View Full Version : A FIRST FOR ME.

Mr. White
11-11-2011, 09:35 PM
Yesterday was a first for me...actually two firsts. 1) It was really cold, 30 degrees, but I decided to ride and try out the heated grips on BR1. I have been riding since 1948, all types of bikes, and never had heated grips. I put on light gloves (heaver pair in the trunk), turned the grips on low and was toasty....high was too warm for me...low was just right.

2) I rode with my Gerbing battery heated vest. I have had wired heated clothing, but never battery operated. Put on my vest and turned it on low (4 levels of heat), put on a heavier jacked over it and was very warm...put it on the #2 setting and it was really warm. I bought the battery operated jacket so I can wear it on my tractor and riding mower in the colder months. (it got 11 degrees last year one day) I am waiting for a 25-30 degree day and will take my tractor out and clear a little land...I hope to be toasty vs. cool as I usually am.

p.s. The Gerbing is a great jacket without turning on the battery heat. Oh, it is rechargable, but you knew that...


11-12-2011, 09:01 AM
I find the drivers heated grips to hot on high and even the low is very warm. The passenger heated grips do not get near as warm due to the thickness of the material on the grips. There is so much wind protection on the RT that I find a heavy coat is all i use in mid to high 30 degree weather. I also have the Baker Air Wings which do a excellent job of keeping the cold off my lower body .

Bob Denman
11-12-2011, 04:11 PM
I throw on an old (but sturdy!) Hein Gerricke "Dakar" jacket with its liner installed, a set of snowmobiling bibs (Or insulated jeans if it's up in the thirties...) and I'm normally pretty dang comfortable! :thumbup: