View Full Version : FYI, cats love the Spyder.

11-02-2011, 10:27 AM
How do I know?

Yesterday morning I take the cover off the bike in my driveway before riding to work. The GF looks at the driver's seat and asks, "What's that?"

There's white and gray hair all over my Airhawk.

There's also a mangy white and gray feral cat in my neighborhood.

Call me crazy, but I'm gonna go out on a limb and suggest these two things are related...

11-02-2011, 10:56 AM
Yup. I've starting putting our helmets on the seats to keep the cats off. Wouldn't mind so much if I knew they wouldn't use the seat as a claw sharpener. :shocked:

11-02-2011, 11:40 AM
Same problem here. There are two cats running the neighborhood. I have found footprints all over the hood of my Subaru. The Spyder is garaged--so no free sleeping or claw sharpening on my seat.

And I like cats, I have three that are my family.

11-02-2011, 12:17 PM
How do I know?

Yesterday morning I take the cover off the bike in my driveway before riding to work. The GF looks at the driver's seat and asks, "What's that?"

There's white and gray hair all over my Airhawk.

There's also a mangy white and gray feral cat in my neighborhood.

Call me crazy, but I'm gonna go out on a limb and suggest these two things are related...

Our Spyder RTS when not in use sits outside with a Can Am spyder cover on it , The cat would rather lay on the hot tub cover or warm patio than the spyder. Other cats don't seem to bother laying on the covered spyder which is a good thing.3589835899

11-02-2011, 01:21 PM
We had the same problem recently at the motel in Taos, NM. It rained every night we were there so we had the travel cover on the RT at night. The first morning we found all the cat hair on the seat and I guess the cat liked it's dry accomodations so well that it came back every night we were there. Even stayed late enough one morning that we scared it out of the seat when we took the cover off. We were the only Spyder in the group so I guess the cat liked a level seat better than one that leans on a 2-wheeler. One of our group said we could fix the problem by putting a mouse trap on the seat with the idea being that the cat would trip the trap and when it snapped, it would scare the cat so it wouldn't come back. Didn't have a trap so never tried it.


11-02-2011, 04:57 PM
careful, those cats will claw the saddle and scratch the paint while climbing up onto the saddle. I had a Goldwing with Corbin saddle that had hundreds of claw marks in it from my cats...

11-02-2011, 06:35 PM
We have a sprayer that is motion activated. It's harmless but makes a loud ssssssss when tripped. We use it to keep our cats from our bedroom door at night. It's sold at PetSmart. And yes, it works. Put it under the cover and that stray will get a nice surprise. It's made by a company called Innotek and is branded as SSSCAT. Check it out on www.innotek.com (http://www.innotek.com). It's unscented so no need to worry about any odor.

Blue Star
11-02-2011, 06:45 PM
How do I know?

Yesterday morning I take the cover off the bike in my driveway before riding to work. The GF looks at the driver's seat and asks, "What's that?"

There's white and gray hair all over my Airhawk.

There's also a mangy white and gray feral cat in my neighborhood.

Call me crazy, but I'm gonna go out on a limb and suggest these two things are related...

I used to have trouble with cats, but now I just chain my dog to the Spyder.

11-02-2011, 09:03 PM
Personally I love cats........they taste like chicken.

11-02-2011, 09:08 PM
I keep a moving quilt on my new comfort seat, my last cat got up on my new $200 boat cushion and ripped it to shreds.

11-02-2011, 09:26 PM
Pet Meds makes a small explosive device that detonates after the small mammal swallows it.

11-03-2011, 10:07 AM
Personally I love cats........they taste like chicken.

Exactly. The secret is in the marinade. :bbq:

11-03-2011, 10:10 AM
Exactly. The secret is in the marinade. :bbq:

Don't forget to tenderize them!

Anyway, my Bike Barn is in the mail, so I should have the Spyder in a more secure environment here shortly. Last thing I need is for kitty to tear up a thousand dollar Ultimate Seat for playtime.

11-03-2011, 10:30 AM
I hear very good things about these Bike Barn covers. They look great! And I see they make one just for the Spyder, which is very cool. A fine choice, Sir!

11-03-2011, 11:41 AM
I hear very good things about these Bike Barn covers. They look great! And I see they make one just for the Spyder, which is very cool. A fine choice, Sir!

I've been meaning to file a couple of trip reports from this fall, but never got around to it... I think I'm just going to have one big post with photos from some of my trips, I plan on including some review photos in there as well, especially of the Bike Barn.

11-03-2011, 07:59 PM
I wish my problem was with cats.I had squirrels nesting in mine.We didn't have a garage at our old house so the bike sat covered in the carport.I'd lift up the seat to fuel and find the space between the frame and the center body panel packed with acorns from our trees.I packed foam in there and they moved to the space between the overflow tank and the buds cover panel.Ended up moving to a new house with a garage.What sucks now is the squirrels have now moved into my attic! Do you rent out your cats?

11-04-2011, 02:55 PM
Just "mark" the perimeter around your Spyder... that'll keep the critters away. .:ohyea:

11-04-2011, 03:53 PM
I wish my problem was with cats.I had squirrels nesting in mine.We didn't have a garage at our old house so the bike sat covered in the carport.I'd lift up the seat to fuel and find the space between the frame and the center body panel packed with acorns from our trees.I packed foam in there and they moved to the space between the overflow tank and the buds cover panel.Ended up moving to a new house with a garage.What sucks now is the squirrels have now moved into my attic! Do you rent out your cats?

Squirrels are very clever animals and can do amazing things! We play with the troop around our place and it's pretty much a hoot! So far none of the critters have messed with either one of ours...

11-04-2011, 05:52 PM
Our Spyder RTS when not in use sits outside with a Can Am spyder cover on it , The cat would rather lay on the hot tub cover or warm patio than the spyder. Other cats don't seem to bother laying on the covered spyder which is a good thing.3589835899 Place aluminum foil on the seat, cats love the noise it makes. Sorry, luv Maine Coons 36076