View Full Version : P90X

02-04-2012, 04:23 PM
Any P90Xer's out there?

Looking for "real" feadback.

Also if there is anyone willing to part with (give, sell or borrow) their dvds, let me know.

joe schmoe
02-04-2012, 04:31 PM
Not done P90X myself, however my Martial Arts instructor incorporates some of their exercises into our belt tests. Plus one of our Black belts does P90X along with our instructor...It is a very hardcore exercise routine, but talking to them it works and their cardio is definitely a step or two above the rest of ours...

Good luck with it if you go through it...

02-04-2012, 05:17 PM
A guy I work with did it and I was amazed but it like to killed him. It was more than he was willing to keep up.

02-04-2012, 08:37 PM
I lift things up and put them down !!!


02-04-2012, 10:13 PM
sent you a PM

02-04-2012, 10:50 PM
I did p90x to switch things up instead of just going to the gym and I like them. With any of these videos diet is everything if you follow the diet you will reach your goals. I would recommend P90x if you have (some sort of weights/pull up bar) or a bowflex. If you do not have these I would get the insanity videos killer cardio workouts.

02-04-2012, 11:27 PM
I am starting into week five of Insanity. It is a killer, what I like it doesn’t require any additional equipment. It has improved my cardio and my endurance

02-05-2012, 09:55 PM
There's been a replica out there for a while now, it was everywhere during this last Christmas season...dollar stores, grocery stores and pharmacies. About 20~30 dollars I think. Like previously mentioned, diet is important with any of these videos and you really gotta want it. Will power and self motivation is very important, there are no trainers to push you. It's quite easy to get bored with fitness if you don't mix it up. Tai Bo is another that works good. Simply...some serious walking is one of the best.

02-18-2012, 07:45 AM
1 day down, 89 to go:thumbup:

joe schmoe
02-18-2012, 08:03 AM
1 day down, 89 to go:thumbup:

02-25-2012, 09:42 AM
Any P90Xer's out there?

Looking for "real" feadback.

Also if there is anyone willing to part with (give, sell or borrow) their dvds, let me know.

A few years back I made copies (to my pc) of my son-in-laws P90X; but, when my pc's operating system took a dump I lost them. What little I remember of it, it was a very good workout.

In any case I have found what works best is what you stick to along with your eating habits. Also, I switch my workouts every 4-6 weeks.

I have worked with your typical weights (dumbbel/barbell) and not so typical kettlebells, TRX suspension trainer, TRX rip trainer, DDPYoga, EJ Reeves 12 BX (pullups and pushups and dips), assorted bodyweight training programs (I have about 7 or 8 different ones), band training, hiking with and without a weight vest, etc. etc. etc. But, the most killer workouts are the tabata's.

In any case, good luck with your P90X.

Right now I am on a cycle of 3 days DDPYoga, tabatas 2 days, and on some days I double up with hiking and the occasional rope jumping.

03-07-2012, 07:07 PM
Any P90Xer's out there?

Looking for "real" feadback.

Also if there is anyone willing to part with (give, sell or borrow) their dvds, let me know.

I did 6 months of it - two cycles - pretty faithfully back in late 2010 early 2011 and I the only negative thing is that I stopped for a week and have struggled getting back in the routine. The thing that I really liked about it is that it IS about pushing yourself as much as possible but not trying to stay up with them - do "your best and forget the rest". Couple of days I only got through 20-30 minutes of the work out but that was better than most workouts I did at the gym. Also, forced me to do stuff i don't normally do when I work out at the gym.

Sadly, I didn't do the food portion but I still saw GREAT results -- and infact, my biggest problem was that I wasn't enough ENOUGH food (even if was bad food).

Happy to answer any specific questions you have...

03-07-2012, 07:27 PM
Have you checked out his P90X one on one? There are 3 volumes (so far), each $239.


03-07-2012, 07:50 PM
I have p90X, p90X2 and Insanity . I saw some GREAT results with just p90X and Insanity alone by themselves. I took p90X to the Gym and saw even better results ( Heavier weight that I had at home.) Insanity is jsut what its called, but again I saw great results and incredible cardio gains. so for P90X2 has been really WILD and I love it ! I love the foam rolller DVD . everyother cycle of the program I do a Insanity/P90x hybrid . Insanity in the morning and P90X in the evenings after work, but I like the abuse. If you are on the fence about the program and have the room for the pull up bar and some sort of weights/ or bands I HIGHLY suggest it . Like they say in the video do your best and forget the rest.

03-29-2012, 08:37 AM
Wondering how it's going for you.:dontknow:

03-29-2012, 05:16 PM
Wondering how it's going for you.:dontknow:

Today is day 42 and still committed. As everyone has said, the food part is the hardest. A live in chef is the only way to get the full benefits of the program. I work southern swing and it really throws a wrench into the workouts.

I'm 5'11" and started the program at 184. I lost 7lbs in 20 days and have stayed there since. Have gained 1" to each arm, 1.5" to each thigh and have lost 2" around the belly. No chips and no chocolate and with all that, no migraines!:yes: the 4pack is slowly moving to 6 and though I'm not seeing a size (bulk) difference, I am seeing definition. Seeing a few small muscles that I never had before. Also went from not being able to do a single chin up to 3. :yes: a small accomplishment but big to the ego.

03-29-2012, 05:26 PM
I ordered the program myself, right before injuring my back, so I haven't even opened the box, as I can barely walk a mile since having surgery. I started PT yesterday, & can barely move today:shocked: Still hoping to give it a try once I'm allowed to excercise again, whenever that might be. I can't stand all this laying around, gained at least 12 pounds since my ruptured disc, so I'm 5'9 & right at 200 pounds :yikes: can't stand it.

So Teddy & I will follow along with your experience & not that you asked for it, but use you as a role model :thumbup: Keep up the good work :cheers:

03-29-2012, 05:32 PM
I ordered the program myself, right before injuring my back, so I haven't even opened the box, as I can barely walk a mile since having surgery. I started PT yesterday, & can barely move today:shocked: Still hoping to give it a try once I'm allowed to excercise again, whenever that might be. I can't stand all this laying around, gained at least 12 pounds since my ruptured disc, so I'm 5'9 & right at 200 pounds :yikes: can't stand it.

So Teddy & I will follow along with your experience & not that you asked for it, but use you as a role model :thumbup: Keep up the good work :cheers:

:thumbup:Day one is very humbling. Watching the group do 200+ pull ups and 200+ push ups in under an hour really puts your fitness in perspective. Don't give up and it does get easier. I'm thinking I may have to be on the 180/270 day plan.nojoke

03-29-2012, 11:19 PM
I ordered the program myself, right before injuring my back, so I haven't even opened the box, as I can barely walk a mile since having surgery. I started PT yesterday, & can barely move today:shocked: Still hoping to give it a try once I'm allowed to excercise again, whenever that might be. I can't stand all this laying around, gained at least 12 pounds since my ruptured disc, so I'm 5'9 & right at 200 pounds :yikes: can't stand it.

So Teddy & I will follow along with your experience & not that you asked for it, but use you as a role model :thumbup: Keep up the good work :cheers:

Be careful starting too soon - recover fully as P90X will crush you -- and as Tony says "its about getting results, not about getting hurt". Day 1 does humble you, I got 20 minutes in the first day and was ready to toss my cookies. Slow and steady wins the race.

You might consider trying Power 90 (the precursor to P90X) as your way of getting into it is a little less intense and you can use it to "ease out of your surgery". And I am no doctor, but ruptured disk and Ploymetrics are probably not a good match until you are totally healed!

See you in Cuba!

03-30-2012, 08:16 AM
I lift things up and put them down !!!


Of All Time !!!

03-30-2012, 08:24 AM
Any P90Xer's out there?

Looking for "real" feadback.

Also if there is anyone willing to part with (give, sell or borrow) their dvds, let me know.

A little intimidating initially, but each time through you improve. getting farther through each cd and less sloppy with the exercises.
The routines compliment each other, but you need to heed the warnings, definitely not a good program if you have a bad back.

03-30-2012, 01:44 PM
Today is day 42 and still committed. As everyone has said, the food part is the hardest. A live in chef is the only way to get the full benefits of the program. I work southern swing and it really throws a wrench into the workouts.

I'm 5'11" and started the program at 184. I lost 7lbs in 20 days and have stayed there since. Have gained 1" to each arm, 1.5" to each thigh and have lost 2" around the belly. No chips and no chocolate and with all that, no migraines!:yes: the 4pack is slowly moving to 6 and though I'm not seeing a size (bulk) difference, I am seeing definition. Seeing a few small muscles that I never had before. Also went from not being able to do a single chin up to 3. :yes: a small accomplishment but big to the ego.

Good to hear, I was hoping that you stuck to it. The only exercise I got out of it was to order the program and receive it from Ups, but I stare at it from time to time, and that makes me sweat a bit, so that's something.

03-30-2012, 11:02 PM
I LOVE P90X , I have P90X2 and I LOVE IT MORE ... you really want a but whooping try insanity... but make sure your in p90X shape before you try it ... But the Beachbody dvd's really are great tools to getting in shape . they are great programs Keep it up and do your best and forget the rest as Tony would say ... or Shaun T would say DIG DEEPER !!!! ha ha . Congrats okn being on day 42 and your accomplishment.