View Full Version : What is it about the Spyder that

11-02-2011, 09:19 AM
What is it about our spyders that lets us forgive its foibles. We all have our own list of annoyances ,but specifically what is it that we hold so dear that we will forgive the problems.
I find the short range between fueling a pain for a touring bike,but because my partner is able to drive it all is forgiven.

Bob Denman
11-02-2011, 09:27 AM
...Perhaps because of its uniqueness in the marketplace?? :dontknow:

11-02-2011, 09:34 AM
This is going to be very different for each of us.

SAFETY: I can't lay this byke down like I could a two wheeler. With the 3 wheel stance, gravel & wet spots aren't really an issue, so we can ryde year round.

STYLE: Addictive looks. Have you EVER got so much attention with another vehicle of this price range?

COMFORT: Granted, we had to add some mods (Utopia BackRest/Highway Pegs) but we can comfortably go & go.

Teddy: Being able to safely & comfortably take my best buddy along for the journey *PRICELESS*:firstplace:

11-02-2011, 09:35 AM
All motorcycles have a short range the spyder tank is a little bigger than most bikes which makes it about the same as a bike getting a little better miliage try riding with someone on their chopper with there 2 or 3 gal tank if you want to sit for 400 to 600 miles get in your car and leave the spyder and it's fun factor at home I've had many road bike over 30 years and fuel every 120 to 180 mi is just the way it is I guess the spyder has brought out many who have never rode anything before this fuel range issue needs to be droped

11-02-2011, 09:41 AM
All motorcycles have a short range the spyder tank is a little bigger than most bikes which makes it about the same as a bike getting a little better miliage try riding with someone on their chopper with there 2 or 3 gal tank if you want to sit for 400 to 600 miles get in your car and leave the spyder and it's fun factor at home I've had many road bike over 30 years and fuel every 120 to 180 mi is just the way it is I guess the spyder has brought out many who have never rode anything before this fuel range issue needs to be droped

Yes, but what is it you like about the Spyder?

Ga Blue Knight
11-02-2011, 11:28 AM
What I like about my RS;
Safety, good traction and acceleration, like the design of the body, clever engineering, great wind and rain protection, great foot warmer in winter, great storage space, replacement tires cheaper than motorcycle tires, great handling

What I don't like about my RS;
Somewhat cramped seating position, need to upgrade seat, windscreen and add floorboards to be comfy, no throttle cruise control, no handbrake as well as foot brake, not enough handlebar space to add stuff, crazy start up procedure, great foot warmer in summer LOL.

11-02-2011, 11:38 AM
I guess we put up with the foibles because we are owners of a unique, new, concept. It has so much electronic stuff on it, that there are bound to be glitches--until they get it "perfected".

I like, the three wheeled stability, the fact that I don't have to "horse" it around. Its also an attention getter--and I have grown to accept that--since it allows me to meet new people when I ride.

Bob Denman
11-02-2011, 12:35 PM
:agree: PLUS... it afforded me the chance to get my hair out in the breezes again... at least what's left of it anyway! :thumbup::opps:

11-02-2011, 12:36 PM
Personally for me with nerve damage in my hands and feet and not being able to hold up a bike and having a clutch to worry about I would not be riding a bike . The spyder RT S with SE5 transmission has allowed me the open air freedom of a bike with the stability and creature comforts that I need to be comfortable. I have met alot of great people and made some new friends to ride with. I can also ride with my friends that ride bikes too. I don't care about the fuel economy as I did not buy it for that . I ride it like a snowmobile and as with the snowmobile you are always looking ahead for fuel stops. I Bought it from a great dealership that is not the cheapest or closest to where I live but the dealership is a full line Platinum BRP dealership that have great staff that have fixed and will fix any spyder issues that may come up. I really enjoy riding our spyder and my wife has become quite a spyder ryder herself. She is slowly starting to want to get her motorcycle liscence but what is stopping her is that she must use a two wheeler to get her liscence as noe trike safety courses are yet available in Ontario.

11-02-2011, 02:21 PM
Women look good riding on it !!! I ment to say...., Holly looks good riding on it. :roflblack::roflblack:

Bob Denman
11-02-2011, 02:48 PM
:lecturef_smilie: You had better be careful... she a nurse and knows how to hurt you in places that don't show... :shocked:

11-02-2011, 03:12 PM
No longer a spring chicken :D, hate the idea of putting my feet down to balance a 700 pound machine at every stop light. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in both hands, MSF course on 2 wheelers almost ruined my weekend. I'm getting around 150+ miles before needing to stop for fuel. By then, I feel the need to move around. When I drive, I can go 300 miles between fuel stops, but I still stop every 150 or so miles to get the kinks out. My brother gets 60 mpg on his HD Road King, but he doesn't ride until he needs fuel, pit stops are a fact of life, gas or no, most of us past the age of 25 like a break every couple of hours, plus it is a recommended safety thing.

The fact that :spyder: is new and a lot of people who haven't ridden in years or ever before are getting on then has generated a lot of discussion, which is good. I rode a 141.4 mile loop here in East Central Florida yesterday, windy but :spyder2: stayed on line in some brutal cross winds, wouldn't have wanted to be on 2 wheels.

11-02-2011, 03:43 PM
For me being an avid :doorag:, it has to be it's uniqueness and conversationalistic attributes that makes everyone question it.. You will never meet a stranger on a :spyder2:. People just show up out of the blue and start right in talking to you:gaah:. And Talking:chat:. It has the "SAFETY" factor of "Look Mom No Feet" But hands down, Spydette loves it.:bowdown:

11-02-2011, 04:49 PM
the cost. Let me explain. Because of the ability to ryde in almost any condition I have been forced to purchase new raingear, cold weather gear and so forth ( damn that spyder :roflblack::roflblack:) . I also have the issue that I don't get to ryde it as much as I want to ( only everyday).
I have also been forced to purchase multiple helmets and gear for my wife and daughter because of the safety factor involved with the Spyder they are willing to ryde 2up now, it has opened that world up to them as well.

With all these expenses, how can a guy enjoy such a costly machine?, and yet I somehow manage to grumble my way through every agonizing mile I put on it.

Keep on ryding, and if you see me on the road, thats not pain on my face, its a smyle from ear to ear.

11-02-2011, 04:50 PM
i like the uniqueness of it, the attention is o k sometimes it gets on your nerves, the stereo and madstad have made it WAY more fun, plus it looks fast, and VERY cool:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup: i've always been a little different.:yikes:

11-02-2011, 05:47 PM
No longer a spring chicken :D, hate the idea of putting my feet down to balance a 700 pound machine at every stop light. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in both hands, MSF course on 2 wheelers almost ruined my weekend. I'm getting around 150+ miles before needing to stop for fuel. By then, I feel the need to move around. When I drive, I can go 300 miles between fuel stops, but I still stop every 150 or so miles to get the kinks out. My brother gets 60 mpg on his HD Road King, but he doesn't ride until he needs fuel, pit stops are a fact of life, gas or no, most of us past the age of 25 like a break every couple of hours, plus it is a recommended safety thing.

The fact that :spyder: is new and a lot of people who haven't ridden in years or ever before are getting on then has generated a lot of discussion, which is good. I rode a 141.4 mile loop here in East Central Florida yesterday, windy but :spyder2: stayed on line in some brutal cross winds, wouldn't have wanted to be on 2 wheels.

Welcome Home--1/9th Cav 1965-66

11-02-2011, 07:24 PM
I like it because at the end of a long ride, I may be physically as tired, or more so, but mentally I am much fresher. Not worrying about gravel in the corners, wet roads (or wet leaves!), the different balance riding with a passenger, or my arthritic knees locking up at inopportune times, really eases my mind. I still have the bikes in my garage, but they seem to get less and less attention.

11-02-2011, 10:27 PM
First - I would never have tried to get my license on a two wheeler. Having the SE5 RT first was a great stepping stone to giving me the confidence to get my own Spyder - "Miss Daisy" (SM5 GS/RS).

Second - Having a great time with hubby (Yol Bolsun). Having an activity together is great. We still have our separate hobbies, but the Spyders and the wonderful people we have met have added so much enjoyment to our lives.

Third - When I drive "Miss Daisy" to work, I can leave work at quitting time and be transported to a stress free, although watchful, ride home. I can leave work at work and find the ride home a treat in itself.

Fourth - I love having an "eye catcher". I enjoy answering the curious questions. I want to share my excitement with everyone.

11-02-2011, 11:20 PM
Uniqueness, power, stability, the smile on the kids face in the van next to me at the stoplight.....the ability to beat any car off the light from a dead stop.... Gas mileage over my F-150 4x4... And FUN!

11-03-2011, 06:35 PM
What is it about our spyders that lets us forgive its foibles. We all have our own list of annoyances ,but specifically what is it that we hold so dear that we will forgive the problems.
I find the short range between fueling a pain for a touring bike,but because my partner is able to drive it all is forgiven.

She has been a great addition to our household, but the only problem is, we haven't got a thing done around here since the :spyder2: came along ! Every chance we get, we make an excuse why we have to take her out and why everything else can wait.!!! ( Now I know why HE wanted one soooooo bad ! ) :wrong:
:roflblack: I love the stability and and traction control. I feel safe even in the rain, wind, gravel and leaves. She is a beauty to look at. Her curvy lines and sleek style make her classy and cool at the same time. I was drying the Spyder off after the car wash the other day and really enjoyed it. It gave me an understanding of how guys spend so much time doing that sort of thing with their vehicles. I never would have enjoyed it if I didn't love the Spyder so much.
It's a gaurenteed good time out every time we ride. Just looking at her in the driveway makes me smile :) And when we're on the road, it's awesome to see how it makes people smile and point and wave. It can't but make you smile too.. I feel like the queen on the back with all the waving I'm doing.
Sure , we've had a couple glitches like that stupid limp mode and the power cutting out and stuff, but I wouldn't trade it for anything.
I like knowing that Nanny's got my back . I love all the mod possibilities and the people I've met... and on and on and on... You get the idea:yes:

11-03-2011, 07:48 PM
I agree entirely with everything that was said above. At 63 yrs old I feel that my life has changed around completely. I now feel like I'm 63 yrs young and getting younger all the time. I pray God that my health holds up. I like the way it looks. The way it rides. The way it handles. I simply love everything about it. I have to make a confession though. I sincerely believe that what I probably love the most about my "Whyte-Steed" is the attention it gets every where we go. It makes me feel like a "Knight in shining armour" riding into town. It's a non stop question period every time we stop for fuel, coffee, ice-cream or just a rest stop along the road. I must admit that I realy enjoy every minute I spend with people asking questions. I have never had any problems with stupid questions or bad comments of any kind. Especially when they ask me "Are you allowed to land this thing anywhere you want"? I guess having spent 47 years of my life in sales has done that to me. I will never go back to two wheels.

PS This ryde is our ninth motorcycle! We purchased it for our 40th wedding anniversary. I guess you could say we're on cloud nine! Best of all,,, my wife really enjoys ryding with me now!!! :2thumbs: :D


11-03-2011, 10:51 PM
Because it is so expensive so we'll look dumb being not happy with it?! (it's the same on any forum...best ever bike, car, camera, gun).
And for me it is easy to ride with only one and a half arm.

11-04-2011, 07:07 AM
Wow so much...stability, reliability, FUN FUN FUN. Love talking to strangers and now with Ms Spyder never run short of folks to talk to..Love to travel..Love feeling like a kid (honking, waving and giving thumbs ups)..other Spyderryders .. the list is unlimited. Already planning and saving for my next RT...plan on riding for many years to come...figure minimum I'm good for another few decades...finally have lived long enough to realize that nothing is worth getting stressed about...ahhhh taking time to just maximize the moment is sooooo great and heck this moment is reallllly the only one I have...
Everyone have a great day...got to get ready for a cool, cold weekend of riding...gotta love it!!!:yes:

11-04-2011, 09:53 AM
Life is not a dress rehearsal.

11-04-2011, 10:36 AM
SAFETY: I can't lay this byke down like I could a two wheeler. With the 3 wheel stance, gravel & wet spots aren't really an issue, so we can ryde year round.

Same here!

11-04-2011, 04:02 PM
It appears that Holly is gonna get Randy to get her a Spyder of her own .... did I just stir the pot .... Maybe

11-04-2011, 04:13 PM
Personally for me with nerve damage in my hands and feet and not being able to hold up a bike and having a clutch to worry about I would not be riding a bike . The spyder RT S with SE5 transmission has allowed me the open air freedom of a bike with the stability and creature comforts that I need to be comfortable. I have met alot of great people and made some new friends to ride with. I can also ride with my friends that ride bikes too. I don't care about the fuel economy as I did not buy it for that . I ride it like a snowmobile and as with the snowmobile you are always looking ahead for fuel stops. I Bought it from a great dealership that is not the cheapest or closest to where I live but the dealership is a full line Platinum BRP dealership that have great staff that have fixed and will fix any spyder issues that may come up. I really enjoy riding our spyder and my wife has become quite a spyder ryder herself. She is slowly starting to want to get her motorcycle liscence but what is stopping her is that she must use a two wheeler to get her liscence as noe trike safety courses are yet available in Ontario. Mark i took this off the mto website 8.How type of licence would be issued to riders who take their test on a BRP Can-Am Spyder?

The “Spyder” has two wheels in front and one in back, a steering handlebar, straddle seats, right-foot actuated braking system (rather than handlebar actuated), and a clutch.
Anyone taking his/her road test on the BRP Spyder would receive a restricted M class licence.
This means, he/she could operate this type of motor tricycle only but not a two-wheeled motorcycle.
The Spyder is an “open” vehicle, which has a windshield, no doors, no seatbelts and no airbags, and can accommodate one passenger straddled behind the driver, with an adjustable seat back.

11-04-2011, 07:34 PM
It appears that Holly is gonna get Randy to get her a Spyder of her own .... did I just stir the pot .... Maybe

Just a little. :roflblack:

11-04-2011, 09:06 PM
It appears that Holly is gonna get Randy to get her a Spyder of her own .... did I just stir the pot .... Maybe

The pot is stirred ! :thumbup: He just doesn't know how much.

11-05-2011, 08:12 AM
The pot is stirred ! :thumbup: He just doesn't know how much.

You would look great on that new green one with all that blonde hair ...he can keep the yellow one and you get the green 2012 ....:D