe their faces aren't that important to them? :banghead:

02-18-2012, 11:58 PM
:yikes::yikes::yikes: I'd start using Bee repellant as a deodorant manybe! :roflblack:

I bought a 750A thinking my wife would love it. Sat on it one time and was scared to death. I lowered it, no dice. I kept it for 4 years and rode it a lot. Put a w/s on it and never got smacked, but I hit a woodchuck and it darn near sent me into the woods. I saw something near a rural mail box post and slowed down. Went wide around it and the dork ran out as I was passing him and accellerating and I got him with the rear wheel. It was like hitting a cement block. Didn't fall, but it sure wasn't pretty. Big deer got hit yesterday down the road. Sure would have raised your stress level on a bike. Had 8 of them cross in front of me today on another narrow rural road, never even saw the 9th. Luckily, he/she stayed on the left and didn't dash across like the others. Folks always go way over 35 on this curvy road 95% of the time, could have been a disaster. Bees/deer/woodchucks/birds/TURKEY BUZZARDS, dogs, ......... They're out to get us. I carry a bee sting kit - HOG gal was alergic and didn't have any, that was scary on her trike in the middle of 20 bikes.:banghead:

Bob Denman
02-19-2012, 09:20 AM
Woodchucks can leave a bigger stain in your britches than any of us would like to admit... :opps: I was on a trip to Montreal many years ago on my GoldWing and clocked one while dragging the floorboards in a broad sweeper... Picked me up and moved me over about a foot! :yikes:
After I got control of my bodily functions, the trip continued without further incident... :shocked: But there were some VERY big eyes staring out from behind my faceshield for a little while... :roflblack:

02-19-2012, 11:19 AM
Down here in Fla. we have a left over from the ancient days a grass hopper that measures about 3"+ long, I hit one with my Rune in the windshield at about 65 mph, and it cracked that windshield like it was glass. :yikes:
I would hate to think what it would do to your face it you didn't have some type of protection.

I ride with a full face helmet, although I have a good half helmet for when it gets really hot, and believe me along about April it will be HOT!

bone crusher
02-19-2012, 11:54 PM
Down here in Fla. we have a left over from the ancient days a grass hopper that measures about 3"+ long, I hit one with my Rune in the windshield at about 65 mph, and it cracked that windshield like it was glass. :yikes:
I would hate to think what it would do to your face it you didn't have some type of protection.

I ride with a full face helmet, although I have a good half helmet for when it gets really hot, and believe me along about April it will be HOT!

I ride here in MD in the summer and it's sometimes 98, hazy, hot, and humid...still full face shield...weather of no concern when it comes to protection. There are some days here so hot I won't get on the bike...just not worth it...have a convertible and won't ride that with the top down either...ahhhhh, some days you gotta use the air conditioning!

Bob Denman
02-20-2012, 08:58 AM
Down here in Fla. we have a left over from the ancient days a grass hopper that measures about 3"+ long,
