View Full Version : Trip to Nashville, IN. Fall Colors at their best!

10-30-2011, 09:18 PM

We decided to make trip to Brown Co. (Nashville, IN.) today. It was a little cold but worth every minute. Judy and I are always
looking for a different route when going somewhere we have been before. Today we decided to take Hwy 64 east to Corydon, IN.
then take Hwy 135 to Nashville. Reading about this Hwy 135 it was supposed to be one of the better rides in the state. It was
everything they said and more. There is a town along the way, Story, IN. it was like stepping back in time. Cool little town where
we took in lunch at the Story Inn. ( a must do!). Then on to Nashville where we got Judy some chaps and better gloves.
We also did a ride through Brown Co. State Park. where some of the pictures marked Overlook where taken. Hope you enjoy
as much as we did. Note: Seen one other Spyder Ryder in Nashville.

10-30-2011, 09:19 PM

We decided to make trip to Brown Co. (Nashville, IN.) today. It was a little cold but worth every minute. Judy and always
looking for a different route when going somewhere we been before. Today we decided to take Hwy 64 east to Corydon, IN.
then take Hwy 135 to Nashville. Reading about this Hwy 135 it was supposed to be one of the better rides in the state. It was
everything they said and more. There is a town along the way, Story, IN was like stepping back in time. Cool little town where
we took in lunch at the Story Inn. (must do). Then on to Nashville where we got Judy some chaps and better gloves.
We also did a ride through Brown Co. State Park. where some of the pictures marked Overlook where taken. Hope you enjoy
as much as we did. Note: Seen one other Spyder Ryder in Nashville.
More Pictures

10-30-2011, 09:22 PM

Illinois Boy
10-30-2011, 09:31 PM
Looks like a great ride!

Did you see any ghosts at the "Story Inn"? It has a reputation of being haunted. I figured with it being just before Halloween that maybe you might have!!! LOL!!

10-30-2011, 09:39 PM
Next time you come up this way, PM me, I ride Brown County all the time, some of the best roads I've ever seen. Trickie Dick and I made a run Saturday, down 135 to 50, then 450 just outside of Bedford, there's one town, Dover Hill, that has 9 ninty degree curves inside the town limits. Stopped in Shoals for lunch, then west on 50 and north on 231, great ride, planning on another few before snow comes.


10-30-2011, 09:39 PM
You might be right? I thought it was costumes they where wearing. They where all dress up in the Story Inn which we enjoyed. But
I wouldn't want to be caught there to late at night. lol:ani29:

10-30-2011, 09:45 PM
Next time you come up this way, PM me, I ride Brown County all the time, some of the best roads I've ever seen. Trickie Dick and I made a run Saturday, down 135 to 50, then 450 just outside of Bedford, there's one town, Dover Hill, that has 9 ninty degree curves inside the town limits. Stopped in Shoals for lunch, then west on 50 and north on 231, great ride, planning on another few before snow comes.


Would love too! I enjoy that area also. French Lick and in that area is a favorite of ours. You do the same, PM me if your in the area and
maybe we could hook up for some lunch.
