View Full Version : With all the talk of early snow.....

10-28-2011, 08:18 PM
I have always refused to ryde the Spydie after they put the 1st application of salt down, unless we get enough rain after that to wash it all off the roads. With this early cold and snowy weather we already have salt on the roads.:yikes: My question is am I being too paranoid about salt if all you can see is the light white residue that is left a few days after the salt has been put down? Does any one ryde in these conditions and if you do, have you had any ill effects from it with wire connections and or computer related issues etc.?:dontknow:

10-28-2011, 08:23 PM
I have always refused to ryde the Spydie after they put the 1st application of salt down, unless we get enough rain after that to wash it all off the roads. With this early cold and snowy weather we already have salt on the roads.:yikes: My question is am I being too paranoid about salt if all you can see is the light white residue that is left a few days after the salt has been put down? Does any one ryde in these conditions and if you do, have you had any ill effects from it with wire connections and or computer related issues etc.?:dontknow:

I have not tried it with mine, but I don't like my Spyder in the rain either because you saw how much I hate my Spyder being dirty. Bob calls my Spyder the trailer queen. :roflblack:

10-28-2011, 08:29 PM
I think I will put Spyder and toy hauler down for the winter tomorrow. Sure wish my new 4 post lift would have come in already.

10-28-2011, 09:02 PM
you will be fine, wash it off the same, if not less than dirt. Now I don't wash my spyder and it has not had issues from this, I did (and would tell anyone) to wash it coming off the salt flats and that is the only real issue.

Get a snow tire for the back , the come in one size smaller than stock, but are well worth it, sand bags are what I put on when its really buck.

10-28-2011, 09:08 PM
I Rode 3 winters just about every day, No salt/sand/gravel problems, Like i said a number of times;
It snows i Wait till the plows go by, and I'm out riding. I do hose it down in my garage every now and then,
I use a hose connected to my hot water faucet.
Nothing like riding along the Delaware with snow piled up bought sides of Rt97 and looking at the ice flows going down the River.:thumbup:

10-28-2011, 10:22 PM
I respectfully disagree with those who want to ride :spyder2: in the snow. I could not get any traction in 2-3 inches when I rode my spyder out of the garage. We had to push it back in.

Most know that I am a safety nut--so IMHO if you can't ride under full control, you could get into trouble. I would hate to encounter a SUV that goes out of control and runs into me.

For the little I would ride :spyder2: in snow conditions, a snow tire is not a good investment for me.

I will give in to those who must ride because it is their main mode of transportation. Just ride safe so we are all around to talk about the good times and agree or disagree on another subject in the future.

10-28-2011, 10:32 PM
I don't ride much when that white haze is on the road. I try to wait until a good rain has washed it off. It doesn't hurt a lot, unless it is wet, but I hate to wash the Spyder, so I avoid it. Same with my BMW. There are a lot of folks here that have ridden their Spyders in anything and everything, though, and I haven't heard of any extensive corrosion. That is surprising with the alloy engine trapped there under the bodywork, but it seems to be OK. If you have removed the splash panels to ease oil changing, or to control heat, you may want to avoid the salt altogether, though.

10-28-2011, 10:45 PM
Then what exactly is happening to the rear fender mounts ?????

10-28-2011, 10:46 PM
Then what exactly is happening to the rear fender mounts ?????
Metal fatigue from vibration.

10-29-2011, 09:18 AM
In the winter I do wash off the salt, but I try to use cold water. I understand that warm or hot water will more readily dissolve the salt and cause corrosion. I fill a garden herbicide sprayer with water from the kitchen sink, pump it up, and use that to wash the spyder. (Of course, I don't use if for herbicide.)

Bob Denman
10-29-2011, 11:41 AM
WEATHER REPORT........... Starting to snow here and it's 37 degrees! http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/4/4_9_15v.gif

10-29-2011, 12:04 PM
Started Early in CT- Wasn,t supposed to start until tonight. That 6-10 inches may be MORE!

10-29-2011, 12:05 PM
WEATHER REPORT........... Starting to snow here and it's 37 degrees! http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/4/4_9_15v.gifSAME HERE

Bob Denman
10-29-2011, 12:07 PM
Ahhh... no big deal!
Snow is a lot like sex: You never know how many inches you'll get or long long it's gonna last!

10-29-2011, 12:16 PM
29 degrees, 3 inches on the ground so far and headed for a lot more.
Me thinks i should see if the Snow blower will start.:dontknow:

10-29-2011, 12:21 PM
Ahhh... no big deal!
Snow is a lot like sex: You never know how many inches you'll get or long long it's gonna last!

Is that [long-long] A FREUDIAN SLIP.:roflblack:

10-29-2011, 01:20 PM
Ahhh... no big deal!
Snow is a lot like sex: You never know how many inches you'll get or long long it's gonna last!

:yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes:: yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes::y ikes::yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes::yi kes::yikes::yikes:

10-29-2011, 02:05 PM
Wow, very sorry to hear about all of you that are getting snow already and thinking about putting up your Spyders for the winter. There may not be too many benefits to living in the south, but year round ryding is definitely one of them. Best of luck with surviving this winter.

10-29-2011, 02:13 PM
Based on the postings, it looks like I beat you by about 3 days. Our first snow melted from the roads and below 2000 ft. areas--so it looks like I may get to ride the :spyder2: at least one more time before I have to park it. Last year my final ride was 10/30. The mountains are beautiful though--with their coats of winter white.

10-29-2011, 02:47 PM
Just turned my heat up to 65 and I didn,t even have heat on last night and woke up to 50 degrees today BUT as you see in the picture the trees are splitting and heaavy
with ALL the fall leaves still on them-- There are going to me BIG power outages in CT as the wind increases to 40 MPH tonight. No DISH (Wet Snow) ? Have to Watch MMA tapes!

10-29-2011, 03:36 PM
WEATHER REPORT........... Starting to snow here and it's 37 degrees! http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/4/4_9_15v.gif

Dont worry Bob,,The wifes jeep will handle the snow. :roflblack: Just remember where u put the sponge and pail when u get home

10-29-2011, 03:41 PM
About 4" of wet stuff and the power went out a 1/2 hour ago. Turned on the generator.

10-29-2011, 04:01 PM
Dont worry Bob,,The wifes jeep will handle the snow. :roflblack: Just remember where u put the sponge and pail when u get home

Now thats funny !!! :roflblack::roflblack::roflblack:

10-29-2011, 04:08 PM
We had a pretty decent day here not too cold and mostly sunny but I leave tomorrow for Las Vegas and another house hunting trip. I miss my Spyder it has been 2 weeks since I left it out there and I am excited to ride it again. We sold our snow blower, riding mower, rakes and snow shovels so I hope the snow holds off until we leave here for good. I'll be thinking about all of you stuck in the snow whle I'm out riding.

10-29-2011, 04:41 PM
We had a pretty decent day here not too cold and mostly sunny but I leave tomorrow for Las Vegas and another house hunting trip. I miss my Spyder it has been 2 weeks since I left it out there and I am excited to ride it again. We sold our snow blower, riding mower, rakes and snow shovels so I hope the snow holds off until we leave here for good. I'll be thinking about all of you stuck in the snow whle I'm out riding.

Good luck house hunting. I would like to ryde all yr, but to be honest, I like the 4 seasons. Dont think I would like nice weather all yr long.
Of course when it snows I make $$, so Let it snow...:thumbup:

10-29-2011, 05:21 PM
Whether I like it or not, I'm in for the forseeable future.
I've got no power in my house.
I'm online by virtue of the batteries in my laptop and the UPS in the basement, but when they die, I wont be able to get online, not even for my Spyderlovers Fix.
Oh, the pain.....................

10-29-2011, 05:49 PM
Hope everyone is staying safe out there;here in "Winterpeg" no white stuff yet,will be on the road for as long as possible.:thumbup:

10-29-2011, 06:37 PM
43 and rainy here with gusting winds!!! :yikes: 'Tis a wee bit chilly out there with all that going on. Tomorrow is supposed to be sunny and 52. The temps take a dive every day after that. Me thinks the cold weather is here to stay..... :(

On the up side, I LOVE SNOW!!! I'll leave the Jeep in 2 wheel drive for the heck of it, speed down my street, and slam on the brakes!!!! :thumbup: Hey!!! I'm a big kid and the Jeep is my "sled" in the winter!!! :D

10-29-2011, 09:37 PM
Sorry guys, I live in S. Florida and have only seen snow once, 20 years ago in NYC, It's 80 here now. Back to the salt question, I use a product called salt-X on my boat trailer and truck undercarriage, it's a salt neutralizer, and comes in a gallon jug. It is made to be diluted and put in a spray bottle or pump sprayer.

Bob Denman
10-30-2011, 09:01 AM
Dont worry Bob,,The wifes jeep will handle the snow. :roflblack: Just remember where u put the sponge and pail when u get home
Oh I don't worry too much about the snow... It just cuts into my motorcycling time!:cus: But since I just managed to screw that all up on my own this year...:gaah:
Yesterday morning we had to tkae the Jeep in for and oil change and were home well before any of the weather got started.:thumbup: But I AM going to have to wash it off after a trip out last night to a Firemens' Dinner (Our local Department celebrated 65 years of service!) The poer blinked a few times and we ended up with a mere four inches of snow.. Not even enough to break out the snowblower for! :2thumbs:

10-30-2011, 11:46 AM
Oh I don't worry too much about the snow... It just cuts into my motorcycling time!:cus: But since I just managed to screw that all up on my own this year...:gaah:
Yesterday morning we had to tkae the Jeep in for and oil change and were home well before any of the weather got started.:thumbup: But I AM going to have to wash it off after a trip out last night to a Firemens' Dinner (Our local Department celebrated 65 years of service!) The poer blinked a few times and we ended up with a mere four inches of snow.. Not even enough to break out the snowblower for! :2thumbs:

4" thats it....we got 10+, but this is one time I wish we didnt get any...Its a pita plowing when the ground is soft, makes a mess. Pluss I got several leaf cleanups to do yet, and this snow isnt helpin.
I did put the spyder in storrage yesterday. So Im left with driving my dump truck, or, do I dare say it?? the wifes jeep. :yikes:. Yes Bob I know all to well what happens when I get the wifes jeep dirty:pray:

Bob Denman
10-31-2011, 06:53 AM
:lecturef_smilie::lecturef_smilie::lecturef_smilie : That's right; Dig out the hose and bucket!! :gaah:

10-31-2011, 01:11 PM
:lecturef_smilie::lecturef_smilie::lecturef_smilie : That's right; Dig out the hose and bucket!! :gaah:

This time of yr I go thru a lot of quaters..That and I NEVER remember to bring the hose in this time of yr, and its always froze solid:banghead:

10-31-2011, 04:19 PM
We got our first covering snow Satruday night. Since I live on a rural road--its probably not going to show pavement now until March.

Ours was no where like you folks out east experienced. I can wait a bit for snow like that to come. I hope you all get through the electrical emergencies all right.

Spyder and Vulcan are now parked in "winter mode" in my garage--and will probably not get ridden until snow melt in early March. Put the gear up on the shelves and will attach the battery tenders before the weekend.

Same end of rides date as last year.

Ga Blue Knight
10-31-2011, 05:09 PM
wow all this talk of snow makes me want to go out for a ride.

11-01-2011, 04:43 PM
It's supposed to be 63 here tomorrow. I may have to go out for one more spin before the bottom drops out!!! :yes:

11-06-2011, 08:37 AM
It has started getting a bit chilly here in SC as well. Went for a ryde last night and it was 57 degrees. :yikes: :roflblack:

11-06-2011, 09:32 AM
Donna(Redrose), Don(Syderman990) and my wife and I went to Binghams resturant in Lennox, Pa. yesterday for lunch and Pie!:thumbup: It was a real cool start, when Don left his house it was only 22 degs. and when Don got to our house it was a balmy 33 degs. It was unlike a nice summer ryde but we were all dressed for the cold and everyone was comfortable and it was a "cool" ryde. We had sunshine all day and on the way back we took several detours to extend the ryde. When we got back to our place we all piled into our car and went to Groton, NY for another turkey supper where we all over ate again. Don must have put like 280 miles on his Spyder, we went about 180 miles, and Donna went about 140 miles and was one the longest rydes she had been on and the first time out of state on her Spyder and really loved. In fact she had such a good time she is going to participate with us today in Ithaca at the PGR veterans parade ryding our Spyders.:clap:

Bob Denman
11-06-2011, 09:32 AM
57 Degrees??? :gaah: What we wouldn't do for an evening temperature like that up here in the Northeast... :ohyea: :thumbup: