View Full Version : WHERE IT ALL BEGAN

11-06-2011, 10:53 AM
this is ad i saw that got me hooked on spyder i believe it was around june of 2007 i saw this in maxum magazine .... found out a local dealer was going to be selling one and had to have one .... went to deal and said "i want to drive one of those 3 wheel things" he replied you mean a can-am spyder? i said yes he then told me it would be close to a year before i could get one .... :yikes:.... i paid my $1000 deposit .... got the call in march of 2008 that it was in ....and the rest is just spyder history .... and still even living in new england have never missed a month of riding .....
and to this day still get a rush out of riding it ....

11-06-2011, 12:29 PM
You're so sentimental. *sniff sniff* I think I'm gonna bust a tear. LOL J/K!

For me it all started when Michael was at work. And there it sat.:shocked: All shiny. Beckoning me. :):shemademe_smilie:
I caved. :yes:
Holy Cow!!! :clap: Then I was like :pray: to Michael. And because he loves me.... and doesn't share well. I got my own!!!:p

Big Arm
11-06-2011, 12:43 PM
I first seen the Spyder on the Today show in May of '07. Went to Rochester, MN in June for a look see and test ride. Put my payment down that day, and got the Spyder 10 mos. later, April '08.........still rideing it !!!!!!

Bob Denman
11-06-2011, 02:02 PM
How it started for each of us...
June, 2010: Walton, N.Y. My Missus had a favorite quilting store that she liked to visit regularly. My job was to drive her there, sit in the Truck and NOT BOTHER HER!
So I'm outside doing my best "dog with his nose out the window" impression and she finishes up inside after leaving me out in the hot truck for about four days... :yikes:
She says that since I've behaved so well, we could go into Town and visit Klinger's Powersports: A Kawasaki and Ski Doo dealer. (One ouf our insureds had just bought a Vulcan 1700 from them!)
We go through the front door and they've got these oddly-shaped things laying around in a bunch of cool colors :shocked: Once we figured out what they were; she looked at me with a pair of eyeballs as big as pie-plates and said, "They could be just like the GoldWing we had when we were first married!"
"Oh boy. We're off to the races now!", says me to myself...
A week later we found the one we wanted in the color we wanted and the rest is History...:2thumbs:

11-06-2011, 03:17 PM
I am a member of an automotive survey group. They presented us with various design options, both esthetic and mechanical. Never thought they would get to production, or that I would ever own one. But years later here I am a proud 2010 RS SE5 owner. Somehow feel partially responsible for the final product. I remember when we responded to the lean vs. No lean options. Ahh, the memories.

11-06-2011, 03:49 PM
Dateline, Early July 2007 - I'm at Lamonts house and he says; "Come and look at what I just bought!". Well, he's always buying something so I didn't think too much of it.

He pulls up a picture of a Spyder on his computer monitor and says; "What do you think?". He's always asking me what I think but my opinion never seems to sway him so I'm not sure why he askes. Anyway, I say; "You bought one?". He says; "No, I just put a $1,000.00 deposit down on one. You can't get them yet".

So, you haven't ridden one? No, he says, I haven't even seen one in person.

Well, that sounds real smart to me, putting a $1K down (non-refundable I find out unless they don't deliver by March, 2008) when you have absolutely no clue what you are getting. I'm thinking he must really have some money to burn or something.

Then Lamont says; "You need to get one too!". I'm thinking, NO WAY! But I say, "I'll think about it" (NOT!)

But all the way home (all 2 miles) I have got a weird feeling that maybe I should. So, the next day I've got 1K going to BRP and I'm in. Took delivery on January 31, 2008 and have been loving it!

Crazy can be good! :ohyea:

Desert Spyder
11-06-2011, 03:59 PM
My question is how hard was it to get insurance for a vehicle you had to wait ten months to receive and nobody knew what they were?

11-06-2011, 04:07 PM
My question is how hard was it to get insurance for a vehicle you had to wait ten months to receive and nobody knew what they were?

I had more problems registering an 'Unknown' vehicle than getting insurance. I was told by the lady at the DMV that my Spyder was not legal for street use in the state of Tennessee. At the very same time, Lamont got his Spyder registered with no problems in the DMV window right next to me! :yikes:

Government, we are here to help!

Desert Spyder
11-06-2011, 04:14 PM
Now that's funny!

11-06-2011, 04:30 PM
:thumbup: Nice to have you back online, Tatt2r!

Our Spyder journey started when I saw an article online, in a summary of three-wheeled vehicle. I showed it to Nancy and she said, "I want to see one...today!" Visited a few dealerships and learned about them. A week later, she saw the yellow one and put down her deposit on the spot. All I heard was "Who do I make the check out to?" In March 2008 I had my first ride when I rode hers home. Been in love ever since.

11-06-2011, 04:40 PM
Now that's funny!

I suppose it would be funny if;

A) It wasn't true and

B) It didn't happen to you.

Lamont thougth it was hilarious! :gaah:

11-06-2011, 05:02 PM
Watchin' the Daytona 500 this year and saw the commercial from our local Honda dealer. It just had the look of being "right".
I have a beautiful Triumph Trident and she hadn't been ridden for a while 'cos I got into a real scary situation with my "invisibility".
I'm widowed and needed to ride again so after doing some research on-line I went to the dealer to have a look. I'd just liquidated my 401k after being forcibly retired and decided that I was, at long last, going to buy something just for me and I was going to spend it before our Beloved Leader and his minions took it.
Bought my 2011 RS SM in May and apart from one little glitch I have over 5K trouble free myles.
Love that machine and it's good to be with Spyderlovers.

11-06-2011, 05:28 PM
I had more problems registering an 'Unknown' vehicle than getting insurance. I was told by the lady at the DMV that my Spyder was not legal for street use in the state of Tennessee. At the very same time, Lamont got his Spyder registered with no problems in the DMV window right next to me! :yikes:

Government, we are here to help!

I had the same problem trying to register the Spyder in Jersey [May 08], The Girl behind the DMV counter started to give me a hard time, She said there not for street use, Well one word lead to another, then she throws up her hands and walks away, I Called a supervisor over , No problem he registered it. :thumbup:

11-06-2011, 06:34 PM
+I simply swore to myself that I'd figure out a way to stop falling down every winter while still enjoying my motorcycle experience. The '08 Spyder answered my needs.

Ride on.

11-06-2011, 07:09 PM
1st of August 2010 my son's decided I needed to start riding again so I could ride with them (I had just bought then Ninjas) so I was looking at this Vulcan and was about to tell them to write it up and the boys said wait, we want you to look at something else before making a decision. We walked into the Honda House ant there right up front was this black thing with a trailer attached. My first thought was this was the ugliest thing I ever saw, then I put my leg across the seat said Hmmmmm. So next was a test ride around the lot, that did it, the rest is history 2010 RTS PE No288 came home and have loved every minute since and now have one of those sons on a 2010 RS.

11-06-2011, 08:21 PM
Saw a writeup and "spy" pic in Cycle World, started checking things, finally found out there weren't any dealers in Indiana (2007), so when demo rides were available in Michigan, I went. Took delivery in April '08, in Michigan, and the fun began.


11-06-2011, 09:07 PM
I was with my son down In Cortland, NY and suddenly we saw about 13 of these weird looking bacward trikes go by us. I asked my son what in the h--- are they? He said "I forgot, they were going to be at Dougs this weekend for demo rydes.....we ought to go and try one out" I said "Alright but what the h--- are they?" He told me they were the new CanAm Spyder which I had never heard of. We went and got signed up and went thru the whole procedure of the breathalizer(sp?), the video and the parking lot course and we each took one out. I was literally blown away from the first sight and ryde of this new weird trike and fell in love with it. I told my son when we got back from the demo ryde that I was going to have one.:ohyea:

Went home and told my wife that I had just found our retirement gift to each other. That was in the fall of 2007 and in March of 2008 went to the dealer and told him I wanted to buy a Spyder. He told me I just missed the deadline of putting my $1000 dep. down and would not get one now before Aug. or Sept. I was surprised I couldn't buy one off the floor by then and that they still had to be ordered. I called Ingles in Pheonix and they told me that a person that ordered one had died after he ordered it and the wife wanted to get out of the order. It was the Full Moon Silver which was the color I really loved and what I tried on the demo ryde. So we went up and put our money down and had our Spyder April 9, 2008, and it has been a true love story since. Not without a few problems but we are so very happy with the Spyder and we ryde it whenever we can. We just broke the 57,600 mile mark today. We have been to Valcourt, Canada for the homecoming, Tn. 3 years in a row, N. Carolina this spring, Chicago, Michigan and of course all over most of NYState. We have met so many nice people because of the Spyder also.:thumbup:

JJW SpyderRider
11-06-2011, 09:38 PM
My wife and I saw two Spyders at the Rockford speedway in 2008. Didn't think much of it at the time. In March of 2010 I took another look online. Read about the safty features, etc and liked what I saw. My wife just happened to walk up behind me whle I was on ebay looking at one and said "I suppose you want one of those. Why don't you get one for your birthday (50th).". When your wife says you can go out and spend about $17K you don't wait until she changes her mind. :lecturef_smilie: Two day later I had an '09 GS setting in my driveway. It was almost another month before I got my MC license :ohyea:and could take it for a ride. 14K later and I'm loving every minute I'm on it. :yes::yes::yes:

11-06-2011, 10:27 PM
I first saw the Spyder in a ski-doo news letter in early '07. My first thought was "OMG a snowmobile on wheels". My second thought was "I will have one of these".

The news letter had all the dates listed with locations for test rides. I always had something going on as I watched the test rides come and go at the local dealers. Then one day in early August the BRP tour was coming to Lake Effect Powersports. There was a family reunion that day with a lot of relatives up from North Carolina. But I told the wife I had something very important to do and that I would have to leave for a couple of hours (she knew what I was up to).

Well it was love at first ride. When I got back I told Connie I just had to have one and that it only required a $1,000 deposit to order one. The words from her mouth were "fine, if you sell your sleds and the Harley". Well that wasn't going to happen, so needless to say I didn't put down a deposit and my dreams were shattered.

All through the summer of '08 I kept thinking about that Spyder. I kept talking about how much safer it would be and how much more comfortable for her it would be than riding the Harley (it was a Sporster, great for me but not so much for the two of us). She would always bring up this idea of selling the sleds. My thought process was that the Spyder would prolong my snowmobile season not reduce it. There was no way I would sell my winter toys.

And then it happened, bad news. Late in the year of '08 it was discovered I had prostate cancer. After all the doctor appointments in Nov and Dec, the surgery in early Jan and recovery through Feb and into early Mar., it became apparent I had just missed the best winter for snowmobiling we have had in years. All I could do is sit and look at it through the window. I was feeling angry and disappointed but the good news was the doctors found the cancer early and I had a successful surgery and made a full recovery. I have been cancer free for almost three years now.

And more good news from that ordeal. Connie and I talked about how you never know what curves life will throw at you, how fragile we all are and that you shouldn't waste a minute. If you have your health and can afford to, do it today, because you may not be here tomorrow.

Connie and I went and purchased our Spyder in April of '09 and been having a blast ever since. And I still have my sleds.:thumbup:

Big Arm
11-06-2011, 10:56 PM
My question is how hard was it to get insurance for a vehicle you had to wait ten months to receive and nobody knew what they were?

I didn't have any problem registering the Spyder with DMV, but my State Farm agent had to get back to the home office three different times, describing what I actually had, along with pics, before they would insure it. :roflblack:

11-06-2011, 11:20 PM
I don't remember the exact date, but it was 2009, and I remember the events like they were yesterday.

My wife and I were sitting on the patio of an outside bar, having some adult beverages and appetizers. We were celebrating the "pinning" of a friend who had just become a nurse, so there were about 20 of us gathered. There is a small BMW dealer next to the bar, and for whatever reason, because I never saw any there again, he had two GS models sitting out front. I had seen an article about the Spyder somewhere, but never seen one in person. I walked over to take a closer look, and I fell in love. I remember saying to my friends at the time that it looked like a SeaDoo for land!! I didn't even know BRP made SeaDoo as well.

I had a bad two wheeler wreck in 1979, a few years before Connie and I were married, and I didn't walk for almost a year, but I think as long as you are still breathing, you never lose that desire to ride. I had occasionally mentioned Harleys or GoldWings, but my wife had assured me that she would never ride with me on a two wheeler. I showed her the Spyder and she thought it was "nice" but we had other commitments at the time such as a kid in high school, and taking care of sick and ailing parents, so the Spyder idea got tabled.

Finally, earlier this year, the son was off to college, and we lost three of our parents in 2009-2010, so we decided it was time. We made the decision to do this together, and one sitting on the RT and we were sold. So, we purchased the Silver RT in March. It has been the best thing we have done for our marriage in 20 years. We have put 10,000 miles on it since March, staying in some great places, visiting many local wineries and bed/breakfasts.

We got to go to SpyderFest 2011 earlier this year, and best of all we met and befriended all of the MoGang folks.

Now, we never miss a MoGang ride unless there are dire circumstances. And we expect to work hard with the MoGang to make SpyderFest 2012 even more fun for everyone than last year.

It has been quite a journey so far!!


11-07-2011, 01:00 AM
Similar situation for me. I saw a spy picture in a cycle magazine in 2007. Put down a deposit in December 07 and had my new Spyder in June of 2008. (They were going to limit availability to certain states, and AK was not one of them). I got the second :spyder2: to hit AK.

No problem registering it with DMV or getting insurance (State Farm).

11-07-2011, 04:09 AM
we told everybody that our 25-year-marriage-tour will be done with our BMW-RS100 -

but then I have seen a test-spyder from the Rotax factory - first impression where : how ugly is that ..

but preordered one of the first ten pieces for europe - got it beginning of june 2008

Now we have 41.000 Kms .. but my first ryde was so horrible - I wanted to give her back :banghead:

11-07-2011, 05:47 AM
It was May 2008 in the VW dealership when they announced the bad news: the GX3 project ($17K, 46 MPG, 1600 cc, lateral acceleration 1.25g and conceived for the U.S. market by VW’s Moonraker team and the company’s Design Center in California) died.
("With regret, we have concluded that the current and foreseen product liability issues at this time were just too great,'' Adrian Hallmark, Volkswagen's U.S. chief).


The same day the Spyder was purchased:


11-07-2011, 08:16 AM
I was out to dinner on a Sat night with about 10 friends on their bikes. I was in my cage as my disabled foot no longer let me hold up my bike. I had been trike shopping but was suffering from major sticker shock. A friends wife asked me if I had ever looked at those "funny looking" things with the 2 wheels in the front. I went and looked at them on Sunday, decided to price shop, found a dealer 200 miles away who gave me a good price, bought it on Monday, and picked it up on Wednesday.

Never looked back:2thumbs: